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Complete Solutions to MULTIPLE CORRECT ANSWERS TYPE of chapter COMPLEX NUMBERS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
Number Of Questions49
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If `z=omega,omega^2w h e r eomega` is a non-real complex cube root of unity, are two vertices of an equilateral triangle in the Argand plane, then the third vertex may be represented by `z=1` b. `z=0` c. `z=-2` d. `z=-1`

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  2. If `a m p(z_1z_2)=0a n d|z_1|=|z_2|=1,t h e n` `z_1+z_2=0` b. `z_1z_2=1` c. `z_1=z _2` d. none of these

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  3. If `sqrt(5-12 i)+sqrt(-5-12 i)=z` , then principal value of `a rgz` can be

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  4. Values `(s)(-i)^(1//3)` is/are `(sqrt(3)-i)/2` b. `(sqrt(3)+i)/2` c. `(-sqrt(3)-i)/2` d. `(-sqrt(3)+i)/2`

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  5. If `a^3+b^3+6a b c=8c^3 & omega` is a cube root of unity then: (a)`a , b , c` are in `A.P.` (b) `a , b , c ,` are in `H.P.` (c) `a+bomega-2comega^2=0` (d) `a+bomega^2-2comega=0`

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  6. Let `z_(1)` and `z_(2)` be two non -zero complex number such that `|z_(1)+z_(2)| = |z_(1) | = |z_(2)|` . Then `(z_(1))/(z_(2))` can be equal to (`omega` is imaginary cube root of unity).

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  7. If `p=a+bomega+comega^2`, `q=b+comega+aomega^2`, and `r=c+aomega+bomega^2`, where `a ,b ,c!=0` and `omega` is the complex cube root of unity, then (a) `p+q+r=a+b+c` (b) `p^2+z^2+r^2=a^2+b^2+c^2` (c) `p^2+z^2+r^2=-2(p q+q r+r p)` (d) none of these

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  8. Let P(x) and Q(x) be two polynomials.Suppose that `f(x) = P(x^3) + x Q(x^3)` is divisible by `x^2 + x+1,` then (a) P(x) is divisible by (x-1),but Q(x) is not divisible by x -1 (b) Q(x) is divisible by (x-1), but P(x) is not divisible by x-1 (c) Both P(x) and Q(x) are divisible by x-1 (d) f(x) is divisible by x-1

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  9. If `alpha` is a complex constant such that `a z^2+z+ alpha=0` has a ral root, then `alpha+ alpha=1` `alpha+ alpha=0` `alpha+ alpha=-1` the absolute value of the real root is 1

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  10. If `z^3+(3+2i)z+(-1+i a)=0` has one real roots, then the value of `a` lies in the interval `(a in R)` `(-2,1)` b. `(-1,0)` c. `(0,1)` d. `(-2,3)`

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  11. Given that the complex numbers which satisfy the equation `| z bar z ^3|+| bar z z^3|=350` form a rectangle in the Argand plane with the length of its diagonal having an integral number of units, then area of rectangle is 48 sq. units if `z_1, z_2, z_3, z_4` are vertices of rectangle, then `z_1+z_2+z_3+z_4=0` rectangle is symmetrical about the real axis `a r g(z_1-z_3)=pi/4or(3pi)/4`

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  12. If the points `A(z),B(-z),a n dC(1-z)` are the vertices of an equilateral triangle `A B C ,` then sum of possible `z` is 1/2 sum of possible `z` is 1 product of possible `z` is 1/4 product of possible `z` is

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  13. If `a|z-3|=min{"|"z1,|z-5|},t h e nR e(z)` equals to `2` b. `5/2` c. `7/2` d. `4`

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  14. If `z_(1),z_(2)` are tow complex numberes `(z_(1) ne z_(2))` satisfying `|z_(1)^(2)- z_(2)^(2)|=|barz_(1)^(2)+barz_(2)^(2) - 2barz_(1)barz_(2)|`, then

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  15. If `z_1=a + ib and z_2 = c + id` are complex numbers such that `|z_1|=|z_2|=1 and Re(z_1 bar z_2)=0` , then the pair ofcomplex nunmbers `omega_1=a+ic and omega_2=b+id` satisfies

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  16. Let `z_1a n dz_2` be complex numbers such that `z_1!=z_2` and `|z_1|=|z_2|dot` If `z_1` has positive real part and `z_2` has negative imaginary part, then `(z_1+z_2)/(z_1-z_2)` may be (a)zero (b) real and positive (c)real and negative (d) purely imaginary

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  17. If `|z_(1)| = sqrt(2), |z_(2)| = sqrt(3) and |z_(1) + z_(2)| = sqrt((5-2sqrt(3)))` then arg `((z_(1))/(z_(2)))` (not neccessarily principal) is (a) `(3pi)/(4)` (b) `(2pi)/(3)` (c) `(5pi)/(4)` (d) `(5pi)/(2)`

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  18. Let four points `z_(1),z_(2),z_(3),z_(4)` be in complex plane such that `|z_(2)|= 1,` `|z_(1)|leq 1` and `|z_(3)| le 1`. If `z_(3) = (z_(2)(z_(1)-z_(4)))/(barz_(1)z_(4)-1)`, then `|z_(4)|` can be (a) `2` (b) `2/5` (c) `1/3` (d) `5/2`

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  19. A rectangle of maximum area is inscribed in the circle `|z-3-4i|=1.` If one vertex of the rectangle is `4+4i ,` then another adjacent vertex of this rectangle can be a. `2+4i` b. `3+5i` c. `3+3i` d. `3-3i`

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  20. If `|z_1|=15 and |z_2-3-4i|=5,t h e n`

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  21. If `P(z_(1)),Q(z_(2)),R(z_(3)) " and " S(z_(4))` are four complex numbers representing the vertices of a rhombus taken in order on the complex plane, which one of the following is held good?

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  22. about to only mathematics

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  23. If a complex number z satisfies `|z| = 1` and `arg(z-1) = (2pi)/(3)`, then (`omega` is complex imaginary number)

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  24. If `|z-1|=1`, then

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  25. If `z_(1) = 5 + 12i` and `|z_(2)| = 4`, then

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  26. Let `z_(1),z_(2),z_(3)` be the three nonzero comple numbers such that `z_(1) ne 1, a= |z_(1)|, b = |z_(2)| and c= |z_(3)|`. Let `|{:(,a,b,c),(,b,c,a),(,c,a,b):}|= 0` Then

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  27. `z_(1) " and " z_(2)` are the roots of the equation `z^(2)-az+b=0, " where " abs(z_(1))=abs(z_(2))=1` and a, b are non-zero complex numbers, then

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  28. If `|(z-z_(1))//(z-z_(2))| = 3`, where `z_(1)` and `z_(2)` are fixed complex numbers and z is a variable complex complex number, then z lies on a

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  29. If `z=x+i y` , then the equation `|(2z-i)/(z+1)|=m` does not represents a circle, when `m` is (a)`1/2` (b). `1` (c). `2` (d). `3

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  30. System of equaitons `|z+3|-|z-3| = 6` and `|z-4|=r` where `r in R^(+)` has

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  31. Let the equation of a ray be `|z-2|-|z-1-i| = sqrt(2)`. If it strikes the y-axis, then the equation of reflected ray (including or excluding the point of incidence) is .

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  32. Given that the two curves `a r g(z)=pi/6 and |z-2sqrt(3)i|=r` intersect in two distinct points, then a. `[r]!=2` b. `0 < r < 3` c. `r=6` d. `3 < r < 2sqrt(3)` (Note : [r] represents integral part of r)

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  33. On the Argand plane ,let `z_(1) = - 2+ 3z,z_(2)= - 2-3z` and `|z| = 1`. Then (a) z 1 moves on circle with centre at ( − 2 , 0 ) and radius 3 (b) z 1 and z 2 describle the same locus (c) z 1 and z 2 move on differenet circles (d) z 1 − z 2 moves on a circle concetric with | z | = 1

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  34. Let `S = { z: x = x+ iy, y ge 0,|z-z_(0)| le 1}`, where `|z_(0)|= |z_(0) - omega|= |z_(0) - omega^(2)|, omega and omega^(2)` are non-real cube roots of unity. Then

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  35. If P and Q are represented by the complex numbers `z_(1)` and `z_(2)` such that `|1/z_(2)+1/z_(1)|=|1/z_(2)-1/z_(1)|`, then

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  36. Locus of complex number satisfying `"a r g"[(z-5+4i)//(z+3-2i)]=pi//4` is the arc of a circle whose radius is `5sqrt(2)` whose radius is 5 whose length (of arc) is `(15pi)/(sqrt(2))` whose centre is `-2-5i`

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  37. Equation of tangent drawn to circle `abs(z)=r` at the point `A(z_(0))`, is

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  38. If n is a natural number `gt 2`, such that `z^(n) = (z+1)^(n)`, then (a) roots of equation lie on a straight line parallel to the y-axis (b) roots of equaiton lie on a straight line parallel to the x-axis (c) sum of the real parts of the roots is `-[(n-1)//2]` (d) none of these

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  39. If `|z-(1/z)|=1,` then a. `(|z|)_(m a x)=(1+sqrt(5))/2` b. `(|z|)_(m in)=(sqrt(5)-1)/2` c. `(|z|)_(m a x)=(sqrt(5)-2)/2` d. `(|z|)_(m in)=(sqrt(5)-1)/(sqrt(2))`

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  40. about to only mathematics

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  41. Let `z` be a complex number satisfying equation `z^p-z^(-q)=0,\ where\ p ,q in N ,\t h e n` (A) if `p=q` , then number of solutions of equation will be infinite. (B) if `p=q` , then number of solutions of equation will be finite. (C) if `p!=q` , then number of solutions of equation will be `p+q+1.` (D) if `p!=q` , then number of solutions of equation will be `p+qdot`

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  42. Which of the following is true ?

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  43. about to only mathematics

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  44. about to only mathematics

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  45. `z_(1),z_(2),z_(3)` and `z'_(1),z'_(2),z'_(3)` are nonzero complex numbers such that `z_(3) = (1-lambda)z_(1) + lambdaz_(2)` and `z'_(3) = (1-mu)z'_(1) + mu z'_(2)`, then which of the following statements is/are ture?

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  46. Given `z=f(x)+ig(x)` where `f,g:(0,1) to (0,1)` are real valued functions. Then which of the following does not hold good?
    a.`z=1/(1-i x)+i1/(1+i x)`
    b. `z=1/(1+i x)+i1/(1-i x)`
    c. `z=1/(1+i x)+i1/(1+i x)`
    d. `z=1/(1-i x)+i1/(1-i x)`

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  47. Let `a`, `b`, `c` be distinct complex numbers with `|a|=|b|=|c|=1` and `z_(1)`, `z_(2)` be the roots of the equation `az^(2)+bz+c=0` with `|z_(1)|=1`. Let `P` and `Q` represent the complex numbers `z_(1)` and `z_(2)` in the Argand plane with `/_POQ=theta`, `o^(@) lt 180^(@)` (where `O` being the origin).Then

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  48. If all the three roots of `az^(3)+bz^(2)+cz+d=0` have negative real parts `(a,b,c, in R)` , then

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  49. If `(3)/(2+e^(itheta)) =ax + iby`, then the locous of `P(x,y)` will represent

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MULTIPLE CORRECT ANSWERS TYPE questions and complete solutions for chapter COMPLEX NUMBERS of CENGAGE MATHS (ENGLISH) of Class 12