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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Single Option Correct Type Questions) of chapter ELLIPSE of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
ARIHANT MATHSExercise (Single Option Correct Type Questions)
Number Of Questions30
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Given f is increasing, the equation `x^(2)/(f(2a))+y^(2)/(f(a^(2)-3))=1` represents an ellipse with X-axis as major axis if

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  2. If `x^(2)/(f(4a))+y^(2)/(f(a^(2)-5))` represents an ellipse with major axis as Y-axis and f is a decreasing function,then

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  3. The curve represents by the equation`x^(2)/(sinsqrt2-cossqrt3)+y^(2)/(sinsqrt3-cossqrt2)=1` is

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  4. The maximum distance of the centre of the ellipse `(x^(2))/(16) +(y^(2))/(9) =1` from the chord of contact of mutually perpendicular tangents of the ellipse is

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  5. `S` and `T `are the foci of the ellipse `x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2 = 1` and `B` is an end of the minor axis. If `STB` is an equilateral triangle, the eccentricity of the ellipse is `e` then find value of `4e`

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  6. A circle of radius `5/sqrt2` is concentric with the ellipse `x^(2)/16+y^(2)/9=1`, then the acute angle made by the common tangent with the line `sqrt3x-y+6=0` is

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  7. Consider the particle travelling clockwise on the elliptical path `x^2/100+y^2/25=1` The particle leaves the orbit at the point `(-8, 3)` and travels in a straight line tangent to the ellpse. At what point will the particle cross the y-axis?

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  8. C is the centre of the ellipse `x^(2)/16+y^(2)/9=1` and A and B are two points on the ellipse such that angle ACB=90◦, then `1/(CA)^(2)+1/((CB)^(2))=`

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  9. Let (alpha,beta) be a point from which two perpendicular tangents can be drawn to the ellipse `4x^(2)+5y^(2)=20`. If `F=4alpha+3beta`, then

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  10. If `a=[t^(2)-3t+4] and b=[3+5t]`, where [.] donates the greatest integer function, then the latusrectum of the ellipse `x^(2)/a^(2)+y^(2)/b^(2)=1` at `t=3/2` is

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  11. If the line `x+2y+4=0` cutting the ellipse `(x^(2))/(a^(2))+(y^(2))/(b^(2))=1` in points whose eccentric angies are `30^(@) and 60^(@)` subtends right angle at the origin then its equation is

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  12. An arc of a bridge is semi-elliptical with the major axis horizontal. If the length of the base is 9m and the highest part of the bridge is 3m from the horizontal, then prove that the best approximation of the height of the acr 2 m from the center of the base is `8/3mdot`

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  13. A tangent to the ellipes `x^2/25+y^2/16=1` at any points meet the line `x=0` at a point Q Let R be the image of Q in the line `y=x,` then circle whose extremities of a dameter are `Q and R` passes through a fixed point, the fixed point is

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  14. If tangents are drawn from any point on the circle `x^(2) + y^(2) = 25` the ellipse `(x^(2))/(16) + (y^(2))/(9) =1` then the angle between the tangents is

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  15. the equation of the chord of contact of the pair of tangents drawn to the ellipse `4x^2+9y^2=36` from the point `(m ,n)` where `mdotn=m+n ,m ,n` being nonzero positive integers, is `2x+9y=18` (b) `2x+2y=1` `4x+9y=18` (d) none of these

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  16. `x-2y+4=0` is a common tangent to `y^2=4x and x^4/4+y^2/b^2=1.` Then the value of b and the other common tangent are given by : (A) `b=sqrt3` (B) `x+2y+4=0` (C) `b=3` (D) `x-2y-4=0`

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  17. The point on the ellipse `x^2 + 2y^2 = 6` closest to the line `x + y = 7` is

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  18. From a point on the axis of x common tangents are drawn to the parabola y^(2)=4x and the ellipse `x^(2)/a^(2)+y^(2)/b^(2)=1(agtbgt0)`. If these tangents from an equilateral trianlge with their chord of contact w.r.t parabola, then set of exhaustive values of a is

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  19. If circumcentre of an equilateral triangle inscribed in `x^(2)/a^(2) + y^(2)b^(2) = 1,` with vertices having eccentric angles `alpna, beta, gamma,` respectively is `(x_(1), y_(1))` then `sum cos alpha cos beta + sum sin alpha sin beta =`

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  20. A parabola is drawn whose focus is one of the foci of the ellipse `x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 = 1` (where a>b) and whose directrix passes through the other focus and perpendicular to the major axes of the ellipse. Then the eccentricity of the ellipse for which the length of latus-rectum of the ellipse and the parabola are same is

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  21. If the maximum distance of any point on the ellipse `x^2+2y^2+2x y=1` from its center is `r ,` then `r` is equal to `3+sqrt(3)` (b) `2+sqrt(2)` `(sqrt(2))/(sqrt(3-sqrt(5)))` (d) `sqrt(2-sqrt(2))`

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  22. The length of the common chord of the ellipse `((x-1)^2)/9+((y-2)^2)/4=1` and the circle `(x-1)^2+(y-2)^2=1` is (A) 2 (B) `sqrt3` (C) 4 (D) none of these

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  23. The eccentricity of ellipse `ax^2 + by^2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0` if its axis is parallel to x-axis is (A) `sqrt((a+b)/(4)` (B) `sqrt((a-b)/(2)` (C) `sqrt((b-a)/(a)` (D) `sqrt((b-a)/(b)`

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  24. A circle has the same center as an ellipse and passes through the foci `F_1a n dF_2` of the ellipse, such that the two cuves intersect at four points. Let `P` be any one of their point of intersection. If the major axis of the ellipse is 17 and the area of triangle `P F_1F_2` is 30, then the distance between the foci is 13 (b) 10 (c) 11 (d) none of these

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  25. The area of the rectangle formed by the perpendiculars from the centre of the standard ellipse to the tangent and normal at its point whose eccentric angles `pi/4` is

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  26. An ellipse is inscribed in a circle and a point within the circle is chosen at random. If the probability that this point lies outside the ellipse is `2/3` then the eccentricity of the ellipse is: (A) `(2sqrt2)/3` (B) `sqrt5/3` (C) `8/9` (D) `2/3`

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  27. An ellipse slides between two perpendicular straight lines. Then identify the locus of its center.

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  28. The length of the chord of the ellipse `x^2/25+y^2/16=1` where mid point is `(1/2,2/3)` (A) `1/10` (B) `sqrt(8161)/10` (C) `sqrt(8061)/10` (D) `1`

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  29. The equation of the locus of the middle point of the portion of the tangent to the ellipse `x^/16+y^2/9=1` included between the co-ordinate axes is the curve

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  30. The tangent at a point `P(acosvarphi,bsinvarphi)` of the ellipse `(x^2)/(a^2)+(y^2)/(b^2)=1` meets its auxiliary circle at two points, the chord joining which subtends a right angle at the center. Find the eccentricity of the ellipse.

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Exercise (Single Option Correct Type Questions) questions and complete solutions for chapter ELLIPSE of ARIHANT MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12