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Complete Solutions to Example of chapter Electrostatics of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. What are conservative forces,

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  2. Define:- Linear charge density

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  3. Define:- Surface charge density

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  4. Define:- Volume charge density

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  5. What is Gauss' law and what is a Gaussian surface?

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  6. Two charge of magnitudes - 4Q and + 2Q are located at points (2a, 0) and (5a, 0) respectively. What is the electric flux due to these charges through a sphere of radius 4a with its centre at the origin?

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  7. A spherical Gaussian surface encloses a charge of `17.7 xx 10^-8C`:- Calculate the electric flux passing though the surface.

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  8. A spherical Gaussian surface encloses a charge of `17.7 xx 10^-8C`:- If the radius of Gaussian surface is doubled, how would the flux change?

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  9. Obtain an expression for electric field intensity due to uniformly charged spherical shell or hollow sphere.

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  10. Two hollow concentric spheres `S_1` and `S_2` enclosing charges 2Q and 5Q respectively, as shown in figure:- What would be the electric flux through `S_1`

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  11. Two hollow concentric spheres `S_1` and `S_2` enclosing charges 2Q and 6Q respectively, as shown in figure:- What is the ratio of electric flux through `S_1`, and `S_2`?

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  12. Derive an expression for electric potential due to a point charge

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  13. What is gravitational potential?

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  14. What is a test charge ?

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  15. Explain electrostatic potential energy.

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  16. Derive an expression for potential energy due to a point charge.

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  17. Derive an expression for potential energy due to a point charge.

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  18. Define one joule in terms of electrostatic potential energy.

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  19. Define electron volt.

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  20. Explain the concept of potential.

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  21. Obtain the relation between electric field and electric potential.

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  22. Show that electric field intensity at any point in the electric field is equal to negative rate of change of potential with respect to distance, measured in the direction of electric intensity

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  23. Define potential gradient.

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  24. State the S.I. unit of potential gradient.

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  25. Where is zero potential point due to point charge?

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  26. Obtain dimensional formula for potential difference.

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  27. Potential at a point A in space is given as `4 xx 10^5V`:- Find the work done in bringing a charge of `3muC` from infinity to the point A.

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  28. Potential at a point A in space is given as `4 xx 10^5V`:- Does the answer depend on the path along which the charge is brought?

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  29. If 120 J of work is done in carrying a charge of 6 C from a place where the potential is 10 volt to another place where the potential is V, find V.

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  30. Calculate the amount of energy dissipated when a charge of 200C is transferred from cloud to the ground during lighting, if potential of the cloud is `10^6V` with respect to earth.

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  31. An electric potential is 10V throughout the space in a sphere of radius `0.2m^3`. What is the electric field in this region?

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  32. 40 J of work is done to move an electric charge of 5 C from a point where potential is 20 V to another point, where potential is V volt. Find the value of V.

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  33. Two metal spheres, one of radius R and the other of radius 2 R respectively have the same surface charge density `sigma`. They are brought in contact and separated. What will be the new surface charge densities on them?

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  34. A charge Q is kept at point A. The electric field intensity and electric potential at point B is `36 NC^-1` and `18 JC^-1`. Calculate the distance AB and magnitude of charge.

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  35. Derive an expression for electric potential due to a point charge

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  36. Obtain an expression for electric potential due to a point charge and show graphically the variation in electric field and potential with distance.

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  37. Show the variation of electric field and electric potential due to negative point charge with distance, graphically.

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  38. Show the variation of electric field and electric potential due to negative point charge with distance, graphically.

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  39. A wire is bent in a circle of radius 10cm. It is given a charge of `250 muC` which spreads on it uniformly. What is the electric potential at the centre?

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  40. The electric potential at 18cm from the charge is 200V. Find the magnitude of the charge.

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  41. What is electrostatic potential due to electric dipole at an equatorial point?

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  42. What is the work done in moving a test charge `q_0` throught a distance of 2cm along the equatorial axis of an electric dipole?

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  43. Define electric dipole and electric dipole moment.

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  44. Derive an expression for electric potential due to a point charge

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  45. A short electric dipole h as dipole moment of `1xxl0^-9` Cm. Determine the electric potential due to the dipole at a point distance 0.3 m from the centre of the dipole situated:- on the axial line (b) on the equatorial line

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  46. A short electric dipole h as dipole moment of `1xxl0^-9` Cm. Determine the electric potential due to the dipole at a point distance 0.3 m from the centre of the dipole situated:- on a line making an angle of `60^@` with the dipole axis.

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  47. A change q is moved from a point A above a dipole of dipole moment p to a point B below the dipole in equatorial plane without acceleration. Find the work done in this process.

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  48. Derive an expression for electric potential due to a point charge

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  49. Two charges `5xx10^-8C` and `-3xx10^-8C` are located 16 cm apart. At what point(s) on the line joining the two charges is the electric potential zero? Take the potential at infinity to be zero.

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  50. Is electrostatic potential necessarily zero at a point where electric field strength is zero? Justify.

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  51. Charges `+200muC`, `-150muC`, `+20muC` and `-60muC` are at the comers of a square of side 2m. Calculate electric potential at the centre of the square.

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  52. A charge of `15muC` is given to hollow metallic sphere of radius 0.3m. Find the potential:- at the surface of sphere

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  53. A charge of `15muC` is given to hollow metallic sphere of radius 0.4m. Find the potential:- at a distance 0.15m from the centre of sphere.

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  54. A metal wire is bent in a circle of radius 20cm. It is given a charge of `400muC` which is spread on it uniformly. Calculate the electric potential at its centre.

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  55. Two point charges of magnitudes `+100muC` and `-400muC` are kept 30 cm apart. Find the point of zero potential on the line joining the two charges.

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  56. Two point charges of `5muC` and `15 muC` are placed in air 20cm apart. Find the electric potential at the middle point of the line joining the two charges.

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  57. No work is done in moving a test charge over an equipotential surface. Why?

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  58. Can two equipotential surfaces intersect each other? Give reason.

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  59. Explain the concept of equipotential surfaces.

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  60. Show that electric field intensity is always normal to the equipotential surface.

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  61. Explain why the electric field intensity cannot be inclined to the equipotential surface?

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  62. Draw equipotential surfaces for the following:- single point charge,

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  63. Draw equipotential surfaces for the following:- a uniform electricfield

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  64. Draw equipotential surfaces for the following:- a dipole

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  65. Draw equipotential surfaces for the following:- two identical positive charges

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  66. Draw equipotential surfaces for the following:- two plane metallic plates connected to a cell

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  67. Draw equipotential surfaces for the following:- charged metallic sphere and plate

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  68. How much work is done in moving a `200muC` charge through a distance of 0.5cm on an equipotential surface?

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  69. A small particle carrying a negative charge of `1.6xx10^-19C` is suspended in equilibrium between two horizontal metal plates 10cm apart having a potential difference of 4000V across them. FInd the mass of the particle.

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  70. An infinite plane sheet of charge density `10^7cm^-2` is held in vacuum. In this situation how far should the two equipotential surfaces be kept, whose potential difference is 50 V?

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  71. Is the electrostatic potential energy of N number of point charges is path dependent ?

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  72. Under what condition, is the potential energy of two point charges zero?

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  73. Two interacting like charges possesses potential energy. Explain.

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  74. Define electrostatic potential energy of a system of point charges.

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  75. Derive an expression for potential energy of a system of two point charges.

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  76. Derive an expression for a potential energy for a system of N point charges.

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  77. Two charges of magnitude 5 nC and -2 nC are placed at points (2 cm, 0, 0) and (20 cm, 0, 0) in a region of space, where there is no other external field. Find the electrostatic potential energy of the system.

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  78. Calculate the electrostatic potential energy of the system of charges shown in the figure.

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  79. Define the term potential energy of a charge q at a distance r in an external electric field.

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  80. A charge q is at a distance r in an external electric field. Write an expression for potential energy of the charge.

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  81. Derive an expression for potential energy of a single charge in an external electric field.

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  82. Derive an expression for potential energy of a system of two charges in an external electric field.

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  83. Two charged particles having equal charge of `3xx10^-5C` each are brought from infinity to a separation of 30 cm. Find the increase in electrostatic potential energy during the process.

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  84. Determine the electrostatic potential energy of a system consisting of two charges `-2 muC` and `+4 muC` (with no external field) placed at (-8 cm, 0, 0) and (+8 cm, 0, 0) respectively, (b) Suppose the same system of charges is now placed in an external electric field. `E = A(1//r^2)`, where `A = 8 xx 105 cm^-2`, what would be the electrostatic potential energy of the configuration.

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  85. Three charges -q, +Qand -q are placed at equal distance on straight line If the potential energy of the system of the three charges is zero, then what is the ratio of `Q : q`?

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  86. An electron and a proton separated by a distance of `4 xx 10^-9 m`, forms an electric dipole. This dipole is aligned in a uniform electric field of `1.5 xx 10^4 N//C`. Calculate potential energy of dipole to hold it at `60^@` with the direction of electric field.

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  87. A dipole with its charges -q and =q located at the points (0,-b,0) and (0,+b,0) is present in a uniform electric field E. The equipotential surfaces of this field are planes parallel to the YZ planes:- What is the direction of the electric field E?

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  88. A dipole with its charges -q and =q located at the points (0,-b,0) and (0,+b,1) is present in a uniform electric field E. The equipotential surfaces of this field are planes parallel to the YZ planes:- How much torque would the dipole experience in this filed?

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  89. The dipole moment of water molecule is `6.3 xx 10^-30 Cm`. A sample of water contains 1021 molecules, whose dipole moments are all oriented in an electric field of strength `2.5 xx 10^5 N//C`. Calculate the work to be done to rotate the dipoles from their initial orientation `theta_1` = 0 to one in which all the dipoles are perpendicular to the field, `theta_2 = 90^@`.

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  90. A charge `6 muC` is placed at the origin and another charge `-5 muC` is placed on the Y-axis at position A(0,6,0)m. Calculate the total electric potential at the point P whose coordinates are (8, 0, 0) m.

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  91. A charge `6 muC` is placed at the origin and another charge `-5 muC` is placed on the Y-axis at position A(0,6,1)m:- Calculate the work done to bring a proton from infinity to the point P.

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  92. An electric dipole consist of two opposite charges each of magnitude `1 mu C` separated by distance 2 cm. The dipole is placed in an external field of `10^5 N//C`. The maximum torque acting on the dipole is

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  93. An electric dipole consists of two opposite charges each of magnitude `1muC` separated by 2 cm. The dipole is placed in an external electric field of `10^6 N//C`. Find:- The work that the external agent will have to do in turning the dipole through `180^@` starting from position `theta = 0^@`.

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  94. Two point charges `20 xx l0^-6C` and `-4 xx l0^-6C` are separated by a distance of 50cm in air. Calculate the electrostatic potential energy of the system.

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  95. Set up an arrangement of three point charges +q, +2q, and +2xq separated by equal finite distances so that electric potential energy of the system is zero. Find the value of x.

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  96. Two point charges A and B of value `+3muC` and `+2muC` are kept 25cm apart in air. Calculate the work done when charge B is moved by 5cm towards A

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  97. What are conductors?

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  98. State the properties of conductors under electrostatic conditions.

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  99. Explain electrostatic shielding (Screening).

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  100. The safest way protect yourself from lightning is to be inside a car. Justify.

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Example questions and complete solutions for chapter Electrostatics of CHETANA PUBLICATION of Class 12

All Exercises from CHETANA PUBLICATION Class 12 PHYSICS Electrostatics