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Complete Solutions to Question Bank of chapter CONTINUITY AND DIFFERENTIABILITY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGEQuestion Bank
Number Of Questions22
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Let `f(x) = {(x^(2)-a, if x lt 3),(bsqrt(x-2)+a, if 3 le x lt 6),(2x+b, if x ge 6):}` If f(x) is continuous `AA x in R` then the value of f(1)+f(3)+f(7), is

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  2. Given `f(x) = {(x^(2)-5x+alpha, -ooltxle 0),(|7-3x|+sin [x], o lt x lt 1),(betax+2, 1le x le oo):}` When `alpha, beta in R` and [x] denotes the greatest integer less than or equal to x.

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  3. Let `f(x) = {(sqrt(x^(2)-1), x le sqrt10),((sqrt(10x)-7), sqrt10lt xlt 5),({x}, 6 lexle 7):}` Then the number of points where f(x) is discontinuous in [1,7] is [Note: {x} denotes fractional part of x.]

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  4. Let `f(x) = sqrt(x^(2)+px+1)/(x^(2)-p)`. If f(x) is discontinuous at exactly 2 values of x then number of integers in the range of p is

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  5. Number of points of non-derivability of the function `f(x) = root (3)((x-1)) + |x| + cos sqrt(x^(2))` is

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  6. If `f(x) = {(lim_(x rarr oo)(6^(t)+10^(t))^(1/t), x = 0),(x^(2)+4x+C, x =ne 0):}` is a continuous function, then minimum value of f(x) is

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  7. Number of point(s) in [1,2] where `f(x) = (-2)^([x^(3)])` is non-differeniable (where [.] denotes greatest integer function)

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  8. Consider the function `f(x) = {(a^(2)+e^(x), -oo lt x lt 0),(x+2, 0le xle 3),(c-b^(2)/x, 3 lt x lt oo):}` Where aa,b,c are all positive quantities If f(x) is differentiable for every `x in R`, then the value of ((a+b+c)/2) is

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  9. Let `f(x) = [(sqrt(1+sin^(2)(x^(2))-cos^(3)(x^(2)))/(x^(3)tanx), if x ne 0),(k , if x = 0):}` If f(x) is continuous at x = 0 then k equals

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  10. Let `f(x) = {(cos(x^(3)), -ooltxlt0),(sin(x^(3))-|x^(3)-1|, 0lexltoo):}` then number of points where g(x) = f(|x|) is nondifferentiable is

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  11. The sum of all values of x for which the function `f(x) = sqrt(|x^(2)-5x+6|))` is continuous, but not differentiable is

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  12. Let `f(x) = [(-1, -3 le x lt 0),(x-1, 0le xle 3):}` and g(x) = f(|x|)+|f(x)|, then number of points where g(x) is not differentiable in (-3,3) is

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  13. Let f(x) be a differentiable function satisfying `f((x+2y)/3)= (f(x)+2f(y))/3 AA x, y in R` and `f^(')(0)=1`, f(0) =-1. Then the number of points where |f(|x|)| is non-derivable is

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  14. Let `f(x) = {((sin alphax^(2))/x^(2), x ne 0),(3/4+1/(4alpha), x = 0):}` If f(x) is continuous at x = 0, then `alpha` can b`

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  15. Let `f(x) = {(a tan^(-1)(1/(x-4)), 0 lexlt4),(pi/2, x= 4),(btan^(-1)(2/(x-4)), 4ltxlt6),(sin^(-1)(7-x)+(api)/4, 6lexle8):}` If f(x) is continuous at x = 0, then find the value of `(a^(2)+b^(2))`.

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  16. Let `f(x) = {((1+ax)^(1/x), x lt 0),((root(3)(x+c)-1)/(sqrt(x+1)-1), x gt 0),(b, x = 0):}` If f(x) is continuous in [0,8], then find the value of `(e^(n)+2b+c)`.

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  17. The number of points in (-5,5) where `f(x)=[x](x^(3)-x)^(2))` is non-differentiable.(where [.] is greatest integer function) is

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  18. If f(x) = cos (x (cos)1/x) and `g(x) = (In(sec^(2)x))/(x sin x)` are boteh continuous at x = 0 then f(0)+g(0) equals

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  19. Consider , `f(x) = {(|(x-x^(3) 1 2),(0 2 3x^(4)),(x^(2) 4x x^(3)-3x^(5))|)/(1-sqrt(1-x^(2)), x ne 0),(k, x = 0):}` If f(x) is continuous at x = 0 then the absolute value of k is

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  20. Number of points where `f(x)= max {2-|x|, min {x^(2)-1}}` is not

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  21. If function `f(x) = {(a+bsqrt(2)sinx, 0 le xlt pi/4),(cotx-1, pi/4lexle(3pi)/4),(b sin 2x+3, (3pi)/4lt xle pi):}` is continuous `AA x in [x,pi]`, then a+b is equal to

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  22. If `f(x) = {((sin^(-1)x-xcos^(-1)x)/x, x gt 0),(ax+b, xle 0):}` is continuous and differentiable at x = 0, then the value of `(6a+2b+pi)` is equal to

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Question Bank questions and complete solutions for chapter CONTINUITY AND DIFFERENTIABILITY of CENGAGE MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12