Class 12 | MATHS |
CENGAGE NEW | Examples |
Number Of Questions | 100 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Find the angel between the following pairs of vectors `3hati+2hatj-6hatk, 4hati-3hatj+hatkhati-2hatj+3hatk, 3hati-2hatj+hatk`
If `veca, vecb and vecc` are non - zero vectors such that `veca.vecb= veca.vecc`,.the find the goemetrical relation between the vectors.
if `vecr.veci=vecr.vecj=vecr.veck and|vecr|= 3, "then find vector" vecr`.
If `veca,vecbandvecc` are unit vectors such that `veca+vecb+vecc=0`, then the value of `veca.vecb+vecb.vecc+vecc.veca` is
if `veca,vecb and vecc` are mutally perpendicular vectors of equal magnitudes, then find the angle between vectors and ` veca+ vecb+vecc`.
If `|veca|+|vecb|=|vecc|and veca+vecb=vecc` then find the angle between `veca and vecb`.
If three unit vectors `veca, vecb and vecc " satisfy" veca+vecb+vecc= vec0`. Then find the angle between `veca and vecb`.
If `theta` is the angle between the unit vectors `veca and vecb`, then prove that
i. `cos((theta)/2)=1/2|veca+vecb|`
` ii. sin (theta/2)=1/2|veca-vecb|`
find the projection of the vector `hati+3hatj+7hatk` on the vector `7hati-hatj+8 hatk`
If the scalar projection of vector `xhati-hatj+hatk1` on vector `2hati-hatj+5hatk is 1/sqrt30`. The find the value of x.
If `veca=xhati+ (x-1)hatj+hatkandvecb= (x+1)hati+hatjahatk` make an acute angle `AAx inR,` then find the values of a.
If `veca.veci=veca.(hati+hatj)=veca.(hati+hatj+hatk)` . Then find the unit vector `veca`.
Prove by vector method that `cos(A+B)cos AcosB-sinAsinBdot`
In any triangle `A B C ,` prove the projection formula`a=b cosC+ccosB` using vector method.
Prove that an angle inscribed in a semi-circle is a right angle using vector method.
Using dot product of vectors, prove that a parallelogram, whose diagonals are equal, is a rectangle
If `a+2b+3c=4,` then find the least value of `a^2+b^2+c^2dot`
A unit vector a makes an angle `pi/ 4` with z-axis. If `a + i + j` is a unit vector, then a can be equal to
vectors `veca,vecb and vecc` are of the same length and when taken pair-wise they form equal angles. If `veca=hati+hatj and vecb=hatj+hatk` then find vector `vecc`.
If `veca,vecb and vecc` are three mutually perpendicular unit vectors and `vecd` is a unit vector which makes equal angal with `veca,vecb and vecc`, then find the value of `|veca+vecb+vecc+vecd|^(2)`.
A particle acted on by constant forces `4veci+vecj-3veck and 3veci+vecj-veck` is displaced from the point `veci+2vecj+3veck` to the point `5veci+4vecj+veck.` Find the total work done by the forces
If `veca,vecb,vecc` are mutually perpendicular vectors of equal magnitude show that `veca+vecb+vecc` is equally inclined to `veca, vecb and vecc`
If `veca=4hati+6hatj and vecb=3hati+4hatk` find the vector component of `veca alond vecb`.
If `|veca|=|vecb|=|veca+vecb|=1` then find the value of `|veca-vecb|`
If `veca=-hati+hatj+hatk andvecb=2hati+0hatj+hatk` then find vector `vecc` satisfying the following conditions, (i) that it is coplaner with `veca and vecb` , (ii) that it is `bot "to" vecb` and (iii) that `veca.vecc=7`.
If `veca, vecb and vecc` are vectors such that `|veca|=3,|vecb|=4 and |vec|=5 and (veca+vecb)` is perpendicular to vecc,(vecb+vecc) is perpendicular to veca and (vecc+veca)` is perpendicular to `vecb` then `|veca+vecb+vecc|=` (A) 4sqrt(3)` (B) `5sqrt(2)` (C) 2 (D) 12
Prove that in a tetrahedron if two pairs of opposite edges are perpendicular , then the third pair is also perpendicular.
In the isosceles triangle `ABC, |vec(AB)| = |vec(BC)| = 8`,a point E divide AB internally in the ratio `1:3`, then the cosine of the angle between `vec(CE)` and `vec(CA)` is (where `|vec(CA)| = 12`)
An arc `AC` of a circle subtends a right angle at then the center `O`. the point B divides the are in the ratio `1:2`, If `vecOA = a & vecOB = b`. then the vector `vecOC` in terms of `a & b`, is
Vector ` vec O A= hat i+2 hat j+2 hat k` turns through a right angle passing through the positive x-axis on the way. Show that the vector in its new position is `(4 hat i- hat j- hat k)/(sqrt(2))dot`
The base of the pyramid `A O B C` is an equilateral triangle `O B C` with each side equal to `4sqrt(2),O` is the origin of reference, `A O` is perpendicualar to the plane of ` O B C` and `| vec A O|=2.` Then find the cosine of the angle between the skew straight lines, one passing though `A` and the midpoint of `O Ba n d` the other passing through `O` and the mid point of `B Cdot`
Find `|vecaxxvecb|,if veca=hati-7hatjandvecb=3hati-2hatj+2hatk`.
Let the vectors `veca and vecb` be such that `|veca|=3and|vecb|=sqrt2/3"then|" vecaxxvecb`is a unit vector. If the angle between `veca and vecb` is ?
Prove that `(veca-vecb)xx(veca+vecb)=2(vecaxxvecb)` also interpret this result.
Let `veca=hati+4hatj+2hatk,vecb=3hati-2hatj+7hatk and veca=2hati-2hatj+4hatk` . Find a vector `vecd` which perpendicular to both `veca and vecb and vecc.vecd=15`.
If `A ,Ba n dC` are the vetices of a triangle `A B C ,` then prove sine rule `a/(sinA)=b/(sinB)=c/(sinC)dot`
Using cross product of vectors, prove that `sin(A+B)=sinAcosB+cosAsinBdot`
Find a unit vector perpendicular to the plane determined by the points `(1,-1,2),(2,0,-1)a n d(0,2,1)dot`
If `veca and vecb` are two vectors , then prove that `(vecaxxvecb)^(2)=|{:(veca.veca" ",veca.vecb),(vecb.veca" ",vecb.vecb):}|`
If ` |veca|=2` then find the value of `|vecaxxveci|^(2)+|vecaxxvecj|^(2)+|vecaxxveck|^2`
`vecrxxveca=vecbxxveca,vecrxxvecb=vecaxxvecb,vecanevec0,vecbnevec0,vecanelambdavecb and veca` is not perpendicular to `vecb`, then find `vecr` in terms of `veca and vecb`.
`A , B , Ca n dD` are any four points in the space, then prove that `| vec A Bxx vec C D+ vec B Cxx vec A D+ vec C Axx vec B D|=4` (area of ` A B C` .)
If `veca, vecb and vecc` are the position vectors of the vertices A,B and C. respectively , of `triangleABC`. Prove that the perpendicualar distance of the vertex A from the base BC of the triangle ABC is `(|vecaxxvecb+vecbxxvecc+veccxxveca|)/(|vecc-vecb|)`
Using vectors, find the area of the triangle with vertices `A(1,1,2),\ B(2,3,5)a n d\ C(1,5,5)`
Find the area of the parallelogram whsoe adjacent sides are given by the vectors `veca=hati-hatj+3hatk dn vecb=2hati-7hatj+hatk``
Area of a parallelogram, whose diagonals are `3hati+hatj-2hatk and hati-3hatj+4hatk` will be:
Let `veca,vecb and vecc` be three vectors such that `vecane0, |veca|=|vecc|=1,|vecb|=4and |vecbxxvecc|=sqrt15`. If `vecb-2vecc=lambdaveca` then find the value of `lambda` .
Find the moment about (1,-1,-1) of the force `3hati+4hatj-5hatk` acting at (1,0,-2)
A rigid body is spinning about a fixed point (3,-2,-1) with an angular velocity of 4 rad/s, the axis of rotation being in the direction of (1,2,-2). Find the velocity of the particle at point (4,1,1).
If `vecaxxvecb=veccxxvecd and vecaxxvecc=vecbxxvecd` show that `(veca-vecd)` is parallel to `(vecb-vecc). It is given that `vec!=vecd and vecb!=vecc.
Show by a numerical example and geometrically also that ` vec axx vec b= vec axx vec c` does not imply ` vec b= vec cdot`
If `veca,vecb,vecc and vecd` are the position vectors of the vertices of a cycle quadrilateral ABCD, prove that `(|vecaxxvecb+vecb xxvecd+vecd xxveca|)/((vecb-veca).(vecd-veca))+(|vecbxxvecc+veccxxvecd+vecd+vecd xx vecb|)/((vecb-vecc).(vecd-vecc))`
The postion vectors of the vertrices fo aquadrilateral with A as origian are `B(vecb),D(vecd) and C (l vecb+m vecd)` . Prove that the area of the quadrilateral is `1/2(l+m)|vecb xx vecd|`.
Let `veca and vecb` be unit vectors such that `|veca+vecb|=sqrt3`. Then find the value of `(2veca+5vecb).(3veca+vecb+vecaxxvecb)`
`ua n dv` are two non-collinear unit vectors such that `|( hat u+ hat v)/2+ hat uxx hat v|=1.` Prove that `| hat uxx hat v|=|( hat u- hat v)/2|dot`
In a `/_\ABC `points D,E,F are taken on the sides BC,CA and AB respectively such that `(BD)/(DC)=(CE)/(EA)=(AF)/(FB)=n` prove that `/_\DEF= (n^2-n+1)/((n+1)^2)` /_\ABC`
Let A,B,C be points with position vectors `2hati-hatj+hatk,hati+2hatj+hatkand 3hati+hatj+2hatk` respectively. Find the shortest distance between point B and plane OAC.
Let `veca=xhati+12hatj-hatk,=2hati+2xhatj+hatkand vecc=hati+hatk`. If the ordered set `[vecb vecc veca]` is left handed, then find the value of x.
If `veca, vecb and vecc` are three non-coplanar vectors, then find the value of `(veca.(vecbxxvecc))/(vecb.(veccxxveca))+(vecb.(veccxxveca))/(vecc.(vecaxxvecb))+(vecc.(vecbxxveca))/(veca.(vecbxxvecc))`
if the vectors `2hati-3hatj,hati+hatj-hatk and 3 hati-hatk` from three concurrent edges of a parallelpiped, then find the volume of the parallelepied.
The postion vectors of the four angular points of a tetrahedron are `A(hatj+2hatk),B(3hati+hatk),C(4hati+3hatj+6hatk) and D(2hati+3hatj+2hatk)` find the volume of the tetrahedron ABCD.
Let `veca, vecb, vecc` be three unit vectors and `veca.vecb=veca.vecc=0` . If the angle between `vecb and vecc` is `pi/3` then find the value of `|[veca vecb vecc]|`
Prove that `[veca+vecb vecb+vecc vecc+veca]=2[veca vecb vecc]`
Show that : `[vecl vecm vecn] [veca vecb vecc]=|(vecl.veca, vecl.vecb, vecl.vecc),(vecm.veca, vecm.vecb, vecm.vecc),(vecn.veca, vecn.vecb, vecn.vecc)|`
If `veca=hati+hatj+hatk,hatb=hati-hatj+hatk,vecc=hati+2hatj-hatk`, then find the value of `|{:(veca.veca,veca.vecb,veca.vecc),(vecb.veca,vecb.vecb,vecb.vecc),(vecc.veca,vecc.vecb,vecc.vecc):}|`
The value of a so thast the volume of parallelpiped formed by vectors `hati+ahatj+hatk, hatj+ahatk, ahati+hatk` becomes minimum is (A) `sqrt93)` (B) 2 (C) `1/sqrt(3)` (D) 3
If `vecu,vecv and vecw` are three non coplanar vectors then `(vecu+vecv-vecw).(vecu-vecc)xx(vecv-vecw)` equals (A) `vecu.vecvxxvecw` (B) `vecu.vecwxxvecv` (C) `3vecu.vecuxxvecw` (D) 0
If `veca and vecb` are two vectors, such that `|veca xx vecb|=2` , then find the value of `[veca vecb veca xx vecb]`
Find th altitude of a parallelepiped whose three coterminous edges are vectors `vecA=hati+hatj+hatk,vecB=2hati+4hatj-hatkand vecC=hati+hatj+3hatk "with" vecA and vecB` as the sides of the base of the parallelepiped .
If `[ veca vecbvecc]=2` , then find the value of `[(veca+2vecb-vecc) (veca - vecb) (veca - vecb-vecc)]`
If `veca,vecb,vecc` are mutually perpendicular vector and `veca=alpha(vecaxxvecb)+beta(vecbxxvecc)+gamma(veccxxveca) and [veca vecb vecc]=1 then vecalpha+vecbeta+vecgamma=` (A) `|veca|^2` (B) `-|veca|^2` (C) 0 (D) none of these
If `veca, vecba and vecc` are non- coplanar vecotrs, then prove that `|(veca.vecd)(vecbxxvecc)+(vecb.vecd)(veccxxveca)+(vecc.vecd)(vecaxxvecb)` is independent of `vecd ` where `vecd` is a unit vector.
Prove that vectors ` vec u=(a l+a_1l_1) hat i+(a m+a_1m_1) hat j+(a n+a_1n_1) hat k` ` vec v=(b l+b_1l_1) hat i+(b m+b_1m_1) hat j+(b n+b_1n_1) hat k` ` vec w=(b l+b_1l_1) hat i+(b m+b_1m_1) hat j+(b n+b_1n_1) hat k`
Let `G_(1),G_(2) and G_(3)` be the centroids of the trianglular faces OBC,OCA and OAB, respectively, of a tetrahedron OABC. If `V_(1)` denotes the volume of the tetrahedron OABC and `V_(2)` that of the parallelepiped with `OG_(1),OG_(2) and OG_(3)` as three concurrent edges, then prove that `4V_(1)=9V_(2)` .
Prove that : `vecixx(vecaxxveci)+vecjx(vecaxxvecj)+veckxx(vecaxxveck)=vec(2a)`
If `hati xx[(veca-hatj)xxhati]xx[(veca-hatk)xxhatj]+veckxx[(veca-veci)xxhatk]=0` , then find vector `veca`.
Prove that: `[vecaxxvecb vecb xx vecc veccxxveca]=[vecavecbvecc]^2`
Prove that: ``(vecb xx vecc).(vecaxxvecd)+(veccxxveca).(vecbxxvecd)+(vecaxxvecb).(veccxxvecd)=0`
If `vecb and vecc` are two non-collinear such that `veca ||(vecbxxvecc)`. Then prove that `(vecaxxvecb).(vecaxxvecc)` is equal to `|veca|^(2)(vecb.vecc)` `
Find the vector of length 3 unit which is perpendicular to `hati+hatj+hatk` and lies in the plane of `hati+hatj+hatk and 2hati-3hatj`
Let `hata,vecb and vecc` be the non-coplanar unit vectors. The angle between `hatb and hatc is alpha "between" hatc and hata is beta and "between" hata and hatb is gamma`. If `A(hatacos alpha),B(hatbcosbeta) and C(hatc cosgamma),` then show that in triangle ABC, `(|hataxx(hatbxxhatca)|)/(sinA)=(|hatbxx(hatcxxhata)|)/sinB = (|hatcxx(hataxxhatb)|)/sinC=(prod|hataxx(hat xx hatc|))/(sumsin alpha-cosbeta. cos gammahatn_(1))` where `hatn_(1)=(hatbxxhatc)/(|hatbxxhatc|),hatn_(2)=(hatcxxhata)/(|hatcxxhata|)and hatn_(3)=(hataxxhatb)/(|hataxxhatb|)`
If `veca,vecb and vecc` are three non-coplannar vectors, then prove that `(|hataxx(hatbxxhatc)|)/sinA=(|hatbxx(hatcxxhata)|)/sinB=(|hatcxx(hataxxhatb)|)/sin C = (prod|hata xx(hatbxx hatc)|)/(|sum sinalpha cosbeta cosgamma hatn_(1)|)`
If `vecb` is not perpendicular to `vecc` . Then find the vector `vecr` satisfying the equation `vecr xx vecb = veca xx vecb and vecr. vecc=0`
If `veca and vecb` are two given vectors and k is any scalar,then find the vector `vecr` satisfying `vecr xx veca +k vecr=vecb`.
If `vecr.veca=0, vecr.vecb=1and [vecr vecavecb]=1,veca.vecbne0,(veca.vecb)^(2)-|veca|^(2)|vecb|^(2)=1,` then find `vecr` in terms of `veca and vecb`.
if vector `vecx` satisfying `vecx xx veca+ (vecx.vecb)vecc =vecd` is given by `vecx = lambda veca + veca xx (vecaxx(vecdxxvecc))/((veca.vecc)|veca|^(2))`
If `veca,vecb and vecc` are non coplnar and non zero vectors and `vecr` is any vector in space then`[vecc vecr vecb]veca+pveca vecr vecc] vecb+[vecb vecr veca]c=` (A) `[veca vecb vecc]` (B) `[veca vecb vecc]vecr` (C) `vecr/([veca vecb vecc])` (D) `vecr.(veca+vecb+vecc)`
If `veca,vecb and vecc` are non coplanar and unit vectors such that `vecaxx(vecbxxvecc)=(vecb+vecc)/sqrt92)` then the angle between `vea and vecb` is (A) `(3pi)/4` (B) `pi/4` (C) `pi/2` (D) `pi`
Prove that `vecR+([vecR.(vecbetaxx(vecbetaxxvecalpha))]vecalpha)/(|vecalphaxxvecbeta|^(2))+([vecR.(vecalphaxx(vecalphaxxvecbeta))]vecbeta)/(|vecalphaxxvecbeta|^(2))=([vecRvecalphavecbeta](vecalphaxx vecbeta))/(|vecalphaxx vecbeta|^(2))`
If `veca, vecb and vecc` are three non-coplanar non-zero vectors, then prove that `(veca.veca) vecb xx vecc + (veca.vecb) vecc xx veca + (veca.vecc)veca xx vecb = [vecb vecc veca] veca`
Find a set of vectors reciprocal to the set `-hati+hatj+hatk,hati-hatj+hatk,hati+hatj+hatk`
Let `veca,vecb and vecc` be a set of non- coplanar vectors and `veca'veab' and vecc'` be its reciprocal set.
prove that `veca=(b'xxc')/([veca'vecb'vecc']),vecb=(c'xxa')/([veca'vecb'vecc'])andvecc=(a'xxb')/([veca'vecb'vecc'])`
Prove that `veca\'xxvecb\'+vecb\'xxvecc\'+vecc\'xxveca\'=(veca+vecb+vecc)/([veca vecb vecc])`
If `veca, vecb and vecc` be three non-coplanar vectors and a',b' and c' constitute the reciprocal system of vectors, then prove that
`i. vecr=(vecr.veca')veca+(vecr.vecb')vecb+(vecr.vecc')vecc`
ii. `vecr= (vecr.veca)veca'+(vecr.vecb)vecb' + (vecr.vecc) vecc'`
Find the angel between the following pairs of vectors `3hati+2hatj-6hatk, 4hati-3hatj+hatkhati-2hatj+3hatk, 3hati-2hatj+hatk`
If `veca, vecb and vecc` are non - zero vectors such that `veca.vecb= veca.vecc`,.the find the goemetrical relation between the vectors.
if `vecr.veci=vecr.vecj=vecr.veck and|vecr|= 3, "then find vector" vecr`.
If `veca,vecbandvecc` are unit vectors such that `veca+vecb+vecc=0`, then the value of `veca.vecb+vecb.vecc+vecc.veca` is
if `veca,vecb and vecc` are mutally perpendicular vectors of equal magnitudes, then find the angle between vectors and` veca+ vecb=vecc`.
If `|veca|=|vecb|=|vecc|and veca+vecb=vecc` then find the angle between `veca and vecb`.
Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter DIFFERENT PRODUCTS OF VECTORS AND THEIR GEOMETRICAL APPLICATIONS of CENGAGE MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12