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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Questions Asked In Previous 13 Years Exam) of chapter BIONOMIAL THEOREM of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
ARIHANT MATHSExercise (Questions Asked In Previous 13 Years Exam)
Number Of Questions21
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The value of `(30 0)(30 10)-(30 1)(30 11)+(30 2)(30 12)++(30 20)(30 30)=` `^60 C 20` b. `^30 C 10` c. `^60 C 30` d. `^40 C 30`

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  2. If the coefficient of `pth, (p+1)th`and ` (p+2)th` terms in the expansion of `(1+x)^n` are in `A.P`

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  3. If the coefficient of `x^7` in `(ax^2+1/(bx))^11` is equal to the coefficient of `x^7` in `(ax-1/(bx^2))^11` then

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  4. For natural numbers `m ,n ,if(1-y)^m(1+y)^n=1+a_1y+a_2y^2+ ,a n da_1=a_2=10 ,t h e n` `m n` c. `m+n=80` d. `m-n=20`

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  5. In the binomial expansion of `(a - b)^(n) , n ge 5` , the sum of
    the ` 5^(th) and 6^(th)` terms is zero. Then, `a//b` equals

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  6. The sum of the series `C 20()_0-C 20()_1+C 20()_2-C 20()_3+...-...+C 20()_(10)` is: (1) `-C 20()_(10)` (2) `1/2C 20()_(10)` (3) 0 (4) `C 20()_(10)`

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  7. Statement-1: ` sum_(r =0)^(n) (r +1)""^(n)C_(r) = (n +2) 2^(n-1)`
    Statement -2: ` sum_(r =0)^(n) (r+1) ""^(n)C_(r) x^(r) = (1 + x)^(n) + nx (1 + x)^(n-1)`

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  8. The remainder left out when `8^(2n)""(62)^(2n+1)` is divided by 9 is (1) 0 (2) 2 (3) 7 (4) 8

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  9. For `r= 0, 1,.....,10`, let `A_r,B_r, and C_r`denote, respectively, the coefficient of `x^r` in the expansions of `(1 +x)^10,(+x)^20 and (1+ x)^30`.Then `sum_(r=1)^10 A_r(B_10B_r-C_10A_r)` is equal to

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  10. So, statement-1 is also true. Stetement-2 is a correct
    expanation for statement-1.
    `S_(1)= sum_(j=1)^(10) j (j -1)""^(10)C_(j),S_(2)= sum_(j=1)^(10)j.""^(10)C_(j) and S_(2)= sum_(j=1)^(10)j.""^(10)C_(j) .` Statement-1 `S_(3) = 50xx2^(9)`.
    Statement-2 `S_(1) = 90xx2^(8) and S_(2) = 10 xx 2^(8)`

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  11. The coefficient of `x^(7)` in the expansion of `(1-x-x^(2) + x^(3))^(6)` is :

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  12. If n is a positive integer, then `(sqrt(3)+1)^(2n)-(sqrt(3)-1)^(2n)` is (1) an irrational number (2) an odd positive integer (3) an even positive integer (4) a rational number other than positive integers

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  13. In the expansion of `((x+1)/(x^(2/3)-x^(1/3)+1)-(x-1)/(x-x^(1/2)))^10` the term which doers not contain x

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  14. The coefficients of three consecutive terms of `(1+x)^(n+5)` are in the ratio 5:10:14. Then `n=` ___________.

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  15. If the coefficients of `x^(3)` and `x^(4)` in the expansion of `(1 + ax + bx^(2)) (1 - 2x)^(18)`, in powers of x both zero, then (a,b) is equal to

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  16. Coefficient of `x^(11)` in the expansion of `(1+x^2)(1+x^3)^7(1+x^4)^(12)` is 1051 b. 1106 c. 1113 d. 1120

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  17. The sum of coefficients in integral powers of x in the binominal expansion `(1 - 2 sqrt(x))^(50)` is

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  18. The coefficient of `x^9` in the expansion of `(1+x)(16 x^2)(1+x^3)(1+x^(100))` is

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  19. If the number of terms in the expansion of `(1-2/x+4/(x^2))^n , x!=0,` is 28, then the sum of the coefficients of all the terms in this expansion, is : (1) 64 (2) 2187 (3) 243 (4) 729

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  20. Let m be the smallest positive integer such that the coefficient of `x^2` in the expansion of `(1+x)^2 + (1 +x)^3 + (1 + x)^4 +........+ (1+x)^49 + (1 + mx)^50` is `(3n + 1) .^51C_3` for some positive integer n. Then the value of n is

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  21. The value of `(.^(21)C_(1) - .^(10)C_(1)) + (.^(21)C_(2) - .^(10)C_(2)) + (.^(21)C_(3) - .^(10)C_(3)) + (.^(21)C_(4) - .^(10)C_(4)) + … + (.^(21)C_(10) - .^(10)C_(10))` is

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Exercise (Questions Asked In Previous 13 Years Exam) questions and complete solutions for chapter BIONOMIAL THEOREM of ARIHANT MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12