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Complete Solutions to Exercises (Multiple Correct) Part-B (Analysis Of Cations) of chapter QUALITATIVE INORGANIC SALT ANALYSIS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

CENGAGE CHEMISTRYExercises (Multiple Correct) Part-B (Analysis Of Cations)
Number Of Questions30
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Blue coloured compound are obtained when

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  2. Potassium ferrocyanide is used in the detection of

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  3. Bromine is not recognised by is

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  4. `I_(2)` can be obtained from `KI` solution by the action of

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  5. Which of the following is not precipitate by `H_(2)S` in presence of cone acid soln

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  6. Which of the following is (are) soluble in excess of `NaOH`?

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  7. Select the correct statement(s):

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  8. Concentated aqueous sodium hydroxide cannot separate a mixture of

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  9. The metal ion(s) which is/are not precipitate when `H_(2)S`is passed with `HCI` is ion

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  10. An aqueous solution of a substance gives a white percipitate on treatment with dil ,HCI which dissolves on heating .When `H_(2)S` is passed through the hot acidinbg solution a black precipitate is obtained .The substances are not :

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  11. When `H_(2)S` gas is passed through HCI containing aqueous solution of `CuCI_(3),HGCI_(2),BaCI_(2),BiCI_(3) and CoCI_(2)` then which of the following precipitate out ?

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  12. Which of the following is/are soluble in excess of `NaOH,(X) Pb(OH)_(2)(Y), CuS,(Z),Al(OH)_(3)`

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  13. Aqueous solution contains `Zn(CH_(2)COO)_(2),Cd(CH_(3)COO)_(2) and Cu(CH_(3)COO)_(2)` on passing `H_(2)S` gas, therte is a precipitate of ……. As sulphide

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  14. Which of the following paires can be septated by `H_(2)S` in dil `HCI`?

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  15. An inorganic salt solution paires on treatment with HCI will not give a white precipitate of which metal ions?

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  16. Ammonium molybdate is used to test the radical

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  17. Which of the following chlodires are water soluble ?

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  18. Which of the following metal sulphide is soluble in hot and dil `HNO_(3)`?

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  19. Which of the following ppt , is soluble dil , `HNO_(3)`and `NH_(3)` solution ?

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  20. Which of the following ppt is insoluble in `NH_(3)` solution ?

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  21. Which of the following will be completely or parially dissolved in `NH_(4)OH` ?

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  22. Interfering radicals interfere the test of

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  23. Which of the following is/are correct for potassium ferrcysnide?

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  24. Which of the following statement is not correct ?

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  25. Which of the following compound are having white ppt ?

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  26. Which of the following compound do not have white colour in the form of ppt ?

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  27. Out of `Cu^(2+),Ni^(2+),Co^(2+)` and `Mn^(2+)` of those that dissolve in dil HCI only one give precipitate when `H_(2)S` is passed. Identify the corresponding order which do not give precipitation :

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  28. Which of the following sulphides are soluble only in aqua regain ?

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  29. Which of the following cation may be present in white ppt ?

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  30. Which of the following is/are connect process for the separation of given ions ?

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Exercises (Multiple Correct) Part-B (Analysis Of Cations) questions and complete solutions for chapter QUALITATIVE INORGANIC SALT ANALYSIS of CENGAGE CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12