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Complete Solutions to Example of chapter Wave Optics of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

ChapterWave Optics
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. What is Ray optics or geometrical optics?

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  2. According to Newton's corpuscular theory of light , light is propagated in the form of

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  3. By using Hugens' wave theory of the phenomenon of

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  4. Explain Maxwell's electromagnetic theory.

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  5. What is Dual nature of light?

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  6. Why can light waves travel in vacuum whereas sound wave cannot?

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  7. What are primary sources of light?

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  8. What are secondary sources light?

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  9. Explain the concept of a wavefront.

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  10. What is wavefront ? What is the shape of the wavefront at a point far away from the source of light?

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  11. Define:- Wave surface

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  12. Define wavefront of light .

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  13. Define:- Wave normal.

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  14. State the different types of wavefront with examples.

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  15. What do you mean by two particles are in phase?

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  16. Draw diagrams for :- Spherical Wavefront

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  17. Draw diagrams for :- Plane Wavefront

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  18. State Huygens' Principle.

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  19. Explain the construction of plane spherical wavefront on the basis of Huygen's principle.

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  20. State the laws of reflection.

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  21. With the help of a neat diagram, explain reflection of light from a plane reflecting surface on the basis of wave theory of light

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  22. On the basis of Huygens’s Wave theory of light, prove that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.

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  23. What is lateral inversion?

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  24. With the help of a neat diagram, explain reflection of light from a plane reflecting surface on the basis of wave theory of light

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  25. What is refraction of light?

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  26. Derive Snell’s law by Huygen’s Construction of a plane wave-front.

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  27. Explain Refraction of Light at a plane boundary between two media.

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  28. Why is it the refracted ray bends towards the normal, and while entering from denser to rarer it bends away from the normal.

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  29. Explain Refraction of light on the basis of Wave Theory. Hence prove the Laws of Refraction.

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  30. Derive Snell’s law by Huygen’s Construction of a plane wave-front.

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  31. Show that the velocity of light in a rarer medium is greater than velocity in a denser medium.

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  32. Explain dependence of wavelength on the refractive index of the medium.

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  33. White light consists of wavelengths from 400 nm to 700 nm. What will be the wavelegth range seen, when white light is passed through glass of refractive index 1.55?

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  34. What is unpolarised light? Explain the concept of unpolarised light.

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  35. What is polarisation of light?

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  36. Explain the terms:- Plane polarised light.

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  37. What is an unpolarised light ?

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  38. Explain the terms:- Plane of Polarization

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  39. Explain the terms:- Plane of Polarization

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  40. State any five methods to produce plane polarized light.

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  41. Explain what is meant by polarization and derive Malus' law.

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  42. A system of three polarizers P 1 ​ ,P 2 ​ ,P 3 ​ is set up such that the pass axis of P 3 ​ is crossed with respect to that of P 1 ​ . The pass axis of P 2 ​ is inclined at `60^@` to the pass axis of P 3 ​ . When a beam of unpolarized light of intensity lo is incident on P 1 the in of light transmitted by the three polarizers I. The ratio (I0 /I) equals (nearly):

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  43. The intensity of light coming from one of the slits in Young's experiment is twice the intensity of light coming from the other slit. What will be the approximate ratio of the intensities of the bright and dark fringes in the resulting interference pattern?

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  44. State and prove Brewster's Law.

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  45. What is Brewster's Law? Derive the formula for Brewster angle?

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  46. State and prove Brewster's Law.

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  47. Unpolarized light with intensity `I_0` is incident on two polaroids. The axis of the first polaroid makes an angle of `50^@` with the vertical, and the axis of the second polaroid is horizontal. What is the intensity of the light, after it has passed through the second polaroid?

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  48. Explain polarization by scattering.

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  49. For what angle of incidence, will light incident on a bucket, filled with liquid having refractive index 1.5 be completely polarized after reflection.

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  50. State and explain the principle of superposition of waves.

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  51. Excplain the concept of interference of light.

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  52. State the condition of constructive interference.

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  53. State the condition of destructive interference.

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  54. State the condition of constructive interference.

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  55. Define:- destructive interference.

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  56. Explain interference of water waves.

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  57. What are coherent sources? How are they produced?

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  58. Explain Young's Double Slit Experiment.

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  59. Define Interference. Derive expression for fringe width in Young' double slit experiment.

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  60. Show that both dark and Bright fringes have equal width.

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  61. Write out relation between path difference and phase difference `(/_\phi)`.

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  62. State the conditions to get constructive and destructive interference of light.

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  63. Explain Intensity distribution in interference with equations.

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  64. a double - slit arrangement, the slits are separated by a distance equals to 100 times the wavelength of light passing through the slits:- What is the angular separation in radians between the central maximum and an adjacent maximum?

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  65. a double - slit arrangement, the slits are separated by a distance equals to 101 times the wavelength of light passing through the slits:- What is the distance between these maxima on a screen 50.0 cm from the slits?

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  66. In a biprism experiment, the fringes are observed in the focal plane of the eye piece at a distance of 1.2m from the slits. The distance between the central bright band and 20th bright band is 0.4 cm. When a convex lens is placed between biprism and the eyepiece, the distance between the two vertical magnified images is found to be 0.9 cm. Determine the wavelength of light used.

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  67. The distance between two consecutive bright fringes in a biprism experiement using light of wavelength `6000 overset@A` is 0.32 mm, by how much will the distance change, if light of wavelength `4800 overset@A` is used.

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  68. State the conditions for steady state interference.

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  69. Explain interference due to thin films.

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  70. Why are multiple colours observed over a thin film of oil floating on water? Explain with the help of a diagram.

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  71. Plane wavefront of light of wavelenght `5500 overset (@)(A)` is incident on two slits in a screen perpendicular to the direction of light rays. If the total separation of 10 bright fringes on a screen 2 m away is 2 cm, find the distance between the sits .

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  72. In a young's double slit experiment, the difference in optical path length between the rays starting from the slits `S_1` and `S_2` and reaching a point A, on the screen in 0.0075mm and reaching another point B on the screen, on the other side of the central fringes is 0.0015 mm. How many bright and dark fringes are observed between A and B if the wavelength of light used is `6000 A^@`

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  73. What are the two methods for obtaining coherent sources. Explain them.

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  74. An isoceles prism of refracting angle `179^@` and refractive index 1.5 is used as a biprism by keeping it 10 cm. away from the slit, The edge of the biprism being parallel to the slit. The slit is illuminated by light of wavelength 500 nm and the screen is 90 cms. away from the biprism. Calculate the location of the centre of 20th dark band and the path difference at this location.

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  75. Explain what is Optical Path.

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  76. What must be the thickness of a thin film which, when kept near one of the slits shifts the central fringe by 5 mm for incident light of wavelength `5400 A^@` in Young's double slit intereference experiment? The refractive index of the material of the film is 1.1 and the distance between the slits is 0.5 mm.

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  77. The optical path of a ray of light of a given wavelength travelling a distance of 3 cm in flint glass having refractive index 1.6 is same as that on travelling a distance x cm through a medium having refractive index 1.25. Determine the value of x.

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  78. Explain the phenomenon of diffraction of light.

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  79. Explain in brief Fraunhofer's Diffraction.

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  80. Explain in brief Fraunhofer's Diffraction.

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  81. Explain with a proper diagram, the experimental set up for Fraunhofer's Diffraction.

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  82. Describe with a neat diagram, the Fraunhofer's diffracting pattern due to a single slit.

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  83. In Fraunhaffer diffraction by a narrow slit, a screen is placed, at a distance of 2 m, from the lens to obtain a diffraction pattern. If the slit width is 0.2 mm and the first minimum is 5 mm, on either side of the central maximum. Find the wavelength of light.

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  84. A parallel beam of green light of wavelength 546 nm passes through a slit of width 0.4 mm. The intensity pattern of the transmitted light is seen on a screen which is 40 cm away. What is the distance between the two first order of minima?

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  85. What must be the ratio of slit width on the wavelength for a single slit to have the firust diffraction minimum at `45^@`.

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  86. Monochromatic electromagnetic radiation from a distant source passes through a slit.The diffraction pattern is observed on the screen 2.5 m from the slit. If the width of the central maximum is 6.00 mm, what is the slit width if the wavelength is:- 500 nm (visible light)

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  87. Monochromatic electromagnetic radiation from a distant source passes through a slit.The diffraction pattern is observed on the screen 2.5 m from the slit. If the width of the central maximum is 6.01 mm, what is the slit width if the wavelength is:- `50mum` (infrared radiation)

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  88. Monochromatic electromagnetic radiation from a distant source passes through a slit.The diffraction pattern is observed on the screen 2.5 m from the slit. If the width of the central maximum is 6.02 mm, what is the slit width if the wavelength is:- 0.500 nm (X rays)

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  89. Compare Young's Double slit interfemce pattern and single slit Diffraction pattern.

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  90. Explain what is resolving power?

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  91. What is meant by limit of angular resolution and the resolving power of telescope ?

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  92. According to Rayleigh scattering law ,

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  93. Define:- Limit of resolution

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  94. Define:- Resolving Power.

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  95. Discuss the resolving power of a microscope:-With luminous point objects.

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  96. Derive an expression for Resolving Power of a Microscope.

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  97. Derive an expression for resolving Power of a Telescope.

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  98. Resolving power of telescope can be increased by

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  99. To collect the maximum amount of light coming from an object, the objective lens should be made as………… possible.

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  100. Write a short note on Radio Telescope.

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Example questions and complete solutions for chapter Wave Optics of CHETANA PUBLICATION of Class 12

All Exercises from CHETANA PUBLICATION Class 12 PHYSICS Wave Optics