Number Of Questions | 76 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
What is marketing ? What functions does it perform in the process of exchange of goods and services ? Explain .
Distinguish between the product concept and production concept of marketing.
Product is a bundle of utilities' . Do you agree? Comment.
What are industrial products ? How are they different from consumer products ? Explain.
Distinguish between convenience and shopping products.
Product is a mixture of tangible and intangible attributes'. Discuss.
Describe the functions of labelling in the marketing of products.
Explain any three functions of labelling.
The main goal of label is to draw consumer attention and spreading company's name with logo'. In the light of this statement, state the advantages of labelling.
Discuss the role of intermediaries in the distribution of consumer non-durable products.
Explain the factors determining choice of channels of distribution
Explain briefly the components of physical distribution.
Defne advertising. What are its main features ? Explain.
Discuss the role of sales promotion as an element of promotion mix.
Discuss in brief sales promotion with the help of a suitable example.
How does marketing help a firm to build its product image in the market ?
How does 'marketing' help in satisfying wants of people ?
What is meant by selling concept of marketing?
What is meant by product concept of marketing?
Outline the objectives of marketing management.
State the pillars, on which marketing concept is based.
Describe standardisation and grading as marketing functions.
Explain the following functions of marketing
`(i)` Market planning.
`(ii)` Product designing and development.
Explain the following functions of marketing
`(i)` Gathering and analysing market information
`(ii)` Customer support services
Explain the role of marketing in a firm.
Though branding adds to the cost, it provides several advantages to the consumers'. In the light of the statement, state any three advantages of branding to customers.
What are the benefits of market research ?
Explain the purpose of 'customer support services' provided for customer satisfaction.
Discuss in brief the concept of marketing mix.
Discuss the main components of marketing mix.
Discuss in brief the 4 Ps of marketing mix.
What is product mix ? State the salient features of product to be considered under product mix.
Explain various types of products.
Explain the features of services.
Product may be classified into two categories 'consumer products' and 'industrial products'. Explain three major categories of industrial products.
Explain any three merits of packaging.
Define brand, brand name, brand mark and trademark.
What is the purpose of a brand name ?
What is meant by brand name ? State any five characteristics of a good brand name.
Enumerate any four advantage of branding.
State the disadvantages of labelling.
What are the essentials of a good package ?
What is the purpose of packaging a product?
What is meant by 'indirect channels of distribution' ? Explain any two methods of indirect channels of distribution.
What is the importance of price element of marketing mix ?
Why is price so important in marketing ?
Discuss in brief how do the below mentioned points influence price determination.
`(i)` Objective `(ii)` Cost
`(iii)` Competition `(iv)` Buying motives
Which channel of distribution does Amul Parlours adopt ? Discuss in brief.
List any four methods of direct distribution.
Define 'place' in context of marketing mix.
What factors determine inventory levels in an organisation ?
Explain briefly any three factors to which the marketer should pay attention before fixing the price of a product.
State two product-related and two market-related factors affecting choice of channels of distribution.
Advertising involves non-personal contact with the consumer'. Comment.
Discuss the features of personal selling.
If you are selected as a sales man in XYZ Company, what qualities you should possess to become a good salesman?
Discuss in brief any two merits and demerits of sales promotion.
State the role/importance/purpose/objective of public relations.
How does marketing manager react to a situation of reducing demand ?
Nisha a school bag manufacture decided to improve the product for profit maxmimisation and thus added a water bottle holder to the existing design.
i) Idenfity the marketing management philosophy adapted by Nisha.
ii) Explain this philosophy.
Mansi, a shoe manufacture for school students, decided to maximise her profit by producing and distributing at large scale and thereby reducing the average cost of production.
i) Identify the marketting management philosophy adopted by Mansi.
ii) Explain this philosophy on the basis of:
a) Main focus
b) Means and ends.
Marketing is more than selling'. Do you agree ?
Distinguish between standardisation, branding and grading.
Identify the type of products in the following cases and given one example of each type.
`(i)` Purchase of goods, in which buyers devote considerable time to compare quality, price and style.
`(ii)` Consumer products, which are purchased frequently, immediately and with least time and efforts.
`(iii)` Consumer goods having attained brand loyalty with some specific features because of which people make more efforts in their purchase.
Consumer products are classified on different basis. 'durability of the product' is one of them. Explain any three types of products in this category.
Differentiate between the concept of `packaging` and `labelling`.
Natural products has been used by Indians for ages. It was prepared manually by mixing many ingredients and there was not a ready made solution.
Shahnaj Hussain saw the opportunity and made distinct categories of skin, body and hair care prdocuts and made them available in jars, dispensers, bottles and then also came up with sachets. This availabilty of innovational packages has led to the success of the company.
`(i)` Identify the element of product mix and the importance of the element discussed here.
`(ii)` Give one function performed by the element.
Packaging refers to wrapping and crating the goods to protect them'. Discuss in brief.
Advertising is often deceptive and misguides consumers'. Do you agree? Give reasons in support of your answer?
Automobile Ltd offered to sell their new bike at about `3000rs` less than the usual price, is an example of one of the techniques of sales promotion. Name the technique and explain two other techniques with examples.
Advertisements stimulates competition in the market. Do you agree ? Give reason in support of your answer.
Find wants and fill them','create products and sell them' are the two important concepts of marketing management. Identify them and differentiate between them, on three basis.
Promotion is dual-oriented. How ?
Anu and Manu are students of management, working on a project of marketing. While promotiong a product, Anu emphasised on supplying information about the product, while Many emphasised only on popularising it and persuading people to buy it. Which out of the two information or persuasion should b e focussed upon ?
Your company is launching products for every section of society. In this regard, how would 'public relation' help you in meeting your goals ?
Which functions of marketing help to create 'time utility' and 'place utility' ? Explain .
You are asked to draw a label for a company's product (chocolate). Mention what things will you keep in mind and furnish the information on the label of a product.
Short answer questions and complete solutions for chapter MARKETING MANAGEMENT of ARIHANT BUSINESS STUDIES (HINGLISH) of Class 12