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Complete Solutions to MEDICAL ENTRANCE SPECISL FORMAT QUESTIONS (STATEMENT BASED QUESTIONS) of chapter ANIMALIA-III (CHORDATES) of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions23
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The characteristic of Vertebrata are
    I. high degree of cephalisation is seen in the group.
    II. Coelom is well-devoloped and of enterocoelous type.
    III. Cranial nerves either 8,10or 12 pairs.
    IV. Notochord is seen throughout the life of all animals.

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  2. Which of the following are correct regarding Osteichthyes?
    I. They are also called bony fishes.
    II. They are also called bony fishes.
    III. They are also called cartilaginous fishes.
    IV. They include sharks, rays and rat fishes.

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  3. Which of the characters belong to Cyclostomata?
    I. They are round mouthed fishes.
    II. They lac k true jaws.
    III. They are extint animals.
    IV. They are divided into Pisces and Tetrapoda.

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  4. The statements given below highlight some of the chordates features.
    They have a hollow nervous system which is present ventrally above the notochord.
    II. They prossess four pharyngeal gill slits present in the from of perfortions on the lateral sides of pharynx.
    III. Epidermis is made up of stratified epithelium.
    IV. They have two pairs of appendages, one pair at the begnning of the trunk and other in the middle of the trunk.
    V. They have a closed vascular system.

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  5. Balanoglossus is a saprozoic hemichordate which lives in shallow coastal waters inside U-shaped burrows. Given below are certain features of this tongue worm.
    ,I. It has a cylindrical body which is ciliated for most of the part.
    II. Body is divisible into a mouth, collar and trunk.
    III. The trunk is differentiated into branchiogenitial hepatic and abdominal regions,
    IV. The possess calls called vanadocytes.
    V. They obtain food from swallowed mud.

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  6. Which of the following statements is/are not true
    A. In Urochordata, notochord is present only in larval tail.
    B. In Cephalochordata, notochord extends from head to tail region.
    C. Branchiosoma belongs to Hemichordata
    D. Only one Class of living members, Class Cyclostomata represents the Super Class Agnatha.

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  7. Which of the following statements are correct regarding class-Reptilia of phylum-Chordata?
    I. Males possess copulatory organs (heipenis). They are double in snakes and lizards, and single in crocodiles and turtles.
    II. Fertilisatin is internal, methamorphosis is absent.
    III. Granial nerves 10 pairs.
    IV. Kidney mesonephric, urea is chief nitrogenous waste.
    Choose the correct option.

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  8. Amphibians have
    I. threee-chambered heart with two auricles and one ventricle.
    II. Two-chambered heard with one auricle and one ventricle.
    III. Kidney is mesonephic with nephrosfome.
    IV. Females are viviparous.
    Choose the correct option.

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  9. Sphenodon
    I. belongs to Rhynchocephalia order of Anapsida class.
    II. Have pineal orr their eye as their characteristic feature.
    III. Male have double copulatory organs (hemipenis).
    IV. Is a living fossil.

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  10. Whicxh of the following statements are correct about the class-Amphibia?
    I. They are the most primitive and earliest tetrapods with two pairs of limbs.
    II. Their skin is rich in multlecellular mucous and poison glands.
    III. The brain is well-developed with 12 pairs of cranial nerves.
    IV. Gaseous exhange occurs always by skin or lungs.
    V. RBCs ar nucleated and biconvex.

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  11. Consider the following statements.
    I. Salamander are cold-blooded and tailed amphibian.
    II. Ichthyophis is a limbless amphibian and feeds underground on worms and insects.
    Which of the statement (s) given above is/are correct ?

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  12. The statements given below describe certain features of some common amphibians. Read them carefully and identify which statements are True (T) and False(F).
    I. the male Pipa carries eggs around its thighs still the tadpoles are ready to hatch.
    II. Alytes carries the eggs and tadpoles in its vocal sac.
    III. Salamandra alra is a vovoviviparous animal.
    IV. The eggs of Inhthyphis are guarded by the male.
    ,Choose the correct option.

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  13. Among the following statements, identify the ones which have made reptiles true land animals.
    I. The presence of horny scales, which check loss of water.
    II. The eggs of the rreptiles have sheels around them to check desiccation.
    III. They lay their eggs in wet burrows/holes.
    IV. The secretion of presence of a fluis-filled amnion around the ebryo in reptiles.
    V. They have a completely ossified endoskeleton.
    Which of the statemetn are true? Mark the correct code.

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  14. The class-Reptilia is further subdivided into three subclasses. Among the statements provided below, select the statements which are True (T) and False (F) about the classsification of the class-Reptilia.
    I. The order-Chelonal of subclass-Anapsida consists of organisms with movable pterygoids and absence of tympanum and a nictitating membrane.
    II. The order-Squamta of subclass-Diaspida has organisms with single-headed rilbs and the males have paired copulatory organs.
    III. The organism of subclass-Parapsida have become extinct.
    IV. Hemidactylus belongs to suborder-Ophidia.
    Choose the correct option.

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  15. Which of the following statement s are correct or incorrect about snakes?
    I. Pyhon molurus is a non-poisonous snake.
    II. Cobra venom is neutrotoxic.
    III. Bungarus have head shiled and elongated hexagonal vertebrals.
    IV. King cobra is also called snake ating snake.
    Which of the statement are true? Mark the correct code.

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  16. the characteristic features of class-Aves are
    I. they are warm-blodded and oviparous. ltb rgt II.they have pneumatic bones.
    III. Syrinx is not present.
    IV. Fertilisation is external.
    Choose the correct option.

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  17. In birds
    I. three ovaries ar present.
    II. Heart is four-chambered.
    III. Mesonephiric kidneys are present.
    IV. Bipedal movement is present.
    Choose the corect option.

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  18. What is true abourt mammals?
    I. Skin is covered by epidermal hair.
    II. Evolved during Triassic period of Coenozic era.
    III. Kidneys are metanephric.
    IV. Fertilisation is external.
    Choose the correct option.

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  19. In order-Primata have
    I. Testes enclosed in scrotum.
    II. Cerebrum is reduced.
    III. Animals like lemurs, monkeys and apes.
    IV. Lack haemochorial placenta.
    Choose the correct option.

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  20. Bones in b irds are
    I. light, hollow and have more space for muscle attachment,
    ,II. Peneumatic in nature,
    III. Bone marrow is absent in bones.
    IV. Not fused in skull.
    Chose the correct option.

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  21. Indentify the false statement from the following.
    I. The presence of uropygial gland is associated with pigeon.
    II. Migration of birds is studied under 'Phenology'
    III. The presence of bone marrow and preen gland are fundamental characteristics of class-A ves.

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  22. Which is/are not correct about flightless birds?
    I. These b irds show discontinuous distriburtion.
    II. They have well-developed legs, head is small, rudimentary eyes and wings.
    III. Oil glands, keel, pygostyle and syrinx are present.
    IV. The male has a large penis.

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  23. Identify the statements as Ttue (T) of False (F) and choose the correct option.
    I. Chief excretory product in mammals is ammonia.
    II. Cervical v ertebrae are seven in number in mammals expect is slots.
    III. True flying nocturnal mammals lke bats belong to Chiroptera.
    IV. Mammalian eggs are small adn microlectithal.

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