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Complete Solutions to EXAMPLE of chapter Superposition of Waves of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

ChapterSuperposition of Waves
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. What is wave motion ?

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  2. What are sound waves ?

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  3. What is wave pulse ?

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  4. What are common properties of waves ?

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  5. What is the minimum distance any two particles of a medium which always have the same speed if a sine wave travels through the medium ?

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  6. What are mechanical waves ?

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  7. What is transferred by the particles when a mechanical wave transmits in the medium

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  8. What is electromagnetic waves?

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  9. Define progressive wave or a travelling wave.

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  10. Write the mathematical equation representing a progressive wave travelling in the negative x-direction with constant speed v.

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  11. A wave is represented by an equation `y = A sin (Bx + Ct)`. Given that the constants A, B and C are positive , can you tell in which direction the wave is moving ?

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  12. Write the mathematical equation representinga progressive wave travelling in the positivex-direction with constant speed upsilon. Explain the notations used in the equation.

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  13. State the characteristics of progressive wave?

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  14. What is the major difference between transverse and longitudinal waves?

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  15. The amplitude of a wave is represented by ` y = 0.2 sin 4 (pi) [ t / 0.08 - x / 0.8 ]` in SI units. Find
    wave length

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  16. The amplitude of a wave is represented by ` y = 0.2 sin 4 (pi) [ t / 0.08 - x / 0.8 ]` in SI units. Find

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  17. The amplitude of a wave is represented by ` y = 0.2 sin 4 (pi) [ t / 0.08 - x / 0.8 ]` in SI units. Find
    amplitude of the wave

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  18. Explain reflection of waves?

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  19. Explain reflection of transverse wave whena wave pulse travels from a rarer to a denser medium.

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  20. Explain reflection of transverse wave whena wave pulse is sent from a denser to a rarer medium.

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  21. Explain reflection of transverse wave whena wave pulse is sent from a denser to a rarer medium.

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  22. Explain reflection of longitudinal wave travelling from rarer to denser medium.

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  23. Explain reflection of longitudinal wave travelling from denser to rarer medium.

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  24. Explain reflection of transverse wave when a wave pulse is sent as a crest from. Rarer to denser medium.

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  25. Explain reflection of transverse wave when a wave pulse is sent as a crest from. Denser to rares medium

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  26. Explain reflection of transverse wave when a wave pulse is sent as a crest from. Denser to rares medium

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  27. Which Principle is used to create antisound?

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  28. Give some examples of principle of superposition of waves?

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  29. Explain principle of superposition of waves.

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  30. Explain superposition of two pulses of equal amplitude and same phases moving towards each other.

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  31. Explain superposition of two pulses of equal amplitude and opposite phase moving towards each other.

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  32. What is constructive and destructive interference?

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  33. What is antisound?

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  34. Derive an equation produced due to superposition of two waves.

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  35. Find the amplitude of the resultant wave produced due to interference of two wavesand what will be resultant amplitude when thewaves are. in phase and

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  36. Find the amplitude of the resultant waveproduced due to interference of two wavesand what will be resultant amplitude when thewaves are. Out of phase.

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  37. What will be intensities of the waves whenthe waves interfere . In phase and

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  38. What will be intensities of the waves whenthe waves interfere . Out of phase.

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  39. The displacements of two sinusoidal waves propagating through a string are given by the following equations.

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  40. A progressive wave travels on a stretched string. A particle on this string takes` 4.0 ms`to move from its mean position to one of its extreme positions. The distance between two consecutive points on thew streing which are at their mean positions (at a certain time instant ) is `2.0 cm`. Find the frequency , wavelength and speed of the wave.

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  41. A wave of frequency `500Hz` is travelling with a speed of `350 m/s`.
    What is the phase difference between two displacements at a certain point at times `1.0 ms` apart ?

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  42. What is stationary wave ?

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  43. Name two musical instruments based on the principal of stationary waves.

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  44. What is longitudinal stationary waves ?

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  45. What are stationary waves? Why they are calledstationary waves?

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  46. What are nodes and antinodes?

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  47. State the characterstic of stationary waves.

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  48. Derive an expression for equation of stationarywave on a stretched string.

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  49. Derive an expression for equation of stationary wave on a stretched string. Show that nodes and antinodes are equally spaced.

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  50. Explain formation of stationary wave on astretched string. Show that the distance between node and adjacent antinode is `lambda//4`.

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  51. Find the distance between two successive nodes in a stationary wave on a string vibrating with frequency `64 Hz`. The velocity of progressive wave that resulted in the stationary wave is `48 ms^-1`.

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  52. A sound wave in a certain fluid medium is reflected at an obstacle to form a standing wave. The distance between two successive nodes is `3.75 cm` .If velocity of sound is `1500 m/s`, find the frequency.

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  53. Two sources of sound are separated by a distance 4 m. They both emit sound with the same amplitude and frequency (330 Hz), but they are `180^@` out of phase. At what points between the two sources, will the sound intensity be maximum?

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  54. Two sound waves travel at a speed of `330 m/s`. If their frequencies are also identical and are equal to `540 Hz`,what will be the phase difference between the waves at points `3.5 m` from one source and 3 m from the other if the sources are in phase ?

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  55. What happens if a simple pendulum is pulled aside and released ?

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  56. What happens when a guitar string is plucked ?

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  57. How do vibrations of drill machine and washing machine differ from vibrations of simple pendulum?

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  58. Do two tuning forks of different frequencies kept on table produce same vibrations.

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  59. What is the resonance ?

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  60. What is the formula for end correction in air?

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  61. What is end correction ?

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  62. What are harmonics and overtones ?

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  63. Show that the fundamental frequency of vibrations of the air column in a tube open at both is equal to double the fundamental frequency in a tube of the same length and closed at one end.

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  64. Show that for pipe closed at one end, the end correction is e= `(n_1l_1-n_2l_2)/(n_2-n_1)` where, the symbols have their usual meaning.

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  65. Two organ pipes open at both ends have same diameter but different lengths. Show that end correction at each end is e=`(n_1l_1-n_2l_2)`/`2(n_2-n_1)` where,the symbols have their usual meaning.

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  66. Show that for pipe closed at one end, the end correction is e= `(n_1l_1-n_2l_2)/(n_2-n_1)` where, the symbols have their usual meaning.

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  67. State causes and and limitations of end correction.

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  68. Show that only odd harmonics are present in the vibrations of air column in a pipe closed at one end.

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  69. Show that even as well as odd (all) harmonics are present as overtones in the case of an air column vibrating in a pipe open at both ends.

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  70. What is end correction ? Is the end correction same for a pipe open at both end and closed at one end ?

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  71. An air column is of length Activity 17 cm long. Calculate the frequency of 5th overtone if the air column is
    closed at one end (Velocity of sound in air = `340 ms^-1`).

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  72. An air column is of length Activity 17 cm long. Calculate the frequency of 5th overtone if the air column is
    open at both ends. (Velocity of sound in air = `340 ms^-1`).

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  73. A closed pipe and an open pipe have the same length. Show that no mode of the closed pipe has the same wavelength as any mode of the open pipe.

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  74. A pipe closed at one end can produce overtones at frequencies `640Hz`, `896 Hz` and `1152 Hz`. Calculate the fundamental frequency .

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  75. A standing wave is produced in a tube open atboth ends. The fundamental frequency is 300 Hz. What is the length of tube? (speed of the sound = `340 ms_1`)`.

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  76. Find the fundamental , first overtone and second overtone frequencies of a pipe , open at both the ends , of length 25 cm if the speed of sound in air is `330 m/s`.

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  77. A pipe open at both the ends has a fundamental frequency of `600 Hz`. The first overtone of a pipe closed at one end has the same frequency as the first overtone of the open pipe. How long are the two pipes ?

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  78. State the formula for the velocity of transverse waves on stretched wire and obtain an expression for fundamental frequency of vibration of stretched string.

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  79. State and explain laws of vibrating strings ?

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  80. State law of linear density and hence show that fundamental frequency of string is related to its radius and density.

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  81. With neat diagram , explain various modes of vibration of a stretched string.

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  82. For a stationary wave set up in a string having both ends fixed , what is the ratio of the fundamental frequency to the second harmonic ?

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  83. A string is fixed at the two ends and is vibrating in its fundamental mode. It is known that the two ends will ba at rest. A part from these, is there any position on the string ich can be touched so as not to disturb the motion of the string? What will be the answer to this question if the string is vibrating in its first and second overtones?

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  84. A string is fixed at both ends. What is the ratio of the frequency of the first harmonic to that of the second harmonic ?

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  85. The velocity of a transverse wave on a string of length `0.5 ` is `225 m/s`.
    What is the fundamental frequency of a standing wave on this string if both ends are kept fixed ?

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  86. The velocity of a transverse wave on a string of length `0.5 ` is `225 m/s`.
    While this string is vibrating in the fundamental harmonic , what is the wavelength of sound produced in air if the velocity of sound in air is `330 m/s`?

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  87. A string `105 cm` long is fixed at one end. The other end of string is moved up and down with frequency `15 Hz`.A stationary wave, produced in the string , consists of 3 loops. Calculate the speed of progressive waves which have produced the stationary wave in the string.

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  88. A string 1 m long is fixed at one end. The other end is moved up and down with frequency `15 Hz` . Due to this , a stationary wave with four complete loops , gets produced on the string. Find the speed of the progressive wave which produces the stationary wave [ Hint : Remember that the moving end is an antinode.]

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  89. A violin string vibrates with fundamental frquency of `440 Hz`. What are the frequencies of first and second overtones ?

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  90. Two wires of the same material and same cross section are stretched on a sonometer. One wire is loaded with `1.5 kg` and another is loaded with 6 kg. The vibrating length of first wire is 60 cm and its fundamental frequency of vibration is the same as that of the second wire. Calculate vibrating length of the other wire.

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  91. State third law of vibrating string and explain how it can be verified using sonometer.

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  92. State third law of vibrating string and explain how it can be verified using sonometer.

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  93. State third law of vibrating string and explain how it can be verified using sonometer.

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  94. State first law of vibrating string and explain how it can be verified using sonometer

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  95. A sonometer wire of length 50 cm is stretched by keeping weights equivalent of 3.5 kg. The fundamental frequency of vibration is `125 Hz`. Determine the linear density of the wire ?

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  96. A wire has linear density `4.0 xx 10^-3kg/m `. It is stretched between two rigid supports with a tension of 360 N. The wire resonates at a frequency of `420Hz` and `490Hz` in two successive modes.Find the length of the wire.

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  97. Two wires of the same material and the same cross section are stretched on a sonometer in seccuession. Length of one wire is 60 cm and that of the other is 30 cm. An unknown load is applied to the first wire and second wire is loaded with 1.5 kg. if both the wires vibrate with the same fundamental frequencies, calculate the unknown load.

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  98. A sonometer wire of length `0.5 m` is stretched by a weight of 5 kg. The fundamental frequency of vibration is `100 Hz`. Determine the linear density of material of wire.

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  99. The string of a guitar is `80 cm` long and has a fundamental frequency of `112Hz`, If a guitarist wishes to produce a frequency of 160Hz where should the person press the string ?

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  100. What are beats ?

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EXAMPLE questions and complete solutions for chapter Superposition of Waves of CHETANA PUBLICATION of Class 12

All Exercises from CHETANA PUBLICATION Class 12 PHYSICS Superposition of Waves