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Complete Solutions to Exercises Single Correct of chapter SYNTHETIC AND NATURAL POLYMERS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

CENGAGE CHEMISTRYExercises Single Correct
Number Of Questions94
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Natural rubber is:

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  2. Which of the following is a step-growth polymer?

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  3. Which of the following is a chain-growth polymer?

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  4. Terylene (Dacron) is the polyeter of:

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  5. The method of choice for determining the molecular weight of polymer is:

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  6. All terpenes have carbon skeletons made up of:

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  7. Isoprene,`CH_(2)=C-underset(CH_(3))underset(|)(CH)=CH_(2)`,is the repeating unit in:

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  8. Gutta percha is:

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  9. `SBR(GRS,Buna-S,Cold Rubber)is obtained by free radical intiator.The most commenly used free radical initiator is:

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  10. Free radical polymerisation requires a free radical initior.The most commonly used free radical initiator is:

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  11. The fields of polymer chemistry was revolutionsed by:

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  12. One would come across the terms isotactic,syndiotactic,and atactic in connection with the chemistry of:

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  13. Ziegar -Natta catalysts

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  14. Saran is a copolymer of:

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  15. Polyurethanes:

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  16. A Copolymer is :

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  17. Which one is not the chain-growth polymer?

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  18. Which one is not a step polymer?

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  19. The basic unit of neoperene is:

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  20. Nylon-`6`is prepared from:

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  21. Bakelite is :

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  22. Molecular weight of macromolecules are determined by:

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  23. If`N_(1),N_(2),N_(3),……`are the number of molcules with molecular masses `M_(1),M_(2),(M_(3),…`respectively ,then mass average molar mass is expressed as:

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  24. Glyptal is the polymer of:

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  25. Which of the following is a natural polymer?

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  26. Which one is a synthetic polymer?

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  27. The repeating units of `PTFE`are:

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  28. The interparticle forces between linear chains in Nylon-6,6`are:

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  29. Which of the following is not a condensation polymer?

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  30. Which of the following can be remelted time and again without producting any change?

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  31. Which of the following is a common example of fibres?

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  32. In the vulcanisation of rubber:

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  33. The weakest interparticle forces are present in:

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  34. Which of the following is an example of copolymer?

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  35. Which of the following represent the example of a homopolymer?

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  36. The starting material of `PCTFE`is:

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  37. Cellulose is a condensation polymer is:

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  38. The chemical name of melamine is:S

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  39. Which of the following is coated as a thinlayer on the inner side of non stick pans?

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  40. The abbreviation`PDI`refers to:

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  41. Which polymer is generally used in carry bag?

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  42. The polymer obtained from condensation of sebacic acid and hexamethylene diammine is called:

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  43. Vulcacnised rubber resists:

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  44. The commerical name of polymethyl (methacrylate)is:

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  45. The monomer unit of silicon, a water repellant, acid resistance,and heat resistant,polymer,is:

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  46. A polymer of prop-`2`enenitrile is called:

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  47. The turbidity of a polymer solution measures:

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  48. Peptide bond is a key feature in:

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  49. Synethetic human hair wigs ar emade for a copolymer of vinyl chloride and acrylintrile ,which is called:

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  50. `GRA`is a copolymer of:

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  51. Identity `(X): CHCl_(3)overset(SbF_(3))underset(HF)rarrCHF_(2)Cloverset(1070K)rarr(X)+2HCl`

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  52. Isotactic polypropylene polymer is one in which:

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  53. If`N_(1),N_(2),N_(3),……`are the number of molcules with molecular masses `M_(1),M_(2),(M_(3),…`respectively ,then mass average molar mass is expressed as:

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  54. In Q.NO.53,Z-average molar mass`(Mbar(z))`is defined as:

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  55. Mass-average molecular mass of a polymer is determined by:

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  56. Number-average molecular mass of a polymer is determined by:

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  57. A polymeric sample in which`30%`molecules have a molecules mass `20,000`,40%,`have `30,000`and the rest `30%`have`60,000`.The`(Mbar(n))`and(Mbar(w))`of this sample was:

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  58. The `PDI`(polydispersity index) is the ratio of weight to number-average molecular masses`(Mbar(w))//(M(bar(n))` .In natural polymers,which are generally monodispersed,`PDI`is………and in synthetic polymers which are always polydispersed, `PDI` is …….. because `Mbar(w)` is always .......than `Mbar(n)` .

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  59. The fomation of polyethylene from calcium carbide takes place as follows:

    The amount of polyethylene obtained form`64kg of`CaC_(2)`

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  60. Which one of the folowing is used to make -'non-stick'cookware?

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  61. Whichof the following statement is not true about polymers?

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  62. Natural rubber is a polymer of:

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  63. Interparticle forces present in Nylon-`6,6`are,

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  64. Terylene is a condensation polymer of ethylene glycol and

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  65. Polymer used in bullet-proof glass is:

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  66. Nylon-`6` is made from:

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  67. Which of used for the formation of nylon-`6,6`

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  68. `F_(2)C=CF_(2)`is a monomer of:

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  69. Soft drink and baby-feeding bottles are generally made of:

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  70. Whichof the following statement is not correctly matched?

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  71. Monomer of is:

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  72. Which of the following is used in paints?

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  73. Polymer fromation form monomers starts by:

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  74. Which of the following monomer gives the polymer neoprene on polymerisation?

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  75. Acrilan is a hard material an dhas high melting point which of the following represent its structure?

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  76. Nylon threads of made of:

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  77. Which of the following is a chain-growth polymer?

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  78. Which of the following is a biodegradable polymer?

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  79. Which of the following is not correct regarding terylene?

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  80. Orlon has a unit of:

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  81. Whichof the following is a copolymer?

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  82. The monomer of the polymer

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  83. Which of the following is a fully flourinated polymer?

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  84. Whichof the following is not a polymer?

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  85. Whichof the following is a polymide?

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  86. is:

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  87. Which of the following polymer can be used for lubrication and as an insulator?

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  88. Which of the following is the biodegradable polymer of polymide class?

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  89. Which of the followingis an additional polymer?

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  90. Chloroprene is the repeating unit in:

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  91. Which is not a macromolecules?

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  92. Teflon ,styron,and neoprene are all:

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  93. Which of the following sets contains only thermoplastics ?

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  94. Which fo the following sets contains only copolymers?

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Exercises Single Correct questions and complete solutions for chapter SYNTHETIC AND NATURAL POLYMERS of CENGAGE CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 12