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Complete Solutions to Solved Examples And Exercises of chapter DETERMINANTS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
MathematicsSolved Examples And Exercises
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If `f(theta)=|[sin^2A,cot A,1],[sin^2B,cosB,1],[sin^2C,cosC,1]|` , then (a) `t a n A+t a n B+c` (b)`cotAcotBcotC` (c)`sin^2A+sin^2B+sin^2C` (d)`0`

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  2. Let `Delta(x)=|[3,3x,3x^2+2a^2] , [3x, 3x^2+2a^2, 3x^3+6a^2x] , [3x^2+2a^2, 3x^3+6a^2x, 3x^4+12a^2x^2+2a^4]|` then

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  3. The determinant `"Delta"=|a^2+x a b a c a bb^2+x b c a c b cc^2+x|` is divisible by `x` b. `x^2` c.`x^3` d. none of these

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  4. If `f(x)=|[a,-1, 0],[a x, a,-1],[a x^2,a x, a]|,t h e nf(2x)-f(x)` is divisible by (a) `a` (b) `b` (c) `c ,d ,e` (d) none of these

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  5. If `(x)=|x^2+4x-3 2x+4 13 2x^2+5x-9 4x+5 26 8x^2-6x+1 16 x-6 104|=a x^3+b x^2+c x+d ,` then `a=3` b. `b=0` c.`c=0` d. none of these

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  6. If `|x^n x^(n+2)x^(2n)1x^a a x^(n+5)x^(a+6)x^(2n+5)|=0,AAx in R ,w h e r en in N ,` then value of `a` is `n` b. `n-1` c. `n+1` d. none of these

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  7. Let `x<1,` then value of `[[x^2+2, 2x+1 ,1],[ 2x+1,x+2, 1],[ 3, 3 ,1]]` is a. none-negative b. none-positive c. negative d. positive

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  8. Find the number of real root of the equation `|[0,x-a, x-b],[ x+a,0,x-c],[ x+b, x+c,0]|=0,a!=b!=c ` and`b(a+c)> a c`

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  9. Value of `[[x+y, z,z ],[x, y+z, x],[y, y, z+x]],` where x ,y ,z are nonzero real number, is equal to `x y z` b. `2x y z` c. `3x y z` d. `4x y z`

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  10. If `e^(itheta)=costheta+isintheta,` find the value of `|1e^(ipi//3)e^(ipi//4)e^(-ipi//3)1e^(i2pi//3)e^(-ipi//4)e^(-i2pi//3)1|`

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  11. Which of the following is not the root of the equation `|[x,-6,-1],[ 2,-3x,x-3],[-3, 2x,x+2]|=0?` a.`2` b. `0` c. `1` d. `-3`

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  12. If A,B,C are the angles of a non right angled triangle ABC. Then find the value of: `|[tanA,1,1],[1,tanB,1],[1,1,tanC]|`

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  13. If `f(x)=|x a a a x a a a x|=0,` then `f^(prime)(x)=0a n df^(x)=0` has common root `f^(x)=0a n df^(prime)(x)=0` has common root sum of roots of `f(x)=0` is `-3a` none of these

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  14. `|(cosalphacosbeta,cosalpha sinbeta , - sin alpha),(-sin beta,cosbeta,0),(sinalphacosbeta,sinalpha sinbeta,cosalpha)|`

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  15. Roots of the equation `|x m n1a x n1a b x1a b c1|=0` are independent of `m ,a n dn` independent of `a ,b ,a n dc` depend on `m ,n ,a n da ,b ,c` independent of `m , na n da ,b ,c`

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  16. Prove that the value of each the following determinants is zero: `|a=bb-cc-a x-y y-z z-x p-q q-r r-p|`

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  17. If `a ,b ,c` are different, then the value of `|0x^2-a x^3-b x^2+a0x^2+c x^4+b x-c0|=0` is `c` b. `c` c. `b` d. `0`

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  18. Prove that the value of each the following determinants is zero: `|[a_1,l a_1+mb_1,b_1],[a_2,l a_2+mb_2,b_2],[a_3,l a_3+m b_3,b_3]|`

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  19. If `|b+cc+a a+b a+bb+cc+a c+a a+bb+c|=k|a b cc a bb c a|` , then value of `k` is `1` b. `2` c. `3` d. `4`

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  20. A triangle has vertices `A_i(x_i , y_i)fori=1,2,3` If the orthocentre of triangle is `(0,0),` then prove that `|x_2-x_3y_2-y_3y_1(y_2-y_3)+x_1(x_2-x_3)x_3-x_1y_2-y_3y_2(y_3-y_1)+x_1(x_3-x_1)x_1-x_2y_2-y_3y_3(y_1-y_2)+x_1(x_1-x_2)|=0`

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  21. If `alpha,beta,gamma` are the roots of `a x^3+b x^2+c x+d=0a n d|alphabetagammabetagammaalphagammaalphabeta|=0,alpha!=beta!=gamma` then find the equation whose roots are `alpha+beta-gamma,beta+gamma-alpha,a n dgamma+alpha-betadot`

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  22. If `Delta=|(a_1,b_1,c_1),(a_2,b_2,c_2),(a_3,b_3,c_3)|` and `Delta_1=|(a_1+pb_1,b_1+qc_1,c_1+ra_1),(a_2+pb_2,b_2+qc^2,c^2+ra^2),(a_3+pb_3,b_3+qc_3,c_3+ra_3)|` then `Delta_1=`

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  23. Prove that the value of each the following determinants is zero: `|[(a^x+a^(-x))^2,(a^x-a^(-x))^2 ,1],[(b^y+b^(-y))^2,(b^y-+b^(-y))^2 ,1],[(c^z+c^(-z))^2,(c^z-c^(-z))^2, 1]|`

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  24. The value of the determinant `[(1^2, 2^2, 3^2, 4^2) ,(2^2, 3^2 ,4^2,5^2) ,(3^2, 4^2,5^2 ,6^2) ,(4^2, 5^2, 6^2, 7^2)]` is equal to `1` b. `0` c. `2` d. `3`

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  25. If `f(x)=|1xx+1 2xx(x-1)(x+1)x3x(x-1)x(x-1)(x-2)(x+1)x(x-1)|` then `f(5000)` is equal to `0` b. `1` c. `500` d. `-500`

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  26. Prove that the value of each the following determinants is zero: `|logxlogylogz log2x log2y log2z log3x log3y log3z|`

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  27. If the system of equations `x-k y-z=0, k x-y-z=0,x+y-z=0` has a nonzero solution, then the possible value of `k` are `-1,2` b. `1,2` c. `0,1` d. `-1,1`

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  28. Show that `|[1,1+p,1+p+q],[2,3+2p,1+3p+2q],[3,6+3p,1+6p+3q]|=`

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  29. The determinant `|a b aalpha+bb c balpha+c aalpha+bbalpha+c0|=0,` if `a ,b , c` are in A.P. `a ,b ,c` are in G.P. `a ,b ,c` are in H.P. `alpha` is a root of the equation `a x^2+b c+c=0` `(x-alpha)` is a factor of `a x^2+2b x+c`

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  30. By using properties of determinants. Show that: `|1+a^2-b^2 2a b-2b2a b1-a^2+b^2 2a2b-2a1-a^2-b^2|=(1+a^2+b^2)^3`

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  31. Which of the following values of `alpha` satisfying the equation `|(1+alpha)^2(1+2alpha)^2(1+3alpha)^2(2+alpha)^2(2+2alpha)^2(2+3alpha)^2(3+alpha)^2(3+2alpha)^2(3+3alpha)^2|=-648alpha?` `-4` b. `9` c. `-9` d. `4`

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  32. Show that: `|3a-a+b-a+c-b+a3b-b+c-c+a-c+b3c|=3(a+b+c)(a b+b c+c a)dot`

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  33. If the system of equations `x+a y=0,a z+y=0,a n da x+z=0` has infinite solutions, then the value of equation has no solution is `-3` b. `1` c. `0` d. `3`

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  34. If `|6i-3i1 4 3i-1 20 3i|=x+i y ,` then a.`x=3,y=1` b. `x=1,y=3` c. `x=0,y=3` d. `x=0,y=0`

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  35. The value of `|[yz, z x,x y],[ p,2p,3r],[1, 1, 1]|,w h e r ex ,y ,z` are respectively, pth, `(2q)` th, and `(3r)` th terms of an H.P. is a.`-1` b. `0` c. `1` d. none of these

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  36. Prove that `|((beta+gamma-alpha-delta)^4,(beta+gamma-alpha-delta)^2,1),((gamma+alpha-beta-delta)^4,(gamma+alpha-beta-delta)^2,1),((alpha+beta-gamma-delta)^4,(alpha+beta-gamma-delta)^2,1)|=-64(alpha-beta)(alpha-gamma)(alpha-delta)(beta-delta)(gamma-delta)`

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  37. Prove that the value of each the following determinants is zero: `|sin^2(x+(3pi)/2)sin^2(x+(5pi)/2)sin^2(x+(7pi)/2)sin^(x+(3pi)/2)sin^(x+(5pi)/2)sin^(x+(7pi)/2)sin^(x-(3pi)/2)sin^(x-(5pi)/2)sin^(x-(7pi)/2)|`

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  38. The number of values of `k` for which the system of the equations `(k+1)x+8y=4ka n dk x+(k+3)y=3k-1` has infinitely many solutions is `0` b. `1` c. `2` d. infinite

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  39. Prove that `|b+c a-b a c+a b-c b a+b c-a c|=3a b-a^3-b^3-c^3dot`

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  40. If `|a^2b^2c^2(a+1)^2(b+1)^2(c+1)^2(a-1)^2(b-1)^2(c-1)^2|=k(a-b)(b-c)(c-a),` then find the value of `kdot`

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  41. Statement 1: `"Delta"=|m y+n z m q+n r m b+n c k z-m x k r-m p k c-m a-n x-k y-n p-k q-n a-k b|` is equal to 0. Statement 2: The value of skew symmetric matrix of order 3 is zero.

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  42. Prove that `=|1 1 1a b c b c+a^2a c+b^2a b+c^2|=2(a-b)(b-c)(c-a)`

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  43. If `=|s inthetacosvarphisinthetas invarphicosthetacosthetacosvarphicosthetas invarphi-s intheta-s inthetas invarphis inthetacosvarphi0|` then `` is independent of `theta` `` is independent of `varphi` `"Delta"` is a constant `((d"Delta")/(dtheta)])_(theta=pi//2)=0`

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  44. The system of equations `-2x+y+z=a`, `x-2y+z=b`, `x+y-2z=c`, has: (a)no solution if `a+b+c!=0` (b)unique solution if `a+b+c=0` (c)infinite number of solutions if `a+b+c=0` (d)none of these

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  45. Show that if `x_1, x_2, x_3!=0` `|x_1+a_1b1a_1b_2a_1b_3a_2b_1x_2+a_2b_2a_2b_3a_3b_1a_3b_2x_3+a_3b_3|=x_1x_2x_3(1+(a_1b_1)/(x_1)+(a_2b_2)/(x_2)+(a_3b_3)/(x_3))` .

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  46. If determinant `|"cos"(theta+varphi)-"sin"(theta+varphi)cos2varphis inthetacosthetas invarphi-costhetas inthetacosvarphi|` is a. positive b. independent of `q` c. independent of `varphi` d. none of these

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  47. If `Delta_r =|[2^(r-1) ,2.3^(r-1), 4.5^(r-1)],[alpha,beta,gamma],[2^n-1, 3^n-1, 5^n-1]|` , then find the value of `Delta`

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  48. The values of `k in R` for which the system of equations `x+k y+3z=0,k x+2y+2z=0,2x+3y+4z=0` admits of nontrivial solution is `2` b. `5//2` c. `3` d. `5//4`

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  49. A determinant of second order is made with the elements 0 and 1. Find the number of determinants with non-negative values.

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  50. If `a ,b , c` are nonzero real numbers such that `|b cc a a b c a a bb c a bb cc a|=0,t h e n` `1/a+1/(bomega)+1/(comega^2)=0` b. `1/a+1/(bomega^2)+1/(comega^)=0` c. `1/(aomega)+1/(bomega^2)+1/c=0` d. none of these

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  51. Prove that the determinant `|[x, sintheta,costheta],[-sintheta,-x,1],[costheta,1,x]|` is independent of `theta`

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  52. Consider the determinant `f(x)=|0x^2-a x^3-b x^2+a0x^2+c x^4+b x-c0|dot` Statement 1: `f(x)=0` has one root `x=0.` Statement 2: The value of skew symmetric determinant of odd order is always zero.

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  53. Find the value of `|1 2 4-1 3 0 4 1 0|`

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  54. Consider the system of the equation `k x+y+z=1,x+k y+z=k ,a n dx+y+k z=k^2dot` Statement 1: System equations has infinite solutions when `k=1.` Statement 2: If the determinant `|1 1 1k k1k^2 1k|=0,` t hen `k=-1.`

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  55. If `x+y+z=0` prove that `|a x b y c z c y a z b x b z c x a y|=x y z|a b cc a bb c a|`

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  56. If `a ,b ,c in R ,` then find the number of real roots of the equation `Delta =|[x, c,-b],[-c, x, a], [b,-a,x]|=0`

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  57. `Delta = |(a, a^2, 0),(1, 2a+b,(a+b)),(0, 1, 2a+3b)|` is divisible by `a+b` b. `a+2b` c. `2a+3b` d. `a^2`

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  58. Without expanding at any stage, prove that the value of each of the following determinants is zero. (1)` |[0,p-q,p-r],[q-p,0,q-r],[r-p,r-q,0]|` (2)`|[41,1,5],[79,7,9],[29,5,3]|` (3)`|[1,w,w^2],[w,w^2,1],[w^2,1,w]|` , where w is cube root of unity

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  59. If a,b,c are positive and are the `pth, qth rth` terms respectively of a GP then `|(loga,p,1),(logb,q,1),(logc, r,1)|=`

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  60. If the entries in a `3xx3` determinant are either 0 or 1, then the greatest value of their determinants is

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  61. The value of the determinant of `n^(t h)` order, being given by `|x1 11x11 1x |` is `(x-1)^(n-1)(x+n-1)` b. `(x-1)^n(x+n-1)` c. `(1-x)^(-1)(x+n-1)` d. none of these

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  62. Prove that `a!=0,[[x+a, x,x],[x,x+a,x],[x,x,x+a^2]]=0` represents a straight line parallel to the y-axis.

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  63. If `a_1b_1, c_1,a_2b_2c_2a n da_3b_3c_3` are three digit even natural numbers and `=|c_1a_1b_1c_2a_2b_2c_3a_3b_3|,t h e ni s` divisible by 2 but not necessarily by 4 divisible by 4 but not necessarily by 8 divisible by 8 none of these

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  64. If `=|[a b c, b^2c,c^2b],[ a b c,c^2a, c a^2],[a b c, a^2b,b^2a]|=0,(a ,b ,c in R)` and are all different and nonzero), then prove that `a+b+c=0.`

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  65. The value of `|[yz, z x,x y],[ p,2p,3r],[1, 1, 1]|,w h e r ex ,y ,z` are respectively, pth, `(2q)` th, and `(3r)` th terms of an H.P. is a.`-1` b. `0` c. `1` d. none of these

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  66. Show that the determinant `|a^2+b^2+c^2b c+c a+a bb c+c a+a bb c+c a+a b a^2+b^c+c^2b c+c a+a bb c+c a+a bb c+c a+a b a^2+b^2+c^2|` is always non-negative. When is the determinant zero?

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  67. If `x!=0,y!=0,z!=0` and `|[1+x,1,1],[1+y,1+2y,1],[1+z,1+z,1+3z]|=0`, then `x^(-1)+y^(-1)+z^(-1)` is equal to a.1 b.-1 c.-3 d. none of these

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  68. If `x!=y!=za n d|[x,x^2, 1+x^3],[y ,y^2 ,1+y^3],[z, z^2, 1+z^3]|=0,` then the value of `x y z` is a.`1` b. `2` c. `-1` d. `2`

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  69. Prove that `|2alpha+beta+gamma+deltaalphabeta+gammadeltaalpha+beta+gamma+delta2(alpha+beta)(gamma+delta)alphabeta(gamma+delta)+gammadelta(alpha+beta)alphabeta+gammadeltaalphabeta(gamma+delta)+gammadelta(alpha+beta)2alphabetagammadelta|=0`

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  70. Solve for `x ,|x-6-1 2-3xx-3-3 2xx+2|=0.`

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  71. The value of determinant `|1 1 1^m C_1^(m+1)C_1^(m+2)C_1^m C_2^(m+1)C_2^(m+2)C_2|` is equal to `1` b. `-1` c. `0` d. none of these

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  72. Solve the equation `|a-x c b c b-x a b a c-x|=0w h e r ea+b+c!=0.`

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  73. If `a^2+b^2+c^2=-2a n df(x)=` `|a+a^2x(1+b^2)x(1+c^2)x(1+a^2)x1+b^2x(1+c^2)x(1+a^2)x(1+b^2)x1+c^2x|` , then `f(x)` is a polynomial of degree `0` b. `1` c. `2` d. `3`

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  74. Consider the set A of all determinants of order 3 with entries 0 or 1 only. Let B be the subset of A consisting of all determinants with value 1. Let C be the subset of the set of all determinants with value `-1`. Then

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  75. Solve: `|x^2-1x^2+2x+1 2x^2+3x+1 2x^2+x-1 2x^2+5x-3 2x^2+4x-3 6x^2-x-2 6x^2-7x+2 12 x^2-5x-2|=0.`

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  76. If `|x3 6 3 6x6x3|=|2x7x7 2 7 2x|=|4 5x5x4x4 5|=0,` then `x` is equal to `0` b. `-9` c. `3` d. none of these

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  77. If `A_1B_1C_1 , A_2B_2C_2 and A_3B_3C_3` are three digit numbers, each of which is divisible by k, then `Delta = |(A_1,B_1,C_1),(A_2,B_2,C_2),(A_3,B_3,C_3)|` is

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  78. If `f^(prime)(x)=|m x m x-p m x+p nn+p n-p m x+2n m x+2n+p m x+2n-p|` , then `y=f(x)` represents a straight line parallel to x-axis a straight line parallel to y-axis parabola a straight line with negative slope

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  79. If `sum_(n=1)^nalpha_n=a n^2+b n ,w h e r ea ,b` are constants and `alpha_1,alpha_2,alpha_3 in {1,2,3,......,9}a n d25alpha_1,37alpha_2,49alpha_3` be three digit number, then prove that `|alpha_1alpha_2alpha_3 5 7 9 25alpha_1 37alpha_2 49alpha_3|=0`

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  80. The determinant `|x p+y x y y p+z y z0x p+y y p+z|=0` if `x ,y ,z`

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  81. Using properties of determinant prove that `|a+b+c-c-b-c a+b+c-a-b-a a+b+c|=2(a+b)(b+c)(c+a)`

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  82. Show that `|^x C_r^x C_(r+1)^x C_(r+2)^y C_r^y C_(r+1)^y C_(r+2)^z C_r^z C_(r+1)^z C_(r+1)|=|^x C_r^(x+1)C_(r+1)^(x+2)C_(r+2)^y C_r^(y+1)C_(r+1)^(y+2)C_(r+2)^z C_r^(z+1)C_(r+1)^(z+2)C_(r+1)|` .

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  83. If `omega!=1` is a cube root of unity and `x+y+z!=0,` then prove that `|x/(1+omega)y/(omega+omega^2)z/(omega^2+1)y/(omega+omega^2)z/(omega^2+1)x/(1+omega)(z z)/(omega^2+1)x/(1+omega)y/(omega+omega^2)|=0` if `x=y=z`

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  84. Statement 1: If the system of equation `lambdax+(b-a)y+(c-a)z=0,(a-b)x+lambday+(c-b)z=0,a n d(a-c)x+(b-c)y+lambdaz=0` has a non trivial solution, then the value of `lambda` is 0. Statement 2: the value of skew symmetric matrix of order 3 is order.

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  85. If `A , Ba n dC` are the angels of a triangle, show that `|-1+cos B cos C+cos B cos B cos C+cos A-1+cos A cos A-1+cos B-1+cos A-1|=0`

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  86. If `alpha,beta,gamma` are the angles of a triangle and system of equations `cos(alpha-beta)x+cos(beta-gamma)y+cos(gamma-alpha)z=0` `cos(alpha+beta)x+cos(beta+gamma)y+cos(gamma+alpha)z=0` `sin(alpha+beta)x+sin(beta+gamma)y+sin(gamma+alpha)z=0` has non-trivial solutions, then triangle is necessarily a. equilateral b. isosceles c. right angled`""` d. acute angled

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  87. Without expanding the determinants, prove that `|103 115 114 111 108 106 104 113 116|+|113 116 104 108 106 111 115 114 103|=0`

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  88. Given `a=x//(y-z), b=y//(z-x),a n dc=z//(x-y),w h e r ex , y , za n dz` are not all zero, then the value of `a b+b c+c a` is `0` b. `1` c.`-1""` d. none of these

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  89. Find the value of determinant `|sqrt((13))+sqrt(3)2sqrt(5)sqrt(5)sqrt((15))+sqrt((26))5sqrt((10))3+sqrt((65))sqrt((15))5|`

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  90. `a ,b ,c` are distinct real numbers not equal to one. If `a x+y+z=0,x+b y+z=0,a n dx+y+c z=0` have nontrivial solution, then the value of `1/(1-a)+1/(1-b)+()/(1-c)` is equal to a.`1` b. `-1` c.`z e ro` d. none of these

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  91. Prove that the value of the determinant `|-7 5+3i2/3-4i5-3i8 4+5i2/3+4i4-fi9|` is real.

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  92. If the system of linear equation `x+y+z=6,x+2y+3c=14 ,a n d2x+5y+lambdaz=mu(lambda,mu R)` has a unique solution, then `lambda=8` b. `lambda=8,mu=36` c.`lambda=8,mu!=36""` d. none of these

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  93. If `a_r=(cos2rpi+is in2rpi)^(1//9)` , then prove that `|a_1a_2a_3a_4a_5a_6a_7a_8a_9|=0.`

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  94. Let `f(x)=|2cos^2xsin2x-sinxsin2x2sin^2xcosxsinx-cosx0|` . Then the value of `int_0^(pi//2)[f(x)+f^(prime)(x)]dx` is a.`pi` b. `pi//2` c.`2pi` d. `3pi//2`

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  95. Using properties of determinants, prove that `|(-a^2,ab,ac),(ba,-b^2,bc),(ca,cb,-c^2)|=4a^2 b^2 c^2`

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  96. The number of positive integral solutions of the equation `|(x^3+1,x^2y,x^2z),(xy^2,y^3+1,y^2z),(xz^2,z^2y,z^3+1)|=11` is

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  97. If the value of the determinant `|a1 1 1b1 1 1c|` is positive then `(a ,b ,c >0)` `a b c >1` b. `a b c<-8` c.`a b c<-8` d. `a b c >-2`

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  98. By using properties of determinants. Show that: (i) `|(x+4,2x,2x),(2x,x+4,2x),(2x,2x,x+4)|=(5x-4)(4-x)^2` (ii) `|(y+k,y,y),(y,y+k,y),(y,y,y+k)|=k^2(3y+k)`

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  99. Using properties of determinants, evaluate `|18 40 89 40 89 198 89 198 440|dot`

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  100. If `A_1,B_1,C_1, ,` are respectively, the cofactors of the elements `a_1, b_1c_1, ,` of the determinant `"Delta"=|a_1b_1c_1a_1b_2c_2a_3b_3c_3|,"Delta"!=0` , then the value of `|B_2C_2B_3C_3|` is equal to `a1 2` b. `a_1` c.`a_1^2` d. `a1 2^2`

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Solved Examples And Exercises questions and complete solutions for chapter DETERMINANTS of CENGAGE MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12

All Exercises from Mathematics Class 12 MATHS DETERMINANTS