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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Numerical) of chapter TRIGONOMETRIC EQUATIONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEWExercise (Numerical)
Number Of Questions21
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Number of values of `p` for which equation `sin^3x+1+p^3-3p sinx=0(p >0)` has a root is ________

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  2. If `log_(0.5) sin x=1-log_(0.5) cos x,` then the number of solutions of `x in[-2pi,2pi]` is

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  3. Number of roots of the equation `(3+cos"x")^2=4-2sin^8x ,x in [0,5pi]a r e` _________

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  4. Number of solutions (s) of the equation `(sin x)/(cos 3x) +(sin 3x)/(cos 9x)+(sin 9x)/(cos 27 x)=0` in the interval `(0, pi/4)` is __________.

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  5. Number of solutions of the equation `(sqrt(3)+1)^(2x)+(sqrt(3)-1)^(2x)=2^(3x)` is________

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  6. Number of integral value(s) of `m` for which the equation `sinx-sqrt(3)cosx=(4m-6)/(4-m)` has solutions, `x in [0,2pi]` , is ________

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  7. The number of solutions of the equation `cos^2(x+pi/6)+cos^2x-2cos(x+pi/6)dotcospi/6=sin^2pi/6` in interval `((-pi)/2,pi/2)` is_________

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  8. If `cos4x=a_0+a_1cos^2x+a^2cos^4x` is true for all values of `x in R ,` then the value of `5a_0+a_1+a_2` is_______

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  9. Number of integral values of `a` for which the equation `cos^2x-sinx+a=0` has roots when `x in (0,pi/2)` is____________

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  10. Number of roots of the equation `2^(tan(x-pi/4))-2(0. 25)^sin^(3((x-pi/4))/(cos2x))+1=0,i s_______`

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  11. The number of solution of `sin^(4)x-cos^(2) x sin x+2 sin^(2)x+sin x=0` in `0 le x le 3 pi` is

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  12. Let `k` be sum of all `x` in the interval `[0,2pi]` such that `3cot^2x+8cotx+3=0,` then the value of `k//pi` is______

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  13. If `theta in [0,5pi]a n dr in R` such that `2sintheta=r^4-2r^2+3` then the maximum number of values of the pair `(r ,theta)` is____

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  14. If `2tan^2x-5secx=1` is satisfied by exactly seven distinct values of `x in [0,((2n+1)pi)/2],n in N ,` then the greatest value of `n` is________.

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  15. If `sinx+siny geq cosa cosx, AA x in R` then `siny+cos a=`

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  16. If `sin(sinx+cosx)=cos(cosx-sinx),` and largest possible value of `sinxi spi/k ,` then the value of `k` is______.

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  17. The number of solutions of the equation `1+cosx+cos2x+sinx+sin2x+sin3x=0,` which satisfy the condition `pi/2<|3x-pi/2|lt=pi` is

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  18. the least value of 'a' for which the equation `2sqrt(a) sin^(2) x+sqrt(a-3) sin 2x=5+sqrt(a)` has at least one solution is _______.

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  19. The number of ordered pair (x, y) satisfying the equation `sin^(2) (x+y)+cos^(2) (x-y)=1` which lie on the circle `x^(2)+y^(2)=pi^(2)` is _________.

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  20. Total no. of orderd pairs (x,y) satisfying `x(sin^2 x+ 1/x^2)=2sinx,sin^2y,` where `x in (-pi,0)uu(0,pi) and y in[0,2pi]` is/are

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  21. Number of solutions of the equation `cos 5x xx tan (6|x|)+sin 5x=0` lying in `[-2pi, pi)` is _____.

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Exercise (Numerical) questions and complete solutions for chapter TRIGONOMETRIC EQUATIONS of CENGAGE of Class 12