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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Single Option Correct Type Questions) of chapter PRODUCT OF VECTORS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
ARIHANT MATHSExercise (Single Option Correct Type Questions)
Number Of Questions73
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If a has magnitude 5 and points North-East and vector b has magnitude 5 and point North-West, then |a-b| is equal to

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  2. If `|a+b|gt|a-b|`, then the angle between a and b is

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  3. If `vec a,vec b,vec c` are three vectors such that `vec a=vec b+vec c` and the angle between `vec b and vec c` is `pi/2,` then

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  4. If the angle between the vectors a and b be `theta and a*b=costheta` then the true statement is

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  5. If the vectors `hat(i)+hat(j)+hat(k)` makes angle `alpha, beta and gamma` with vectors `hat(i), hat(j) and hat(k)` respectively, then

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  6. `(r*hat(i))^(2)+(r*hat(j))^(2)+(r*hat(k))^(2)` is equal to

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  7. If `hat a` and `hatb` are two unit vectors inclined at an angle `theta`, then `sin(theta/2)`

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  8. If ` vec a=4 hat i+6 hat ja n d vec b=3 hat j+4 hat k ,` then find the component of ` vec aa n d vec bdot`

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  9. If vectors `a=2hat(i)-3hat(j)+6hat(k)` and vector `b=-2hat(i)+2hat(j)-hat(k)`, then (projection of vector a on b vectors)/(projection of vector b on a vector) is equal to

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  10. If a and b are two vectors , then `(atimesb)^(2)` is equal to

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  11. The moment of the force F acting at a point P, about the point C is

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  12. The moment of a force represented by `F=hat(i)+2hat(j)+3hat(k)` about the point `2hat(i)-hat(j)+hat(k)` is equal to

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  13. A force of magnitude 6 acts along the vector `(9, 6, -2)` and passes through a point `A(4, -1,-7)`. Then moment of force about the point `O(1, -3, 2)` is

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  14. A force `F=2hat(i)+hat(j)-hat(k)` acts at point A whose position vector is `2hat(i)-hat(j)`. Find the moment of force F about the origin.

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  15. If a, b and c are any three vectors and their inverse are `a^(-1), b^(-1) and c^(-1) and [a b c]ne0`, then `[a^(-1) b^(-1) c^(-1)]` will be

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  16. If a, b and c are three non-coplanar vectors, then find the value of `(a*(btimesc))/(c.(atimesb))+(b*(ctimesa))/(c*(atimesb))`.

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  17. `atimes(btimesc)` is coplanar with

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  18. If `u=hat(i)(atimeshat(i))+hat(j)(atimeshat(j))+hat(k)(atimeshat(k))`, then

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  19. If `a=hat(i)+2hat(j)-2hat(k), b=2hat(i)-hat(j)+hat(k) and c=hat(i)+3hat(j)-hat(k)`, then `atimes(btimesc)` is equal to

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  20. If `atimes(btimesc)=0`, then

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  21. A vectors which makes equal angles with the vectors ` 1/3(hati - 2hatj + 2 hatk ) , 1/5(-4hati - 3hatk) , hatj ` is:

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  22. [Find by vector method the horizontal force and the force inclined at an angle of `60^@` to the vertical whose resultant is a vertical force P.]

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  23. If `x+y+z=0, |x|=|y|=|z|=2 and theta` is angle between y and z, then the value of `cosec^(2)theta+cot^(2)theta` is equal to

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  24. The values of x for which the angle between the vectors `veca = xhati - 3hatj - hatk` and `vecb = 2xhati + xhatj - hatk` is acute and the angle between b and y-axis lies between `pi/2` and `pi` are:

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  25. If a, b and c are non-coplanar vectors and `d=lambdaa+mub+nuc`, then `lambda` is equal to

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  26. If the vectors `3 vec p + vec q`; `5 vec p - 3 vecq` and `2 vec p + vec q`; `4 vec p - 2 vec q` are pairs of mutually perpendicular then sin( `vec p` ^ `vec q)` is :

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  27. Let `vec u=hat i+hat j,vec v=hat i-hat j and vec w=hat i+2 hat j+3hat k`.If `hat n` is a unit vector such that `vec u*hat n=0 and vec v*hat n` then `|vec w*hat n|` is equal to

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  28. Given a parallelogram `ABCD`. If `|vec(AB)|=a, |vec(AD)| = b & |vec(AC)| = c` , then ` vec(DB) . vec(AB)` has the value

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  29. For two particular vectors `vec A and vec B` it is known that `vec A xx vec B =vec Bxx vec A`. What must be true about the two vectors?

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  30. For some non zero vector `barV`, if the sum of `bar V` and the vector obtained from `barV` by rotating it by anangle `2alpha` equals to the vector obtained from `barV` by rotating it by `alpha` then the value of `alpha`, is

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  31. In isosceles triangles `A B C ,| vec A B|=| vec B C|=8,` a point `E` divides `A B` internally in the ratio 1:3, then find the angle between ` vec C Ea n d vec C A(w h e r e| vec C A|=12)dot`

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  32. Given an equilateral triangle ABC with side length equal to 'a'. Let M and N be two points respectivelyАВIn the side AB and AC such that `vec(AN) = Kvec(AC) and vec(AM) = vec(AB)/3` If `vec(BN) and vec(CM)` are orthogonalthen the value of K is equal to

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  33. In a quadrilateral ABCD, AC is the bisector of the (AB, AD) which is `(2pi)/(3)`, `15|AC|=3|AB|=5|AD|`, then `cos(BA, CD)` is equal to

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  34. If the distance from the point P(1, 1, 1) to the line passing through the points `Q(0, 6, 8) andR(-1, 4, 7)` is expressed in the form `sqrt((p)/(q))`, where p and q are co-prime, then the value of `((q+p)(p+q-1))/(2)` is equal to

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  35. Given the vectors `vec u=2 hat i-hat j-hat k and vec v=hat i-hat j+2hat k and vec w=hat v-hat k` If the volume of the parallelopiped having `- cvec u,vec v and c vec w` as concurrent edges, is 8 then 'c' canbe equal to

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  36. Vector ` vec c` is perpendicular to vectors ` vec a=(2,-3,1)a n d vec b=(1,-2,3)` and satisfies the condition ` vec cdot( hat i+2 hat j-7 hat k)=10.` Then vector ` vec c` is equal to `(7,5,1)` b. `-7,-5,-1` c. `1,1,-1` d. none of these

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  37. Let `vec a= hat j+hat j,vec b=hat j+hat k` and `vec c=alpha vec a+beta vec b`. If the vectors, `hat i-2hat j+hat k,3 hat i+2 hat j-hat k` and `vec c` are coplanar then `alpha/beta` is

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  38. A rigid body rotates about an axis through the origin with an angular velocity `10sqrt(3)`rad/s. If `omega` points in the direction of `hat(i)+hat(j)+hat(k)`, then the equation to the locus of the points having tangential speed 20m/s.

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  39. A rigid body rotates with constant angular velocity `omaga` about the line whose vector equation is, `r=lambda(hat(i)+2hat(j)+2hat(k))`. The speed of the particle at the instant it passes through the point with position vector `(2hat(i)+3hat(j)+5hat(k))` is equal to

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  40. Consider `DeltaABC` with `A=(veca);B=(vecb) and C=(vecc).` If `vecb.(veca+vecc)=vecb.vecb+veca.vecc;|vecb-veca|=3;|vecc-vecb|=4` then the angle between the medians `AvecM and BvecD` is

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  41. Given unit vectors m, n and p such that angle between m and n. Angle between p and `(mtimesn)=(pi)/(6)`, then [n p m] is equal to

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  42. If `veca` and `vecb` are two unit vectors, then the vector `(veca+vecb)xx(vecaxxvecb)` is parallel to the vector

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  43. If `veca and vecb` are othogonal unit vectors, then for a vector `vecr` non - coplanar with `veca and vecb` vector `vecr xx veca` is equal to

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  44. If vector `vec i+ 2vec j + 2vec k` is rotated through an angle of `90^@`, so as to cross the positivedirection of y-axis, then the vector in the new position is

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  45. 10 different vectors are lying on a plane out of which four are parallel with respect to each other. Probability that three vectors chosen from them will satisfy the equation `lambda_1a+lambda_2b+lambda_3c=0,` where `lambda_1, lambda_2 and lambda_3ne=0` is

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  46. If `hat(a)` is a unit vector and projection of x along `hat(a)` is 2 units and `(hat(a)times x)+b=x,` then x is equal to

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  47. If a, b and c are any three non-zero vectors, then the component of `atimes(btimesc)` perpendicular to b is

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  48. The position vector of a point P is `r=xhat(i)+yhat(j)+hat(k)z,` where `x, y, zinN and a=hat(i)+2hat(j)+hat(k). If r*a=20` and the number of possible of P is `9lambda`, then the value of `lambda` is

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  49. . Let a, b > 0 and `vecalpha=hati/a+4hatj/b+bhatk` and `beta=bhati+ahatj+hatk/b` then the maximum value of `30/(5+alpha.beta)`

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  50. If `veca, vecb` and `vecc` are any three vectors forming a linearly independent system, then `AA theta in R`
    `vecq=vecacos((2pi)/(3)+theta)+vecbsin((2pi)/(3)+theta) + vecc(cos 2)((2pi)/(3)+theta)`
    and `vecr=vecacos(theta-(2pi)/(3))+vecbsin(theta-(2pi)/(3))+vecc cos2(theta-(2pi)/(3))`
    then `[vecpvecqvecr]`

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  51. Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram ABCD are given by `vec(AB)=2hati+10hatj+11hatk` and `vec(AD)=-hati+2hatj+2hatk`. The side AD is rotated by an acute angle `alpha` in the plane of the parallelogram so that AD becomes AD'. If AD' make a right angle withe the side AB then the cosine of the angle `alpha` is given by

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  52. If in a `triangleABC, BC=(e)/(|e|)-(f)/(|f|) and AC=(2e)/(|e|): |e|ne|f|,` then the value of `cos2A+cos2B+cos2C` must be

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  53. Let the unit vectors `a` and `b` be perpendicular and the unit vector `c` be inclined at an angle `theta` to both `a` and `b`. If `c=alpha a+beta b+gamma(axxb)`, then

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  54. In triangle ABC the mid point of the sides AB, BC and AC respectively (l, 0, 0), (0, m, 0) and (0, 0, n). Then, `(AB^2+BC^2+CA^2)/(l^2+m^+n^2)` is equal to

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  55. The angle between the lines whose directionn cosines are given by `2l-m+2n=0, lm+mn+nl=0` is

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  56. A line makes an angle `theta` both with x-axis and y-axis. A possible range of `theta` is

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  57. Let `veca, vecb and vecc` be the three vectors having magnitudes, 1,5 and 3, respectively, such that the angle between `veca and vecb "is" theta and veca xx (veca xxvecb)=vecc`. Then `tan theta` is equal to

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  58. Find the perpendicular distance of a corner of a unit cube from a diagonal not passing through it.

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  59. If p,q are two-collinear vectors such that `(b-c)ptimesq+(c-a)p+(a-b)q=0` where a, b, c are lengths of sides of a triangle, then the triangle is

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  60. Let `a=hat(i)+hat(j)+hat(k), b=-hat(i)+hat(j)+hat(k), c=hat(i)-hat(j)+hat(k) and d=hat(i)+hat(j)-hat(k)`. Then, the line of intersection of planes one determined by a, b and other determined by c, d is perpendicular to

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  61. A parallelepiped is formed by planes drawn parallel to coordinate axes through the points A=(1,2,3) and B=(9,8,5). The volume of that parallelepiped is equal to (in cubic units)

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  62. Let `bar a,bar b,bar c` be three non-coplanar vectors and `bar d` be a non-zero vector, which is perpendicularto `bar a+bar b+bar c`. Now, if `bar d= (sin x)(bar a xx bar b) + (cos y)(bar b xx bar c) + 2(bar c xx bar a)` then minimum value of `x^2+y^2` is equal to

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  63. If `alpha(atimesb)+beta(btimesc)+gamma(ctimesa)=0`, then

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  64. Let area of faces `triangleOAB=lambda_1, triangleOAC=lambda_2, triangleOBC=lambda_3, triangleABC=lambda_4 and h_1, h_2, h_3, h_4` be perpendicular height from 0 to face `triangleABC`, A to the face`triangleOBC`, B to the face ` triangleOAC`, C to the face `triangleOAB`, then the face `(1)/(3)lambda_1h_4*(1)/(3)lambda_2h_3+(1)/(3)lambda_3h_2+(1)/(3)lambda_4h_1`

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  65. Given four non zero vectors `bar a,bar b,bar c and bar d`. The vectors `bar a,bar b and bar c` are coplanar but not collinear pair by pairand vector `bar d` is not coplanar with vectors `bar a,bar b and bar c and hat (bar a bar b) = hat (bar b bar c) = pi/3,(bar d bar b)=beta` ,If `(bar d bar c)=cos^-1(mcos beta+ncos alpha)` then `m-n` is :

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  66. The shortest distance between a diagonal of a unit cube and the edge skew to it, is

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  67. Let ` vec V=2 hat i+ hat j- hat ka n d vec W= hat i+3 hat kdot` If ` vec U` is a unit vector, then the maximum value of the scalar triple product `[UVW]` is `-1` b. `sqrt(10)+sqrt(6)` c. `sqrt(59)` d. `sqrt(60)`

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  68. The length of the edge of the regular tetradedron ABCD is 'a'. Points E and F are taken on the edges AD and BD respectively such that 'E' divides DA and 'F' divides BD in the ratio of 2:1 each. Then, area of `triangleCEF` is

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  69. If the two adjacent sides of two rectangles are represented by vectors ` vec p=5 vec a-3 vec b ; vec q=- vec a-2 vec ba n d vec r=-4 vec a- vec b ; vec s=- vec a+ vec b ,` respectively, then the angel between the vector ` vec x=1/3( vec p+ vec r+ vec s)a n d vec y=1/5( vec r+ vec s)` is `cos^(-1)((19)/(5sqrt(43)))` b. `cos^(-1)((19)/(5sqrt(43)))` c. `picos^(-1)((19)/(5sqrt(43)))` d. cannot be evaluate

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  70. Let `veca,vec b,vec c` are three vectors along the adjacent edges ofa tetrahedron, if `|vec a|=|vec b|=|vec c|=2` and `vec a*vec b=vec b*vec c=vec c * vec a=2` then volume of tetrahedron is (A) `1/sqrt2` (B) `2/sqrt3` (C) `sqrt3/2` (D) `2sqrt2/3`

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  71. The angle `theta` between two non-zero vectors a and b satisfies the relation `costheta=(atimeshat(i))*(btimeshat(i))+(atimeshat(j))*(btimeshat(j))+(atimeshat(k))*(btimeshat(k))`, then the least value of `|a|+|b|` is equal to

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  72. If the angle between the vectors `vec(a)=hat(i)+(cos x)hat(j)+hat(k)` and
    `vec(b) =(sin^(2)x-sin x)hat(i)-(cos x)hat(j)+(3-4sin x)hat(k)`
    is obutse and x in `(0,(pi)/(2))`, then the exhaustive set of values of 'x' is equal to-

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  73. If position vectors of the points A, B and C are a, b and c respectively and the points D and E divides line segment AC and AB in the ratio 2:1 and 1:3, respectively. Then, the points of intersection of BD and EC divides EC in the ratio

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Exercise (Single Option Correct Type Questions) questions and complete solutions for chapter PRODUCT OF VECTORS of ARIHANT MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12