Complete Solutions to Case Studies 2 of chapter FINANCIAL MARKET of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions2
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Sterlite Industries
    Sterlite Industries, part of the London listed Vedanta Resources Group, is scheduled to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange through an initial public offering (IPO) of about ` $ 2 ` billion. The proceeds will be used to fund its ` $ 1.9` billion, Greenfield power project in Orissa and to expand its aluminium and copper facilities. The IPO is a part of an enabling resolution passed by Sterlite to raise upto 12,500 crores through American Depository Shares (ADS). Consequently, the company has increased its authorised capital from Rs. 150 crore to Rs. 185 crore by creating an additional 17.5 crore equity shares of Rs. 2 each. The shares of Sterlite, which will be among the first metal firms from India to list on NYSE, outpaced Sensex and rose by ` 1.4%` to close at Rs. `145.2` on BSE on the day of the announcement .
    What do you mean by e-IPO?

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  2. Sterlite Industries
    Sterlite Industries, part of the London listed Vedanta Resources Group, is scheduled to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange through an initial public offering (IPO) of about ` $ 2 ` billion. The proceeds will be used to fund its ` $ 1.9` billion, Greenfield power project in Orissa and to expand its aluminium and copper facilities. The IPO is a part of an enabling resolution passed by Sterlite to raise upto 12,500 crores through American Depository Shares (ADS). Consequently, the company has increased its authorised capital from Rs. 150 crore to Rs. 185 crore by creating an additional 17.5 crore equity shares of Rs. 2 each. The shares of Sterlite, which will be among the first metal firms from India to list on NYSE, outpaced Sensex and rose by ` 1.4%` to close at Rs. `145.2` on BSE on the day of the announcement .
    What are the other methods of floating securities in capital market ?

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Case Studies 2 questions and complete solutions for chapter FINANCIAL MARKET of ARIHANT BUSINESS STUDIES (HINGLISH) of Class 12