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Complete Solutions to Chapter Exercises (A) Taking it together (Assorted Questions of the Chapter for Advanced Level Practice ) of chapter MECHANISM OF EVOLUTION of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

ARIHANT NEETChapter Exercises (A) Taking it together (Assorted Questions of the Chapter for Advanced Level Practice )
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Unit of evolution is

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  2. The total collection genes, at any time , in a unit of evolution is called the

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  3. `(p+q)^(2) = p^(2)+2pq+q^(2)=1` represents an equation used in

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  4. Which type of selection is industrial melansim observed in month, Biston betularia?

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  5. Origin of new species and genera is

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  6. What are useful for natural selection?

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  7. The forces that change the allele and genotype frequencies of a population are

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  8. Genetric drift is a …………… process

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  9. Accidental fluctuation in alleles of small population is termed as

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  10. Adaptation of a species is its

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  11. A new mutation spreads from one population,to another by mean of

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  12. Rapid decline in the population , due to high mortality rate is called

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  13. A plant population that reproduces by self pollination is an extreme example pf

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  14. Which of the following process is/are adaptive?

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  15. A suffling of alliles like a deck of cards leads to different 'hands', known as

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  16. The relative fitness of different types within a population is probably

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  17. In which condition the gene ratio remains constant for any species ?

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  18. A deleterious allele decreases more rapidly in frequency, if it is

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  19. A beneficial allele increases rapidly in frequency, if it is

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  20. A single genotype can give rise to a range of phenotypes, called the genotypes's

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  21. Which of these is a premating isolating mechanism?

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  22. Male moths recorgnise female moths of their species by sencing pferomones. It is an example of

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  23. Members of a biological species are poteincially able to

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  24. A prezygotic isolating mechanism prevents successful

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  25. Which of the following is used to determine whether two populations belong to the same species?

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  26. Speciation as a smallseries of changes thataccumulate over time, ia known as

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  27. Sympatric speciation occurs most commonly in

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  28. Isolated population with the potential for rapid speciation are

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  29. Which one of the following is an example of discontinuos variation in mans?

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  30. The reduction in pollution after 1956 is now correlated with

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  31. Appearance of antibiotic-resistant bacteria is an example of

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  32. Evolution of life shows that life forms had a trend of moving from

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  33. When populations of a plant species are located adjacent to one another because of abrupt changes in soil condotions , they are called

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  34. Study of frequency of different genes and trends of their change is

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  35. Who performed an experiment to know the genetic basis of adaptations?

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  36. Which one is the raw material for evolutionary

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  37. Balancing selection is connected with the successful reproduction of

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  38. Random genetic drift in a population probably result from

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  39. The variations are of which following kinds?

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  40. The possibilities of of hereditary and evolutionary changes are greatest in species, which are reproduced by

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  41. Genetic drift, changes in allilic frequency due to change factors, occurs in populations that are very

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  42. Of the following, which consistently pushes populations toward a better 'fit' with their environment?

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  43. Which of the following can contribute to genetic drift?

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  44. Natural selection acts on an organism's

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  45. Interdependent genea, with relative functions, form

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  46. Population of dark biston betularia increased greatly in england from 1848-1898. The selective agent causing the change was

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  47. Two individuals from different populations attempt to mate but are unable to successfully coordinate the mating dance. This an example of a(n)……………. Isolating mechanism

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  48. Population of khaibab squirrels on north rim of the grnd canyon do not mate with the populations on south rim. They are isolated by a

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  49. The kaibib squirrels, described before, are the example of

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  50. Most often the factor that initiates the speciation of two populations is

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  51. In galapagos finches, adaptive radiations occurred…………. Islands, while allopatric speciation occurred…………..islands.

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  52. Since in the pleistocence ice age,deserts have gradually formed in south-western united states. As the lakes and rivers of these areas shrunk into isolated springs, the fishes developed strong potential for

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  53. Two organisms of different species mate and produce an offspring cannot mate with its siblings, nor with the members of either parental species. This is an example of

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  54. Which of the following cause phenotypic variation among the organisms of the same genptype?

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  55. Which of the following increases the number of different alleles in a population

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  56. Natural selection is best defined as occuring when the environment causes

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  57. Miceoevolution can be measured by compairing observed allelic frequencies with those predicted by

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  58. In diploid organisms, veriations is not subjected to natural selection because it is present in the form of

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  59. People who carry an allele for normal haemoglobin and an allele for sickle cell, are resistant to maleria. They are examples of

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  60. What is the consequence of genetic drift?

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  61. Which one of the following is used for knowing whether or not a population is evolving?

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  62. Many closely related species of marine invertebrates exist on either side of the isthmus of panama

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  63. Directional selection usuallt acts to favour

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  64. Disructive selective usually acts to favour

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  65. Under the biological species concept, the main criterion for identifying a species is

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  66. In terms of changes in gene frequencies, founder events result in

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  67. After the demise of the dinosaurs mammals evovlved rapidly into many new forms because of

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  68. The formation of a new species through changes in a single lineage is known as

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  69. The formation of two species from one ancestral species is known as

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  70. In a random mating population in an equilibrium which one of the following brings about a change in gene frequency in a non -directional manner?

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  71. Very similar species of fish release their eggs and sperms into the same water but the spermof one species cannot penetrate the eggs of another spicies. This is an example of prezygotic isolation by

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  72. Two species pines pinus radiata and muricata occur sympatrically in california and are capable of forming hybrids. They do not interbreed because one release pollen in february and the other in april. They are the example of orezygotic isolation by

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  73. The genus-Rhagoletis is a group of small, brightly coloured flies.Each species in the genus feeds, during it's larval stagr, on the fruit of just one plant faimily, and when the larvae hatch into adults, they court and mate on the same fruit. The species that feed on fruits from different plant faimilies are reproductively isolated by

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  74. A horse has a karyotype 64 chromosomes and a donkey har a karyotype of 62 chromosomes. The hybrid offspring of a horse-donkey cross is a mule, which has a 63 chromosomes. A mule is sterile because it cannot successfully

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  75. When certain numbers of a population reproduce and paas on their genes to the next generation and the allele frequency of the next generations Gene pool are markedly different from those of the previous generation,then it is known as

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  76. Viviparity is considered to be more evolved because

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  77. When to related population that have been geographically isolated come back into contact, retain their reproductive isolation, and complete for the resources, they may be a divergence in traits known as

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  78. Which of the following statement is supported by change in peppered months?

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  79. Most of the 700 species of fruit flies found in the Hawaiian archipelago, are each restricted to a single island. One hypothesis to explain this pattern is that each species diverged after a small number of flies had colonised a new island. This mechanism is called

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  80. Of the following possiblities, the best way to estimate an organism's evolutionary fitness, is to measure the

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  81. A potential danger to a population that has been greatly reduced in number is the

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  82. If a new allele suddenly becomes very abudant in a population, most likely it is

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  83. The presence of temporary gills in the embryos of snakes,birds and man indicates that

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  84. Many hybrids are sterile because their chromosomes do not pair up correctly during meiosis. Why are not polypoid plants sterile?

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  85. In many species of fireflies, males flash to attract females. Each species has a different flashing pattern. This is probably an example of `:`

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  86. Two species of garter snakes occure In the same geographic areas, but one lives only in water and the other manly on land. Consequently they do not encounter one another and so, do not interbreed. This is an example of prezygotic isolation caused by

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  87. Male fireflies attract mates by blinking their lights, each species does so, in a characterstic pattern recognized only by females of that species. This is an example of premating isolation by

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  88. Different species of dragon flies do not mate with each other because the males of each species have appendages that can clasp and hold , for copulation only females of their only females of their own species. This is an example of

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  89. Eastern and Western meadowlarks look almost the same and inhabit the same areas of prairie. They recognise mates of their own species by distinctive courtship songs. This is an example of prezygotic isolation by

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  90. A change in the relative abandance of an allele (the allelic frequency) within a population over a succession of generations is called

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  91. Imagine a population of 100 snails in which shell color is controlled by two alleles, B(black) and b (yellow). What is the number of loci for the Gene for shell colour in this population?

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  92. In the snail population described above, 20 of snails are yellow(b/b) and 80 are black(B/Bor b/b). Of the 80 black snails 30 are homozygous and 50 are heterozygous. How many of the loci for this Gene are occupied by the B allele?

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  93. In the snail population described above, what is the allic frequency of B?

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  94. Assuming sexual reproduction with random mating, no Gene flow and no selection what will be the frequency of yellow snails in the next generation of the population described above (Q99)?

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  95. For the M-N blood group system, the frequencies of M and N alleles are 0.7 and 0.3, respectively. The expanded frequency of M-N group bearing organisms is likely to be

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  96. What will be the frequency of the b allele in the next generation of the snail population described above ?

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  97. You are studying leaf size in a population of plants. The second session is particularly dryand the following year the average leaf size in the population is smaller than the year before. But the amount of the overall variation is the same and the population size is not changed. Also you have done experiments that show that small leaves are better adapted to dry conditions than are large leaves. Which of the following has occurred?

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  98. An isolated population of humans with approximately equal numbers of blue-eyed and brown-eyed individuals was decimated by an earthquake. Only a few brown-eyed people remained to form the next generation. This kind of change in the gene pool is called a

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  99. In a population of land snails some have dark shells and others have light shells. each morph produces 100ofrings per year, but the dark-shelled morphs live long enough to reproduce for five sessions, whereas the light-shled morphs which are easily seen by bird predators, live to reproduce for only one season. The darwinian fitness of the light-shelled morphs is

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  100. In a population of large and small flavoured daisies, those with large flowers leave an average of 1000 surviving offsprings, whereas those with small flowers leave an average of only 250 offsprings. The drawnin fitness of large-flowered daisies is

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Chapter Exercises (A) Taking it together (Assorted Questions of the Chapter for Advanced Level Practice ) questions and complete solutions for chapter MECHANISM OF EVOLUTION of ARIHANT NEET BIOLOGY (HINGLISH) of Class 12