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Complete Solutions to Question Bank of chapter INDEFINITE INTEGRATION of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGEQuestion Bank
Number Of Questions25
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Let `k(x) = ((x^(2)+1))/(root(3)(x^(3)+3x+6) dx` and k(-1) = 1/root (3)(2))` then the value of k(-2) is

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  2. If `f(x) = int((1+x)(1-x+x^(2))(1+x+x^(2))+x^(2))/(1+2x+3x^(2)+4x^(3)+3x^(4)+2x^(5)+x^(6)) dx` then find the value of [F(99)-F(3)].[Note :[k] denotes greatest integer less than or equal to k.]

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  3. If `f(x) = int2e^(x) cos^(2)x(-tan^(2)x+tanx+1)dx` and f(x) passes through `(pi, 0)` then `(f(0)+f^(')(0))` equals

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  4. If `int (cosec^(2)x)/((cosec x + cot x)^(9/2)) dx = (cosec x - cot x)^(7/2)(1/alpha+((cosec x-cotx)^(2))/11)+C` where C is constant of integration and `alpha in N)` then `alpha` is

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  5. `intsin4x e^(tan^(2)x)dx = c-A cos^(4)x.e^(tan^(2)x)` then A is equal to

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  6. If `int dx/(1+sqrt(x+1)+sqrt(x) ) = ax + bsqrtx+c int sqrt((x+1)/x)dx` then (a+b+c) equals

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  7. (4+x^(12))/((x^(6)-2x^(3)+2))dx = x^(alpha)/alpha +x^(beta)/gamma+deltax+c`,then the last digit of the number `(alpha - beta + gamma -delta)^(99)` is equal to (where 'c' in integration constant)

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  8. let `f(x) =int (4+x^(12))/(x^(4)+x^(3)-7x^(2)-4x+16)dx = A/sqrt3 tan^(-1)((Ax^(2)+Bx+2C)/(sqrt3x))` such that `f(2) = pi/(3sqrt3)`(A, B, C, in R)`, then value of |A+B+C| is

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  9. If curve `f(x) = int x^(1)(2x^(3)+3x+4)^(3)(1+x+x^(3))dx` passes through origin & f(1) =p/q where p & q are relatively prime then p-q is

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  10. If `f(x) =(3(Inx)^(2)+(In x)^(4))/(x(1+(In x)^(2)-(Inx)^(3))^(2))dx` and f(1) = 0, then the value of `|3f(e^(2))|` is equal to

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  11. If `(sqrt(e^(7x)))/(root (4)(e^(2x)+e^(-2x)))dx = 1/k(e^(n)+1)^(beta/gamma)+C` (where C is constant of integration and `k, alpha, beta, gamma` are positive integers and `beta, gamma` are relatively prime) then `(k/beta + gamma/alpha)` is

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  12. If `int(log_(ex)e)(log_(e^(2)x)e)(log_(e^(3)x)e)dx/x = Alog |1+logx|+B log |2+log x|+C log |3+ logx| +D` then A-B+C is equal to

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  13. Let `int cos^(3)xdx = sin x +(sin^(3)x)/m + (sin^(5)x)/n+c`, then n+2m is equal to

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  14. If `(In(ex^(x+1))+(In x^(sqrtx)))^(2)/(1+(x In x)(In e^(2)x^(x)))dx = f(x)+C`, where f(1) =0`, then `e^(e^(f(2)-1))is equal to

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  15. If `int (x^(6)+7x^(5)+6x^(4)+5x^(3)+4x^(2)+3x+1)e^(x)dx` is equal to `sum_(k=1)^(alpha) betax^(k).e^(x)+C` (where C is constant of integration) then `(alpha + beta)` is

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  16. int ((x^(6)-4)dx)/((x^(6)+2)^(1/4)x^(4)) = (1(x^(6)+2)^(m))/x^(n)+C`, then n/(lm) is equal to

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  17. Let `int (4+3x)/(x^(3)-2x-4)= In|(x-k)/(sqrt(x^(2)+kx+1))|+C`, then `k^(2)+l^(2)` is equal to

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  18. If `int (x^(8)-12x^(4)+4)/(x^(4)-4x^(2)+2)dx = x^(a)/a + (4x^(b))/b +2x+C`, then the value of (a+b) is

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  19. Suppose `A = int dx/(x^(2)+6x+25) ` and `B= int dx/(x^(2)-6x-27)`. If 12(A+B) = lambda tan^(-1)((x+3)/4)+mu. In|(x-9)/(x+3)|+C`, then the value of `(lambda + mu)` is

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  20. Let `int dx/(x^(2008)+x) = 1/p In((x^(q))/(1+x^(r)))+C` where p,q,r in N` and need not be distinct, then the value of (P+q+r) equals

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  21. If `int ((2x+3)dx)/(x(x+1)(x+2)(x+3)+1)=C-1/(f(x)) ` where f(x) is of the form of `ax^(2)+bx+c` then (a+b+c) equals

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  22. Let f(x) be the primitive of `(3x+2)/(sqrt(x-9))`w.r.t. x. If F(10) = 60 then the value of F(13), is

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  23. If `int (Insqrtx)/x dx = g(x)+C`where g(1) = 0, then `g(e^(6))` is equal to

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  24. int(sin^(2)x)/(sec^(2)x-cos^(2)x) dx = lambda x - 1/mu tan^(-1)((tanx)/sqrt2)+C` where C is constant of integration), then `lambda^(2) +mu^(2)` is equal to

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  25. If `int e^(x)((x+2)/(x+4))^(2) dx = e^(x)((x-alpha)/(x+beta))+C` where C is integration constant), then `|beta - alpha|` is equal to

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Question Bank questions and complete solutions for chapter INDEFINITE INTEGRATION of CENGAGE MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12