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Complete Solutions to Examples of chapter THREE DIMENSIONAL COORDINATE SYSTEM of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Planes are drawn parallel to the coordinate planes through the points `(1, 2,3) and (3, -4, -5).` Find th lengths of the edges of the parallelopiped so formed.

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  2. If the origin is shifted `(1, 2, -3)` without changing the directions of the axis, then find the new coordinates of the point `(0, 4, 5)` with respect to new frame.

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  3. Find the distance between the points `P(-2, 4, 1) and Q(1, 2, -5).`

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  4. Prove by using distance formula that the points `P(1, 2, 3), Q(-1, -1, -1) and R(3, 5, 7)` are collinear.

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  5. Find the ratio in which `2x+3y+5z=1` divides the line joining the points `(1, 0, -3) and (1, -5, 7).`

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  6. If `A(3, 2, -4), B(5, 4, -6) and C(9, 8, -10)` are three collinear points, then the ratio in which point C divides AB.

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  7. Show that the plane `ax+by+cz+d=0` divides the line joining `(x_1, y_1, z_1) and (x_2, y_2, z_2)` in the ratio of `(-(ax_1+ay_1+cz_1+d)/(ax_2+by_2+cz_2+d))`

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  8. The ratio in which the join of the points `A(2,1,5)` and `B(3,4,3)` is divided by the plane `2x+2y-2z=1`, is

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  9. What are the direction cosines of a line which is equally inclined to the axes?

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  10. If a line makes anles `alpha, beta, gamma` with the coordinate axes, porve that `sin^2alpha+sin^2beta+sin^2gamma=2`

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  11. A line OP through is inclined at `60^0` and `45^0` to OX and OY respectivey, where O is the origin. Find the angle at which it is inclined to OZ.

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  12. Find the direction cosines of a vector r which is equally inclined to OX, OY and OZ. If |r| is given, find the total number of such vectors.

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  13. If the points `(0, 1, -2), (3, lambda, -1) and (mu, -3, -4)` are collinear, verify whether the point `(12, 9, 2)` is also on the same line.

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  14. A vector r has length 21 and direction ratios 2, -3, 6. Find the direction cosines and components of r, given that r makes an obtuse angle with X-axis.

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  15. Find the angle between the lines whose direction cosines are `(-(sqrt3)/(4), (1)/(4), -(sqrt3)/(2)) and (-(sqrt3)/(4), (1)/(4), (sqrt3)/(2))`.

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  16. (i) Find the angle bewteen the lines whose direction ratios are 1, 2, 3 and - 3 , 2 , 1
    (ii) Find the angle between two diagonals of a cube.

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  17. Find the angle between the line whose direction cosines are given by `l+m+n=0a n d2l^2+2m^2-n^2-0.`

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  18. If the direction cosines of a variable line in two adjacent points be `l, M, n and l+deltal,m+deltam+n+deltan` the small angle `deltatheta`as between the two positions is given by

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  19. If `l_1,m_1,n_1`and `l_2,m_2,n_2`are the direction cosines of two mutually perpendicular lines, show that the direction cosines of the line perpendicular to both of these are `m_1n_2-m_2n_1, n_1l_2-n_2l_1, l_1m_2-l_2m_1`.

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  20. Find the direction cosines of the line which is perpendicular to the lines with direction cosines proportional to 1, -2, -2 and 0, 2, 1

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  21. Let `A(-1, 2, 1) and B(4, 3, 5)` be two given points. Find the projection of AB on a line which makes angle `120^(@) and 135^(@)` with Yand Z-axes respectively, and an acute angle with X-axis.

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  22. Find the equation of straight line parallel to `2hat(i)-hat(j)+3hat(k)` and passing through the point `(5, -2, 4)`.

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  23. Find the vector equation of a line passing through `(2, -1, 1)` and parallel to the line whose equation is `(X-3)/(2)=(Y+1)/(7)=(Z-2)/(-3)`.

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  24. The cartesian equation of a line are `6x-2=3y+1=2z-2`. Find its direction ratios and also find the vector of the line.

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  25. Find the vector equation of line passing through `A(3, 4, -7) and B(1, -1, 6)`. Also, find its cartesian equations.

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  26. Find the equation of a line which passes through the point `(2, 3, 4)` and which has equal intercepts on the axes.

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  27. Find the angle between the pair of lines

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  28. Fid the condition if lines `x=a y+b ,z=c y+da n dx=a^(prime)y+b^(prime), z=c^(prime)y+d '` are perpendicular.

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  29. Find the foot of the perpendicular drawn from the point `2 hat i- hat j+5 hat k` to the line ` vec r=(11 hat i-2 hat j-8 hat k)+lambda(10 hat i-4 hat j-11 hat k)dot` Also find the length of the perpendicular.

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  30. Find the coordinates of the foot of the perpendicular drawn from point `A(1,0,3)` to the join of points `B(4,7,1)a n d C(3,5,3)dot`

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  31. Find the length of perpendicular from `P(2, -3, 1)` to the `(x+1)/(2)=(y-3)/(3)=(z+2)/(-1)`.

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  32. Find the length of the perpendicular drawn from point `(2,3,4)` to line `(4-x)/2=y/6=(1-z)/3dot`

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  33. Find the image of the point `(1,6,3)` in the line `x/1=(y-1)/2=(z-2)/3`

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  34. Find the coordinates of those point on the line `(x-1)/(2)=(y+2)/(3)=(z-3)/(6)` which are at a distance of 3 units from points `(1, -2, 3)`.

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  35. Show that the two lines`(x-1)/2=(y-2)/3=(z-3)/4 nd (x-4)/5=(y-1)/z=z` interect. Find also the point of intersection of these lines.

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  36. Find the shortest distance between the lines ` vec r=(4 hat i- hat j)+lambda( hat i+2 hat j-3 hat k)a n d vec r=( hat i- hat j+2 hat k)+mu(2 hat i+4 hat j-5 hat k)dot` .

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  37. Find the shortest distance between the lines `(x-1)/2=(y-2)/3=(z-3)/4a n d(x-2)/3=(y-4)/4=(z-5)/5` .

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  38. Find the shortest distance and the vector equation of the line of shortest distance between the lines given by `r=(3hat(i)+8hat(j)+3hat(k))+lambda(3hat(i)-hat(j)+hat(k)) and r=(-3hat(i)-7hat(j)+6hat(k))+mu(-3hat(i)+2hat(j)+4hat(k))`.

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  39. Find the shortest distance between lines ` vec r=( hat i+2 hat j+ hat k)+lambda(2 hat i+ hat j+2 hat k)a n d vec r=2 hat i- hat j- hat k+mu(2 hat i+ hat j+2 hat k)dot`

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  40. Find the equation of a line which passes through the point `(1,1,1)` and intersects the lines `(x-1)/2=(y-2)/3=(z-3)/4a n d(x+2)/1=(y-3)/2=(z+1)/4dot`

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  41. If the straight lines `x=-1+s ,y=3-lambdas ,z=1+lambdasa n dx=t/2,y=1+t ,z=2-t ,` with paramerters `sa n dt ,` respectivley, are coplanar, then find `lambdadot`

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  42. Show that the point (0, -1, -1), (4 5, 1), (3, 9, 4) and (-4, 4, 4) are coplanar and find the equation of the common plane.

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  43. Find the vector equation of a plane which is at a distance of 8 units from the origin and which is normal to the vector `2 hat i+ hat j+2 hat kdot`

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  44. Reduce the equation ` vec rdot(3 hat i-4 hat j+12 hat k)=5` to normal form and hence find the length of perpendicular from the origin to the plane.

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  45. Find the distance of the plane `2x-y-2z=0` from the origin.

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  46. Find the vector equation of a line passing through `3 hat i-5 hat j+7 hat k` and perpendicular to theplane `3x-4y+5z=8.`

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  47. Find the unit vector perpendicular the plane `rcdot(2hat(i)+hat(j)+2hat(k))=5`.

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  48. Find the equation of the plane passing through the point `(2,3,1)` having `(5,3,2)` as the direction ratio is of the normal to the plane.

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  49. The coordinate of the foot of the perpendicular drawn from the origin to a plane are (12, -4, 3). Find the equation of the plane.

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  50. A vector ` vec n` f magnitude 8 units is inclined to x-axis at `45^0` , y-axis at `60^0` and an acute angle with z-axis. If a plane passes through a point `(sqrt(2),-1,1)` and is normal to ` vec n` , find its equation in vector form.

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  51. Find the equation of the plane such that image of point `(1,2,3)` in it is`(-1,0,1)dot`

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  52. Find the equation of the plane passing through `A(2,2,-1),B(3,4,` `2)a n dC(7,0,6)dot` Also find a unit vector perpendicular to this plane.

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  53. Find equation of plane passing through the points `P(1, 1, 1), Q(3, -1, 2) and R(-3, 5, -4)`.

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  54. Find the vector equation of the following planes in Cartesian form: ` vec r= hat i- hat j+lambda( hat i+ hat j+ hat k)+mu( hat i-2 hat j+3 hat k)dot`

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  55. A plane meets the coordinate axes in `A ,B ,C` such that eh centroid of triangle `A B C` is the point `(p ,q ,r)dot` Show that the equation of the plane is `x/p+y/q+z/r=3.`

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  56. A variable plane moves in such a way that the sum of the reciprocals of its intercepts on the three coordinate axes is constant. Show that the plane passes through a fixed point.

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  57. Find the angel between the planes `2x+y-2x+3=0a n d vec rdot(6 hat i+3 hat j+2 hat k)=5.`

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  58. Show that `a x+b y+r=0,b y+c z+p=0a n dc z+a x+q=0` are perpendicular to `x-y ,y-za n dz-x` planes, respectively.

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  59. Find the equation of the plane through the point (1,4,-2) and parallel to the plane `-2x+y-3z=7`.

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  60. Find the equation of the plane passing through `(3,4,-1),` which is parallel to the plane ` vec rdot(2 hat i-3 hat j+5 hat k)+7=0.`

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  61. Find the equation of a plane containing the line of intersection of the planes `x+y+z-6=0a n d2x+3y+4z+5=0` passing through `(1,1,1)` .

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  62. Find the planes passing through the intersection of plane `rcdot(2hat(i)-3hat(j)+4hat(k))=1` and `rcdot(hat(i)-hat(j))+4=0` and perpendicular to planes `rcdot(2hat(i)-hat(j)+hat(k))=-8`

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  63. Find the interval of `alpha` for which `(alpha, alpha^2, alpha) and (3, 2, 1)` lies on same side of `x+y-4z+2=0`.

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  64. Find the distance of the point `(21,0)` from the plane `2x+y+2z+5=0.`

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  65. Find the distance between the parallel planes `x+2y-2z+1=0a n d2x+4y-4z+5=0.`

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  66. Find the equations of the bisectors of the angles between the planes `2x-y+2z+3=0a n d3x-2y+6z+8=0` and specify the plane which bisects the acute angle and the plane which bisects the obtuse angle.

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  67. Reduce the equation of line `x-y+2z=5a d n3x+y+z=6` in symmetrical form. Or Find the line of intersection of planes `x-y+2z=5a n d3x+y+z=6.`

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  68. Find the angle between the line ` vec r= hat i+2 hat j- hat k+lambda( hat i- hat j+ hat k)` and the plane ` vec rdot(2 hat i- hat j+ hat k)=4.`

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  69. Find the distance between the point with position vector ` hat i-5 hat j-10 hat k` and the point of intersection of the line `(x-2)/3=(y+1)/4=(z-2)/(12)` with the plane `x-y+z=5.`

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  70. Find ten equation of the plane passing through the point `(0,7,-7)` and containing the line `(x+1)/(-3)=(y-3)/2=(z+2)/1` .

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  71. Prove that the lines `(x+1)/(3)=(y+3)/(5)=(z+5)/(7) and (x-2)/(1)=(y-4)/(4)=(z-6)/(7)` are coplanar. Also, find the plane containing these two lines

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  72. Find the image of the point `P (3, 5, 7)` in the plane `2x + y + z=0`.

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  73. Find the length and the foot of the perpendicular from the point `(7,14 ,5)` to the plane `2x+4y-z=2.`

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  74. Find the image of the line `(x-1)/2=(y+1)/(-1)=(z-3)/4` in the plane `3x-3y+10 z-26=0.`

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  75. Find the vector equation of a sphere with centre having the position vector `hat(i)+hat(j)+hat(k) and sqrt(3).`

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  76. Find the equation of sphere whose centre is `(5, 2, 3)` and radius is 2 in cartesian form .

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  77. Find the equation of a sphere whose centre is `(3, 1, 2)` and radius is 5.

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  78. Find the centre and radius of the sphere `2x^2+2y^2+2z^2-2x-4y+2z+3=0`.

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  79. Find the equation of the sphere passing through `(0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0) and (0, 0, 1)`.

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  80. Find the equation of a sphere which passes through `(1,0,0)(0,1,0)a n d(0,0,1),` and has radius as small as possible.

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  81. Find the equaiton of the sphere described on the joint of points A and B having position vectors `2hat(i)+6hat(j)-7hat(k) and -2hat(i)+4hat(j)-3hat(k)`, respectively, as the diameter. Find the centre and the radius of the sphere.

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  82. Find the radius of the circular section in which the sphere `| vec r|=5` is cut by the plane ` vec rdot( hat i+ hat j+ hat k)=3sqrt(3.)`

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  83. The centre of the circle given by `vec r* (hat i+ 2hat j + 2hat k) = 15 and |vec r-(hat j + 2hat k)| = 4` is

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  84. Show that the plane `2x-2y+z+12=0` touches the sphere `x^2+y^2+z^2-2x-4+2z-3=0.`

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  85. Find the equation of the sphere whose centre has the position vector `3hat(i)+6hat(j)-4hat(k)` and which touches the plane `r*(2hat(i)-2hat(j)-hat(k))=10`.

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  86. A variable plane passes through a fixed point `(a ,b ,c)` and cuts the coordinate axes at points `A ,B ,a n dCdot` Show that eh locus of the centre of the sphere `O A B Ci s a/x+b/y+c/z=2.`

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  87. A sphere of constant radius `k ,` passes through the origin and meets the axes at `A ,Ba n d Cdot` Prove that the centroid of triangle `A B C` lies on the sphere `9(x^2+y^2+z^2)=4k^2dot`

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  88. If `alpha,beta,gamma` be the angles which a line makes with the coordinates axes, then

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  89. The points `(5, -5, 2), (4, -3, 1), (7, -6, 4) and (8, -7, 5)` are the vertices of

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  90. In `DeltaABC` the mid points of the sides AB, BC and CA are `(l, 0, 0), (0, m, 0) and (0, 0,n)` respectively. Then, `(AB^2+BC^2+CA^2)/(l^2+m^2+n^2)` is equal to

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  91. The angle between a line with direction ratios proportional to `2, 2, 1` and a line joining `(3, 1, 4) and (7, 2, 12)` is

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  92. The angle between the lines `2x=3y=-z and 6x=-y=-4z` is

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  93. A line makes the same angle `theta` with X-axis and Z-axis. If the angle `beta`, which it makes with Y-axis, is such that `sin^2(beta)=3sin^2theta`, then the value of `cos^2(theta)` is

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  94. The projection of a line segment on the axis 2, 3, 6 respectively. Then find the length of line segment.

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  95. The equation of the straight line through the origin and parallel to the line `(b+c)x+(c+a)y+(a+b)z=k=(b-c)x+(c-a)y+(a-b)z` are

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  96. The coordinates of the foot of the perpendicular drawn from the point `A(1, 0,3 )` to the join of the points `B(4, 7, 1) and C(3, 5, 3)` are

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  97. A mirror and a source of light are situated at the origin `O` and at a point on `O X ,` respectively. A ray of light from the source strikes the mirror and is reflected. If the direction ratios of the normal to the plane are `1,-1,1,` then find the `D C s` of the reflected ray.

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  98. Equation of plane passing through the points `(2, 2, 1) (9, 3, 6)` and perpendicular to the plane `2x+6y+6z-1=0` is

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  99. If the position vectors of the point A and B are `3hat(i)+hat(j)+2hat(k) and hat(i)-2hat(j)-4hat(k)` respectively. Then the eqaution of the plane through B and perpendicular to AB is

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  100. A straight line `L` cuts the lines `A B ,A Ca n dA D` of a parallelogram `A B C D` at points `B_1, C_1a n dD_1,` respectively. If `( vec A B)_1,lambda_1 vec A B ,( vec A D)_1=lambda_2 vec A Da n d( vec A C)_1=lambda_3 vec A C ,` then prove that `1/(lambda_3)=1/(lambda_1)+1/(lambda_2)` .

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Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter THREE DIMENSIONAL COORDINATE SYSTEM of ARIHANT MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12