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Complete Solutions to Examples of chapter HYPERBOLA of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
Number Of Questions63
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If the base of a triangle and the ratio of tangent of half of base angles are given, then identify the locus of the opposite vertex.

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  2. Prove that the locus of centre of the circle which toches two given disjoint circles externally is hyperbola.

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  3. The equation of one of the directrices of a hyperboda is `2x+y=1,` the corresponding focus is (1, 2) and `e=sqrt(3)` . Find the equation of the hyperbola and the coordinates of the center and the second focus.

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  4. The eccentricity of the conic represented by `2x^2+5xy+2y^2+11x-7y-4=0` is

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  5. The maximum value of
    `y = sqrt((x-3)^(2)+(x^(2)-2)^(2))-sqrt(x^(2)-(x^(2)-1)^(2))` is

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  6. Find the standard equation of hyperbola in each of the following cases:
    (i) Distance between the foci of hyperbola is 16 and its eccentricity is `sqrt2.`
    (ii) Vertices of hyperbola are `(pm4,0)` and foci of hyperbola are `(pm6,0)`.
    (iii) Foci of hyperbola are `(0,pmsqrt(10))` and it passes through the point (2,3).
    (iv) Distance of one of the vertices of hyperbola from the foci are 3 and 1.

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  7. If the foci of the ellipse ` x^(2)/16 + y^(2)/b^(2) =1` and the hyperbola ` x^(2)/144 - y^(2)/81 = 1/25` coincide then ` b^(2)` is

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  8. If hyperbola `(x^2)/(b^2)-(y^2)/(a^2)=1` passes through the focus of ellipse `(x^2)/(a^2)+(y^2)/(b^2)=1` , then find the eccentricity of hyperbola.

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  9. Find the eccentricity of the hyperbola given by equations `x=(e^t+e^(-1))/2a n dy=(e^t-e^(-1))/3,t in Rdot`

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  10. An ellipse and a hyperbola have their principal axes along the coordinate axes and have a common foci separated by distance `2sqrt(3)dot` The difference of their focal semi-axes is equal to 4. If the ratio of their eccentricities is 3/7 , find the equation of these curves.

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  11. If the latus rectum subtends a right angle at the center of the hyperbola `(x^2)/(a^2)-(y^2)/(b^2)=1` , then find its eccentricity.

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  12. Find the equation of hyperbola in each of the following cases:
    (i) Centre is (1, 0), one focus is (6, 0) and transverse axis 6
    (ii) Centre is (3, 2), one focus is (5, 2) and one vertex is (4, 2)
    (iii) Centre is `(-3,2),` one vertex is `(-3,4)` and eccentricity is 5/2
    (iv) Foci are (4,2), (8,2) and eccentricity is 2

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  13. Two rods are rotating about two fixed points in opposite directions. If they start from their position of coincidence and one rotates at the rate double that of the other, then find the locus of point of the intersection of the two rods.

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  14. Find the coordinates of the foci, the eocentricity, the latus rectum, and the equations of directrices for the hyperbola `9x^2-16 y^2-72 x+96 y-144=0`

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  15. Find the coordinates of the foci and the center of the hyperbola

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  16. Each of the four inequalities given below defines a region in the xy plane. One of these four regions does not have the following property. For any two points `(x_1,y_1) and (x_2,y_2)` in the region the point `((x_1+x_2)/2*(y_1+y_2)/2)` is also in the region. The inequality defining this region is`(1) x^2 + 2y^2 ≤ 1 (2)Max {|x| , | y| ≤ 1 (3) x^2 – y^2 ≤ 1 (4) y^2 – x ≤ 0`

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  17. about to only mathematics

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  18. If `P Q` is a double ordinate of the hyperbola `(x^2)/(a^2)-(y^2)/(b^2)=1` such that `O P Q` is an equilateral triangle, `O` being the center of the hyperbola, then find the range of the eccentricity `e` of the hyperbola.

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  19. If `(asectheta;btantheta)` and `(asecphi; btanphi)` are the ends of the focal chord of `x^2/a^2-y^2/b^2=1` then prove that `tan(x/a)tan(phi/2)=(1-e)/(1+e)`

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  20. Find the point on the hyperbola `x^2-9y^2=9` where the line `5x+12 y=9` touches it.

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  21. Find the value of `m` for which `y=m x+6` is tangent to the hyperbola `(x^2)/(100)-(y^2)/(49)=1`

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  22. Find the equation of tangents to the curve `4x^2-9y^2=1` which are parallel to `4y=5x+7.`

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  23. If it is possible to draw the tangent to the hyperbola `(x^2)/(a^2)-(y^2)/(b^2)=1` having slope 2, then find its range of eccentricity.

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  24. Find the equation of tangents to hyperbola `x^(2)-y^(2)-4x-2y=0` having slope 2.

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  25. Find the minimum value of `(2-a-4 sec theta)^(2)+(a-3 tan theta)^(2), a in R.`

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  26. Find the locus of the-mid points of the chords of the circle `x^2 + y^2=16`, which are tangent to the hyperbola `9x^2-16y^2= 144`

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  28. A tangent to the hyperbola `x^(2)-2y^(2)=4` meets x-axis at P and y-aixs at Q. Lines PR and QR are drawn such that OPRQ is a rectangle (where O is origin).Find the locus of R.

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  29. If the tangents to the hyperbola `x^(2)-9y^(2)=9` are drawn from point (3, 2), then

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  30. Find the equation of pair of tangents drawn from point (4, 3) to the hyperbola `(x^(2))/(16)-(y^(2))/(9)=1`. Also, find the angle between the tangents.

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  31. Tangents drawn from the point (c, d) to the hyperbola `(x^(2))/(a^(2))-(y^(2))/(b^(2))=1` make angles `alpha` and `beta` with the x-axis.
    If `tan alpha tan beta=1`, then find the value of `c^(2)-d^(2)`.

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  32. On which curve does the perpendicular tangents drawn to the hyperbola `(x^2)/(25)-(y^2)/(16)=1` intersect?

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  33. Find the equation of hyperbola having foci S(2, 1) and S'(10, 1) and a straingt line `x+y-9=0` as its tangent. Also, find the equation of its director circle.

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  34. Find the eccentricity of the hyperbola with asymptotes `3x+4y=2` and `4x-3y=2.`

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  35. Find the equation of the hyperbola which has `3x-4y+7=0` and `4x+3y+1=0` as its asymptotes and which passes through the origin.

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  36. Find the equation of the asymptotes of the hyperbola `3x^2+10 x y+9y^2+14 x+22 y+7=0`

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  37. If a hyperbola passing through the origin has `3x-4y-1=0` and `4x-3y-6=0` as its asymptotes, then find the equation of its transvers and conjugate axes.

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  38. Show that the locus represented by `x=(1)/(2)a(t+(1)/(t)),y=(1)/(2)a(t-(1)/(t))` is a rectangular hyperbola.

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  39. If two distinct tangents can be drawn from the point `(alpha, alpha+1)` on different branches of the hyperbola `(x^(2))/(9)-(y^(2))/(16)=1`, then find the values of `alpha`.

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  40. From a point `P(1,2)` , two tangents are drawn to a hyperbola `H` in which one tangent is drawn to each arm of the hyperbola. If the equations of the asymptotes of hyperbola `H` are `sqrt(3)x-y+5=0` and `sqrt(3)x+y-1=0` , then the eccentricity of `H` is 2 (b) `2/(sqrt(3))` (c) `sqrt(2)` (d) `sqrt(3)`

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  41. Find the equation of normal to the hyperbola `x^2-9y^2=7` at point (4, 1).

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  42. Find the equation of normal to the hyperbola `3x^2-y^2=1` having slope `1/3dot`

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  43. If the normal at `P(theta)` on the hyperbola `(x^2)/(a^2)-(y^2)/(2a^2)=1` meets the transvers axis at `G ,` then prove that `A GdotA^(prime)G=a^2(e^4sec^2theta-1)` , where `Aa n dA '` are the vertices of the hyperbola.

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  44. Normal are drawn to the hyperbola `(x^2)/(a^2)-(y^2)/(b^2)=1` at point `theta_1a n dtheta_2` meeting the conjugate axis at `G_1a n dG_2,` respectively. If `theta_1+theta_2=pi/2,` prove that `C G_1dotC G_2=(a^2e^4)/(e^2-1)` , where `C` is the center of the hyperbola and `e` is the eccentricity.

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  45. Let P(6,3) be a point on the hyperbola parabola `x^2/a^2-y^2/b^2=1`If the normal at the point intersects the x-axis at (9,0), then the eccentricity of the hyperbola is

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  46. Prove that any hyperbola and its conjugate hyperbola cannot have common normal.

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  47. A ray emanating from the point (5, 0) is meident on the hyperbola `9x^2-16 y^2=144` at the point `P` with abscissa 8. Find the equation of the reflected ray after the first reflection if point `P` lies in the first quadrant.

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  48. Normal to a rectangular hyperbola at P meets the transverse axis at N. If foci of hyperbola are S and S', then find the value of `(SN)/(SP).`

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  49. Consider hyperbola xy = 16 to find the following:
    (i) Coordinates of vertices
    (ii) Length of transverse axis
    (iii) Coordinates of foci
    (iv) Length of latus rectum
    (v) Equations of two directrices
    (vi) Equation of tangent at point (2, 8)
    (vii) Equation of normal at point (2, 8)
    (viii) Equation of chord of contact w.r.t. point (2, 3)
    (ix) Equation of chord which gets bisected at point (5, 6)
    (x) Equation of tangent having slope - 2
    (xi) Equation of noraml having slope 2

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  50. A triangle has its vertices on a rectangular hyperbola. Prove that the orthocentre of the triangle also lies on the same hyperbola.

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  51. If `A ,B ,a n dC` are three points on the hyperbola `x y=c^2` such that `A B` subtends a right angle at `C ,` then prove that `A B` is parallel to the normal to the hyperbola at point `Cdot`

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  52. Prove that product of parameters of four concyclic points on the hyperbola `xy=c^(2)` is 1. Also, prove that the mean of these four concyclic points bisects the distance between the centres of the hyperbola and the circle.

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  53. A variable line `y=m x-1` cuts the lines `x=2y` and `y=-2x` at points `Aa n dB` . Prove that the locus of the centroid of triangle `O A B(O` being the origin) is a hyperbola passing through the origin.

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  54. Let `P` be a point on the hyperbola `x^2-y^2=a^2,` where `a` is a parameter, such that `P` is nearest to the line `y=2xdot` Find the locus of `Pdot`

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  55. Show that the midpoints of focal chords of a hyperbola `(x^2)/(a^2)-(y^2)/(b^2)=1` lie on another similar hyperbola.

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  56. From the center `C` of hyperbola `(x^2)/(a^2)-(y^2)/(b^2)=1` , perpendicular `C N` is drawn on any tangent to it at the point `P(asectheta,btantheta)` in the first quadrant. Find the value of `theta` so that the area of ` C P N` is maximum.

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  57. Semi transverse axis of hyperbola is 5. Tangent at point P and normal to this tangent meet conjugate axis at A and B, respectively. The circle on AB as diameter passes through tow fixed points, the distance between which is 20. Find the eccentricity of hyperbola.

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  58. The exhaustive set value of `alpha^2` such that there exists a tangent to the ellipse `x^2+alpha^2y^2=alpha^2` and the portion of the tangent intercepted by the hyperbola `alpha^2x^2-y^2` subtends a right angle at the center of the curves is `[(sqrt(5)+1)/2,2]` (b) `(1,2]` `[(sqrt(5)-1)/2,1]` (d) `[(sqrt(5)-1)/2,1]uu[1,(sqrt(5)+1)/2]`

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  59. Prove that the part of the tangent at any point of the hyperbola `(x^2)/(a^2)-(y^2)/(b^2)=1` intercepted between the point of contact and the transvers axis is a harmonic mean between the lengths of the perpendiculars drawn from the foci on the normal at the same point.

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  60. If one of varying central conic (hyperbola) is fixed in magnitude and position, prove that the locus of the point of contact of a tangent drawn to it from a fixed point on the other axis is a parabole.

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  61. If normal at P to a hyperbola of eccentricity 2 intersects its transverse and conjugate axes at Q and R, respectively, then prove that the locus of midpoint of QR is a hyperbola. Find the eccentricity of this hyperbola

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  62. If the normal at a pont `P` to the hyperbola `x^2/a^2 - y^2/b^2 =1` meets the x-axis at `G`, show that the `SG = eSP.S` being the focus of the hyperbola.

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  63. (x-1)(y-2)=5 and `(x-1)^2+(y+2)^2=r^2` intersect at four points A, B, C, D and if centroid of `triangle ABC` lies on line `y = 3x-4` , then locus of D is

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Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter HYPERBOLA of CENGAGE of Class 12