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Complete Solutions to Examples of chapter DEFINITE INTEGRATION of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Evaluate the following definite integrals as limit of sum `int_(2)^(1)x^(2)dx`.

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  2. Evaluate: `int_a^b e^x dx` using limit of sum

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  3. Evaluate: `int_a^bsinx dx` using limit of sum

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  4. Evaluate `int_a^b(dx)/(sqrt(x)),w h e r ea , b > 0.`

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  5. If `f(x)=min(|x|,1-|x|,1/4)AAx in R ,` then find the value of `int_(-1)^1f(x)dxdot`

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  6. Evaluate: `int_(-pi/2)^(2pi)sin^(-1)(sinx)dx`

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  7. Evaluate `int_(0)^(1)1/(sqrt(1-x^(2))"sin"^(-1)(2xsqrt(1-x^(2)))dx`.

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  8. Evaluate: `int_0^(2pi)[sinx]dx ,w h e r e[x]` denotes the greatest integer function.

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  9. Prove that `(1+sqrt(2))/2lt int_(0)^(pi//2)(sinx)/x dx lt (pi+2sqrt(2))/4`

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  10. Evaluate: `int_(-1)^0(dx)/(x^2+2x+2)`

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  11. Let `P(x)` be a polynomial of least degree whose graph has three points of inflection `(-1,-1),(1.1) `and a point with abscissa 0 at which the curve is inclined to the axis of abscissa at an angle of `60^@.` Then find the value of`int_0^1 p(x)dx.`

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  12. Let `f` be a continuous function on `[a ,b]dot` Prove that there exists a number `x in [a , b]` such that `int_a^xf(t)dx=int_x^bf(t)dtdot`

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  13. `int_(0)^(1)(dx)/(e^(x)+e^(-x))`

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  14. Evaluate `(int_(0)^((pi)/2))(tanxdx)/(1+m^(2)tan^(2)x)`

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  15. Find the mistake of the following evaluation of the integral `I=int_0^pi(dx)/(1+2sin^2x)` `I=int_0^pi(dx)/(cos^2x+3sin^2x)` `=int_0^pi(sec^2x dx)/(1+3tan^2x)=1/(sqrt(3))[tan^(-1)(sqrt(3)tanx)]pi0=0`

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  16. Let `d/(dx) (F(x))= e^(sinx)/x, x>0`. If `int_1^4 2e^sin(x^2)/x dx = F(k)-F(1)`, then possible value of k is:

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  17. If `int_a^b(f(x)-3x)dx=a^2-b^2` then the value of `f(pi/6)` is ___

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  18. If `f(0)=1,f(2)=3,f(2)=5,t h e nfin dt h ev a l u eof` `int_0^1xf"(2x)dx

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  19. `F in dt h ev a l u eofint_0^1logx dxdot`

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  20. Evaluate: `int_0^(1/2)(xsin^(-1)x)/(sqrt(1-x^2))dx`

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  21. If `lambda=int_0^1(e^t)/(1+t)`, then `int_0^1e^tlog_e(1+t)dt` is equal to

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  22. If `int_0^1e^-x^2dx=a ,` then find the value of `int_0^1x^2e^-x^2dx` in terms of `a` .

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  23. If `f(x)=x+sinx ,` then find the value of `int_pi^(2pi)f^(-1)(x)dxdot`

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  24. Find the value of `int_(0)^(pi//2)cos^(5)x sin ^(7)xdx`

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  25. Evalute `lim_(n->oo)[1/((n+1)(n+2))+1/((n+2)(n+4))+......+1/(6n^2)]`

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  26. Evaluate: `(lim)_(nvecoo)n[1/(n a)+1/(n a+1)+1/(n a+2)++1/(n b)]`

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  27. Evaluate: `(lim)_(nvecoo)([(n+1)(n+2)(n+n)^(1/n))/n`

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  28. Evaluate: `("lim")_(nvecoo)((1^2+2^2+3^3++n^2)(1^3+2^3+3^3++n^3))/(1^6+2^6+3^6++n^6)`

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  29. `P rov et h a t0

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  30. `P rov et h a t1/2lt=int_0^(1/2)(dx)/(sqrt(1-x^(2n)))lt=pi/6forngeq1.`

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  31. `L e tI_1=int_(pi/6)^(pi/3)(sinx)/x dx ,I_2=int_(pi/6)^(pi/3)("sin"(sinx)/(sinx)dx ,I_3=int_(pi/6)^(pi/3)(sin(tanx)/(tanx)dx` Then arrange in the decreasing order in which values `I_1,I_2,I_3` lie.

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  32. Prove that `1 ≤ ∫((5 - x)/(9 - x^2))dx ≤ 6/5 ` for `x ∈ [0, 2] `.

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  33. Estimate the absolute value of the integral `int_(10)^(19)(sinx)/(1+x^8)dx`

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  34. Prove that `int_0^1sqrt((1+x)(1+x^3))dx` cannot exceed `sqrt((15)/8)` .

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  35. Prove that `int_(a)^(b)f(x)dx=(b-a)int_(0)^(1)f((b-a)x+a)dx`

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  36. Evaluate `int_- 1^2|x^3-x|dx`

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  37. Evaluate `int_(-1)^((3)/(2))|xsin(pix)|dx`

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  38. Show that `int_a^b(|x|)/x dx=|b|=|a|dot`

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  39. If `f(n)=int_(0)^(2015)(e^(x))/(1+x^(n))dx`, then find the value of `lim_(nto oo)f(n)`

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  40. Let: `f(x)=int_0^x|2t-3|dtdot` Then discuss continuity and differentiability of `f(x)a tx=3/2`

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  41. A continuous real function `f` satisfies `f(2x)=3(f(x)AAx in RdotIfint_0^1f(x)dx=1,` then find the value of `int_1^2f(x)dx`

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  42. Let `g(x)=int_(0)^(x)f(t)dt`, where `f` is such that `1/2lef(t)le1`, for `tepsilon[0,1]` and `0lef(t)le1/2`, for `tepsilon[1,2]`. Then prove that `1/2leg(2)le3/2`.

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  43. If `[x]` denotes the greatest integer less than or equal to `x ,` then find the value of the integral `int_0^2x^2[x]dxdot`

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  44. Evaluate: `int_0^((5pi)/(12))[tanx]dx ,w h e r e[dot]` deontoes the greatest integer function.

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  45. Evaluate: `int_0^(10pi)[tan^(-1)x]dx ,w h e r e[x]` represents greatest integer function.

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  46. Evaluate: `int_0^2[x^2-x+1]dx ,w h e r e[dot]` denotos the greatest integer function.

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  47. Prove that `int_0^oo[n e^(-x)]dx=1n((n^n)/(n !)),w h e r en` is a natural number greater than 1 and [.] denotes the greatest integer function..

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  48. Evaluate: `int_0^(sqrt(3))1/(1+x^2)sin^(-1)((2x)/(1+x^2))dx`

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  49. Evaluate `int_((pi)/(6))^((pi)/(3))(sqrt(sinx))/(sqrt(sinx)+sqrt(cosx))dx`

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  50. Evaluate: `int_0^a(dx)/(x+sqrt((a^2-x^2)))orint_0^(pi/2)(dtheta)/(1+tantheta)`

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  51. Evaluate `int_(0)^(pi)(sin 6x)/(sinx) dx`.

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  52. The value `int_(0)^((pi)/(2))log((4+3sinx)/(4+3cosx))dx` is

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  53. Evaluate: `int_(-pi)^(3pi)log(s e ctheta-t a ntheta)dtheta`

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  54. Prove that `int_(0)^(2a)f(x)dx=int_(a)^(a)[f(a-x)+f(a+x)]dx`

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  55. Evaluate `int_(0)^(pi//4)In(1+tanx)dx`

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  56. Evaluate: `int_(-5)^5x^2[x+1/2]dx(w h e r e[dot]` denotes the greatest integer function).

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  57. Evaluate: `int_(-pi)^pi(xsinx dx)/(e^x+1)`

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  58. Evaluate: `int_0^(pi/2) sin^2x/(sinx+cosx)dx`

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  59. Prove that `int_0^1tan^(-1)(1/(1-x+x^2))dx=2int_0^1tan^(-1)x dxdot` Hence or otherwise, evaluate the integral `int_0^1tan^(-1)(1-x+x^2)dx`

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  60. Show that `int_0^(pi/2)sqrt((sin2theta))sinthetadtheta=pi/4`

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  61. For `theta in (=,pi/2),p rov et h a tint_0^theta"log"(1+tanthetatanx)dx=thetalog(sectheta)`

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  62. Evaluate the definite integral: `int_(-1/(sqrt(3)))^(1/(sqrt(3)))((x^4)/(1-x^4))cos^(01)((2x)/(1+x^2))dxdot`

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  63. Evaluate `int_0^1(dx)/((5+2x-2x^2)(1+e^(2-4x))) dx`

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  64. Evaluate `int_(0)^(2pi) (dx)/(1+3cos^(2)x)`

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  65. Evaluate `int_(0)^(2pi)(xcos^(2n)x)/(cos^(2n)x+sin^(2n)x)dx`

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  66. Evaluate `int_(0)^(pi)e^(|cosx|)(2"sin"(1/2cosx)+3"cos"(1/2cosx))sinx dx`.

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  67. `int_(0)^(pi) x log sinx dx`

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  68. Evaluate: `int_(pi//4)^(pi//4)log(sinx+cosx)dx`

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  69. Evaluate: `int_0^(pi/2)xcotx dx`

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  70. Evaluate: `int_0^oolog(x+1/x)(dx)/(1+x^2)`

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  71. Evaluate `int_(-pi//2)^(pi//2) sqrt(cosx-cos^(3)x)dx`.

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  72. Evaluate: `int_(-pi/2)^(pi/2)log((a-s intheta)/(a+sintheta))dtheta,a >0`

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  73. Evaluate: `int_(-pi/2)^(pi/2)log{(a x^2+b x+c)/(a x^2-b x+c)(a+b)|sinx|}dx`

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  74. Evaluate: `int_(-pi/4)^(pi/4)(x^9-3x^5+7x^3-x+1)/(cos^2x)dx`

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  75. If `f` is an odd function, then evaluate `I=int_(-a)^a(f(sinx)/(f(cosx)+f(sin^2x)dx`

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  76. Evaluate: `int_(-1/2)^(1/2)[((x+1)/(x-1))^2+((x-1)/(x+1))^2-2]^(1/2)dx`

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  77. Find the value of `int_(-2)^(2)(sin^(-1)(sinx)+cos^(-1)(cosx))/((1+x^(2))(1+[(x^(2))/5]))dx`, where [.] represents the greatest integer function.

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  78. Determine the value of `int_(-pi)^(pi) (2x(1+sinx))/(1+cos^(2)x)dx`.

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  79. Evalaute `int_(0)^(16pi//3)|sinx|dx`.

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  80. Evaluate `(int_(0)^(n)[x]dx)/(int_(0)^(n){x}dx)` (where `[x]` and `{x}` are integral and fractional parts of `x` respectively and `n epsilon N`).

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  81. Let `f(x)` be a continuous and periodic function such that `f(x)=f(x+T)` for all `xepsilonR,Tgt0`.If `int_(-2T)^(a+5T)f(x)dx=19(ag0)` and `int_(0)^(T)f(x)dx=2`, then find the value of `int_(0)^(a)f(x)dx`.

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  82. If `g(x)=int_(0)^(x)cos^(4)t dt`, then prove that `g(x+pi)=g(x)+g(pi)`.

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  83. Evaluate: `int_(-pi/4)^(npi-pi/4)|sinx+cosx|dx`

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  84. Evaluate: `int_0^x[cost]dtw h e r en in (2npi,(4n+1pi/2),n in N ,a n d[dot]` denotes the greatest integer function.

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  85. Let `f` be a real-valued function satisfying `f(x)+f(x+4)=f(x+2)+f(x+6)` Prove that `int_x^(x+8)f(t)dt` is constant function.

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  86. A periodic function with period 1 is integrable over any finite interval. Also, for two real numbers `a ,b` and two unequal non-zero positive integers `ma n dn` `int_a^(a+n)f(x)dx=int_b^(b+m)f(x)dxdotC a l c ul a t et h ev a l u eofint_m^nf(x)dx`

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  87. If `y=int_(x^(2))^(x^(3))1/(logt)dt(xgt0)`, then find `(dy)/(dx)`

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  88. If `int_0^y cos t^2\ dt = int_0^(x^2)\ sint/t \ dt`, then `dy/dx` is equal to

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  89. `Ifx=int_0^y(dt)/(sqrt(1+9t^2))a n d(d^2y)/(dx^2)=a y ,t h e nfin da`

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  90. If `int_(sinx)^(1)t^(2)f(t)dt=1-sinx, xepsilon(0,(pi)/2)` then find the value of `f(1/(sqrt(3)))`

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  91. Let `f: RvecR` be a differentiable function having `f(2)=6,f^(prime)(2)=1/(48)dot` Then evaluate `("lim")_(xvec2)int_6^(f(x))(4t^3)/(x-2)dt`

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  92. Evaluate: `("lim")_(xvecoo)((int0xe^x^2dx)^2)/(int0x e^(2x)^2dx)`

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  93. Prove that: `y=int_(1/8)^(sin^2x)sin^(-1)sqrt(t)dt+int_(1/8)^(cos^2x)cos^(-1),w h e r e0lt=xlt=pi/2,` is the equation of a straight line parallel to the x-axis. Find the equation.

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  94. If `f(x)=int_(x^(2))^(x^(2)+1)e^(-t^(2))dt` , then find the interval in which `f(x)` increases.

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  95. Evaluate `lim_(ntooo) [(1+2+3+...+n)/(4n^2-3n+2)]`

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  96. Let `f:R -(0,oo) ` be a real valued function satisfying `int_0^x tf(x-t) dt =e^(2x)-1` then `f(x)` is

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  97. Find the shortest distance between the lines whose vector equations are`vec r=( hat i+2 hat j+3 hat k)+ lambda(hat i-3 hat j+2 hat k)` and `vec r=(4 hat i +5 hat j+6 hat k)+mu(2 hat i +3 hat j+ hat k)`

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  98. Find `fog(2)` and `gof(1)`, when `f:R→R;f(x)=x^2+8` and `g:R→R;g(x)=3x^3+1`.

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  99. Prove that `int_0^x e^(x t)e^-t^2dt=e^(x^(2)/4)int_0^x e^-(t^(2)/4)dt`

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  100. Evaluate: `int_(-4)^(-5)e^(x+5)^2dx+3int_(1/3)^(2/3)e^9(x-2/3)^2dx`

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Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter DEFINITE INTEGRATION of CENGAGE of Class 12