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Complete Solutions to Chapter exercises B ( Medical entrance special format questions ) of chapter MORPHOLOGY OF FLOWERING PLANTS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

ARIHANT NEETChapter exercises B ( Medical entrance special format questions )
Number Of Questions42
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The stem tendrils are modified extra axillary branches in
    I Cucurbita
    II Opuntia
    II Luffa
    IV Nerium
    Choose the correct option

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  2. Tap root system
    I is always underground
    II is produced by the radicle fo the embryo
    III consists of a single primary root
    IV consist of roots forming a cluster
    Choose the correct option

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  3. Repiratory roots
    I are assimilatory roots which develop in plants growing in deverse habitats
    II help in the exchange of gases with the help of penumathodes or lenticels
    III do not posses andy definite organ for the exchange of gases
    IV develop in plants growing in mangrovs or swamp near sea shores
    Choose the correct option

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  4. The main function of stem are that
    I it bears and supports foliage, flowers and fruits
    II it stores food in its aerenchyma cells
    III It adds new cells tissues and organs every year to keep continuing the functioning of the plant for long periods of time
    IV Leaf like flattened modified stems are called the thallus
    Choose the correct option

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  5. Leaf like structure formed by the stem modificatin is called phylloclade which
    I is flat & succulent
    II can bear leaves, branches & flowers etc
    III an axillary bud present in the axil of a phyllode
    IV usually does not store water and food
    Choose the correct option

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  6. The compound umbel type of inflorescence is found in
    I Coriandrum sativum
    II Delonix
    III H elianthus annus
    IV Daucus carota
    Choose the correct option

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  7. Spadix is a type of inflorescence Read the following statement regarding spadix
    I spadix is a spkie with flesy axis
    II slix and morus possess spadix
    III spadix has both male and female flowers
    IV spadix possess bright coloured bracts
    Choose the correct option

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  8. Valvate type of aestivtion of calyx is found in
    I solanum
    II iberis amara
    III mustard
    IV dianthus
    Choose the correct option

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  9. Flowers of which of the following plant sets are zygomophic ?
    I adhotoda and pea
    larkspur an ocimum
    III mustard and onion
    IV brinjal and canna
    Chosse the correct option

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  10. Which of the following is / are correct ?
    I in dry fruits the pericarp is dry and is not differentiated into epicarp mesocarp and endocarp
    II in succulent fruits the pericarp is fleshy and is differentiated into epicarp mesocarp and endocarp
    III capsular fruits are those simple dry multi seeded after ripening and seeds are exposed
    IV achenial fruits are multiseeded dehiscent in which pericarp ruptures and seeds remain inside
    Choose the correct option

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  11. In which of the following fruits the edible parts are endosperm and embryo
    I Oryza sativa
    II Triticum aestivum
    III Litchi chinesis
    IV Lycopersicum esculentum
    Choose the correct option

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  12. Achenial fruits are simple dry single seeded indehiscednt fruits which do not dehisce after ripening and seeds remain inside the pericarp they may be
    I carypsis
    II siliqua
    III nut
    choose the correct opttion

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  13. Read the given below statements
    I Amphisarca is a multilocular many seeded berry
    II Calyx is persistent in balausta fruits
    III In pomegranate testa is fleshy
    IV Ficus has sorosis type of fruit
    Choose the correct option

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  14. The plants in which only the pericarp and placenta of fruit are edible
    vitis vinifera
    lycopersicon esculentum
    juglans regia
    mangifera indica
    Choose the correct option

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  15. The exaples of dictyledonous seeds are
    II brassica
    III lycopersicon
    IV triticum
    Choose the correct option

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  16. Causes of seed dormancy are
    I impermeability of seed coats
    II immature embryos
    III viable seeds
    IV maturity of embryos
    Choose the correct option

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  17. Natural breaking of seed dormancy occurs through
    I leaching of inhibitors and salts
    II attainment of maturity during dormant period by immature embryo
    III formation of growth hormones
    IV rupturing of seed coat by chilling, chopping, machine threshing
    Choose the correct option

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  18. Anemochory or wind dispersal of seeds is found in
    I Acer
    II Calotropis
    III Xanthium
    IV Medicago
    Choose the correct option

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  19. Read the given statements
    I fruits such as clematis have hard hair and spines for hydrochory
    II pappus of taraxacum helps in wind dispersal
    III ejaculator mechanism of self dispersal is shown by cucumber
    IV myrmecochory is dispersal of fruits or seed by ant
    Choose the incorrect statements

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  20. Consider the given statement regarding roots and choose the option having most correct statement
    I epiphytic roots are hygroscopic
    II climbing roots of ficus pumila secrete a gummy substance to stick to the support
    III roots are positively geotropic negatively phototropic and negatively hydrotopic
    IV cells of zone of elongation in a root loose their power to divide
    Choose the correct option

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  21. Identify the correct order
    1. Mineral absorption zone. 2. Meristematic zone. 3. Maturation zone. 4. Water absorption zone.

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  22. Read the statement given below
    I excurrent is stem showing jointed appearance
    II sucker is an underground modification of stem
    III corm is a condensed form of rhizome growing more or less in vertical direction
    IV ipomoea is a modified stem performing food storage.
    Segregate these statement as true T or false F by choosing the correct alternative

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  23. Consider the statement given below and choose the option reperseing all correct statement
    I The veins provide rigidilty to the leaf lamina
    II Leaf bears a bud in its axil
    III in polygonum leaf base may become swollen and is called pulvinus
    IV leaf takes it origin form root opical meristem
    Choose the correct option

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  24. Read the statement(s) given below and identify the incorrect statement (s)
    I in cymose inflorescence main axis terminates in to a flower
    II in racemose inflorescence main axis does not terminate in to a flower
    III in racemose inflorescence flower are borne basipetally
    IV in cymose inflorescence flowers are borne acropetally
    Choose the correct option

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  25. A flower repersent the reproductive unit of a plant read the folloiwng statement regarding flowers and select he option with correct statement
    I A zygomorphic flowr is radially symmetrical
    II china rose cotton cucurbita morus alba are examples of unisexual flower s
    III expicalyx is structure found in flowers lacking calyx
    IV poppy is a dimerous flower
    chosse the correct option

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  26. The following statements given below are in context of simple fruits read the statement
    I pericarp is fleshy in dry fruits
    II Aggregate fruits formed form whole inflorescence
    III Succulent fruits are either single seede or multi seeded
    IV simple furits develops from apocarpous ovary
    Chosse the correct option

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  27. Read the following statement regarding fruit or seed dispersal that depicts all correct statement
    I Winged appendages are a common adaptation for anemochory
    II fruits of family asteraceae possess persistent calyx modified in to pappus for anemochory
    III Sticky glands is an adaptation for anemochory
    IV ornithochorous dispersal occurs with the help of ants
    Choose the correct option

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  28. Read the following statement with respect to economic importance of various angiospermic families
    I family liliaceae is a source of new zealand hemp
    II a member of family solanaceae is a great source of painkillers
    III fumigatory product nicotine is extracted form a member of family fabaceae
    IV candytuft and wall flower belongs to family malvaceae and are widely used as ornamental plants
    Choose the correct option

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  29. Match the following columns

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  30. Match the following columns

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  31. Match the following columns

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  32. Match the following columns

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  33. Match the following columns

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  34. Match the following columns

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  35. Assertion the banyan trees are able to extend over large areas
    Reason Banyan trees have prop roots

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  36. Assertion: caryopsis fruits differ form typical achenes with respect to the fusion of pericarp with the seed coat (testa)
    Reason: caryopsis furits commonly occur in the members of family poaceae

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  37. Assertion ture furits develop from ovary
    Reason in true fruit seeds also develop from from the ovary

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  38. Assertion: It is possible to identify nodes on a a stem
    Reason: Leaves arise from the nodes of a stem

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  39. Assertion. Ginger has a prostrate-growing rhizome.
    Reason. Shoot growth is not affected by gravity

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  40. Assertion The number of folllicles in the etaerio is many in calotropis
    Reason The growth of ginger rhizome is not affected by graity

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  41. Assertion Kidney shaped fruit of cashewnut develops from multi-carpellary ovary
    Reason The edible seed with tow large cotyledons is enclosed by a hard pericarp in the fruit of cahewnut

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  42. Assertion cremocarp fruits possess persistent sytlopodium or stylopod
    reason Fruits of ricinuis ocimum are the explames of cremocarp

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Chapter exercises B ( Medical entrance special format questions ) questions and complete solutions for chapter MORPHOLOGY OF FLOWERING PLANTS of ARIHANT NEET BIOLOGY (HINGLISH) of Class 12