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Complete Solutions to Chapter Exercises A Taking it together (Assorted Questions of the Chapter for Advanced level Practice ) of chapter CHROMOSOMAL BASIS OF INHERITANCE of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

ARIHANT NEETChapter Exercises A Taking it together (Assorted Questions of the Chapter for Advanced level Practice )
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The first attempt to show linkage in plants was done

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  2. Different mutations referrable to the same locus of chromosome give rise to

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  3. The recombination frequency between homologous chromosomes never exceed beyond

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  4. A pair of genes is said to be linked if their recombination frequency in test cross is

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  5. Complete linkeage is observed in

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  6. Maize has 10 pairs of chromosomes. How many linkage groups will be present if all the genes are mapped?

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  7. Variations appear during meiosis due to

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  8. Sutton and Boveri studied……. Behaviour to explain Mendel's laws.

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  9. Morgan worked with Drosophila melanogaster, they could be grown on

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  10. Drosophila melanogaster complete their life cycle in about

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  11. The concept of genetic/chromosomal basis of sex-determination was observed in

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  12. Cytoplasmic inheritance is due to

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  13. Kappa particles are present in

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  14. Kappa particles make an animal killer when their number in an individual is

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  15. Male sterility was discovered by

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  16. Kappa paricles were discovered by

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  17. Cytoplasmic male sterility is passed down

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  18. Which one of the following carries extra nuclear genetic material ?

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  19. The ultimate source of genetic variation is `:`

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  20. How many linkage groups are present in female and male grasshopper repectively?

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  21. Which of the following is suitable for experiment on linkage ?

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  22. Cis- trans expression of genes is an example of :

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  23. When an animal has both the characters of male and female,it is called:

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  24. Mutation altering nucleotide sequence within a gene are

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  25. the chance of elimination of genes from a small populaton is an example of:

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  26. Lethal gene of Drosophila is

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  27. Smallest paart of DNA which takes part in crossing over is:

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  28. Assume that a cross over and resulting chiasma occurred between two gene loci 100% of the time. What would be the per centage of recombinant chromosomes among the progeny?

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  29. A cell is heterozygous at three gene loci. How many different types of gametes can it form?

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  30. An exception to mendel's law is

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  31. Crossing over is nil between genes located near

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  32. XX-XO sex chromosome complement occurs in

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  33. Females are heterogametic amongst

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  34. A pair of genes are linked if their recombination frequency in test cross is

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  35. Increase in age decreases

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  36. Pentasomic can be denoted by

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  37. Recessive mutations are expresssed in:

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  38. Which of the following will cause a more effective mutation?

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  39. A single gene mutation affecting more than one phenotype is called

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  40. Any change during cell division that result is loss or gain of one or more chromosomes is known as :

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  41. Hereditary variations in plants have been produced

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  42. Who has introduced X-rays mutations in barley and maze ?

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  43. A hypothetical series of 20 multiple alleles is known for a certain locus. How many phenotypic classes are possible?

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  44. When an amino acid is replaced by another owing to a mutation, it is called

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  45. Which one of the following is not a mutagen

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  46. The ultimate biological unit which controls heredity, is called :

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  47. Bent', a dominant sex-linked allele B,in the mouse results in a short, crooked tail. Its recessive allele, b produce normal tails. If a normal tailed femal is mated to a bent- tailed male, what phenotypic ratio should occur in the F1?

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  48. The frequency of a mutant gene in a population is expected to increase, if the gene is

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  49. A species or type of a plant derived from doubling the chromosome of F1 hybrid of two similar species is known as

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  50. Abyssinian oat is a teraploid with 28 chromosomes. The common cultivated oat is a hexaploid in the same series. How many chromosomes does the common oat possess?

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  51. First definite proof of mutagenic action (effect) of X-rays was discovered or given by or the person known to use X-rays to cause mutation is

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  52. Tautomerisation is seen in

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  53. Dhatura is a classical example of a

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  54. If the haploid number of chromosomes in a plant is 12, then the number of chromosomes in monosomic is

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  55. Beadle and Tatum induced mutation in Neurospora crassa by

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  56. The mutation in germ cells

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  57. The smallest element or sub division of a gene, which can be affected by a mutation is

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  58. Mutations do not result in

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  59. How many gametes contain a dominant mutation, if 1/1500 babies show the new phenotypes?

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  60. If the haploid number of chromosome is 10. Then, what is a terasomic number?

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  61. The creation of mutations is called :

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  62. Failure of cytokinesis after telophase stage of cell devision results in an increase in a whole set of chromosomes in an organism. The phenomenon is called as

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  63. When a mutation is limited to the substitution of one nucleotide pair of DNA, it is called as

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  64. Which of the following chromosomal altrerations does not alter genic balance but may affect phenotype because of differences in gane expression?

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  65. Mutations in plants canot be induced by

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  66. Mutations used in agriculture are

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  67. Muller was awarded Nobel prize in 1946 for his work on

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  68. Distance between the genes and percentage of recombination shows

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  69. ZZ/ZW type of sex determination is seen in

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  70. Which of the following will not result in variations among siblings ?

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  71. In a certain taxon of insects some have 17 chromosomes and the others have 18 chromosomes. The 17 and 18 chromosome-bearing organisms are

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  72. The chemical and physical factors that induce mutations are called as

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  73. Conditions of a karyotype `2n pm 1 and 2n pm 2` are called

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  74. Choose the incorrect statement regarding deletions.

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  75. Chromosomal aberrations ae commonly observed in

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  76. The alteration in chromosomes results due to

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  77. All genes located on the same chromosome:-

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  78. The reason why some mutations which are harmful do not get eliminated from gene pool is that :

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  79. When two genetic loci produce identical phenotypes in cis as well as in trans position ,they are considered to be

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  80. The first known allotetraploid reported by Russian geneticist Karpechenko (1928) was

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  81. Which of the following would be likely to suffer the greatest genetic damage from radiation exposure?

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  82. In a cross between genotype Ab and ++, 1700 out of 2000 individuals were of parental type. The distance between A and B is

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  83. If the mutation rate of a certain gene is directly proportional to the radiation dosage and the mutation rate of Drosophila is observed to increase from 3% at 1000 R to 6% at 2000 R. What per centage of mutations would be expected at 3500 R?

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  84. In multi-factorial inheritance

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  85. Sutton and Boveri argued that the pairing and separation of a pair of chromosomes would lead to

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  86. Which of the following statements is correct about Drosophila melanogaster?

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  87. Morgan caried out several crosses in Drosophila to study genes that were sex-linked. Those crosses were

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  88. Morgan observed that the two genes

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  89. Morgan coined the term linkage to describe

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  90. Recombination describes

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  91. Alfred sturtevant to measure the distance between genes and mapped their position on the chromosome used the frequency of

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  92. The genetic maps are used as a starting point in the sequencing of whole genomes as in the case of

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  93. X-chromosome is designated as sex chromosome due to its involvement in

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  94. IN both Xoand XY type of sex determining mechanisms, males produce two different types of gametes

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  95. Haploids are used for research because

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  96. Haploids are able to express both recessive and dominant alleles /mutations because there are :

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  97. Certain chemicals when tested individually are not mutagenic, but when applied together, these increase the frequency of mutation. Such chemicals are called as

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  98. Cytosterility in the pollen of maize is due to

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  99. Polyploidy leads to rapid formation of new species because of

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  100. which of the following chromosomal mutation are most likely to take place when homologous chromosomes are undergoing synapsis?

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Chapter Exercises A Taking it together (Assorted Questions of the Chapter for Advanced level Practice ) questions and complete solutions for chapter CHROMOSOMAL BASIS OF INHERITANCE of ARIHANT NEET BIOLOGY (HINGLISH) of Class 12