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Complete Solutions to Illustration of chapter D AND F BLOCK ELEMENTS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions29
Academic Year2023-24
  1. On what ground can you say that scandium `(Z=21)` is a transition element but zinc `(Z=30)` is not?

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  2. Why do the transition elements exhibit higher enthalpies of atomisation?

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  3. (a) Phosphourous `(P_4)` and vanadium `(V)` both exhibit variable oxidation states but due to different reason.
    (b) Name the transition metal which does not show variable O.S.

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  4. (a). Why `IE_1` of `Zn`, Cd and Hg are very high?
    (b). The relative difference in IE of any two consecutive d-bloch elements is smaller than those of s and p-block elements.
    (c). `IE_2` is usually very high for `Cr` and `Cu`. Why?

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  5. `IE_2` for `Zn` is comparatively lower as compared to other transition elements of same series.

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  6. Why is `Cr^(2+)` reducing and `Mn^(3+)` oxidising when both have `d^(4)` configuration ?

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  7. Give the decreasing order of `E_((M^(3+))/(M^(2+))^(c-)` Value for the following:
    (a). `Co(Z=27)`
    (b). `Mn(Z=25)`
    (c). `Fe(Z=26)`
    (d). `Cr(Z=24)`

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  8. For the first row trasition metals the `E^(ɵ)` value are:
    Explain the irregularity in the abpve values.

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  9. Why is the value for `(Mn^(3+))/(Mn^(2+))` couple much more positive than that for `(Cr^(3+))/(Cr^(2+))` or `(Fe^(3+))/(Fe^(2+))`? Explain

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  10. How would you account for the increasing oxidising power in the series `VO_2^(o+)ltCr_2O_7^(2-)MnO_4^(ɵ)`?

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  11. Calculate the magnetic moment of a divalent ion in aqueous solution if its atomic number is 25.

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  12. Name a member of the lanthanoid series which is well known to exhibit `+4` oxidation state.

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  13. (a). A strip of Cu dissolved in `FeCl_3`, however Cu cannot displace Fe.
    (b). `[CuCl_4]^(2-)` exists but `[Cul_(4)]^(2-)` does not. Why?

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  14. (a). Why `Mn^(2+)` compounds are more stable than `Fe^(2+)` towards oxidation to their `+3` state?
    (b). Calculate the magnetic moment of `V^(3+)` ion.
    (c). `[Ti(H_2O)_6_^(3+)` gives violet coloured aqueous solution but
    `[Mg(H_2O)_6]^(2+)` solution is colourless.
    (d). `[Ti(H_2O)_6]^(3+)` is coloured whereas `[Sc(H_2O)_6]^(3+)` is colourless. Why?

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  15. Why `Sm^(2+)`, `Eu^(2+)` and `Yb^(2+)` ions in solutions are good reducing agents but an aqueous solution of `Ce^(4+)` is a good oxidising agent?
    (b). Why does `Mn(II)` show maximum paramagnetic character amongst the bivalent ions of the first transition series?
    (c) `La(OH)_3` is more basic than `Lu(OH)_3` Explain (Atomic no. of `La=57,Lu=71`)
    (d) Give reason. Why in moist air copper corrodes to produce a green layer on the surface.
    (e). Which of the following ions are expected to be coloured and why? `Fe^(2+),Mn^(2+),Cr^(3+)`.
    (f). Why `Zn^(2+)` salts are white while `Ni^(2+)` salts are blue?

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  16. A hydrated metallic salt A, light green in colour, gives a white anhydrous residue B after being heated gradually. B is soluble in water and its aqueous solution reacts with NO to give a dark brown compound C. B on strong heating gives a brown resiodue D and a mixture of two gases E and F. The gaseous mixture, when passed through acidified `KMnO_4` discharges the pink colour, when passed through acidified `BaCl_2` solution, gives a white precipitate. Identifty A, B, C, D, E and F

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  17. Which of the following statements is correct?
    (a). Nickel is a silver white metal.
    (b). Nickel dimethylglyoxime is square planer.
    (c). Among complexes of cobalt the most stable are those of `Co^(2+)`,
    (d). Among simple compounds of cobalt the most stable are those of `CO^(2+)`.

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  18. Which of the following statements (s) is (are) correct with reference to the ferrous and ferric ions?
    (a). `Fe^(3+)` gives brown colour with potassium ferricyanide.
    (b). `Fe^(2+)` gives blue precipitate with potassium ferricyanide.
    (c). `Fe^(2+)` gives red colour with potassium thiocyanate.
    (d). `Fe^(2+)` gives brown colour with ammonium thiocyanate.

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  19. Hydrazine reduce Fehling's solution to form:
    (a). `Cu(OH)`
    (b) `Cu_2O`
    (c). `CuO`
    (d). `Cu+O_2`

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  20. In the following reaction Y and Z are respectively:
    (a). `AgCl,O_2`
    (b). `NO_2,N_2O_4`
    (c). `N_2O_5O_2`
    (d). None

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  21. Explain the following facts:
    (a). Copper hydroxide is soluble in ammonium hydroxide but not in sodium hydeoxide.
    (b). Addition of an alkali to cuprous chloride solution gives a yellow precipitate which gradually changes to a red colour.

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  22. Write balanced equations for the reaction of alkaline perbromate with zinc giving tetrahydraoxozincate anion.

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  23. Excess of dilute sodium hydroxide solution is gradually added with shaking to an aqueous solution of zinc sulphate. What would you observe?

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  24. (a). The addition of NaOH solution to a solution of zinc chloride produces a white precipitate which dissolves on further addition of NaOH.
    (b). The addition of `NH_4OH` to `ZnSO_4` solution produces white precipitate but no precipitate is formed if it contains `NH_4Cl`.

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  25. Identify A, B, C, D and E.
    A while substance A reacts with dilute `H_2SO_4` to produce a colourless gas B and a colourless solution C. The reaction between B and acidified `K_2Cr_2O_7` solution produces a green solution and slightly coloured precipitate D. The substance D burns in air to produce a gas E which reacts with B to yield D and a colourless liquid. Anhydrous copper sulphate is turned blue on adiition of this colourless liquid. Addition of aqueous `NH_3` or `NaOH` to C produces first a precipitate

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  26. Mercurous ion is written as `Hg_(2)^(2+)` whereas cuprous ion is written as `Cu^(+)` . Explain.

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  27. Give reasons for the following :
    Variation in the radii of transition elements are not as pronounced as those of representative elements.

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  28. (a). The addition of NaOH solution to a solution of zinc chloride produces a white precipitate which dissolves on further addition of NaOH.
    (b). The addition of `NH_4OH` to `ZnSO_4` solution produces white precipitate but no precipitate is formed if it contains `NH_4Cl`.

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  29. Mercurous chloride black on adding `NH_(4)OH` to it. Explain.

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Illustration questions and complete solutions for chapter D AND F BLOCK ELEMENTS of CENGAGE CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12