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Complete Solutions to Question Bank of chapter METHODS OF DIFFERETIATION of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGEQuestion Bank
Number Of Questions29
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Let `f: (-5,5) rarr R` be a differentiable function with f(4) = 1, `f^(')(4) = 1, f(0) = -1` and f^(')(0) = 1`, If `g(x) = f(2f^(2)(x)+2))^(2)`, then ` - g^(')(0)` equals

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  2. Let `f(x) = (2x-pi)^(3)+2x-cos x`. If the value of `d/dx (f^(-1)(x))` at `x =pi` can be expressed in the form of p/q (where p and q are natural numbers in their lowest form), then the value of (P+q) is

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  3. Let `g:R rarr R` be given be `g(x) = e^(2x)+3x+sinx+1`. If `g^(-1)` is the inverse function of g , then find the value fo `1/(g^(-1)^(')(2))`.

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  4. Let `e^(y) = ((sqrt(1+alpha)-sqrt(1-alpha))/(sqrt(1+alpha)-sqrt(1-alpha)))` and `tan (x/2) = sqrt((1-alpha)/(1+alpha)), alpha in [-1,0) cup (0,1]` then find `dy/dx]_(x = pi/3)`

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  5. If y = y(x) and it follows the relation `4xe^(xy) = y + 5 sin^(2)x, then `y^(')(0)` is equal to

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  6. If f(1) = g(1) = 1, then derivative of `(f(g(x))^(2))` w.r.t. `(g(f(x))^(2))` at x =1 is (where f^(')(1) ne 0` and `g^(')(1) ne 0)`

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  7. ` `y = sqrt(xsqrt(x^(2)sqrt(x^(3)sqrt(x^(4)sqrt(x^(5).....oo))))), then (dy/dx) at x = 2 is equal to

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  8. Let `f(x) = (a root (3)(x) + bx)/(root (3)(x^(2)))` and `f^(')(8)=0` , then value of a/b is equal to

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  9. Let a function y = f(x) is defined by `y = e^(msqrtt)` in t and `x = e^(t)Int`, where t is a positive real parameter such that `f^(')(0) = e`, then value of m is

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  10. Let `f(x) = Lim(t rarr 0)1/t (tan^(-1)(1/(x+t))-tan^(-1)(1/x))`, then absolute value of f(0) equals

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  11. Let x = f(t) and y = g(t), where x and y are twice differentiable function If `f^(')(0) = g^(')(0) = f^('')(0) = 2, g^(")(0) = 6`, then the value of `((d^(2)y)/(dx^(2))_(t=0)` is equal to

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  12. If `f(x) = sin ((5pi)/3 [x]-x))`, then `-f^(')(pi)` is equal to [Note. `[alpha]` denotes the greatest integer less than or equal to `alpha]`

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  13. If f(x) is twice differentiable and `f^('')(0) = 3`, then `lim_(x rarr 0) (2f(x)-3f(2x)+f(4x))/x^(2)` is

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  14. If `f(x) = 2x^(3)+7x-5` and `g(x) = f^(-1)(x)`, then reciprocal of `g^(')(4)` is equal to

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  15. If `e^(y) = e^(x).x^(-y)`, the value of dy/dx|_(x = e)` is

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  16. For the curve represented implicity as `4^(x) -2^(y) =1`, the value of `lim_(x rarr oo) (dy/dx)` is equal to

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  17. Let `y(x) = e^(2 sin^(-1)x), x in [-1,1]` an d`(-x^(2))y^('')(x) = xy^(')(x)+lambday(x)`, then `lambda` equals

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  18. Suppose the function f(x)-f(2x) has the derivative 5 at x =1 and derivative 7 at x = 2. The derivative of the function f(x)-f(4x) at x = 1, has the value equal to

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  19. Let h(x) be differentiable for all x and let `f(x) = (kx=e^(x)) h(x) where k is some constant. If h(0)=5, `h^(')(0) = -2` and `f^(')(0) =18` then the value of k is equal to

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  20. If f and g are differentiable functions such that `g^(')(a) =2` and g(a) = b and if fog is an identity function then `f^(')(b)` has the value equal 'to

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  21. If `phi(x) = x.sinx` then lim_(x rarrpi/2)(phi(x)-phi(pi/2))/(x-pi/2) =`

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  22. If `f(x) = sqrt(x+3-4sqrt(x-1))+sqrt(x+8-6sqrt((x-1))), then absolute value of `f^(')(x)` at x = 1.5 is

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  23. If for a continuous function f(0)=f(1)=0 and `f^(')(1)=2` and `g(x) = f(e^(x)).e^(f(x))`, then `g^(')(0)` is equal to

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  24. If `y(x) = 1/(1+x)+x/((1+x)^(2))-x/((1+x)^(3))-....-x/((1+x)^(20))`, then (d^(2)y)/(dx^(2)) at x = 0 equals

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  25. If `f^(')(5) = 7` then `lim_( t rarr 0) (f(5+t)-f(5-t))/2t

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  26. If `f(x) = g(x) and `g^(')(x) = -f(x)` for all real x and `f(5)=2=f^(')(5)` then `f^(2)(10)+g^(2)(10)` is

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  27. Let `x^(6)+bx^(5)+cx^(4)+dx^(3)+ex^(2)+fx+g =|((x+1)(x^(2)+2)(x^(2)+x)),((x^(2)+x) (x^(2)+1) (x^(2)+2)),((x^(2)+2) (x^(2)+x) (x+1))|`, then f+g =

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  28. If `y = tan theta + cot theta , x = tan theta - cot theta`, where `theta` is a parameter, then `y^(3)(d^(2)y)/(dx^(2))` is equal to

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  29. If `y^(2) = 3 cos^(2)x+2 sin^(2)x`, then the value of `y^(4)+y^(3)(d^(2)y)/(dx^(2))` can be

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Question Bank questions and complete solutions for chapter METHODS OF DIFFERETIATION of CENGAGE MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12