Complete Solutions to Chapter exercises (Medical entrances special format questions )(Statement based questions) of chapter EVIDENCES OF EVOLUTION of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

ARIHANT NEETChapter exercises (Medical entrances special format questions )(Statement based questions)
Number Of Questions17
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Consider the following statements.
    I. Neoteny. is reproduction of axolotl larva.
    II. Biogenetic law states that, 'Ontogeny js recapitulation of phylogeny'
    III. Virus is a connecting link hetvveen plants and animals.
    IV. Most of the enzymes catalysed biochemical reactions arc same from bacteria to man and. plants.
    V. The composition and physiological .role of blood, lymph and tissue fluid are different in all vertebrates.
    Choose the code with incorrect statements

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  2. Which of the following staten1ents about geological tirne scale are correct?
    I. Origi.p of first seed plant occurred in Carboniferous period.
    II. Angiosperms appeared in Cretaceous period.
    III. There was complete absence of living organisms in Azoic era.
    IV. Precambrian period cmnprises about 87% of the geological time scale

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  3. Choose the true state1nents from the follovving: l. Birbal Sahni is called 'Father of lndian Palaeobotany .
    II. Pseudo-fossils are re.mains of plants and anjmals.
    III. `C_(11)` radioactive carbon method is used for dating not only for fossils, but also for archaeological remains
    IV. Coenozoic era is called 'nge of m,.unmals and birds'

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  4. Which of the following is Lrue about Archaeopteryx?
    I. Jaws are modified into beak.
    II. Ta.ii is bony and long.
    III. Forelimbs are modified into wings.
    IV . Connecting link between birds and mammals.

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  5. Fossils are studied for
    I. tracing evolutionary history of organisms.
    II. studying extinct organisms.
    lll. establishing genetic relationships.
    IV. DNA fingerprinting of new species only.

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  6. Match the following Columns

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  7. Match the following Columns.

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  8. Match the following Columns.

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  9. Assertion : Ginkgo biloba is living fossil.
    Reason : Organisms which have persisted and remain unchanged for the past several million years while their relative disappeared.

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  10. Assertion : Homologous organs have common ancestry and similar function.
    Reason : Analogous organs have unlike origin and dissimilar function.

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  11. Assertion Third molars and hairs on body in humans are examples of atavism.
    Reason Atavism is the reappearance of disappeared ancestral characters

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  12. Asseration Aschaeozoic era contains abundant fossils
    Reason Life originated in Palaeozoic era

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  13. Asseration Petrified fossils contains hard parts of orginisms
    Reason Moulds and casts lack the remains of organisms

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  14. Assertion : Comparative biochemistry provides a strong eviednce in favour of common ancestory of living beings.
    Reason : Genetic code is universal.

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  15. Assertion : From evolutionary point of view, human gestation period is believed to be shortening.
    Reason : One major evolutionary trend in humans has been the larger head undergoing relatively faster growth rate in the foetal stage.

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  16. Asseration Amphibians have evolved from fishes
    Reason Archaeopteryx is a fossil linking fishes and amphibians

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  17. Assertion During development, general characters appear before specialised characters.
    Reason Embryos of different groups resemble with each other in early developmental stages

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Chapter exercises (Medical entrances special format questions )(Statement based questions) questions and complete solutions for chapter EVIDENCES OF EVOLUTION of ARIHANT NEET BIOLOGY (HINGLISH) of Class 12