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Complete Solutions to MCQ of chapter JEE 2019 of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
ChapterJEE 2019
Number Of Questions90
Academic Year2023-24
  1. In a class 140 students numbered 1 to 140, all even numbered students opted Mathematics course, those whose number is divisible by 3 opted Physics course and those whose number is divisible by 5 opted Chemistry course. Then the number of students who did not opt for any of the three courses is (a) 38 (b) 1 (c)42 (d) 102

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  2. Let `alpha and beta` two roots of the equatins `x^(2)+2x+2=0.` then `alpha^(15)+beta^(15)` is equal to

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  3. If both the roots of the quadratic equation `x^(2) -mx+4=0` are real and distinct and they lie in the interval `[1,5]` then m lies in the interval

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  4. The number of all possivle positive integral values of `alpha` for which the roots of the quadratic equation, `6x^(2)-11x+alpha=0` are rational numbers is

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  5. Consider the quadratic equation, `(c-5) x^(2)-2cx+(c-4) =0, c ne 5.` Let S be the set of all integral values for c for which one root of the equation lies in the interval (0,2) and its other root lies in the interval (2,3) . Then, the number of elements in S is

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  6. The value of `lamda` such that sum of the squares of the roots of the quadratic equation, `x^(2)+(3-lamda)x+2=lamda` had the leadt value is

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  7. If one real root of the quadratic equation `81x^(2)+kx+256=0` is cube of the other root, then a value of k is

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  8. Let `alpha` and `beta` be the roots of the quadratic equation `x^(2)` sin `theta - x (sin theta cos theta + 1) + cos theta = 0 (0 lt theta lt 45^(@))`, and `alpha lt beta`.
    Then `Sigma_(n=0)^(oo) (alpha^(n) + ((-1)^(n))/(beta^(n)))` is equal to

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  9. If `lamda` be the ratio of the roots of the quadratic equation in `x, 3m^(2)x^(2)+m(m-4)x+2=0,` then the least value of m for which `lamda+(1)/(lamda)=1,` is

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  10. The number of integral values of m for which the quadratic expression `(1 + 2m)x^(2) - 2(1 + 3m)x + 4(1 + m), x in R`, is always positive is

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  11. Let `A={theta in (-pi /2,pi):(3+2i sin theta )/(1-2 sin theta )` is purely imaginary }
    Then the sum of the elements in A is

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  12. Let `Z_0` is the root of equation `x^2+x+1=0` and `Z=3+6i(Z_0)^(81)-3i(Z_0)^(93)` Then arg `(Z)` is equal to (a) `(pi)/(4)` (b) `(pi)/(3)` (c) `pi` (d) `(pi)/(6)`

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  13. Let `z_(1)` and `z_(2)` be any two non-zero complex numbers such that `3|z_(1)|=2|z_(2)|. "If "z=(3z_(1))/(2z_(2)) + (2z_(2))/(3z_(1))`, then

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  14. If `z=(sqrt(3)/2+i/2)^5+(sqrt(3)/2-i/2)^5` , then prove that `Im(z)=0`

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  15. Let `(-2 -1/3 i)^3=(x+iy)/27 (i= sqrt(-1))` where x and y are real numbers then y-x equals

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  16. Let `(z-alpha)/(z+alpha)` is purely imaginary and `|z|=2, alphaepsilonR` then `alpha` is equal to (A) `2` (B) `1` (C) `sqrt2` (D) `sqrt3`

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  17. Let `Z_(1)` and `Z_(2)` be two complex numbers satisfying `|Z_(1)|=9` and `|Z_(2)-3-4i|=4`. Then the minimum value of `|Z_(1)-Z_(2)|` is

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  18. Consider the statement : `" P(n) : n^(2)-n+41` is prime." Then, which one of the following is true?

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  19. If `a ,b ,c` are three distinct real numbers in G.P. and `a+b+c=x b ,` then prove that either `x<<-1orx>>3.`

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  20. Let `a_(1), a_(2),....a_(3)` be an AP, `S = sum_(i = 1)^(30) a_(i) and T = sum_(i=1)^(15) a_((2i-1))`. If `a_(5) = 27 and S -2T = 75`, then `a_(10)` is equal to

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  21. The sum of series
    `1+6+(9(1^(2)+2^(2)+3^(2)))/(7) + (12(1^(2)+2^(2)+3^(2)+4^(2)))/(9)+(15(1^(2)+2^(2)+...+5^(2)))/(11)+...` up to 15 terms is

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  22. Let a, b and c be the 7th, 11th and 13th terms, respectively, of a non-constant A.P.. If these are also the three consecutive terms of a G.P., then `(a)/(c )` is equal to

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  23. The sum of all two digit positive numbers which when divided by 7 yield 2 or 5 as remainder is

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  24. If 5, 5r and `5r^(2)` are the lengths of the sides of a triangle, then r cannot be equal to

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  25. The sum of an infinite geometric series with positive terms is 3 and the sums of the cubes of its terms is `(27)/(19)`. Then the common ratio of this series is

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  26. Let `a_1, a_2, a_3, ?a_10 `are in G.P. if `a_3/a_1 =25` then `a_9/a_5` is equal to (A) `5^4` (B) `4.5^4` (C) `4.5^3` (D) `5^3`

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  27. If 19th term of a non-zero AP is zero, then its (49th term) : (29 th term) is

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  28. The product of three consecutive terms of a GP is 512. If 4 is added to each of the first and the second of these terms, the three terms now form an AP. Then the sum of the original three terms of the given GP is: (a) 36 (b) 32 (c) 24 (d) 28

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  29. Let `S_(k) = (1+2+3+...+k)/(k)`. If `S_(1)^(2) + s_(2)^(2) +...+S_(10)^(2) = (5)/(12)A`, then A is equal to

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  30. If the sum of the first 15 terms of the series `((3)/(4))^(3)+(1(1)/(2))^(3)+(2(1)/(4))^(3)+3^(3)+(3(3)/(4))^(3)+...` is equal to 225k, then k is equal to

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  31. Let x, y be positive real numbers and m, n be positive integers, The maximum value of the expression
    `(x^(m)y^(n))/((1+x^(2m))(1+y^(2n)))` is

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  32. Consider a class of 5 girls and 7 boys. The number of different teams consisting of 2 girls and 3 boys that can be formed from this class, if there are two specific boys A and B, who refuse to be the members of the same team, is

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  33. Let S be the set of all triangles in the xy-plane, each having one vertex at the origin and the other two vertices lie on coordinate axes with integral coordinates. If each triangle in S has area 50 eq. units, then the number of elements in the set S is

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  34. The number of natural numbers less than 7,000 which can be formed by using the digits 0, 1, 3, 7, 9 (repetition of digits allowed) is equal to

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  35. If set `A={1, 2, 3, 2 }`, then the find the number of onto functions from `A to A` such that `f(k)` is a multiple of 3, whenever `k` is a multiple of 4.
    (A) `6^5xx15!`
    (B) `5^6xx15!`
    (C) `6!xx5!`
    (D) `6!xx15!`

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  36. Let `S={1,2,3, …, 100}`. The number of non-empty subsets A to S such that the product of elements in A is even is

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  37. Consider three boxes, each containing 10 balls labelled 1, 2, …, 10. Suppose one ball is randomly drawn from each of the boxes denoted by `n_(i)`, the label of the ball drawn from the `i^(th)` box, (I = 1, 2, 3). Then, the number of ways in which the balls can be chosen such that `n_(1) lt n_(2) lt n_(3)` is

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  38. Let Z be the set of integers. If A = `{x in Z : 2^((x + 2)(x^(2) - 5x + 6)} = 1` and `B = {x in Z : -3 lt 2x - 1 lt 9}`, then the number of subsets of the set A `xx` B is

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  39. There are m men and two women participating in a chess tournament. Each participant plays two games with every other participant. If the number of games played by the men between themselves exceeds the number of games played between the men and the women by 84, then teh value of m is

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  40. If the fractional part of the number `(2^(403))/(15)` is `(k)/(15)` then k is equal to

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  41. The coefficient of `t^4` in `((1-t^6)/(1-t))^3` (a) `18` (b) `12` (c) `9` (d) `15`

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  42. If `Sigma_(i=1)^(20) ((""^(20)C_(i-1))/(""^(20)C_(i)+""^(20)C_(i-1)))^(3)=(k)/(21)`, then k equals

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  43. If the third term in expansion of `(1+x^(log_2x))^5` is `2560` then `x` is equal to (a) `2sqrt2` (b) `1/8` (c) `1/4` (d) `4sqrt2`

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  44. The positive value of `lambda` for which the coefficient of `x^(2)` in the expression `x^(2) (sqrt(2) + (lambda)/(x^(2)))^(10)` is 720 is

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  45. If ` Sigma_(r=0)^(25) (""^(50)C_(r)""^(50-r)C_(25-r))=K(""^(50)C_(25))`, then K is equal to

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  46. If the middle term of the expansion of `(x^3/3+3/x)^8` is `5670` then sum of all real values of `x` is equal to (A) `6` (B) `3` (C) `0` (D) `2`

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  47. The value of r for which
    `.^(20)C_(r ), .^(20)C_(r - 1) .^(20)C_(1) + .^(20)C_(2) + …… + .^(20)C_(0) .^(20)C_(r )` is maximum, is

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  48. Let `(x+10)^(50)+(x-10)^(50)=a_(0)+a_(1)x+a_(2)x^(2)+...+a_(50)x^(50)` for all `x in R`, then `(a_(2))/(a_(0))` is equal to

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  49. Let `S_(n) = 1 + q + q^(2) +...+ q^(n) and T_(n) = 1 + ((q +1)/(2)) + ((q +1)/(2)) + ...+ ((q +1)/(2))^(n)`, where q is a real number and `q != 1`. If
    `.^(101)C_(1) + .^(101)C_(2).S_(1) + ...+ .^(101)C_(101).S_(100) = alpha T_(100)`, then `alpha` is equal to

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  50. Ratio of the `5^(th)` term from the beginning to the `5^(th)` term from the end in the binomial expansion of `(2^(1//3)+(1)/(2(3)^(1//3)))^(10)` is

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  51. If `""^(n)C_(4),^(n)C_(5)" and "^(n)C_(6)` are in A.P. then find n.

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  52. Number of irrational terms in expansion of `(2^(1/5) + 3^(1/10))^60` is

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  53. Two integers are selected at random from the set {1, 2, …, 11}. Given that the sum of selected numbers is even, the conditional probability that both the numbers are even is

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  54. Let `S={1,2,...,20}` A subset `B` of S is said to be `"nice"`, if the sum of the elements of `B` is 203. Then the probability that a randomly chosen subset of `S` is `"nice"` is: (a) `7/(2^20)` (b) `5/(2^20)` (c) `4/(2^20)` (d) `6/(2^20)`

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  55. In a class of 60 students, 40 opted for NCC, 30 opted for NSS and 20 opted for both NCC and NSS. If one of these students is selected at random, then the probability that the student selected has opted neither for NCC nor for NSS is

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  56. In a game, a man wins Rs 100 if he gets 5 or 6 on a throw of a fair die and loses Rs 50 for getting any other number on the die. If he decides to throw the die either till he gets a five or a six or to a maximum of three throws, then his expected gain/loss (in rupees) is: (a) `400/3` gain (b) `400/9` loss (c) 0 (d) `400/3` loss

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  57. If the Boolean expression `(p oplusq)wedge (~p Theta q)` is equivalent to `p wedge q`, where `oplus, Theta in {vee, wedge}`, then the ordered pair (oplus, Theta)` is

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  58. The logical statement `[~(~pvvq)vv(p^^r)]^^(~q^^r)` is equivalent to (a) `(~p^^~q)^^r` (b) `~p vv r` (c) `(p^^r)^^~q` (d) `(p^^~q)vvr`

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  59. Given three statements P: 5 is a prime number, Q:7 is a factor of 192, R:The LCM of 5 & 7 is 35 Then which of the following statements are true (a) `Pv(~Q^^R)` (b) `~P^^(~Q^^R)` (c) `(PvQ)^^~R` (d) `~P^^(~Q^^R)`

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  60. `(~pvv~q)` is logically equivalent to

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  61. Average height & variance of `5` students in a class is `150` and `18` respectively. A new student whose height is `156 cm` is added to the group. Find new variance. (a) `20` (b) `22` (c) `16` (d) `14`

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  62. A data consists of n observations `x_(1), x_(2), ..., x_(n). If Sigma_(i=1)^(n) (x_(i) + 1)^(2) = 9n and Sigma_(i=1)^(n) (x_(i) - 1)^(2) = 5n`, then the standard deviation of this data is

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  63. The mean of five observations is 5 and their variance is 9.20. If three of the given five observations are 1,3 and 8, then a ratio of other two observations is

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  64. The mean and standart deviation of five observations `x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4,x_5` and are 10 and 3 respectively, then variance of the observation `x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4,x_5,-50` is equal to (a) 437.5 (b) 507.5 (c) 537.5 (d) 487.5

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  65. The outcome of each of 30 items was observed , 10 items gave an outcome `(1)/(2)-d` each, 10 items gave outcome `(1)/(2)` each and the remaining 10 items gave outcome `(1)/(2) +d` each. If the variance of this outcome data is `(4)/(3)`, then |d| equals

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  66. Contrapositive of the statement ''If two numbers are not equal, then their squares are not equal.'' is

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  67. There are 30 white balls and 10 red balls in bag. 16 balls are drawn with replacement from the bag. If `X` be the number of white balls drawn then the value of `(mean(X))/(standard deviation(X))` is equal to (A) `4sqrt3` (B) `2sqrt3` (C) `3sqrt3` (D) `3sqrt2`

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  68. If the sum of the deviations of 50 observations from 30 is 50, then the mean of these observations is

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  69. Mean and variance of five observations are `4` and `5.2` respectively. If three of these observations are `3, 4, 4` then find absolute difference between the other two observations (A) `3` (B) `7` (C) `2` (D) `5`

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  70. The system of linear equations
    x + y + z = 2
    2x + 3y + 2z = 5
    `2x + 3y + (a^(2) - 1)z = a + 1`

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  71. If the system of linear equations `x-4y+7z=g`, `3y-5z=h`, `-2x+5y-9z=k` is consistent, then (a) `g+2h+k=0` (b) `g+h+2k=0` (c) `2g+h+k=0` (d) `g+h+k=0`

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  72. If the system fo equations
    x+y+z = 5
    x + 2y + 3z = 9
    `x + 3y + alphaz = beta`
    has infinitely many solution, then `beta - alpha` equals

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  73. Let `a_(1),a_(2),a_(3), …, a_(10)` be in G.P. with `a_(i) gt 0` for i=1, 2, …, 10 and S be te set of pairs (r, k), r, k `in` N (the set of natural numbers)
    for which `|(log_(e)a_(1)^(r)a_(2)^(k),log_(e)a_(2)^(r)a_(3)^(k),log_(e)a_(3)^(r)a_(4)^(k)),(log_(e)a_(4)^(r)a_(5)^(k),log_(e)a_(5)^(r)a_(6)^(k),log_(e)a_(6)^(r)a_(7)^(k)),(log_(e)a_(7)^(r)a_(8)^(k),log_(e)a_(8)^(r)a_(9)^(k),log_(e)a_(9)^(r)a_(10)^(k))|` = 0. Then the number of elements in S is

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  74. If the system of linear equations
    where a,b and c are non-zero real numbers, has more than one solution, then

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  75. prove that `[ [a-b-c , 2a , 2a ] , [2b , b-c-a , 2b ] ,[2c ,2c,c-a-b]]`= `(a+b+c)^3`

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  76. An ordered pair `(alpha, beta)` for which the system of linear equations `(1+alpha)x+betay+z=2`, `alphax+(1+beta)y+z=3` and `alphax+betay+2z=2` has unique solution is: (a) (2,4) (b) (-3,1) (c) (-4,2) (d) (1,-3)

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  77. The set of all values of `lambda` for which the system of linear equations
    `x - 2y - 2z = lambdax`
    `x + 2y + z = lambday`
    `-x -y = lambdaz`
    has a non-trivial solution

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  78. If `A = [(costheta,-sintheta),(sintheta,costheta)]`, then the matrix `A^(-50)`, when `theta = (pi)/(12)`, is equal to

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  79. Matrix`=[[e^t,e^-t(sint-2cost),e^-t(-2sint-cost)],[e^t,-e^-t(2sint+cost),e^-t(sint-2cost)],[e^t,e^tcost,e^-tsint]]` is invertible. (a) only if `t=(pi)/(2)` (b) only `y=pi` (c) `tepsilonR` (d) `t!inR`

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  80. Let `d in R` and `A=` `((-2,4+d, sintheta-2),(1, sintheta+2,d),(5, 2sintheta-d, (-sintheta)+2+2d))` where `thetain[0,pi]`. If the minimum value of `det(A)` is 8, then the value of `d` is (a) `-7` (b) `-5` (c) `2(sqrt(2)+1)` (d) `2(sqrt(2)+2)`

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  81. Let `A=[(2,b,1),(b,b^(2)+1,b),(1,b,2)]` where `b gt 0`. Then the minimum value of `("det.(A)")/(b)` is

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  82. Let `A=[[0,2q,r] , [p,q,-r] , [p,-q,r]]` If `A A^T=I_3` then `|p|=`

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  83. Let A and B be two invertible matrices of order `3xx3`. If det. `(ABA^(T))` = 8 and det. `(AB^(-1))` = 8, then det. `(BA^(-1)B^(T))` is equal to

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  84. Let `P=[(1,0,0),(4,1,0),(16,4,1)]` and `I` be the identity matrix of order 3. If `Q=[q_("ij")]` is a matrix such that `P^(50)-Q=I`, then `(q_(31)+q_(32))/q_(21)` equals

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  85. If `A = [(1,sintheta,1),(-sintheta,1,sintheta),(-1,-sintheta,1)]`, then for all
    `thetain ((3pi)/(4),(5pi)/(4))`, det. (A) lies in the interval

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  86. Two cards are drawn successively with replacement from a well-shuffled deck of 52 cards. Let X denote the random variable of number of aces obtained in the two drawn cards. Then P(X = 1) + P(X = 2) equals

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  87. An urn contains 5 red and 2 green balls. A ball is drawn at random from the urn. If the drawn ball is green, then a red ball is added to the urn and if the drawn ball is red, then a green ball is added to the urn, the original ball is not returned to the urn. Now, a second ball is drawn at random from it. The probability that the second ball is red is

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  88. An unbiased coin is tossed. If the result is a head, a pair of unbiased dice is rolled and the number obtained by adding the numbers on two faces is noted. If the result is a tail, a card from a well-shuffled pack of 11 cards numbered 2, 3, 4, ..., 12 is picked and the number on the card is noted. What is the probability that the noted number is either 7 or 8?

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  89. If the probability of hitting a target by a shooter, in any shot is 1/3, then the minimum number of independent shots at the target required by him so that the probability of hitting the target at least once is greater than `(5)/(6)` is

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  90. In a random experiment, a fair die is rolled until two fours are obtained in succession.The probability that the experiment will end in the fifth throw of the die is equal to

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MCQ questions and complete solutions for chapter JEE 2019 of CENGAGE of Class 12