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Complete Solutions to NCERT Exercise of chapter NCERT BASED EXERCISE of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. विलयन को परिभाषित कीजिए । कितने प्रकार के विभिन्न विलयन संभव है ? प्रत्येक प्रकार के विलयन के संबंध में एक उदाहरण देकर संक्षेप में लिखिए ।

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  2. Suppose a solide solution is formed between two substances, one whose particles are very large and the other whose particles are very small. What kind of solide solution is this likely to be ?

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  3. Define the following terms `:`
    `a.` Mole fraction `b.` Molality
    `c.` Molarity `d. Mass percentage.

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  4. Concentrated nitric acid used in the laboratory work is `68%` nitric acid by mass in aqueous solution. What should be the molaritiy of such a sample of the acid if the density of solution is `1.504 g mL^(-1)`?

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  5. A solution of glucose in water is labelled as `10 "percent" w//w`, what would be the molality and mole fraction of each component in the solution? If the density of the solution is `1.2 g mL^(-1)`, then what shall be the molarity of the solution?

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  6. How many `mL` of a `0.1M HCl` are required to react completely with `1 g` mixture of `Na_(2)CO_(3)` and `NaHCO_(3)` containing equimolar amounts of two?

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  7. Calculate the percentage composition in terms of mass of solution obtained by mixing `300 g` of a `25%` and `400 g` of a `40%` solution by mass.

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  8. An antifreeze solution is prepared from `222.6 g` of ethylene glycol `[C_(2)H_(4)(OH)_(2)]` and `200 g` of water. Calculate the molality of the solution. If the density of the solution is `1.072g mL^(-1)` then what shall be the molarity of the solution?

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  9. A sample of drinking water was found to be severely contaminated with chloroform, `CHCl_(3)`, supposed to be carcinogen. The level of contamination was 15 ppm (by mass).
    (i) Express this in per cent by mass.
    (ii) Determine the molality of chloroform in the water sample.

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  10. What role does the molecular interaction play in a solution of alcohol and water ?

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  11. Why do gases always tend to be less soluble in liquids as the temperature is raised?

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  12. State Henry's law and mention some important applications ?

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  13. The partial pressure of ethane over a saturated solution containing `6.56 xx 10^(-2) g` of ethane is 1 bar. If the solution contains `5.00 xx 10^(-2) g` of ethane, then what shall be the partial pressure of the gas?

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  14. What is meant by positive and negative deviations from Raoult's law an dhow is the sign of `Delta_(mix)H` related to positive and negative deviations from Raoult's law ?

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  15. An aqueous solution of `2` per cent `(wt.//wt)` non-volatile solute exerts a pressure of `1.004` bar at the boiling point of the solvent. What is the molecular mass of the solute?

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  16. Heptane and octane form an ideal solution. At `373 K`, the vapour pressure of the two liquids are `105.0` kPa and `46.0` kPa, respectively. What will be the vapour pressure, of the mixture of `25 g` of heptane and `35 g ` of octane ?

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  17. The vapour pressure of water is `12.3 kPa` at `300 K`. Calculate vapour pressure of `1` molal solution of a solute in it.

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  18. Calculate the mass of a non-volatile solute ( molecular mass `40`) which should be dissolved in `114 g` octane to reduce its vapour pressure to `80%`.

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  19. A solution containing `30 g` of a non-volatile solute exactly in `90 g` water has a vapour pressure of `2.8 kPa` at `298 K`. Further `18 g` of water is then added to solution, the new vapour pressure becomes `2.9 kPa` at `298 K`. Calculate:
    (i) molecular mass of the solute,
    (ii) vapour pressure of water at `298 K`.

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  20. A `5%` solution (by mass) of cane sugar in water has freezing point of 271 K. Calculate the freezing point of a 5% glucose (by mass) in water. The freezing point of pure water is 273.15 K.

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  21. Two elements `A` and `B` form compounds having molecular formula `AB_(2)` and `AB_(4)`. When dissolved in `20 g` of benzene, `1 g`of `AB_(2)` lowers the freezing point by `2.3 K`, whereas `1.0 g` of `AB_(4)` lowers it by `1.3 K`. The molar depression constant for benzene is `5.1 K kg mol^(-1)`. Calculate the atomic mass of `A` and `B`.

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  22. At `300 K`, `36 g` of glucose present per litre in its solution has an osmotic pressure of `4.98 bar`. If the osmotic pressure of the solution is `1.52 bar` at the same temperature, what would be its concentration?

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  23. Suggest the most important type of intermolecular attractive interaction in the following pairs `:`
    `a. n-`Hexane and `n-`octane
    `b. I_(2)` and `C Cl_(4)`
    `c. NaClO_(4)` and water
    `d.` Methanol and acetone
    `e.` Acetonitrile `(CHM_(3)CN)` and acetone `(C_(3)H_(6)O)`

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  24. Based on solute `-` solvent interactions, arrange the following in order of increasing solubility in `n-`octane and explain the result. Cyclohexane, `KCl,CHM_(3)OH,CHM_(3)CN`.

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  25. Among the following compounds, identify whiCHM are insoluble, partially soluble, and highly soluble in water ?
    `a.` Phenol `b.` Toluene
    `c.` Formic acid `d.` Ethylene glycol
    `e.` CHMloroform `f.` Pentanol

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  26. If the density of lake water is 1.25 g `mL^(-1)` and it contains 92 g of `Na^(+)` ions per kg of water, calculate the molality of `Na^(+)` ions in the lake.

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  27. If the solubility product of `CuS` is `6xx10^(-16)`, calculate the maximum molarity of `CuS` in aqueous solution.

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  28. Calculate the mass percentage of aspirin `(C_(9)H_(8)O_(4))` in acetonitrile `(CHM_(3)CN)` when `6.5g` of `C_(9)H_(8)O_(4)` is dissolved in `450g` of `CHM_(3)CN`.

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  29. Nalorphene `(C_(19)H_(22)NO_(3))`, similar to morphine , is used to combat withdrawal symptoms in narcotic users. The dose of nalorphene generally given is `1.5 mg`. Calculate the mass of solution of `1.5xx10^(-3)m` aqueous solution required for the above dose.

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  30. Calculate the amound of benzoic acid `(C_(6)H_(5)COOH)` required for preparing `250mL` of `0.15 M` solution in methanol.

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  31. The depression in freeqing point of water observed for the same amount of acetic acid, triCHMoloracetic acid, and trifluoroacetic acid increases in the order given above. Explain briefly.

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  32. Calculate the depression in the freezing point of water when `10g` of `CHM_(3)CHM_(2)CHMClCOOH` is add to `250g` water. `K_(a)=1.4xx10^(-3),K_(f)=1.86K kg mol^(-1)`.

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  33. `19.5g` of `CHM_(2)FCOOH` is dissolved in `500g ` of water . The depression in the freezing point of water observed is `1.0^(@)C`. Calculate the Van't Hoff factor and dissociation constant of fluoroacetic acid.

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  34. The vapour pressure of water at `293K` is `17.535mm Hg`. Calculate the vapour pressure of water at `293K` when `25g` of glucose is dissolved in `450g` of water.

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  35. Henry's law constant for the molality of methane in benzene at `298K `is `4.27xx10^(5)mm Hg`. Calculate the solubility of methane in benzene at `298 K` under `760 mm Hg`.

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  36. `100g` of liquid `A(` molar mass `140 g mol ^(-1))` was dissolved in `1000g ` of liquid `B(` molar mass `180g mol^(-1))`. The vapour pressure of pure liquid `B` was found to be `500` torr. Calculate the vapour pressure of pure liquid `A` and its vapour pressure in the solution if the total vapour pressure of the solution is `475 Tor r`

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  37. Benzene and toluene form ideal solution over the entire range of composition. The vapour pressure of pure benzene and naphthalene at `300K` are `50.71 mm Hg` and `32.06mm Hg`, respectively. Calculate the mole fraction of benzene in vapour phase if `80g` of benzene is mixed with `100g` of naphthalene.

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  38. The air is a mixture of a number of gases. The major components are oxygen and nitrogen with approximate proportion of `20%:79%` by volume at `298K`. The water is in equilibrium with air at a pressure of `10atm` At `298 K` if Henry's law constants for oxygen and nitrogen at `298 K` are `3.30 xx 10^(7)mm` and `6.51xx10^(7)mm`, respectively, calculate the composition of these gases in water.

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  39. Determine the amount of `CaCl_(2)` (i = 2.47) dissolved in 2.5 L of water sucjh that its osmotic pressure is 0.75 atm at `27^(@)C`.

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  40. Determine the osmotic pressure of a solution prepared by dissolving `25mg` of `K_(2)SO_(4)` in `2L` of water at `25^(@)C`, assuming that it is completely dissociated.

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  41. Arrange the following metals in the order in whiCHM they displace eaCHM other from the solution of their salts. `Al, Cu, Fe, Mg, ` and `Zn`.

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  42. Given standard electrode potentials
    `K^(o+)|K=-2.93V, Ag^(o+)|Ag=0.80V`,
    Arrange these metals in their increasing order of reducing power.

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  43. Depict the galvanic in whiCHM the reaction `:`
    `Zn(s)+2Ag^(o+)(aq) rarr Zn^(2+)(aq)+2Ag(s)` takes place.
    Further show `:`
    ` a.` WhiCHM of the electrode is negatively CHMarged ?
    `b.` The carriers of the current in the cell.
    `c.` Individual reaction at eaCHM electrode.

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  44. Calculate the standard cell potentials of galvanic cell in whiCHM the following reactions take place `:`
    `a. Cr(s) +3Cd^(2+)(aq) rarr 2Cr^(3+)(aq)+3Cd`
    `b. Fe^(2+)(aq)+Ag^(o+)(aq)rarr Fe^(3+)(aq)+Ag(s)`
    Calculate the `Delta_(r)G^(c-)` and equilibrium constant of the reactions .

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  45. Write the Nernst equation and `EMF` of the following cells at `298K :`
    `a.` `Mg(s)|Mg^(2+)(0.001M)||Cu^(2+)(0.0001M)|Cu(s)`
    `b.` `Fe(s)|Fe^(2+)(0.001M)|H^(o+)(1M)|H_(2)(g)(1 ba r)|Pt(s)`
    `c.` `Sn(s)|Sn^(2+)(0.050M)||H^(o+)(0.020M)|H_(2)(g)(1 ba r)|Pt(s)`
    `d.` `Pt(s)|Br_(2)(1)|Br^(c-)(0.010M)||H^(o+)(0.030M)|H_(2)(g)(1 ba r)|Pt(s)`

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  46. In the button cells widely used in watCHMes and other devices the following reaction takes place :
    `Zn(s)+Ag_(2)O(s)+H_(2)O(l) rarr Zn^(2+)(aq)+2Ag(s)+2OH^(c-)(aq)`
    Determine `Delta_(r)G^(c-)` and `E^(c-)` for the reaction.

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  47. Define conductivity and molar conductivity for the solution of an electrolyte. Discuss their variation with concentration.

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  48. The conductivity of `0.20M` solution of `KCl` at `298K` is `0.0248 S cm^(-1)` . Calculate its molar conductivity.

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  49. The resistance of a conductivity cell contaning `0.001M KCl` solution at `298K` is `1500Omega`. What is the cell constant if conductivity of `0.001M KCl` solution at `298K` is `0.146 xx 10^(-3)S cm^(-3) S cm^(-1)`.

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  50. The conductivity of sodium CHMloride at `298K` has been determine at different concentrations and the results are given below `:`
    Calculate `wedge_(m)` for all concentrations and draw a plot between `wedge_(m)` and `c^(1//2)`. Find the value of `wedge_(m)^(@)`.

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  51. The conductivity of `0.00241 M` acetic acid is `7.896xx10^(-5)Scm^(-1)`. Calculate its molar conductivity. If `wedge_(m)^(@)` for acetic acid is `390.5Scm^(2)mol^(-1)`, what is its dissociation constant ?

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  52. How muCHM CHMarge is required for the following reductions `:`
    `a. 1 mol of Al^(3+) to Al`
    `b.` ` 1 mol of Cu^(2+) to Cu`
    `c.` `1 mol of MnO_(4)^(c-)` to `Mn^(2+)?`

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  53. How muCHM electricity in terms of Faraday is required to produce.
    `a.` `20.0g` fo `Ca` from molten `CaCl_(2)`
    `b.` `40g` of `Al` from molten `Al_(2)O_(3)`

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  54. How muCHM electricity is required in coulomb for the oxidation of ltbr. `a.` `1 mol of H_(2)O to O_(2)`
    `b`. `1 mool ` of `FeO` to `Fe_(2)O_(3)`

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  55. A solution of `Ni(NO_(3))_(2)` is electrolyzed between platium electrodes using a current of `5A` for `20 mi n`. What mass of `Ni` is deposited at the cathode ?

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  56. Three electrolytic cell `A,B`, and `C` contaning solutions of `ZnSO_(4), AgNO_(3)`, and `CuSO_(4)`, respectively, are connected in series. A steady current of `1.5A` was passed through them until `1.45 g` of silver deposited at the cathode of cell `B`. How long did the current flow ? What mass of copper and zinc were deposited ?

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  57. Using the standard electrode potentials given in Table, predict if the reaction between the following is feasible`:`
    `a. Fe^(3+)(aq)` and `I^(c-)(aq)`
    `b.` `Ag^(o+)(aq)` and `Cu(s)`
    `c.` `Fe^(3+)(aq)` and `Br^(c-)(aq)`
    `d.` `Ag(s)` and `Fe^(3+)(aq)`
    `e. ``Br_(2)(aq)` and `Fe^(2+)(aq)`.

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  58. Predict the products of electrolysis in eaCHM of the following `:`
    `a.` An aqueous solution of `AgNO_(3)` with silver electrodes.
    `b.` An aqeous solution of `AgNO_(3)` with platinum electrodes,
    `c.` A dilute solution of `H_(2)SSO_(4)` with platinum electrodes.
    `d.` An aqueous solution of `CuCl_(2)` with platinum electrodes.

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  59. From the rater expression for the following reactions, determine their order of reaction and dimensions of the rate constants.
    `a. 3NO(g) rarr N_(2)O(g),` Rate`=k[NO]^(2)`
    `b. H_(2)O_(2)(aq)+3I^(c-)(aq)+2H^(o+) rarr 2H_(2)O(l)+I_(3)^(c-),` Rate`=k[H_(2)O_(2)][I^(c-)]`
    `c. CH_(3)CHO(g)rarr CH_(4)(g)+CO(g),` Rate`=k[CH_(3)CHO]^(3//2)`
    `d. C_(2)H_(5)Cl(g) rarr C_(2)H_(4)(g)+HCl(g),` Rate `k[C_(2)H_(5)Cl]`

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  60. For the reaction `:`
    `2A+B rarr A_(2)B`
    the rate `=k[A][B]^(2)` with `k=2.0xx10^(-6)mol^(-2)L^(2)s^(-1)`. Calculate the initial rate of the reaction when `[A]=0.1 mol L^(c-),[B]=0.2 mol L^(-1)`. Calculate the rate of reaction after `[A]` is reduced to `0.06 mol L^(-1)`.

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  61. The rate for the decomposition of `NH_(3)` on platinum surface is zero order. What are the rate of production of `N_(2)` and `H_(2)` if `K = 2.5 xx 10^(-4) mol litre^(-1)s^(-1)`?

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  62. The decomposition of dimethyl ether leads to the formation of `CH_(4),H_(2),` and `CO` and the reaction rate is given by
    Rate `=k[CH_(3)OCH_(3)]^(3//2)`
    The rate of reaction is followed by increase in the pressure in a closed vessel , so the rate can also be expressed in terms of the partial pressure of dimethyl either, `i.e., `
    Rate `=k[p_(CH_(3)OCH_(3))]^(3//2)`
    If the pressure is measured in bar and time in minutes, then what are the units of rate and rate constant ?

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  63. Mention the factors that affect the rate of a chemical reaction.

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  64. A reaction is second order with respect to a reaction. How is the rate of reaction affected if the
    (a) doubled, (b) reduced to `1//2`?

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  65. What is the effect of temperature on the rate constant of a reactiion ? How can this temperature effect on rate constant be represented quantitatively ?

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  66. A reaction is first order in `A` secod order in `B`:
    (i) write differential rate equation.
    (ii) How is the rate affected when the concentration of `B` is tripled ?
    (iii) How is the rate affected when the concentration of both `A` and `B` is doubled?

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  67. Calculate the half life of a first order reaction from their rate constants given below `:`
    `a. 200s^(-1)`,`b. 2 mi n^(-1)`,`c.4years^(-1)`

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  68. The half life for radioactive decay of `.^(14)C` is 5730 years. An archaeological artifact containing wood had only `80%` of the `.^(14)C` found in a living tree. Estimat the age of the sample.

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  69. The rate constant for a first order reaction is `60s^(-1)`. How much time will it take to reduce the initial concentrationof the reactant to its `1//16th` value ?

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  70. During nuclear explosion, one of the products is `.^(90)Sr` with half`-` life of `28.1 `years. If `1 mug` of `.^(90)Sr` was absorbed in the bones of a newly born baby instead of calcium, how much of its will remain after 10 years and 60 years if it is not lost metabolically.

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  71. For a first order reaction, show that the time required for `99%` completion is twice the time required for the completion of `90%` of reaction.

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  72. A first reaction takes `40 mi n ` for `30%` decomposition. Calculate `t_(1//2)`.

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  73. The rate constant for the decomposition of hydrocarbons is `2.418xx10^(-5)s^(-1)` at `546K`. If the energy of activation is `179.9kJ mol^(-1)`, what will be the value of pre`-`exponential factor?

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  74. Consider a certain reaction `A rarr` Products with `k=2.0xx10^(-2)s^(-1)`. Calculate the concentration of `A` remaining after `100s` if the initial concentration of `A` is `1.0 mol L^(-1)`.

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  75. Sucrose decomposes in acid solution into glucose and fructose according to the first order rate law, with `t_(1//2)=3.00hr.` What fraction of sample of sucrose remains after `8 hr` ?

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  76. The decomposition of hydrocarbon follows the equation `k=(4.5xx10^(11)s^(-1))e^(-28000K//T)`
    Calculate `E_(a)`.

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  77. The rate constant for the first order decompoistion of a certain reaction is described by the equation
    `log k (s^(-1)) = 14.34 - (1.25 xx 10^(4)K)/(T)`
    (a) What is the energy of activation for the reaction?
    (b) At what temperature will its half-life periof be `256 min`?

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  78. The decomposition of `A` into product has value of `k` as `4.5xx10^(3)s^(-1)` at `10^(@)C` and energy of activation of `60kJmol^(-1)`. At what temperature would `k` be `1.5xx10^(4)s^(-1)?`

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  79. The time required for `10%` completion of a first order reaction at `298K` is equal to that required for its `25%` completion at `308K` . If the value of `A` is `4xx10^(10)s^(-1)`, calculate `k` at `318K` and `E_(a)`.

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  80. The rate of a reaction quadruples when the temperature changes from `293K` to `313K`. Calculate the energy of activation of the reaction assuming that it does not change with temperature.

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  81. Why are powdered substances more effective adsorbent than their crystalline forms ?

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  82. What are the factors which influence the adsorption of a gas on a solide ?

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  83. What is an adsorption isotherm? Describe Freundlich adsorption isotherm.

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  84. What do you understand by activation of adsorption `: ` How is it achieved.

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  85. What role does adsorption play in heterogeneous catalysis ?

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  86. Adsorption is aways exothermic.

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  87. How are the colloidal solutions classified on the the basis of physical states of the dispersed phase and dispersion medium ?

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  88. Disuss the effect of pressure and temperature on the adsorption of gases on solides.

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  89. What are lyophilic and lyophobic sols?Give one example of each type ? Why is hydrophobic sol easily coagulated ?

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  90. What is the difference between multimolecular and macromolecular collids ? Give one example of each . How are associated colloids different from these two types of colloids ?

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  91. What are enzymes ? Write in brief the mechanism of enzyme catalysis ?

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  92. Explain what is observed when ltbr. `a.` An electrolyte `NaCl` is added to hydrated ferric oxide sol.
    `b.` Electric current is passed through a colloidal sol.
    `c.` When a beam of light is passed through a collidal solution.

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  93. What are emulsions ? What are their different types ? Give an example of each type ?

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  94. How do emulsifiers stabilise emulsion ? Name two emulsifiers.

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  95. Action of soap is due to emulsification and micelle formation. Comment.

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  96. Give four examples of heterogeneous catalytic reactions.

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  97. What do you mean by activity and selectivity of catalysts ?

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  98. Descirbe some features of catalysis by zeolites.

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  99. What is shape `-` selective catalysis ?

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  100. Explain the following terms `:`
    `{:(a. El etropho resis , b. Coagulation),(c. Dialysis,d.Tyndall effect):}`

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NCERT Exercise questions and complete solutions for chapter NCERT BASED EXERCISE of CENGAGE CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12