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Complete Solutions to 1 mark question of chapter ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES AND OPTICS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

SUPPORT MATERIAL1 mark question
Number Of Questions11
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Which part of electromagnetic spectrum is used in operating a RADAR ?

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  2. How are electromagnetic waves produces by oscillating charges ? Draw a sketch of linearly polarised em waves propagating in z-direction. Indicate the direction of oscillating electric and magnetic fields

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  3. Name the radiation of the electromagnetic spectrum which is used for the following:
    (i) Radar (ii) Eye surgery

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  4. Name the radiation of the electromagnetic spectrum which is used for the following:
    To photograph internal parts of human body

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  5. Name the radiation of the electromagnetic spectrum which is used for the following:taking photographs of the sky during night and foggy conditions Give the frequency range .

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  6. Two polaroid `A and B` are kept in crossed position. How should a third polaroid `C` be placed between them so that the intensity of polarized light transmitted by polaroid `B` reduces to `(1)/(8)th` of the intensity of unplarised light incident on `A` ?

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  7. In Young's double slit experiment using monochromatic light of wavelength `lambda`, the intensity of light at a point on the screen where path diff. is `lambda` is `K` units. Find the intensity of light at a point where path difference is `lambda//3`.

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  8. Two nicols are so oriented that the maximum amount of light is transmitted. To what fraction of its maximum value is the intensity of transmitted light reduced when the analyser is rotated through (i) `30^(@)` (ii) `60^(@)` ?

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  9. Two nicols are so oriented that the maximum amount of light is transmitted. To what fraction of its maximum value is the intensity of transmitted light reduced when the analyser is rotated through (i) `30^(@)` (ii) `60^(@)` ?

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  10. Laser light of wavelength `630 nm` incident on a pair of slits produces an interference pattern where bright fringes are separated by `8.1 mm`. Another light produces the interference pattern, where the bright fringes are separated by `7.2 mm`. Calculate the wavelength of second light.

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  11. A beam of light consisting of two wavelength `800 nm and 600 nm` is used to obtain the interference fringes in YDSE on a screen held `1.4 m` away. If the two slits are separated by `0.28 mm`, calculate the least distance from thecentral bright maximum, where the bright fringes of the two waveength coincide.

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1 mark question questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES AND OPTICS of CBSE COMPLEMENTARY MATERIAL PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 12