Class 12 | CHEMISTRY |
CENGAGE CHEMISTRY | Exercise (Single Correct) |
Number Of Questions | 90 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Which of the following gives yellow precipitate with
The products (A) and (B), respectively, are:
The compound (C ) is:
The compound
The compound
The compound
The compound
Acid-catalysed hydration oxymercuration-demercu-ration, and hydroboration oxidation reaction will give the same product with:
The increasing order of the rate of oxidation with
The compound
The compound
The compound
Which type of reaction in the reduction of carbonyl compound with
Oxidation of aldehyde and ketone by peroxybenzoic acid to ester is called:
The compounds
The products
The products
The products
For the following reaction, which of the following sttaments is correct?
The Product
The products (A) and (B), are:
The products
The products
The product
The product
The product
The product
The product
The reagent
The reagent
In Rosenmund reduction, which of the following does not poison the catalyst
The reagent (A) is:
The products (A), (B), and (c ) are:
The products (A), and (B) are:
the products (A) and (B) are:
The products (A), (B), and (c ) are:
The catalyst and solvent used in
The reagents
The products
The product `(A), is:
The product `(A), is:
The product `(A), is:
The product `(A), is:
The product `(A), is:
The product
The product
The product
The product
The product are:
Toluene on reaction with
The final product obtained in the oxidation of t-butyl benzene with
An aromatic compound
The product
The compound
The product
The product
an Organic compound
An alkene on ozonolysis yields only ethanal. There is an isomer of the alkene which on ozonolysis yields:
Which of the following is an incorrect statement?
The oxidation product of
Chromic anhydride in
Which of the following reactions is correct?
Fehling's solution can make distinction between:
Suggest a suitable oxidising reagent for the following conversions:
Which of the following compounds will not give haloform reaction?
Identify the set from the following which connot form acetone in a single-step reaction.
Which of the following does not give Liebermann's nitroso reaction?
Of the following compounds, whose ozonolysis proves the Kekule structure of benzene?
Which of the following compounds are
The compound (A)
Fenton's regent
Lactic acid on oxidation with Fenton's reagent gives:
The compounds
The compound
The compound
Which single reagent can be used in the following conversions?
Imines or enamines are selectively reduced to
Caprolactam on reduction with
Caprolactam on reduction with
Exercise (Single Correct) questions and complete solutions for chapter REDUCTION AND OXIDATION REACTION OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS of CENGAGE CHEMISTRY (ENGLISH) of Class 12