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Complete Solutions to Examples of chapter PARABOLA of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
Number Of Questions96
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Find the locus of a point , which moves such that its distance from the point (0,-1) is twice its distance from the line 3x+4y+1=0.

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  2. What conic does the equation
    `25(x^2+y^2-2x+1)=(4x-3y+1)^2` represent?

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  3. What conic does
    `13x^2-18xy+37y^2+2x+14y-2=0` represent?

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  4. Statement I The conic `sqrtax+sqrtby=1` represents a parabola.
    `ax^2+2hxy+by^2+2gx+2fy+c=0` represents a parabola, if `h^2=ab`.

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  5. If the equation `x^2-y^2-2x+2y+lamda=0` represent a degenerate conic . Find the value of `lamda`.

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  6. If the equation `x^2-y^2-2x-2y+c=0` represent an empty set , then find the value of c.

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  7. IF the equation of conic
    `2x^2+xy+3y^2-3x+5y+lamda=0` represent a single point, then find the value of `lamda`

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  8. For What value of `lamda` the equation of conic 2xy+4x-6y+`lamda`=0 represents two intersecting straight lines, if `lamda=17`, then this equation represents?

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  9. The centre of the conic `14x^(2)-4xy+11y^(2)-44x-58y+71=0,` is

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  10. Find the equation of the parabola whose focus is at (-1,-2) and the directrix the line `x-2y+3=0`

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  11. Find the equation of the parabola whose focus is (4,-3) and vertex is (4,-1).

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  12. The focal distance of a point on a parabola `y^2=8x` is 8. Find it .

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  13. PQ is a double ordinate of a parabola `y^2=4a xdot` Find the locus of its points of trisection.

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  14. Prove that the area of the traingle inscribed in the parabola `y^2=4ax` is `1/(8a)(y_1~y_2)(y_2~y_3)(y_3~y_1)`, where `y_1,y_2,y_3` are the ordinates of the vertices.

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  15. An equilateral triangle is inscribed in the parabola `y^2=4ax` where are at the vertex of the parabola. find the length of the side of the triangle.

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  16. The equation of the parabola whose focus is the point (0, 0) and the tangent at the vertex is `x-y+1=0` is `x^2+y^2-2x y-4x-4y-4=0` `x^2+y^2-2x y+4x-4y-4=0` `x^2+y^2+2x y-4x+4y-4=0` `x^2+y^2+2x y-4x-4y+4=0`

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  17. Find the equation of the parabola whose latus-rectum is 4 units, axis is the line 3x+4y-4=0 and the tangent at the vertex is the line 4x-3y+7=0

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  18. Find the vertex , focus , latusrectum, axis and the directrix of the parabola `x^2+8x+12y+4=0`.

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  19. Prove that the equation `y^2+2ax+2by+c=0` represent a parabola whose axis is parallel to the axis of x. Find its vertex.

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  20. Find the equation of the parabola with its vertex at (3,2) and its focus at (5,2).

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  21. Find the equation of the parabola with latusrectum joining the points (3,6) and (3,-2).

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  22. Find the equation to the parabola whose axis parallel to the y-axis and which passes through the points (0,4)(1,9) and (4,5) and determine its latusrectum.

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  23. Show that the point (2,3) lies outside the parabola `y^2=3x`.

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  24. Find the position of the point (-2,2) with respect to the parabola `y^2-4y+9x+13=0`.

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  25. If the point (`at^2,2at`) be the extremity of a focal chord of parabola `y^2=4ax` then show that the length of the focal chord is `a(t+t/1)^2` .

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  26. Prove that the semi-latus rectum of the parabola y^(2) = 4ax` is the harmonic mean between the segments of any focal chord of the parabola.

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  27. Show that the focal chord, of parabola `y^2 = 4ax`, that makes an angle `alpha` with the x-axis is of length `4a cosec^2 alpha`.

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  28. Prove that the length of a focal chord of a parabola varies inversely as the square of its distance from the vertex.

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  29. Prove that the straight line lx+my+n=0 touches the parabols `y^2=4ax`, if `ln=am^2`.

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  30. Show that the line `xcos alpha+ysinalpha=p` touches the parabola `y^2=4ax` if `pcosalpha+asin^2alpha=0`
    and that the point of contact is `(atan^2alpha,-2atanalpha)`.

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  31. Prove that the line `x/l+y/m=1` touches the parabola `y^2=4a(x+b)`, if `m^2(l+b)+al^2=0`.

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  32. Find the equation of the straight lines touching lines both `x^2+y^2=2a^2` and `y^2=8ax`.

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  33. The equation of the common tangent to the parabolas `y^2= 4ax `and `x^2= 4by` is given by

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  34. Two tangents to the parabola `y^2=4ax` make supplementary angles with the x-axis. Then the locus of their point of intersection is

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  35. Show that the locus of the point of intersection of mutually perpendicular tangetns to a parabola is its directrix.

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  36. The tangents to the parabola `y^2=4ax` at `P(at_1^2,2at_1)`, and `Q(at_2^2,2at_2)`, intersect at R. Prove that the area of the triangle PQR is `1/2a^2(t_1-t_2)^3`

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  37. Show that normal to the parabols `y^2=8ax` at the point (2,4) meets it again at (18.-12) . Find also the length of the normal chord.

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  38. Prove that the chord `y-xsqrt2+4asqrt2=0` is a normal chord of the parabola `y^2=4ax`. Also, find the point on the parabola when the given chord is normal to the parabola.

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  39. If a normal to a parabola `y^2 =4ax` makes an angle `phi` with its axis, then it will cut the curve again at an angle

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  40. Prove that the normal chord to a parabola at the point whose ordinate is equal to the abscissa subtends a right angle at the focus.

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  41. IF the normal to the parabola `y^2=4ax` at point `t_1` cuts the parabola again at point `t_2`, prove that `t_2^2ge8`

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  42. Show that the locus of points such that two of the three normals drawn from them to the parabola `y^2 = 4ax` coincide is `27ay^2 = 4(x-2a)^3`.

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  43. The locus of the point through which pass three normals to the parabola `y^2=4ax`, such that two of them make angles `alpha&beta` respectively with the axis & `tanalpha *tanbeta = 2` is` (a > 0)`

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  44. Find the locus of a point which is such that, the three normals through it cut the axis in points whose distance from the vertex are in A.P.

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  45. The normals at P, Q, R on the parabola `y^2 = 4ax` meet in a point on the line `y = c.` Prove that the sides of the triangle PQR touch the parabola `x^2 = 2cy.`

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  46. Find the point on the axis of the parabola `3y^2+4y-6x+8 =0` from when three distinct normals can be drawn.

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  47. A circle cuts the parabola `y^2=4ax` at right angles and passes through the focus , show that its centre lies on the curve `y^2(a+2x)=a(a+3x)^2`.

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  48. Show that the length of the chord of contact of the tangents drawn from `(x_1,y_1)` to the parabola `y^2=4ax` is `1/asqrt[(y_1^2-4ax_1)(y_1^2+4a^2)]`

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  49. Area of the triangle formed by the tangents from `(x_1,y_1)` to the parabola `y^2 = 4 ax` and its chord of contact is `(y_1^2-4ax_1)^(3/2)/(2a)=S_11^(3/2)/(2a)`

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  50. Find the locus of the mid-points of the chords of the parabola `y^2=4ax` which subtend a right angle at vertex of the parabola.

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  51. The locus of the middle points of normal chords of the parabola `y^2 = 4ax` is-

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  52. If the diameter through any point P of a parabola meets any chord in A and the tangent at the end of the chord meets the diameter in B and C, then prove that `PA^2=PB.PC`

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  53. Find the equations of the tangent and normal to the parabola `y^2=4a x`at the point `(a t^2,2a t)`.

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  54. A ray of light is coming along the line `y=b` from the positive direction of x-axis and striks a concave mirror whose intersection with xy-plane is a parabola `y^2 = 4ax`. Find the equation of the reflected ray and show that it passes through the focus of the parabola. Both `a and b` are positive.

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  55. Find the length of latusrectum intersect at the focus S its coordinate are detained by solving.

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  56. A ray of light travels along a line `y=4` and strikes the surface of curves `y^2=4(x+y)dot` Then the equations of the line along which of reflected ray travels is `x=0` (b) `x=2` (c) `x+y` (d) `2x+y=4`

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  57. A parabola is drawn with focus at (3,4) and vertex at the focus of the parabola `y^2-12x-4y+4=0`. The equation of the parabola is

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  58. Two parabola have the same focus. If their directrices are the x-axis and the y-axis respectively, then the slope of their common chord is :

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  59. Let us define a region R is xy-plane as a set of points (x,y) satisfying `[x^2]=[y]` (where [x] denotes greatest integer `le x)`,then the region R defines

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  60. The minimum area of circle which touches the parabolas `y=x^(2)+1andy^(2)=x-1` is

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  61. If a line `x+ y =1` cut the parabola `y^2 = 4ax` in points A and B and normals drawn at A and B meet at C. The normals to the parabola from C other than above two meets the parabola in D, then point D is : (A) `(a,a)` (B) `(2a,2a)` (C) `(3a,3a)` (D) `(4a,4a)`

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  62. If d is the distance between the parallel tangents with positive slope to `y^2=4ax` and

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  63. Two parabolas C and D intersect at two different points, where C is `y =x^2-3` and D is `y=kx^2`. The intersection at which the x value is positive is designated Point A, and x=a at this intersection the tangent line l at A to the curve D intersects curve C at point B , other than A. IF x-value of point B is 1, then a equal to

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  64. `min[(x_1-x^2)^2+(3+sqrt(1-x_1^2)-sqrt(4x_2))],AAx_1,x_2 in R ,` is

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  65. The condition that the parabolas `y^2=4c(x-d)` and `y^2=4ax` have a common normal other than X-axis `(agt0,cgt0)` is

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  66. The locus of the mid-point of the focal radii of avariable point moving on the parabola, `y^2= 4ax` is C, then the length of latus rectum of C, is

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  67. IF `P_1P_2` and `Q_1Q_2` two focal chords of a parabola `y^2=4ax` at right angles, then

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  68. The equation of the line that touches the curves `y=x|x|` and `x^2+(y^2-2)^2=4` , where `x!=0,` is `y=4sqrt(5)x+20` (b) `y=4sqrt(3)x-12` `y=0` (d) `y=-4sqrt(5)x-20`

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  69. Let V be the vertex and L be the latusrectum of the parabola `x^2=2y+4x-4`. Then the equation of the parabola whose vertex is at V. Latusrectum `L//2` and axis s perpendicular to the axis of the given parabola.

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  70. Consider a circle with its centre lying on the focus of the parabola, `y^2=2px` such that it touches the directrix of the parabola. Then a point of intersection of the circle & the parabola is:

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  71. Tangents are drawn to the parabola `y^2=4ax` at the point P which is the upper end of latusrectum .
    Image of the parabola `y^2=4ax` in the tangent line at the point P is

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  72. Tangents are drawn to the parabola `y^2=4x` at the point P which is the upper end of latusrectum . Radius of the circle touching the parabola `y^2=4x` at the point P and passing through its focus is

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  73. Tangents are drawn to the parabola `y^2=4x` at the point P which is the upper end of latusrectum . Area enclosed by the tangent line at, P,X axis and the parabola is

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  74. Let `C_1` and `C_2` be parabolas `x^2 = y - 1` and `y^2 = x-1` respectively. Let P be any point on `C_1` and Q be any point `C_2`. Let `P_1` and `Q_1` be the reflection of P and Q, respectively w.r.t the line y = x then prove that `P_1` lies on `C_2` and `Q_1` lies on `C_1` and `PQ >= [P P_1, Q Q_1]`. Hence or otherwise , determine points `P_0` and `Q_0` on the parabolas `C_1` and `C_2` respectively such that `P_0 Q_0 <= PQ` for all pairs of points (P,Q) with P on `C_1` and Q on `C_2`

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  75. Let `C_1` and `C_2` be respectively, the parabolas `x^2=y=-1` and `y^2=x-1` Let P be any point on `C_1` and Q be any point on `C_2` . Let `P_1` and `Q_1` be the refelections of P and Q, respectively with respect to the line y=x.
    If the point `p(pi,pi^2+1)` and `Q(pi^2+1mu)` then `P_1` and `Q_1` are

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  76. Let `C_1` and `C_2` be respectively, the parabolas `x^2=y=-1` and `y^2=x-1` Let P be any point on `C_1` and Q be any point on `C_2` . Let `P_1` and `Q_1` be the refelections of P and Q, respectively with respect to the line y=x.
    Arithemetic mean of `PP_1`and `Q Q_1` is always less than

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  77. Points A, B, C lie on the parabola `y^2=4ax` The tangents to the parabola at A, B and C, taken in pair, intersect at points P, Q and R. Determine the ratio of the areas of the `triangle ABC` and `triangle PQR`

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  78. If the orthocentre of the triangle formed by the points `t_1,t_2,t_3` on the parabola `y^2=4ax` is the focus, the value of `|t_1t_2+t_2t_3+t_3t_1|` is

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  79. (a) Statement I is true, Statement II is true , Statement II is a correct explanation for statement I.
    (b) Statement I is true, Statement II is true, Statement II is not a correct explanation for Statement I.
    (C) Statement I is true, Statement II is false.
    (D) Statement I is false , Statement II is true.
    Statement I through the point `(pi,pi+1),pilt2`, there cannot be more than one normal to the parabola `y^2=4ax` . Statement II The point `(pi,pi+1)` cannot lie inside the parabola `y^2=4ax` .

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  80. (a) Statement I is true, Statement II is true , Statement II is a correct explanation for statement I.
    (b) Statement I is true, Statement II is true, Statement II is not a correct explanation for Statement I.
    (C) Statement I is true, Statement II is false.
    (D) Statement I is false , Statement II is true.
    Statement I If there exist points on the circle `x^2+y^2=pi^2` from which two perpendicular tangents can be drawn to the parabola `y^2=2ax`, then `pige1/2`. Statement II Perpendicular tangents to the parabola meet at the directrix.

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  81. Parabola `y^2=4a(x-c_1)` and `x^2=4a(y-c_2)` , where `c_1a n dc_2` are variable, are such that they touch each other. The locus of their point of contact is `x y=2a^2` (b) `x y=4a^2` `x y=a^2` (d) none of these

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  82. Show that the area formed by the normals to `y^2=4ax` at the points `t_1,t_2,t_3` is

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  83. If the parabolas `y^2=4a x` and `y^2=4c(x-b)` have a common normal other than the x-axis `(a , b , c` being distinct positive real numbers), then prove that `b/(a-c)> 2.`

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  84. If on a given base `B C ,` a triangle is described such that the sum of the tangents of the base angles is `m ,` then prove that the locus of the opposite vertex `A` is a parabola.

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  85. A parabola mirror is kept along `y^2=4x` and two light rays parallel to its axis are reflected along one straight line. If one of the incident light rays is at 3 units distance from the axis, then find the distance of the other incident ray from the axis.

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  86. Prove that the length of the intercept on the normal at the point `P(a t^2,2a t)` of the parabola `y^2=4a x` made by the circle described on the line joining the focus and `P` as diameter is `asqrt(1+t^2)` .

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  87. If parabola of latus rectum touches a fixed equal parabola, the axes of the two curves being parallel, then the locus of the vertex of the moving curve is

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  88. The normal at point P on a given parabola meet the axis of parabola at Q. Then prove that a line through Q and perpendicular to this normal always touches a fixed a parabola whose length of latusrectum is same as that of given parabola.

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  89. `TP ` and `TQ ` are any two tangents to a parabola and the tangent at a third point `R` cuts them in `P'` and `Q'`. Prove that `(TP')/(TP)+(TQ')/(TQ)=1`

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  90. Prove that on the axis of any parabola there is a certain point 'k' which has the property that, if a chord PQ of parabola be drawn through it then `1/(PK)^2+1/(QK)^2` is the same for all positions of the chord.

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  91. IF the distribution of weight is uniform, then the rope of the suspended bridge takes the form of parabola.The height of the supporting towers is 20m, the distance between these towers is 150m and the height of the lowest point of the rope from the road is 3m. Find the equation of the parabolic shape of the rope considering the floor of the parabolic shape of the rope considering the floor of the bridge as X-axis and the axis of the parabola as Y-axis. Find the height of that tower which supports the rope and is at a distance of 30 m from the centre of the road.

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  92. Tangent is drawn at any point `(x_1,y_1)` on the parabola `y^2=4ax` . Now tangents are drawn from any point on this tangent to the circle `x^2+y^2=a^2` such that all the chords of contact pass throught a fixed point `(x_2,y_2)` Prove that `4(x_1/x_2)+(y_1/y_2)^2=0`.

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  93. If a chord PQ of the parabola `y^2 = 4ax` subtends a right angle at the vertex, show that the locus of the point of intersection of the normals at P and Q is `y^2 = 16a(x - 6a)`.

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  94. Equilateral traingles are circumscribed to the parabola `y^2=4ax` . Prove that their angular points lie on the conic `(3x+a)(x+3a)=y^2`

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  95. A parabola is drawn to pass through A and B, the ends of a diameter of a given circle of radius a, and to have as directrix a tangent to a concentric circle of radius the axes of reference being AB and a perpendicular diameter, prove that the locus of the focus of parabola `x^2/a^2 + y^2/(b^2-a^2) = 1`

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  96. Two straight lines are perpendicular to each other. One of them touches the parabola `y^2=4a(x+a)` and the other touches `y^2=4b(x+b)` . Their point of intersection lies on the line. `x-a+b=0` (b) `x+a-b=0` `x+a+b=0` (d) `x-a-b=0`

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Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter PARABOLA of ARIHANT MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12