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Complete Solutions to Exercises (Subjective) of chapter CARBOXYLIC ACIDS AND THEIR DERIVATIVES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

CENGAGE CHEMISTRYExercises (Subjective)
Number Of Questions19
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Complete the following reactions :

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  2. Complete the following reactions :

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  3. Complete the following reaction :

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  4. Complete the following :
    ( c)
    ( e)

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  5. (a) Define the term neutralisation equivalent of an acid.
    (b) Find the number of ionisable `H` atoms for a polycarboxyclic acid `(Mw = 210 gm mol^-1)` with a neutralisation equivalent if `70 gm eq^-1`. How many equivalents of `NaOH` would be neutralised by `1 mol` of this acid ?
    ( c) Find the neutralisation equivalent of mellitic acid, `C_6(COOH)_6`.

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  6. Neutralisation of `0.3504 gm` of acid `(A)` requires `27.24 ml` of `0.15 M NaOH`, and the `Mw` is found from the mass spectral data to be `172.1 gm mol^-1`.
    (a) Calculate the `N.R` of `(A)`.
    (b) How many ionisable `H` atom are there in `(A)` ?

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  7. Which carboxylic acid `(B) (N.E = 52 gm eq^-1)` loses `CO_2` when heated to give an acid `( C) N.E = 60 gm eq^(-1)` ?

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  8. Define saponification equivalent `(S.E)` of an ester.
    (b) When is `S.E` equal to molecular weight of an ester
    ( c) What is the `S.E` of diethyl fumarate ?
    (d) Identify `(A)` as methyl or ethyl cinnamate from the following data :
    `0.75 gm` of `(D)` is refluxed with `100.0 mol` of `125 M KOH`, and the excess `KOH` is neutralised by back titrating with `27.5 ml` of `0.3 M HCl`.

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  9. (a) Optically active compound `(A)` with a pleasant smell has a saponification equivalent `(S.E) = 186`. If shows the following reaction.
    (i) `(A) overset(Br_2) underset(C Cl_4)rarr NO` reaction
    (ii) `(A) underset(H_3 O^(oplus))rarr underset("Soluble in" NaOH) ((B) and (C))`
    Both `(B)` and `( C)` are chiral.
    (iii) `(C) overset(I_2 + overset(Ө)O H)rarr` Positive test
    (iv) `(C) overset(Conc.) underset(H_2 SO_4)rarr (D)` (No diastereomers)
    (v) `Ag` salt of `(B) overset (Br_2) rarr (+-) (E)`
    (vi) `(C) overset(TsCl)rarr overset(NaBr)rarr (E) (Chiral)`
    Identify `(A)` to `(E)`
    (b) How do the structures of `(A)` to `(E)` change if
    (i) `(D)` exists as diasteremers.
    (ii) `(C)` gives negative iodoform test.

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  10. The percentage of carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen in an disibstituted aromatic compound `(A)` is `71.11, 6.67`, and `10.34`, respectively. It molecule contains a single atom of nitrogen. Compound `(A)` evolves `NH_3` when heated with `NaOH` to form a salt `(B)` from which an acid `(C)` is obtained on acidification. If an electrophilic substitution is carried on `(C)`, a leaving electrophile can occupy either of the two identical positions available in the ring. Acid `(C)` on heating with `PCl_5` gives `(D)` which reacts with `(B)` to give an organic product `(E)`. Give the structures of `(A)` to `(E)` with proper reasoning.

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  11. An organic compound `(A)` composed of `C, H,` and `O` gives a characteristic colour with ceric ammonium nitrate. Treatement of `(A)` with `PCl_5` gives `(B)` which reacts with `KCN` to form `( C)`. The reductionof `( C)` with warm `Na//C_2 H_5 OH` produces `(D)` which on heating gives `(E)` with the evolution of ammonia. Pyridine is obtained on treatment of `(E)` with nitrobenzene.

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  12. An acidic compound `(A) (C_4 H_8 O_3)` loses its optical activity on strong heating yielding `(B) (C_4 H_6 O_2)` which reacts readly with `KMnO_4`. `(B)` forms a dervative `( C)` with `SOCl_2` which on reaction with `(CH_3)_2 NH` gives `(D)`. The compound `(A)` on oxidation with dilute chromic acid gives an unstable compound `(E)` which decarboxylates readily to give `(F) (C_3 H_6 O)`. The compound `(F)` gives a hydrocarbon `(G)` on treatment with amalgamated `Zn` and `HCl`. Give the structures of `(A)` to `(G)` with proper reasoning.

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  13. Write down the structures of the `( E)` and `(F)`.

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  14. Write down the structures of `(G)` and `(H)` where `(G)` is `C_4 H_8 O_3`.

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  15. A compound `(X)` with the molecular formula `C_6 H_10 O_4` is a neutral liquid. On heating `(X)`, under reflux with aqueous sodium hydroxide and distilling the product. A colourless liquid is obtained which on warming with iodine and aqueous sodium hydroxide gives a pale yellow precipatate `(Y)`. The residue in the distilling flask is the sodium salt of an acid `(Z)`, which decolourises aqueous acidified potassium permaganate `(VII)` on heating. Identify `(X), (Y)`, and `(Z)` and give all the reactions involved.

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  16. A dibasic organic acid gave the following results on analysis : `0.2496 gm` of acid gave `0.3168 gm CO_2` and `0.0864 gm H_2 O` Further, `0.1092 gm` of acid was exactly neutralised by `21 ml` of `N//10 NaOH`. Calculate the molecular formula of the acid and write down its structural formula.

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  17. An organic diabasic acid `(A)` gave the following on analysis :
    `C = 57.8 %, H = 3.6 %`. Its silver salt contained `56.8 % Ag`. On heating `(A)` gives a product `(B)` which on heating with `NH_3`gives `( C) (C_8 H_5 O_2 N)`. Compound `( C)` forms potassium salt with alc. `KOH` and is converted into o-aminobenzoic acid with `NaClO`. Assign structures to `(A), (B),` and `( C)`.

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  18. An organic compound `(A)` on treatment with ethyl alcohol gives a carboxylic acid `(B)` and compound `( C)`. The hydrolysis of `( C)` under acidic conditions gives `(B)` and `(D)`. Oxidation of `(D)` with `KMnO_4` also gives `(B)`. `(B)` on heating with `Ca(OH)_2` gives `(E)` (molecular formula, `C_3 H_6 O`). `(E)` does not give Tollens test and does not reduce Fehling's solution but forms a `2,4-`dinitrophenyl hydrazone. Identify `(A),(B), ( C), (D)`, and `(E)`.

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  19. An organic compound `(A) (C_5 H_8 O_3)` on heating with soda lime gives `(B)` which reacts with `HCN` to give `( C)`. The compound `( C)` reacts with thionyl chloride to produce `(D)` which on reaction with `KCN` gives a compound `( E)`. Alkaline hydrolysis of `( E)` gives a salt `(F)` which on heating with soda lime produces `n-butane`. Careful oxidation of `(A)` with dichromate give acetic acid and malonic acid. Give the structures to `(A)` to `(F)` with proper reasoning.

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Exercises (Subjective) questions and complete solutions for chapter CARBOXYLIC ACIDS AND THEIR DERIVATIVES of CENGAGE CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12