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Complete Solutions to Chapter Exercises Taking it together (A) (Assorted Questions of the Chapter for Advanced Level Practise) of chapter ORIGIN OF LIFE of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

ARIHANT NEETChapter Exercises Taking it together (A) (Assorted Questions of the Chapter for Advanced Level Practise)
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Big bang theory was proposed by

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  2. The early belief of the spontaneous origin of life was disproved by

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  3. The coacervate hypothesis was given by

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  4. The origin of universe occurred about

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  5. Our galaxy was originated about

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  6. The presence of salts (NaCl and others) in animal body fluid gives an inference that life originated in the

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  7. The first genetic material was most likely to be

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  8. The experiment to show the production of mice in 21 days from carried out by

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  9. The spark-discharge apparatus to test chemical evolution of life was designed by
    The first experiment on chemical evolution and origin of life was carried out by

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  10. Who did an experiment to prove that '' The organic compounds were thers of life ''?

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  11. The term microsphere was given by

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  12. The oldest eukaryotic fossil is :

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  13. Life originated in the

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  14. The age of 'Big-Bang' is likely to be of the orderof :

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  15. Most biologists agree that the first cells on the Earth developed in the :

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  16. The founder of 'theory of catastrophism' is :

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  17. The theory of abiogenesis is also known as

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  18. The idea of spontaneous generation was supported by

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  19. The idea of spontaneous generation was refuted by

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  20. Who proposed the Theory of Cosmozoic Origin?

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  21. A prokaryotic cell differs from eukaryotic cell due to the lack of

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  22. A coacervate is a

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  23. The primitive earth earth conditions were experimentally shown by

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  24. Which of the following planets is supposed to have life?

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  25. The oldest fossil cells reseble:

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  26. Which of the following theories accepted that the life originated from pre-existing life?

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  27. Louis Pasteur provided proof in support of biogenesis in

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  28. The solar system was created approximately

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  29. Under certain condition scientist have obtained cell-like structures. These are known as

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  30. The first organisms to appear on earth were more like plants because

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  31. Which of the following appeared later when the earth cooled down to a temperature below 100 C?

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  32. According to Oparin and Haldane, transformation of lifeless chemicals into living matter extended

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  33. Chemical theory for origin of life was given by

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  34. The age of earth is about

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  35. The category of molecules produced by th eMiller -Urey experiment was:

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  36. The energy used in the Miller-Urey experiment was obtained through

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  37. The origin of life on Earth can be traced to :

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  38. An alternative name of cosmozoan theory is

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  39. The oldest known fossil cells are about the size of :

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  40. A compound important in prebiotic evolution was

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  41. The age of oldest rock is about

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  42. For origin of life, the most important condition is the presence of :

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  43. Spontaneous generation of flies from rotting meat was disproved by :

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  44. Spontaneous generation of bacteria from decomposing broth was disproved in 1860 by

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  45. Which of the following evolved first?

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  46. The water of primitive ocean during the time of origin of life has been called 'hot dilute soup of oceanic substances' by:

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  47. Life was created by some supernatural power.This theory is:

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  48. Who said that the organisms develop from pre-existing organisms?

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  49. An important feature of the early atmosphere was the virtual absence of

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  50. There is not life on moon because there is no

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  51. Dominant flora 2.5 billion years ago was

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  52. First photosynthetic organisms to appear on earth were

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  53. Some complex inorganic and organic compounds in the hot sea aggregated in different combination forming

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  54. Which of the following modes of nutrition is most primitive?

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  55. Stromocites, the first found fossils are

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  56. Which of the folowing is known as oldest living fossil?

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  57. It is believed that the first organisms, which inhabited earth's surface were

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  58. Which of the following is a nucleoproteinoid molecule havinng free-living gene?

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  59. Bacteria that live around deep sea, hot water vents obtain energy by oxidising inorganic hydrogen sulphide. They use this energy to build organic molecules from carbon obtained from the carbon dioxide in the seawater. These bacteria are

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  60. Which of the folliwing is an example of theory of spontaneous generation?

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  61. Which of the following theory accepted that microorganisms come only from other microorganisms come only from other microorganisms?

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  62. Universe originated about 15 billion year ago by

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  63. The solar system was created by the collapse of solar nebula. Solar nebula was the

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  64. The reason of presence of free oxygen into the earth's atmosphere, whereas there was no free oxygen at the time of origin of life is

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  65. The complex organic compounds that may have first evolved in the direction of origin of life on earth, may have been

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  66. There was no degradation of any organic compounds arising in primitive earth because

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  67. The first living organism obtainded energy by

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  68. Terrestrial or abiogenic origin of life interprets that the life arose

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  69. Which of the following theories explained that the life originated on earth from the organic molecules that wee produced early in the history of earth?

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  70. Coacervates containing nucleoprotein and surrounded by several nutritive substances and covered by a surface membrane represents

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  71. Which of the following theories is related with the statement that spores or seeds (sperm)havind extra terrestrial origin might have infected the barren earth at the time of its origin?

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  72. Which of the following has replaced methane of the primitive atmosphere as the major carbon containing compounds of the present day earth's atmosphere?

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  73. Which of these did Stanley Miller place in his experimental system to show that the organic molecules could have arisen from the inorganic molecules on the primitive earth?

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  74. Evolution of the `DNArarrRNArarr` protein system was a milestone because the protocell:

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  75. Miller synthesised simple amino acids from which one of the following mixture in his experiment?

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  76. The energy source for the creation of the first organic compounds came from

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  77. As per theory of chemosynthetic generation, what was the sequence of origin of life?

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  78. Which of the following is the chief reason showing that the protocell was probably a fermenter?

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  79. Formation of which complex molecules was noticed by Urey and Miller when they subjected substances like NH3,CH4 and H2O to electric discharge

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  80. During the origin and evolution of life, key biological compounds were progressively synthesised in ocean with the help of energy obtained from

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  81. The age of oldest sedinentary rock is about

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  82. Which of the following in not found in a lipid coacervate droplet or a proteinoid mecrosphere?

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  83. What prokaryotic adaptation accurred during the oxygen revolution and opended up the possibility for energhy demanding multicelluar life forms?

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  84. Amino acids and polynucleotides similar to DNA was found in Mighi Meteorite and Marchison Meteorite by space biologists. In which country, these Meteorites were fell in 1889?

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  85. Stanley L Miller conducted experiments befor 1953 on prebiotic earth environment using special apparatus. The primary surprising products wee

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  86. Most probably now, no origin of life is taking place in the way as occurred on primordial earth because

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  87. The discovery of virus has placed the problemof the origin of life in new light and it is believed that the higher forms of life have descended from

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  88. Which of the following statements does not explain the usefulness of study of the origin and evolution of life?

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  89. The heterotrophic hypothesis helps us to understand

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  90. In Spallanzani's experiment, one set of flasks had access to air through holes in the cork and the other set did not . In the set having access to air, the contents showed abundant growth of microorganisms. What inference would you drew form this experiment?

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  91. Biologists believe that the current DNA`to`RNA`to`Protein system is the result of a long period evolution because

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  92. Which of the Following discoveries would force scientists to revise their present theories regarding the origin of life on earth?

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  93. Temperature in the interior of the sun is `200000000^(@) C`, the reason for this high temperature is

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  94. Pasteur's experiments and similar ones that followed convinced most people, that spontaneous generation of life did not happen because

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  95. Mark the correct statement.

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  96. In the ancient atmosphere, free nitrogen, exygen and carbon dioxide were not present because

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  97. An evolving coacervate- like system would have needed a controlled and constant source of energy for

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  98. In What respect, the heterotroph hypothesis differs from the early ideas of spontaneous generation?

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  99. Which of the following is a true statement?

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  100. Which of these is a true statement?

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Chapter Exercises Taking it together (A) (Assorted Questions of the Chapter for Advanced Level Practise) questions and complete solutions for chapter ORIGIN OF LIFE of ARIHANT NEET BIOLOGY (HINGLISH) of Class 12