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Complete Solutions to Exercise of chapter AC CIRCUITS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A LCR series circuit has the impedance of 240 ohm. If R = `120 Omega`, find the power factor of the circuit.

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  2. In LCR series circuit a voltmeter is connected in turn acrosstheendsof R,LandC, and the voltages are found to be 192 V, 200V and 56 V respectively. Find the phase angle and hence the power factor of the circuit

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  3. What inductive reactance will `a 1/pi`H inductor have at the 50 Hz frequency?

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  4. What is the period of a 50 Hz voltage wave?

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  5. An inductor draws 5A of current at 230 V, 50 Hz. Find the value of inductive reactance and the inductance.

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  6. A capacitor draws 10 Aof current at 230 V, 50 Hz. Find the capacitive reactance and the capacitance of the capacitor.

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  7. A circuit connected to a 200 V supply takes a current of 4.8 A. If the angle of lag is `25^@`, find the power absorbed.

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  8. A voltage e = `50 sqrt2 `sin 314.0 t volt is applied across a 10 ohm resistor. Find:- peak value of emf

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  9. A voltage e = `50 sqrt2 `sin 314.0 t volt is applied across a 10 ohm resistor. Find:-frequency

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  10. A voltage e = `50 sqrt2 `sin 314.0 t volt is applied across a 10 ohm resistor. Find:-rms current (i.e. an ac ammeter reading) through the circuit.

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  11. A 2H inductor of negligible resistance is connected to a 50 V, 50 Hz power line:- What is the inductive reactance?

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  12. A 2H inductor of negligible resistance is connected to a 50 V, 50 Hz power line:- What isthe current in the coil?

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  13. A peak value of alternating voltage is 494.97 V. Find reading on voltmeter used to measure it?

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  14. In a purely inductive ac circuit L = 25 mH and peak voltage of ac supply is150 V. Find inductive reactance and maximum current if the frequency is 50 Hz.

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  15. An inductor has a reactance of `125.6 Omega` at 200 Hz. What is the inductance?

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  16. An alternating e.m.f. given by e = 50 sin 314t is applied to a pure resistance of 100 ohm. Find:-peak value of e.m.f.

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  17. An alternating e.m.f. given by e = 50 sin 314t is applied to a pure resistance of 100 ohm. Find:-frequency

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  18. An alternating e.m.f. given by e = 50 sin 314t is applied to a pure resistance of 100 ohm. Find:-r.m.s. current through the circuit

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  19. An alternating e.m.f. given by e = 50 sin 314t is applied to a pure resistance of 100 ohm. Find:- power dissipated in the circuit.

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  20. A 60 watt lamp is connected to an alternating e.m.f. of peak value 230 volt. Find the peak value of current flowing through the lamp.

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  21. When an a.c. current passes through a `14 Omega `resistor, the power loss is 224 W. Find the r.m.s. values of current and voltage. Also find the maximum values of current and voltage. Find the steady value of current which when passed through this resistor will produce the same power loss as the a.c. current.

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  22. Calculate the reactance of a 2H inductance in an a.c. circuit of frequency 50 Hz.

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  23. Calculate the reactance of a `1muF` capacitance in an a.c. circuit of frequency 50 Hz.

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  24. A coil has an inductance of 0.5H. Calculate:- its inductive reactance when connected to 240 V (peak), 50 Hz A.C.

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  25. A coil has an inductance of 0.5H. Calculate:- its impedance if the resistance of the circuit is `50 Omega`and

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  26. A coil has an inductance of 0.5H and a resistance of 100 ohm are connected in series to 240v, 50 Hz supply. Calculate:- the maximum current in the circuit.

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  27. An a.c. e.m.f. of peak value 240 V and frequency 50 Hz is connected to a circuit with R = `12 Omega`, L = 2.5 H and a capacitor all in series. Find the capacitance for the current in the circuit to be maximum. Find the maximum current.

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  28. Find the current in a circuit consisting of a coil and a capacitor in series with an A.C. source of 110 V (r.m.s.), 60 Hz. The inductance of the coil is 0.80 H and its resistance is `50 Omega`. The capacitance of the capacitor is `8 muF`.

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  29. In a series LCR circuit, R = `20 Omega`, C = `10 muF` and L = 25 mH.The frequency of applied a.c. e.m.f. of 240 volt (peak) is 50 Hz. Calculate :- impedance of the circuit

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  30. In a series LCR circuit, R = `20 Omega`, C = `10 muF` and L = 25 mH.The frequency of applied a.c. e.m.f. of 240 volt (peak) is 50 Hz. Calculate :- maximum current

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  31. In a series LCR circuit, R = `20 Omega`, C = `10 muF` and L = 25 mH.The frequency of applied a.c. e.m.f. of 240 volt (peak) is 50 Hz. Calculate :-phase angle between the current and the voltage

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  32. In a series LCR circuit, R = `20 Omega`, C = `10 muF` and L = 25 mH.The frequency of applied a.c. e.m.f. of 240 volt (peak) is 50 Hz. Calculate :- maximum current

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  33. In a series LCR circuit, R = `20 Omega`, C = `10 muF` and L = 25 mH.The frequency of applied a.c. e.m.f. of 240 volt (peak) is 50 Hz. Calculate :-average power delivered to the circuit.

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  34. In a series resonant circuit, the inductance coil is of 0.2 H and the resistance coil is of `50 Omega`. What is the value of capacitance in the circuit for resonance to occur at a frequency of 1500 kHz? The source has an e.m.f. of 100 V r.m.s.?

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  35. Find the reactance of a 0.8Hinductance call on an A.C. line of frequency 50 Hz.

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  36. Find the impedance of a LR circuit with R = `50 Omega` in series with an inductive reactance of `30 Omega`.

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  37. An A.C. circuit of maximum e.m.f. 100 volt and of frequency 50 Hz contains an inductance of 0.2 mH. What is the inductive reactance of the circuit? What is the maximum current in the circuit?

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  38. An A.C.source of r.m.s. value85V and frequency 50Hz is connected in series with an inductance of 2H and a resistance of `10 Omega`. Find the maximum current in the circuit.

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  39. A resistance of `160 Omega` is used in series with an inductance L and an a.c. of 230 V, 50 Hz. If the current in the circuit is 0.25A, find L.

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  40. An A.C. e.m.f. of peak 220 V, 50 Hz is connected to an inductance of 253 mH and a resistance of `9 Omega` series calculate the impedance of the circuit and the r.m.s. current in the circuit.

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  41. A circuit has a resistance and a reactance each equal to`100 Omega`.Find its power factor. If the circuit draws a current of 1.5 A for an applied voltage of 200 V, what is the average power consumed in the circuit?

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  42. An A.C. circuit of peak e.m.f. 200 V and of frequency 50 Hz contains an inductive of 0.1 H and resistance `10 Omega` in series. Find the power factor and the power consumed in the circuit

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  43. Find the capacitive reactance of a `100 muF` capacitor used on a A.C.source of 50 Hz.

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  44. A capacitance of `0.4 muF` is connected to an alternating e.m.f. of frequency 100 Hz. What is the capacitive reactance ?

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  45. A capacitor of `50 muF` is connected across a 100 V, 50 Hz a.c. supply. Find the reactance and the r.m.s. current.

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  46. An a.c. series circuit has a source of maximum e.m.f. 220 V at a frequency of 50 Hz connected to a capacitor of 8pF, an inductor of 0.8 H and a non-inductive resistor of `50 Omega`. What is the maximum current in the circuit?

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  47. The resonant frequency of a parallel LC circuit is 1000 kHz. If L = 3mH, find the capacitance used.

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  48. Find the capacitance to be connected in parallel with a 100 mH inductance to achieve a resonance frequency of 50 Hz.

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  49. An A.C. voltage of r.m.s. value IV is applied to a parallel combination of inductor L = 10mH and capacitor C = `4muF`. Calculate the resonant frequency and current through each branch at resonance.

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  50. A capacitor is used with an A.C. source of 110 V and frequency 50 Hz. If the maximum current in the circuit is 4.89 A, calculate the capacitance

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  51. An a.c. consists of a resistor of 10W, inductor of 0.1 H and capacitor of 50 mF in series across a 50 V, 50 Hz supply. Determine power factor of the circuit.

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  52. An A.C. circuit consists of inductor of inductance 125 mH connected in parallel with a capacitor of capacity `50 muF`. Determine the resonant frequency.

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  53. In an ac circuit, V and I are given by V = `100 sin (100t)` volts,I =`100 sin (100t+pi/3)` mA.The power dissipated in circuit is

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  54. The frequency of ac mainsin India is

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  55. The peak value of 220 volts of ac mainsis

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  56. If a current I given by `I_o sin (omega-pi/2)` flowsin an ac circuit across which an potential of e= `e_0sin omegat` has been applied, then the power consumption P in the circuit will be.

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  57. In an ac circuit, the current is given by I = `5sin ( 100t-pi/2)`and the ac potential is V=200sin(100)volt.Thenthepower consumption is

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  58. The frequency of an alternating voltage is 50 cycles//sec and its amplitude is 120V. Then the r.m.s. value of voltage is

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  59. The ratio of peak value and r.m.s. value of an alternating current is

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  60. The power factor of LCR circuit at resonance is

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  61. Power delivered by the source of the circuit becomes maximum, when

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  62. In a circuit containing an inductance of zero resistance, the e.m.f. of the applied ac voltage leads the current by

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  63. An alternating e.m.f. is applied to purely capacitive circuit. The phase relation between e.m.f. and current flowing in the circuit is

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  64. An alternating current of frequency 'f isflowing in a circuit containing a resistance R and a choke L in series. The impedance of this circuit is

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  65. The average power dissipation in a pure capacitance in ac circuit is

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  66. An alternating voltage e = `200 sqrt2` sin (100 t) is connected to a 1microfarad capacitor through an ac ammeter. The reading of the ammetershall be

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  67. L, C and R denote inductance, capacitance and resistance respectively. Pick out the combination which does not have the dimensions of frequency

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  68. What will be the phase difference between virtual voltage and virtual current, when the current in the circuit is wattless

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  69. Power factor is maximum in an LCR circuit when

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  70. The capacity of a pure capacitor is1Farad. In DC circuits, its effective resistance will be

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  71. A 220 V, 50 Hz as source is connected to an inductance of 0.2 H and a resistance of 20 ohm in series. What is the current in the circuit.

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  72. For high frequency, a capacitor offers

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  73. In LCR circuit the pd between the terminals of the inductance is 60 V, between the terminals of the capacitor is 30 V and that between the terminals of resistance is 40 V. The supply voltage will be equal to

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  74. In a LCR circuit capacitance is changed from C to 2C. For the resonant frequency to remain unchanged, the inductance should be changed from L to

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  75. An oscillator circuit consists of an inductance of 0.5 mH and a capacitor of `20 muF`. The resonant frequency of the circuit is nearly

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  76. Which of the following components of an LCR circuit with ac supply, dissipates energy

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  77. The phase difference between the ac and emf is `pi/2` . Which of the following cannot be the constituent of the circuit

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  78. In an A.C. circuit the current

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  79. Acoil of inductive reactance `31 Omega`has a resistance of `8 Omega`. It is placed in series with a condenser of capadtative reactance `25 Omega`. The combination is connected to an a.c.source of 110 volt. The power factor of the circuit is

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  80. A light bulb is rated 100 W for a 220 V supply. The resistance of the bulb and the peak voltage of the source respectively are

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  81. A 50 volt a.c. is applied across an RC (series) network. The rms voltage across the resistance is 40 volt, then the potential across the capadtance would be

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  82. Apure inductor of 25 mHis conneded to a source of 220 V. Given the frequency of the source as 50 Hz, the rms current in the circuit is

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  83. If the rms current in a 50 Hz AC rircuit is 5A the value of the current `1/300` seconds after its value becomes zero is

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  84. A resistor of `500 Omega` and an indudance of 0.5 H are in series with an AC source which is given by V = `100sqrt2` sin (1000 t). The power fador of the combination is

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  85. Thedisplacement currentisgivenby the expression

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  86. An alternating e.m.f. is given by e = 100 sin 314 t, the time within which the e.m.f. will half of its maximum value is

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  87. A sinusoidal voltage e = 200 sin (100 t) is applied acrossaresistanceof `100Omega` then current measured by D.C. ammeter is

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  88. Relation between `e_rms` and `e_o`is

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  89. A`6Omega` resistanceand `8Omega` inductance are connected in series then power factor of the circuit is

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  90. A current that does not perform any work is

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  91. In LCR series drcuit apparent power is

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  92. Seled true statement for purely inductive circuit

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  93. Resonance frequency for parallel LC circuit is given by

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  94. In LCR series drcuit, at resonance the applied e.m.f. and current

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  95. In series LCR circuit, at resonance impedance

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  96. In series LCR circuit R = `4Omega`, L = 0.2 H and C = 0.1 F, at resonance impedance is

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  97. The impedance of LCR circuit increases with frequency when

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  98. Which of the following depends upon frequency?

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  99. In an R.C. circuit resistance = 4 Omega and XC = `3 Omega`, then power factor is

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  100. In a circuit L,Cand R are connected in series with an alternating voltage of frequency f the current leads the voltage by 45^@. The value of C is

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Exercise questions and complete solutions for chapter AC CIRCUITS of CHETANA PUBLICATION of Class 12