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Complete Solutions to Single Correct Answer Type of chapter ELLIPSE of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEW DPPSingle Correct Answer Type
Number Of Questions49
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The second degree equation `x^2+4y^2-2x-4y+2=0` represents

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  2. In the standard ellipse, the lines joining the ends of the minor axis to one focus are at right angles. The distance between the focus and the nearer vertex is `sqrt(10) - sqrt(5)`. The equation of the ellipse

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  3. The foci of an ellipse are `(-2,4)` and (2,1). The point `(1,(23)/(6))` is an extremity of the minor axis. What is the value of the eccentricity?

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  4. Let `Q = (3,sqrt(5)),R =(7,3sqrt(5))`. A point P in the XY-plane varies in such a way that perimeter of `DeltaPQR` is 16. Then the maximum area of `DeltaPQR` is

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  5. The eccentricity of the ellipse `(x -3)^2 + (y-4)^2=y^2/9`

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  6. Area bounded by the circle which is concentric with the ellipse `(x^(2))/(25)+(y^(2))/(9) =1` and which passes through `(4,-(9)/(5))`, the vertical chord common to both circle and ellipse on the positive side of x-axis is

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  7. If A and B are foci of ellipse `(x-2y+3)^(2)+(8x +4y +4)^(2) =20` andP is any point on it, then `PA +PB =`

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  8. The distance between directrix of the ellipse `(4x-8)^(2)+16y^(2)=(x+sqrt(3)y+10)^(2)` is

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  9. A chord is drawn passing through `P(2,2)` on the ellipse `(x^(2))/(25)+(y^(2))/(16) =1` such that it intersects the ellipse at A and B. Then maximum value of `PA.PB` is

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  10. If `(x,y)` lies on the ellipse `x^(2)+2y^(3) = 2`, then maximum value of `x^(2)+y^(2)+ sqrt(2)xy - 1` is

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  11. If the eccentric angles of two points P and Q on the ellipse `x^2/28+y^2/7=1` whose centre is C differ by a right angle then the area of `Delta CPQ` is

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  12. `P and Q` are points on the ellipse `x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2 =1` whose center is `C`. The eccentric angles of P and Q differ by a right angle. If `/_PCQ` minimum, the eccentric angle of P can be (A) `pi/6` (B) `pi/4` (C) `pi/3` (D) `pi/12`

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  13. If eccentric angle of a point lying in the first quadrant on the ellipse `x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 = 1` be `theta` and the line joining the centre to that point makes an angle `phi` with the x-axis, then `theta - phi` will be maximum when `theta` is equal to

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  14. Let P and Q be points of the ellipse `16 x^(2) +25y^(2) = 400` so that `PQ = 96//25` and P and Q lie above major axis. Circle drawn with PQ as diameter touch major axis at positive focus, then the value of slope m of PQ is

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  15. If the reflection of the ellipse `((x-4)^(2))/(16)+((y-3)^(2))/(9) =1` in the mirror line `x -y -2 = 0` is `k_(1)x^(2)+k_(2)y^(2)-160x -36y +292 = 0`, then `(k_(1)+k_(2))/(5)` is equal to

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  16. A point P moves on x-y plane such that `PS +PS' = 4` where `S(K,0)` and `S'(-K,0),` then which of the following is not true about the locus of P?

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  17. The ratio of the area enclosed by the locus of the midpoint of PS and area of the ellipse is (P-be any point on the ellipse and S, its focus)

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  18. Find the set of those value(s) of `alpha` for which `(7-(5alpha)/4,alpha)` lies inside the ellipse `x^2/25+y^2/16=1`

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  19. The coordinates of the vertices `Ba n dC` of a triangle `A B C` are (2, 0) and (8, 0), respectively. Vertex `A` is moving in such a way that `4tanB/2tanC/2=1.` Then find the locus of `A`

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  20. PQ and QR are two focal chords of an ellipse and the eccentric angles of P,Q,R are `2alpha, 2beta, 2 gamma`, respectively then `tan beta gamma` is equal to

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  21. the value of `lambda` for which the line `2x-8/3lambday=-3` is a normal to the conic `x^2+y^2/4=1` is:

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  22. If the length of the major axis intercepted between the tangent and normal at a point `P (a cos theta, b sin theta)` on the ellipse `(x^(2))/(a^(2)) +(y^(2))/(b^(2)) =1` is equal to the length of semi-major axis, then eccentricity of the ellipse is

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  23. How many tangents to the circle `x^2 + y^2 = 3` are normal tothe ellipse `x^2/9+y^2/4=1?`

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  24. An ellipse passes through the point (2,3) and its axes along the coordinate axes, `3x +2y -1 = 0` is a tangent to the ellipse, then the equation of the ellipse is

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  25. If `x cos alpha +y sin alpha = 4` is tangent to `(x^(2))/(25) +(y^(2))/(9) =1`, then the value of `alpha` is

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  26. If the normal at any point P of the ellipse `(x^(2))/(16)+(y^(2))/(9) =1` meets the coordinate axes at M and N respectively, then `|PM|: |PN|` equals

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  27. If the normal at any point P on the ellipse cuts the major and minor axes in G and g respectively and C be the centre of the ellipse, then

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  28. The area of the parallelogram formed by the tangents at the points whose eccentric angles are `theta, theta +(pi)/(2), theta +pi, theta +(3pi)/(2)` on the ellipse `(x^(2))/(a^(2))+(y^(2))/(b^(2)) =1` is

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  29. The straight line `(x)/(4)+(y)/(3) =1` intersects the ellipse `(x^(2))/(16)+(y^(2))/(9) =1` at two points A and B, there is a point P on this ellipse such that the area of `DeltaPAB` is equal to `6(sqrt(2)-1)`. Then the number of such points (P) is/are

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  30. The tangent at any point on the ellipse `16x^(2)+25y^(2) = 400` meets the tangents at the ends of the major axis at `T_(1)` and `T_(2)`. The circle on `T_(1)T_(2)` as diameter passes through

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  31. The minimum value of `{(r+5 -4|cos theta|)^(2) +(r-3|sin theta|)^(2)} AA r, theta in R` is

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  32. Let `S_(1)` and `S_(2)` denote the circles `x^(2)+y^(2)+10x - 24y - 87 =0` and `x^(2) +y^(2)-10x -24y +153 = 0` respectively. The value of a for which the line `y = ax` contains the centre of a circle which touches `S_(2)` externally and `S_(1)` internally is

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  33. If `omega` is one of the angles between the normals to the ellipse `(x^2)/(a^2)+(y^2)/(b^2)=1` at the point whose eccentric angles are `theta` and `pi/2+theta` , then prove that `(2cotomega)/(sin2theta)=(e^2)/(sqrt(1-e^2))`

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  34. From any point on the line `(t+2)(x+y) =1, t ne -2`, tangents are drawn to the ellipse `4x^(2)+16y^(2) = 1`. It is given that chord of contact passes through a fixed point. Then the number of integral values of 't' for which the fixed point always lies inside the ellipse is

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  35. At a point P on the ellipse `(x^(2))/(a^(2))+(y^(2))/(b^(2)) =1` tangents PQ is drawn. If the point Q be at a distance `(1)/(p)` from the point P, where 'p' is distance of the tangent from the origin, then the locus of the point Q is

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  36. From a point P perpendicular tangents PQ and PR are drawn to ellipse `x^(2)+4y^(2) =4`, then locus of circumcentre of triangle PQR is

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  37. If the normal at any point P on ellipse `(x^(2))/(a^(2))+(y^(2))/(b^(2)) =1` meets the auxiliary circle at Q and R such that `/_QOR = 90^(@)` where O is centre of ellipse, then

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  38. Tangents are drawn from any point on the circle `x^(2)+y^(2) = 41` to the ellipse `(x^(2))/(25)+(y^(2))/(16) =1` then the angle between the two tangents is

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  39. If radius of the director circle of the ellipse `((3x+4y-2)^(2))/(100)+((4x-3y+5)^(2))/(625) =1` is

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  40. If the curve `x^(2)+3y^(2)=9` subtends an obtuse angle at the point `(2alpha, alpha)` then a possible value of `alpha^(2)` is

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  41. An ellipse has the points `(1, -1) and (2,-1)` as its foci and `x + y = 5` as one of its tangent then the value of `a^2+b^2` where `a,b` are the lenghta of semi major and minor axes of ellipse respectively is :

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  42. An ellipse has foci at `F_1(9, 20)` and `F_2(49,55)` in the xy-plane and is tangent to the x-axis. Find the length of its major axis.

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  43. The maximum distance of the centre of the ellipse `(x^(2))/(16) +(y^(2))/(9) =1` from the chord of contact of mutually perpendicular tangents of the ellipse is

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  44. `P_(1)` and `P_(2)` are the lengths of the perpendicular from the foci on the tangent of the ellipse and `P_(3)` and `P_(4)` are perpendiculars from extermities of major axis and P from the centre of the ellipse on the same tangent, then `(P_(1)P_(2)-P^(2))/(P_(3)P_(4)-P^(2))` equals (where e is the eccentricity of the ellipse)

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  45. From the focus `(-5,0)` of the ellipse `(x^(2))/(45)+(y^(2))/(20) =1`, a ray of light is sent which makes angle `cos^(-1)((-1)/(sqrt(5)))` with the positive direction of X-axis upon reacting the ellipse the ray is reflected from it. Slope of the reflected ray is

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  46. Let `5x-3y=8sqrt2` be normal at `P(5/(sqrt(2)),3/(sqrt(2)))` to an ellipse `(x^2)/(a^2)+(y^2)/(b^2)=1, a > b.` If `m,m'` are feet of perpendiculars from foci `s,s'` respectively. or tangents at p, then point of intersection of `sm' and s'm` is

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  47. If the normals at `alpha, beta,gamma` and `delta` on an ellipse are concurrent then the value of `(sigma cos alpha)(sigma sec alpha)` I

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  48. Prove that the chords of contact of pairs of perpendicular tangents to the ellipse `x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2=1` touch another fixed ellipse.

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  49. Consider an ellipse `x^2/25+y^2/9=1` with centre c and a point P on it with eccentric angle `pi/4.` Nomal drawn at P intersects the major and minor axes in `A and B` respectively. `N_1 and N_2` are the feet of the perpendiculars from the foci `S_1 and S_2` respectively on the tangent at P and N is the foot of the perpendicular from the centre of the ellipse on the normal at P. Tangent at P intersects the axis of x at T.

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Single Correct Answer Type questions and complete solutions for chapter ELLIPSE of CENGAGE MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12

All Exercises from CENGAGE NEW DPP Class 12 MATHS ELLIPSE