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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Single) of chapter PROBABILITY I of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEWExercise (Single)
Number Of Questions46
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A sample space consists of 3 sample points with associated probabilities given as `2p ,p^2,4p-1.` Then the value of `p` is

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  2. Let `E` be an event which is neither a certainty nor an impossibility. If probability is such that `P(E)=1+lambda+lambda^2` and `P(E^(prime))=(1+lambda)^2` in terms of an unknown `lambdadot` Then `P(E)` is equal to

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  3. Three balls marked with 1, 2 and 3 are placed in an urn. One ball is drawn, its number is noted, then the ball is returned to the urn. This process is repeated and then repeated once more. Each ball is equally likely to be drawn on each occasion. If the sum of the number noted is 6, then the probability that the ball numbered with 2 is drawn at all the three occassion, is

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  4. A draws a card from a pack of `n` cards marked `1,2,ddot,ndot` The card is replaced in the pack and `B` draws a card. Then the probability that `A` draws a higher card than `B` is a. `(n+1)2n` b. `1//2` c. `(n-1)2n` d. none of these

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  5. South African cricket captain lost toss of a coin 13 times out of 14. The chance of this happening was `7//2^(13)` b. `1//2^(13)` c. `13//2^(14)` d. none

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  6. The probability that in a family of `5` members, exactly two members have birthday on sunday is:-

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  7. Three houses are available in a locality. Three persons apply for the houses. Each applies for one houses without consulting others. The probability that all three apply for the same houses is a. `1//9` b. `2//9` c. `7//9` d. `8//9`

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  8. The numbers 1, 2, 3, ..., `n` are arrange in a random order. The probability that the digits 1, 2, 3, .., `k( k < n)` appear as neighbours in that order is (a)`1 n !` (b)`k !`/`n!` (c) `(n-k)!`/`n!` (d)`(n-k+1)!`/`n!`

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  9. Words from the letters of the word PROBABILITY are formed by taking all letters at a time. The probability that both `B ' s` are not together and both `I ' s` are not together is `52//55` b. `53//55` c. `54//55` d. none of these

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  10. There are only two women among 20 persons taking part in a pleasure trip. The 20 persons are divided into two groups, each group consisting of 10 person. Then the probability that the two women will be in the same group is `9//19` b. `9//38` c. `9//35` d. none

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  11. Five different games are to be distributed among 4 children randomly. The probability that each child get at least one game is `1//4` b. `15//64` c. `5//9` d. `7//12`

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  12. A drawer contains 5 brown socks and 4 blue socks well mixed a man reaches the drawer and pulls out socks at random. What is the probability that they match? `4//9` b. `5//8` c. `5//9` d. `7//12`

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  13. A four figure number is formed of the figures 1, 2, 3, 5 with no repetitions. The probability that the number is divisible by 5 is a.`3//4` b. `1//4` c. `1//8` d. none of these

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  14. Twelve balls are distribute among three boxes. The probability that the first box contains three balls is a.`(110)/9(2/3)^(10)` b. `(9)/110(2/3)^(10)` c. `((12)C_3)/(12^3)xx2^9` d. `((12)C_3)/(3^(12))`

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  15. A cricket club has 15 members, of whom only 5 can bowl . What is the probability that in a team of 11 members at least 3 bowlers are selected?

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  16. Seven girls `G_(1), G_(2), G_(3)`, …, `G_(7)` are such that their ages are in order `G_(1) lt G_(2) lt G_(3) lt … lt G_(7)`. Five girls are selected at random and arranged in increasing order of their ages. The probability that `G_(5)` and `G_(7)` are not consecutive is

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  17. A local post office is to send M telegrams which are distributed at random over N communication channels, `(N > M).` Each telegram is sent over any channel with equal probability. Chance that not more than one telegram will be sent over each channel is:

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  18. Dialling a telephone number an old man forgets the last two digits remembering only that these are different dialled at random. The probability that the number is dialled correctly is `1//45` b. `1//90` c. `1//100` d. none of these

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  19. `Aa n dB` toss a fair coin each simultaneously 50 times. The probability that both of them will not get tail at the same toss is `(3//4)^(50)` b. `(2//7)^(50)` c. `(1//8)^(50)` d. `(7//8)^(50)`

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  20. In a game called odd man out `m(m >2)` persons toss a coin to determine who will but refreshments for the entire group. A person who gets an outcome different from that of the rest of the members of the group is called the odd man out. The probability that there is a loser in any game is `1//2m` b. `m//2^(m-1)` c. `2//m` d. none of these

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  21. `2n` boys are randomly divided into two subgroups containint `n` boys each. The probability that eh two tallest boys are in different groups is `n//(2n-1)` b. `(n-1)//(2n-1)` c. `(n-1)//4n^2` d. none of these

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  22. If the papers of 4 students can be checked by any one of the 7 teachers, then the probability that all the 4 papers are checked by exactly 2 teachers is `2//7` b. `12//49` c. `32//343` d. none of these

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  23. If the events A and B are mutually exclusive events such that P(A) = `(3x + 1)/(3)` and P(B) = `(1 - x)/(4)`, then the set of possible real values of x lies in the interval

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  24. A natural number is chosen at random from the first 100 natural numbers. The probability that `x+(100)/x > 50` is `1//10` b. `11//50` c. `11//20` d. none of these

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  25. A dice is thrown six times, it being known that each time a different digit is shown. The probability that a sum of 12 will b e obtained in the first three throws is `5//24` b. `25//216` c. `3//20` d. `1//12`

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  26. If `a` is an integer lying in `[-5,30]` , then the probability that the probability the graph of `y=x^2+2(a+4)x-5a+64` is strictly above the `"x-axis"` is

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  27. Four die are thrown simultaneously. The probability that `4` and `3` appear on two of the die given that `5` and `6` have appeared on other two die is

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  28. A `2n` digit number starts with `2` and all its digits are prime, then the probability that the sum of all `2` consecutive digits of the number is prime is

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  29. In a `n-` sided regular polygon, the probability that the two diagonal chosen at random will intersect inside the polygon is `(2^n C_2)/(^(^(n C_(2-n)))C_2)` b. `(^(n(n-1))C_2)/(^(^(n C_(2-n)))C_2)` c. `(^n C_4)/(^(^(n C_(2-n)))C_2)` d. none of these

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  30. A three-digit number is selected at random from the set of all three-digit numbers. The probability that the number selected has all the three digits same is `1//9` b. `1//10` c. `1//50` d. `1//100`

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  31. Two numbers `a ,b` are chosen from the set of integers 1, ,2 3, ..., 39. Then probability that he equation `7a-9b=0` is satisfied is `1//247` b. `2//247` c. `4//741` d. `5//741`

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  32. One mapping is selected at random from all mappings of the set `S={1,2,3, n}` into itself. If the probability that the mapping is one-one is `3/32`, then the value of `n`

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  33. A composite number is selected at random from the first 30 natural numbers and it is divided by 5. The probability that there will be remainder is `14//19` b. `5//19` c. `5//6` d. `7//15`

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  34. Forty team play a tournament. Each team plays every other team just once. Each game results in a win for one team. If each team has a 50% chance of winning each game, the probability that he end of the tournament, every team has won a different number of games is `1//780` b. `40 !//2^(780)` c. `40 !//2^(780)` d. none of these

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  35. If three square are selected at random from chess board. then the probability that they form the letter 'L' is (a) `196/(64C_3)` (b) `49/(64C_3)` (c) `36/(64C_3)` (d) `98/(64C_3)`

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  36. A bag has 10 balls. Six ball are drawn in an attempt and replaced. Then another draw of 5 balls is made from the bag. The probability that exactly two balls are common to both the draw is `5//21` b. `2//21` c. `7//21` d. `3//21`

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  37. Find the probability that a randomly chosen three-digit number has exactly three factors.

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  38. Let p,q be chosen one by one from the set `{1, sqrt(2),sqrt(3), 2, e, pi}` with replacement. Now a circle is drawn taking (p,q) as its centre. Then the probability that at the most two rational points exist on the circle is (rational points are those points whose both the coordinates are rational)

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  39. Three integers are chosen at random from the set of first 20 natural numbers. The chance that their product is a multiple of 3 is `194//285` b. `1//57` c. `13//19` d. `3//4`

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  40. Five different marbles are placed in 5 different boxes randomly. Then the probability that exactly two boxes remain empty is (each box can hold any number of marbles) `2//5` b. `12//25` c. `3//5` d. none of these

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  41. There are 10 prizes, five As, there Bs and two Cs, placed in identical sealed envelopes for the top 10 contestants in a mathematics contest. The prizes are awarded by allowing winners to select an envelope at random from those remaining. Then the 8th contestant goes to select the prize, the probability that the remaining three prizes are once `Aa n dB` and one `C` is `1//4` b. `1//3` c. `1//12` d. `1//10`

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  42. A car is parked among `N` cars standing in a row, but not at either end. On his return, the owner finds that exactly `"r"` of the `N` places are still occupied. The probability that the places neighboring his car are empty is `((r-1)!)/((N-1)!)` b. `((r-1)!(N-r)!)/((N-1)!)` c. `((N-r)(N-r-1))/((N-1)(N+2))` d. `(^(N-r)C_2)/(^(N-1)C_2)`

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  43. `A` is a set containing `n` different elements. A subset `P` of `A` is chosen. The set `A` is reconstructed by replacing the elements of `P`. A subset `Q` of `A` is again chosen. The number of ways of choosing `P` and `Q` so that `PnnQ` contains exactly two elements is (a). `.^n C_3xx2^n` (b). `.^n C_2xx3^(n-2)` (c). `3^(n-1)` (d). none of these

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  44. Consider `f(x) =x^3+ax^2+bx+c` Parameters `a, b, c` are chosen as the face value of a fair dice by throwing it three times Then the probability that `f(x)` is an invertible function is (A) `5/36` (B) `8/36` (C) `4/9` (D) `1/3`

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  45. If a and b are chosen randomly from the set consisting of number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 with replacement. Then the probability that `lim_(x to 0)[(a^(x)+b^(x))//2]^(2//x)=6` is

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  46. Mr. A lives at origin on the Cartesian plane and has his office at `(4,5)dot` His friend lives at `(2,3)` on the same plane. Mrs. A can go to his office travelling one block at a time either in the `+yor+x` idrectin. If all possible paths are equally likely then the probability that Mr. A passed his friends house is (shortest path for any event must be consider4ed) `1//2` b. `10//21` c. `1//4` d. `11//21`

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Exercise (Single) questions and complete solutions for chapter PROBABILITY I of CENGAGE of Class 12