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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Assertion And Reasoning) of chapter REDUCTION AND OXIDATION REACTION OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

CENGAGE CHEMISTRYExercise (Assertion And Reasoning)
Number Of Questions10
Academic Year2023-24

  1. Statement 1: The product `(B)` formed will be a racemic mixture.
    Statement 2: The above reaction is oxymercuration and demercuration, and it proceeds via the addition of `D_(2)O`, according to Markovnikov's rule, and with antiregiospecificity.

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  2. Statement 1: The product formed is (B).
    Statement 2: The reaction proceeds via the formation of the following species in the order: Radical anion `rarr` Vinylic anion `rarr` Vinylic redical `rarr` Product

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  3. The reaction of `(R'-underset(O)underset(||)(C )-Cl)` with `(R_(2)Cd)` or with `(R_(2)CuLi)` gives a ketone but with `(RMgX)` gives a `3^(@)` alcohol `(R_(2)R'COH)`.
    Statement 2: `(C-Mg)` bond has more ionic character than `(C-Cu)` or `(C-Cd)` bond abd (R ) group in Grignard reagent is more like `R^(overset(..)(ɵ))` and is much more reactive for nuleophilic addition reaction.

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  4. Statement 1: The products `(A)` and `(B)` are
    Statement 2: Path I takes place by `SN^(2)` mechanism and Path II take place by `SN^(1)` mechanism.

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  5. Statement 1: Reduction of `3`-phenyl prop-2-en-1-al with `LAH` gives 3-phenyl propan-1-ol.
    Statement 2: Both the double bond and the aldehyde group of `alpha, beta`-unsaturated aldehydes are reduced by `LAH`.

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  6. Statement 1: Formic acid reduces 'Tollens reagent'.
    Statement 2: Compounds containing `(-CHO)` group reduce 'Tollens reagent'.

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  7. Statement 1: tert-Butybenzene on oxidation does not give benzoic acid on oxidation with acidic `KMnO_(4)`.
    Statement 2: Due to the absence of benzylic hydrogen.

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  8. Statement 1: Diisopropyl ketone on reaction with isopropyl magnesium bromide followed by hydrolysis gives `2^(@)` alcohol.
    Statement 2: Grignard reagent acts as a reducing agent.

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  9. Statement 1: Schiff's regent is a dilute solution of rosaniline hydrochloride in water whoce magneta colour is discharged with aqueous `SO_(2)` or `H_(2)SO_(3)`.
    Statement 2: Schiff's reagent oxidies benzaldehyde to benzoic acid.

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  10. Statement 1: Acryaldehyde `(CH_(2)=CH-CHO)` is oxidised to acrylic acid
    `(CH_(2)==CH-COOH)` by Benedict's solution.
    Statement 2: Benedict's solution is ammoniacal `CuSO_(4)` solution containing sodium potassium tartarate.

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Exercise (Assertion And Reasoning) questions and complete solutions for chapter REDUCTION AND OXIDATION REACTION OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS of CENGAGE CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12