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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Single) of chapter APPLICATION OF DERIVATIVES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEWExercise (Single)
Number Of Questions58
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The number of tangents to the curve `x^(3/2)+y^(3/2)=2a^(3/2),a >0,` which are equally inclined to the axes, is

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  2. The angle made by any tangent to the curve `x=a(t+sintcost) , y=(1+sint)^2` with `x`-axis is:

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  3. If `m` is the slope of a tangent to the curve `e^y=1+x^2,` then `|m|>1` (b) `m >1` `m >-1` (d) `|m|lt=1`

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  4. If at each point of the curve `y=x^3-a x^2+x+1,` the tangent is inclined at an acute angle with the positive direction of the x-axis, then

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  5. The slope of the tangent to the curve `y=sqrt(4-x^2)` at the point where the ordinate and the abscissa are equal is `-1` (b) 1 (c) 0 (d) none of these

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  6. The curve given by `x+y=e^(x y)` has a tangent parallel to the `y-a xi s` at the point `(0,1)` (b) `(1,0)` `(1,1)` (d) none of these

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  7. Find value of c such that line joining the points (0, 3) and (5, -2) becomes tangent to curve `y=c/(x+1)`

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  8. A differentiable function `y= f(x)` satisfies `f'(x)=(f (x))^2+5` and `f (0)= 1`. Then the equation of tangent at the point where the curve crosses y-axis, is

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  9. The distance between the origin and the tangent to the curve `y=e^(2x)+x^2` drawn at the point `x=0` is `(1,1/3)` (b) `(1/3,1)` `(2,-(28)/3)` (d) none of these

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  10. The point on the curve `3y = 6x-5x^3` the normal at Which passes through the origin, is

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  11. The normal to the curve `2x^2+y^2=12` at the point `(2,2)` cuts the curve again at `(-(22)/9,-2/9)` (b) `((22)/9,2/9)` `(-2,-2)` (d) none of these

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  12. At what point of curve `y=2/3x^3+1/2x^2,` the tangent makes equal angle with the axis? `(1/5,5/(24))a n d(-1,-1/6)` `(1/2,4/9)a n d(-1,0)` `(1/3,1/7)a n d(-3,1/2)` `(1/3,4/(47))a n d(-1,-1/3)`

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  13. The equation of tangent to the curve `y=b^(-x//a)` at the point where it crosses Y-axis is

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  14. Then angle of intersection of the normal at the point `(-5/(sqrt(2)),3/(sqrt(2)))` of the curves `x^2-y^2=8` and `9x^2+25 y^2=225` is

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  15. A function y = f(x) has a second-order derivative `f''(x) =6(x-1).` If its graph passed through the point (2,1) and at that point tangent to the graph is `y=3x-5,` then the value of f(0) is

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  16. `x+y-ln(x+y)=2x+5` has a vertical tangent at the point `(alpha,beta)` then `alpha+beta` is equal to

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  17. A curve is difined parametrically by `x=e^(sqrtt),y=3t-log_(e)(t^(2)),` where t is a parameter. Then the equation of the tangent line drawn to the curve at t = 1 is

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  18. If `x+4y=14` is a normal to the curve `y^2=alphax^3-beta` at (2,3), then the value of `alpha+beta` is 9 (b) `-5` (c) 7 (d) `-7`

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  19. In the corve represented parametrically by the equations `x=2ln cott+1 and y=tant+cott,`

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  20. The abscissas of point `Pa n dQ` on the curve `y=e^x+e^(-x)` such that tangents at `Pa n dQ` make `60^0` with the x-axis are. `1n((sqrt(3)+sqrt(7))/7)a n d1n((sqrt(3)+sqrt(5))/2)` `1n((sqrt(3)+sqrt(7))/2)` (c) `1n((sqrt(7)-sqrt(3))/2)` `+-1n((sqrt(3)+sqrt(7))/2)`

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  21. If a variable tangent to the curve `x^2y=c^3` makes intercepts `a , bonx-a n dy-a x e s ,` respectively, then the value of `a^2b` is `27c^3` (b) `4/(27)c^3` (c) `(27)/4c^3` (d) `4/9c^3`

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  22. Let `C` be the curve `y=x^3` (where `x` takes all real values). The tangent at `A` meets the curve again at `Bdot` If the gradient at `B` is `K` times the gradient at `A ,` then `K` is equal to 4 (b) 2 (c) `-2` (d) `1/4`

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  23. The equation of the line tangent to the curve x isn y + x = `pi` at the point `((pi)/(2),(pi)/(2))` is

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  24. The x-intercept of the tangent at any arbitrary point of the curve `a/(x^2)+b/(y^2)=1` is proportional to square of the abscissa of the point of tangency square root of the abscissa of the point of tangency cube of the abscissa of the point of tangency cube root of the abscissa of the point of tangency

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  25. At any point on the curve `2x^2y^2-x^4=c ,` the mean proportional between the abscissa and the difference between the abscissa and the sub-normal drawn to the curve at the same point is equal to `or d in a t e` (b) radius vector `x-in t e r c e p toft a nge n t` (d) sub-tangent

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  26. Given g(x) `(x+2)/(x-1)` and the line `3x+y-10=0.` Then the line is

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  27. If the length of sub-normal is equal to the length of sub-tangent at any point (3,4) on the curve `y=f(x)` and the tangent at (3,4) to `y=f(x)` meets the coordinate axes at `Aa n dB` , then the maximum area of the triangle `O A B ,` where `O` is origin, is 45/2 (b) 49/2 (c) 25/2 (d) 81/2

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  28. The number of point in the rectangle `{(x , y)}-12lt=xlt=12a n d-3lt=ylt=3}` which lie on the curve `y=x+sinx` and at which in the tangent to the curve is parallel to the x-axis is 0 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 8

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  29. Tangent of acute angle between the curves `y=|x^2-1|` and `y=sqrt(7-x^2)` at their points of intersection is `(5sqrt(3))/2` (b) `(3sqrt(5))/2` `(5sqrt(3))/4` (d) `(3sqrt(5))/4`

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  30. The line tangent to the curves `y^3-x^2y+5y-2x=0` and `x^2-x^3y^2+5x+2y=0` at the origin intersect at an angle `theta` equal to `pi/6` (b) `pi/4` (c) `pi/3` (d) `pi/2`

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  31. The two curves `x=y^2,x y=a^3` cut orthogonally at a point. Then `a^2` is equal to `1/3` (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) `1/2`

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  32. The tangent to the curve `y=e^(k x)` at a point (0,1) meets the x-axis at (a,0), where `a in [-2,-1]` . Then `k in ` `[-1/2,0]` (b) `[-1,-1/2]` `[0,1]` (d) `[1/2,1]`

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  33. The curves `4x^2+9y^2=72` and `x^2-y^2=5a t(3,2)` touch each other (b) cut orthogonally intersect at `45^0` (d) intersect at `60^0`

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  34. The coordinates of a point on the parabola `y^2=8x` whose distance from the circle `x^2+(y+6)^2=1` is minimum is `(2,4)` (b) `(2,-4)` `(18 ,-12)` (d) `(8,8)`

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  35. At the point `P(a,a^(n))` on the graph of `y=x^(n)(n in N)` in the first quadrant at normal is drawn. The normal intersects the Y-axis at the point (0, b). If `underset(ararr0)(lim)b=(1)/(2)`, then n equals ……………

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  36. Let `f` be a continuous, differentiable, and bijective function. If the tangent to `y=f(x)a tx=a` is also the normal to `y=f(x)a tx=b ,` then there exists at least one `c in (a , b)` such that `f^(prime)(c)=0` (b) `f^(prime)(c)>0` `f^(prime)(c)<0` (d) none of these

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  37. A point on the parabola `y^2=18 x` at which the ordinate increases at twice the rate of the abscissa is (2,6) (b) `(2,-6)` `(9/8,-9/2)` (d) `(9/8,9/2)`

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  38. Find the rate of change of volume of a sphere with respect to its surface area when the radius is 2cm.

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  39. If there is an error of `k %` in measuring the edge of a cube, then the percent error in estimating its volume is `k` (b) `3k` `k/3` (d) none of these

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  40. A lamp of negligible height is placed on the ground `l_1` away from a wall. A man `l_2m` tall is walking at a speed of `(l_1)/(10)m//s` from the lamp to the nearest point on the wall. When he is midway between the lamp and the wall, the rate of change in the length of this shadow on the wall is `-(5l_2)/2m//s` (b) `-(2l_2)/5m//s` `-(l_2)/2m//s` (d) `-(l_2)/5m//s`

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  41. The function `f(x)=x(x+3)e^(-(1/2)x)` satisfies the conditions of Rolle's theorem in (-3,0). The value of c, is

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  42. The radius of a right circular cylinder increases at the rate of 0.1 cm/min, and the height decreases at the rate of 0.2 cm/min. The rate of change of the volume of the cylinder, in `c m^2//m in` , when the radius is `2c m` and the height is 3cm is `-2p` (b) `-(8pi)/5` `-(3pi)/5` (d) `(2pi)/5`

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  43. A cube of ice melts without changing its shape at the uniform rate of `4(c m^3)/(m in)dot` The rate of change of the surface area of the cube, in `(c m^2)/(m in),` when the volume of the cube is `125c m^3,` is `-4` (b) `-(16)/5` (c) `-(16)/6` (d) `-8/(15)`

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  44. The radius of the base of a cone is increasing at the rate of 3 cm/min and the altitude is decreasing at the rate of 4 cm/min. The rate of change of lateral surface when the radius is 7 cm and altitude is 24cm is `108pic m^2//min` (b) `7pic m^2//min` `27pic m^2//min` (d) none of these

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  45. If `f(x)=x^3+7x-1,` then `f(x)` has a zero between `x=0a n dx=1` . The theorem that best describes this is mean value theorem maximum-minimum value theorem intermediate value theorem none of these

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  46. Consider the function `f(x)={{:(xsin(pi)/(x),"for"xgt0),(0,"for"x=0):}`
    Then, the number of points in `(0,1)` where the derivative f'(x) vanishes is

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  47. Let `f(x)a n dg(x)` be differentiable for `0lt=xlt=1,` such that `f(0),g(0),f(1)=6.` Let there exists real number `c` in (0,1) such taht `f^(prime)(c)=2g^(prime)(c)dot` Then the value of `g(1)` must be 1 (b) 3 (c) `-2` (d) `-1`

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  48. If `3(a+2c)=4(b+3d),` then the equation `a x^3+b x^2+c x+d=0` will have no real solution at least one real root in `(-1,0)` at least one real root in `(0,1)` none of these

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  49. A value of c for which the conclusion of Mean value theorem holds for the function `f(x) = log_(e)x` on the interval [1, 3] is

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  50. For `f(x)=4x^(3)+3x^(2)-x-1,` the range of vaues of `(f(x_(1))-f(x_(2)))/(x_(1)-x_(2))is`

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  51. Let `f(x)` be a twice differentiable function for all real values of `x` and satisfies `f(1)=1,f(2)=4,f(3)=9.` Then which of the following is definitely true? `f^(x)=2AAx in (1,3)` `f^(x)=f(x)=5forsom ex in (2,3)` `f^(x)=3AAx in (2,3)` `f^(x)=2forsom ex in (1,3)`

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  52. The value of c in Largrange's theorem for the function `f(x)= log_(e) sin x` in the interval `[ pi//6,5pi//6]` is

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  53. In which of the following function Rolle's theorem is applicable ?

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  54. Let `f'(x)=e^(x)""^(2)and f(0)=10.If Altf(1)ltB` can be concluded from the mean value theorem, then the largest volume of `(A-B)` equals

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  55. If `f(x)` and `g(x)` are differentiable functions for `0lt=xlt=1` such that `f(0)=10 ,g(0)=2,f(1)=2,g(1)=4,` then in the interval `(0,1)dot` `f^(prime)(x)=0` for all `x` `f^(prime)(x)+4g^(prime)(x)=0` for at least one `x` `f(x)=2g'(x)` for at most one `x` none of these

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  56. A continuous and differentiable function `y=f(x)` is such that its graph cuts line `y=m x+c` at `n` distinct points. Then the minimum number of points at which `f^(x)=0` is/are

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  57. Given `f^(prime)(1)=1` and `d/(dx)(f(2x))=f^(prime)(x)AAx > 0`.If `f^(prime)(x)` is differentiable then there exies a number `c in (2,4)` such that `f''(c)` equals

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  58. If (x) is differentiable in `[a,b]` such that `f(a)=2,f(b)=6,` then there exists at least one `c,a ltcleb,` such that `(b^(3)-a^(3))f'(c)=`

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Exercise (Single) questions and complete solutions for chapter APPLICATION OF DERIVATIVES of CENGAGE MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12