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Complete Solutions to Solved Examples of chapter ORGANIC COMPOUNDS WITH FUNCTIONAL GROUP of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions12
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Distinguish between the following pairs:

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  2. Complete the following reactions.
    a. `PhNO_(2) overset(Zn+aq.NH_(4)CI)rarr (I)`
    b. `p-Me-C_(6)H_(4)NO_(2) overset(As_(2)O_(3)//Aq.NaOH)rarr(II)`
    c. `m-Me-C_(6)H_(4)NO_(2) overset(LAH)rarr(III)`
    d. `PhNO_(2) overset(Zn+Alc.NaOH)rarr(IV)`
    e. `p-Me-C_(6)H_(4)NO_(2) underset(underset(Excess Zn//NaOH)(or))overset(H_(2)N NH_(2)//"Raney "Ni)rarr (V)`
    f. `Ph overset(o+)N_(2) Br^(Theta) overset(Na_(2)SO_(3))rarr (VI)`
    g. `p-Et -C_(6)H_(4)overset(o+)(N_(2)) Br^(Theta) underset("power")overset(Cu "bronze")rarr (VII)`

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  3. Give the reagents in the following reactions:

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  4. Complete the following reactions
    a. `underset((A))(PhNH_(2)) overset(HNO_(2))underset(0.5^(@)C)rarr (B) underset(DH_(2)PO_(2))rarr(C)`
    c. `underset((A))(PhCH)=O + underset((B))(HCN) rarr (C) overset(LAH)rarr D`
    d. `underset((A))(PhCH=O) +underset((B))(MeNO_(2)) overset(Theta)overset(OH)rarr overset(Fe,FeSO_(4))underset(H^(o+))rarrD`

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  5. Explain the formation of the mixture `PhCH_(2)CHO (I)` and `PhCOMe (II)` when `PhCH(OH)CH_(2)NH_(2) (A)` is treated with `HNO_(2)`

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  6. a. Distinguish between `1^(@),2^(@)`, and `3^(@)` amines by using succine anhydride `(A)`.
    b. What are the limitations of Hinsberg reagent?
    c. Give the structural formula of a chiral compound `C_(8)H_(11)N(X)`, which dissolves in dilute `HCl` and evolves `N_(2)` gas with `HNO_(2)`.

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  7. Identify compounds (A) through (E) in the following:
    `p-NO_(2)C_(6)H_(4)OH overset(1.overset(Theta)OH)underset(2.EtBr)rarr (A)overset(Zn//HCI)rarr(B)`
    `overset(NaNO_(2)//HCI)underset(5^(@)C)rarr(C) overset(PhOH)rarr(D)overset(LiAIH_(4))rarr(E)+(F)`

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  8. Identify compound (A) to (E) in the following:

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  9. (a) Identify the products:

    (b) Identify `(A),(B),(X),(Y)` and `(Z)` in the following reactions.

    (c) Convert benzene to `o`-nitro aniline as the only product.

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  10. An organic compound (A) of molecular. Weight `135` on boiling with `NaOH` extracts a gas which gives dense white fumes on bringing a rod dipped in `HCl` near it. The alkaline solution thus obtained on acidification gives the precipitate of a compound `(B)`, having molecular weight `136`. treatment of `(A)` with `HNO_(2)` also yields `(B)`, whreas its treatement with `Br_(2)//KOH` gives (C). compound (C) reacts with cold `HNO_(2)` to give `(D)` which gives red colour with ceric ammonium nitrate. on the other hand, `(E)` and isomer of `(A)` on boiling with dilute `HCl` gives an acid `(F)`, havign molecular wheight `136`. on oxidation followed by heating, `(F)` gives an anhydride `(G)` which condenses with benzene in the presence of `AlCl_(3)` to give anthraquinone. give structures of `(A)` to `(G)` with proper reasoning.

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  11. The aqueous solution of a nitrogen and chlorine containing organic compound `(A)` is acidic to litmus. `(A)` on treatment with aqueous `NaOH`gives a compound `(B)` on treatement with `C_(6)H_(5)SO_(2)CI` in the presence of `NaOH` gives an insoluble product `(C)` `C_(13)H_(13)NO_(2)S`. give the structures of `(A)` and `(B)`.

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  12. A mixture of two organic compound is added to cold water. After filtration, water-insoluble compound `(A)` burns with a smoky flame and it does not respond to Lassaigne's and Beilsteins test. When a small amount of this is added to `NaHCO_(3)` solution, a colourless gas is evolved with effervescene. when this comopound is heated with `CH_(3)OH` in acidic medium, it gives the characteristic smell of oil of wintergreen. compound `(B)`, which is water soluble, burns with a non-smoky flame and its sodium extract is prepared with cane sugar. It gives the Prussian blue colour with freshly prepared solutions of `FeSO_(4)+2-3` drops `NaOH` and with few drops of `H_(2)SO_(4)`. when a small amount of this compound is heated in a dry test tube, a colourless gas is evolved that turns moist red litmus paper blue and a white residue is left. this white residue is dissolved in water and a drop of `CuSO_(4)` is added in the basic medium -a violet colour is obtained. identify the compounds `(A)` and `(B)` with the help of the reactions involved.

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Solved Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter ORGANIC COMPOUNDS WITH FUNCTIONAL GROUP of CENGAGE CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12