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Complete Solutions to Question Bank of chapter DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGEQuestion Bank
Number Of Questions25
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A function is continuous and differentiable on `R_0` satisfying `x f^(prime)(x)+f(x)=1 forall x` in its domain. If `f(1)=2`, then range of function does not contain

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  2. A curve `y=f(x)` is passing through `(0,0)`. If the slope-of the curve at any point `(x, y)` is equal to `(x+x y)`, then the number of solution of the equation `f(x)=1`, is

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  3. If `y=f(x)` satisfies the differential equation `(1+x^2) f^(prime)(x)`=x(1-f(x)), f(0)=4/3`, then find the value of `f(sqrt8)+8/9`

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  4. If `y(x)` is solution of `(x+1) (d y)/(d x)-x y=1, y(0)=-1`, then `y(-6/5)` is equal to

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  5. Let perpendicular distance of any variable tangent on the curve ` C` from origin be equal to polar radius of point of tangency. If curve passes through `P(2 sqrt3, 2)`, then length of normal to the curve at point `P` 'is

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  6. The number of straight lines which satisfies the differential equation `(d y)/(d x)+ ((d y)/(d x))^2-y=0` is

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  7. The real valuc of `m` for which the 'substitution, `y=u^m` will transform the differential equation, `2 x^4 y (d y)/(d x)+y^4=4 x^6` into a homogeneous equation is

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  8. A function `y=f(x)` satisfies the differential equation `(d y)/(d x)+x^2 y=-2 x, f(1)=1 .` The value of `|f^(prime prime)(1)|` is

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  9. If the differential equation representing the family of curves `y=C_1 cos 2 x+C_2 cos ^2 x+C_3 sin ^2 x+C_4` is `lambda y^(prime)=y^(prime prime) tan2 x`, then `lambda` is

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  10. The family of integral curves of the differential equation `(d y)/(d x)+x^3 y=x` is cut by the line `x=2`, the tangents at the points of intersection are concurrent at `(lambda, mu)`. Then find the value of `[lambda/mu]`, where `[.]` denotes greatest integer function.

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  11. If ' e' denotes tho cccentricity of the hyperbola, satisfying the differential equation `2 x y (d x)/(d y)=x^2+y^2` and passing through the point `(2,1)`, then `(e^2-1)` is equal to

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  12. A carve `y=f(x)` passes through `O(0,0)` and slope of tangent line at any point `P(x, y)` of the curve is `(x^4+2 x y-1)/(1+x^2)`, then the value of least integer which is greater than or equal to `f(-1)` is

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  13. If `y=x sin (ln x)` is the solution of
    `x^2((d y)/(d x))^2-(lambda-2) x y((d y)/(d x))+2 y^2-x^2-x^2=0` then the value of `(lambda)` is

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  14. Let `y=f(x)` be drawn with `f(0)=2` and for each real number ' `a` ' the line tangent to `y=f(x)` at `(a, f(a))`, has `x` -intercept `(a-2)`. If `f(x)` is of the form of `k e^mu x`, then `(k/p)` has the value equal to

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  15. If tangent to the curve `x y=x^2+1` at `(alpha, beta)` is normal to the curve `x^2+y^2+2 f y+c=0`, then `|f .alpha|` is

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  16. If `y=y(x)` and it follows the relation `4 x e^v=y+5 sin ^2 x` then `y^prime(0)` is equal to

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  17. Given `y(0)=2000` and `(d y)/(d x)=32000-20 y^2`, then find the value of `underset( x rarr oo)Lim y(x)`.

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  18. If the differential equation corresponding to the family of curves, `y=(A+B x) e^3 x` is given by `(d^2 y)/(d x^2)=a (d y)/(d x)+b y` then `(a-b)` equals

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  19. A curve in the first quadrant is such that the area of the triangle formed in the first quadrant by the `x` -axis, a fangent to the curve at any of its point `P` and radius vector of the point `P` is `2sq`. units. If the curve passes through `(2,1)`, and the equation of the curve `x y=k` then `k` is equal to

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  20. Number of values of `m` in `N` for which `y=e^(mx) ` is a solution of the differential equation
    `D^3 y-3 D^2 y-4 D y+12 y=0`, is

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  21. If `(x^2+y^2) d y=x y d x` and `y(1)=1, y(alpha)=e`, then `alpha^4=k e^4`, where `k` equals, is

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  22. If solution of the differetnial equation `(d y)/(d x)=(2 x-y-1)/(x+5 y-6)` is `a x(x-y)-5 y^2-2 x+12 y=0`, then ' `a` ' is equal to (where `y(0)=0)`

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  23. If `y(t)` is the solution of `(1+t) (d y)/(d t)-t y=1` and `y(0)=-1` then absolute value of `y(1)` is equal to

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  24. Let `y=f(x)` be a function satisfying the differcntial equation `(x d y)/(d x)+2 y=4 x^2` and `f(1)=1 .` Then `f(-3)` is ccual to

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  25. Let `y=f(x)` be an invertibie function such that `x` -intercept of the tangent at any point `P(x, y)` on `y=f(x)` is equal to 'the square of abscissa of the point of tangency. If `f(2)=1`. Then `f^-1(5/8)` equals

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Question Bank questions and complete solutions for chapter DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS of CENGAGE MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12