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Complete Solutions to Question Bank of chapter APPLICATIONS OF DERIVATIVES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGEQuestion Bank
Number Of Questions29
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If the slope of the tangent to the curve `2(x-y^(3))^(4) = x^(2)(1+x^(3))^(5)` at the point (1, -1) is t, then find the value of [|t|].

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  2. Let `P(x_(0),y_(0))` be a point on the curve `C : (x^(2)-11)(y+1)+4 =0 where x_(0), y_(0) in N`. If area of the triangle formed by the normal drawn to the curve 'C' at P and the coordinate axes is (a/b), `a b in N` then find the least value of (a-6b)

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  3. If the function `k(x) = log_(e)((x^(2)-x+1)/(x^(2)+x+1)` is strictly decreasing in `x in (-t/7, t/7), then find the greatest integral value of t.

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  4. The line y = x is a tangent to the curve `y=px^(2)+qx+r` at the point x =1. If the curve passes through the point (-1, 0) then the value of (p+r)/q is

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  5. Let `f(x) ={(x+1, x lt1),(lambda, x =1),(x^(2)-x+3, xgt1):}` be a strictly increasing function at x =1, then the number of integers in the range of `lambda`, is

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  6. If the tangent at a point P on the curve `x^(7).y^(2) = sqrt7+2^(1/7) meets the co-ordinates axes A and B respectively then 2((BP)/(AP)) is

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  7. If `f(x) = 2x^(3)+9x^(2)+px+20` is an increasing function of x in the largest interval (-1,4) then p is equal to

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  8. Let `f:[1,3[ rarr [0, oo)` be continuous and differentiable function and if `(f(3)-f(1)).(f^(2)(3)+f^(2)(1)+f(3)f(1)=kf^(2)(c)f^(')(c) where c in (1,3)`, then find the value of k.

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  9. If Rolle's theorem is applicable on the function `g(x) = {((e^(px)-qx-1)/x, 0lt x le 1),(2, x =0):}` in interval `x in [0,1], then find the value of `(p^(2)+q^(2))`.

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  10. Given the function `f(x) = 2x^(2)-4x-5`. If `x_(1)` and x_(2) (x_(1) gt x_(2))` are the abscissae of points on $f(x)$ such that the tangents drawn at them pass through the point M(0, -7)then `(3x_(1)-2x_(2))` equals

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  11. Let y=f(x) be an invertible function such that x -intercept of the tangent at any point P(x, y) on y=f(x) is equal to the square of abscissa of the point of tangency. If f(2)=1, then `f^(-1)(5/8)` equals

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  12. Let f(x) be the curve passing through (-2,1) such that slope of the normal line at the point $(x, y)$ on the curve is equal to `x^(2)y`. The area bounded by the curve `y = xf^(2)(x)` and coordinates axes, is

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  13. If y=4 x-5 is a tangent to the curve `C :y^(2) = px^(3)+q` at M (2,3) then the value of (p-q) is

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  14. `k` is the least positive integer for which the function `f(x) = (2x+1)^(50)(3x-4)^(60)` is increasing in [k, oo)`. The value of 'k' is

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  15. Number of integral values of a for which the function `f(x) = ((4a-7)/3)x^(3)+(a-3)x^(2)+x+5` is monotonic for every `x in R`, is

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  16. Let f(x) be a cubic polynomial which has local maximum at x=-1 and `f^(')(x)` has a local minimum at x=1. If f(-1) = 10 and f(3) =-22, then find the distance between its two horizontal tangents.

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  17. Let `f^(')(x) = e^(x^(2))` and f(0)=10. If A

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  18. Minimum distance between the curves `f(x)=e^(x)` and g(x0 = Inx is

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  19. f(x) is a polynomial of degree 6 which decreases in the interval `(0, oo)` and increases in the interval `(-oo, 0)`. If `f^(')(2) =0, f^(')(0) =0, f^(")(0) =0,f(0) =1` and f(1)-f(-1) = 8/5`, then -3(f(1)+f(-1)) equals

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  20. The least positive integral value of `lambda` for which `f(x) = (3x^(3))/2 + (lambda x^(2))/3 + x +7` has a point of maxima is

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  21. Minimum positive integral value of : k for which `f(x) = k cos 2x - 4 cos^(3)x` has exactly one critical point in (0, pi), is

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  22. Let the radius and height of right circular cylinder is related as `r^(2) + h =5`. Let `lambda` is maximum volume. Then `(16 lambda)/(25 pi)` , is

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  23. A solid box is formed by placing a cylinder, having equal height and radius on top of a cube such that, the circular base of cylinder is the inscribed circle for square top of the cube. If the radius of cytinder is changing at the rate `1/(2 pi +16) cm/s`, then the rate of change of volume of the box when radius is 2 cm, is (Assuming that box always remain in the given shape)

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  24. On the curve `x^(m+n).y^(n) = a, m n in N, a in R^(+)`, if the ratio of slopes of tangent at any point $P$ and that of line segment OP( O being origin) is -4 , then the value of m/n is

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  25. If `a in (a_(1), a_(2))` is the complete set satisfying the condition that the. point of local minima and the point of local maxima is less than 4 and greater than -2, respectively for the function `f(x) = x^(3)-3ax^(2)+3(a^(2)-1)x+1`, then `(a_(2)-a_(1))` is

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  26. x and y are sides of two squares sach that `y=x-x^(2)`. Let f(x) denote the rate of change of area of the second square with respect to the area of the first'square, then f(2) is

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  27. If the tangent at a point P on the curve `x^(7).y^(2) = sqrt7+2^(1/7) meets the co-ordinates axes A and B respectively then 2((BP)/(AP)) is

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  28. Number of solutions of the equation `(x-k) e^(-x) = 1/(e^(2))`, where `k lt 1` is

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  29. The total number of local maxima and local minima of the function `f(x) = ((2-x)/pi) cos (pix + 3pi) + 1/pi sin (pi x + 3pi)`, where `0lt x lt x` is equal is

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Question Bank questions and complete solutions for chapter APPLICATIONS OF DERIVATIVES of CENGAGE MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12