Class 12 | PHYSICS |
Chapter | Semiconductor |
Number Of Questions | 100 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
What is P-N junction diode?
What is a forward and reverse biased diode?
What is breakdown voltage and knee voltage?
When does a diode behave as a closed switch?
When does a diode behaves as an open switch?
State the use of the switching action of a diode?
State the frequency of AC voltage used in India?
Explain the working of simple rectifier circuit with block diagram and output wave-form
Draw a block diagram of simple rectifier circuit with respective output wave-forms.
What is rectification? What is a rectifier? How does a p-n junction diode act as a rectifier?
What is rectifier? State its types?
Draw the circuit diagram of a half-wave rectifier. Explain its working. What is the frequency of ripple in its output?
With the help of neat circuit diagram, Explain working of p-n junction diode as a half-wave rectifier
Draw a neat diagram of a full wave rectifier and explain its working
With a neat circuit diagram, explain the use of two junction diodes as a full-wave rectifier. Draw the input and output voltage waveforms. What is the frequency of ripple in its output.
What are the advantages of a full wave rectifier?
The circuit shown in the fig. contains two diodes each with forward resistance of 50 `Omega` and infinite backward resistance. If the battery voltage is 6V, find the current through the 120`Omega`resistance.
What is ripple factor?
How does ripple factor decides the effectiveness f 5 of a rectifier?
Define Ripple factor
Explain filter circuit
State the types of filter circuits?
Explain capacitor filter?
State the advantage of capacitor filter circuit?
State the uses of capacitor filter circuit?
Why do we need filters in a power supply?
What is the regulated and unregulated power supply?
What do you mean by special purpose junction diodes? State some common special purpose junction diodes
What is breakdown voltage?
Name the phenomena in which electrical breakdown occurs?
Explain Zener Breakdown?
How is a zener diode different than an ordinary diode?
Why is a resistance connected in series with a zener diode when used in a circuit?
What are the limitations of zener regulator? State the uses of zener regulator?
Explain how a zener diode maintains constant voltage across a load?
With the help of diagram explain the working of zener diode as a voltage regulator.
Explain the forward and the reverse characteristics of a zener diode
What is zener diode? Draw the I-V characteristics graph of zener diode and explain it.
A 5.0 V stabilized power supply is requiredto be designed using a 12V DC power supply as an input source. The maximum power rating `P_z `of the Zener diode is 2.0 W. Using the Zener regulator circuit, calculate :The maximum current flowing through the Zener diode
A 5.0 V stabilized power supply is required to be designed using a 12V DC power supply as an input source. The maximum power rating` P_z` of the Zener diode is 2.0 W. Using the Zener regulator circuit, calculate The minimum value of the series resistor, `R_s`
A 5.0 V stabilized power supply is required to be designed using a 12V DC power supply as an input source. The maximum power rating` P_z `of the Zener diode is 2.0 W. Using the Zener regulator circuit, calculate: The load current` I_L`, if a load resistor of `1k omega` fi is connected across the Zener diode
A 5.0 V stabilized power supply is required to be designed using a 12V DC power supply as an input source. The maximum power rating `P_z` of the Zener diode is 2.0 W. Using the Zener regulator circuit, calculate: The Zener current Iz at full load.
How does a cell phone charger produce a voltage of 5V from the line voltage of 230V?
What is photo diode? Draw the symbol and state uses.
Explain the principal of operation of a photodiode.
Explain the construction and working of photodiode
Explain the I-V characteristics of photodiode?
State any two advantages and disadvantages of photodiode?
State any four applications of photodiode?
Define Dark current and Dark resistance of photodiode?
Why should a photodiode br operated in reverse biased mode?
What are the requirements for materials used in solar cell.
State any two disadvantage of solar cells
State any two advantage of solar cells
State the criteria for selection of material for solar cell.
When the intensity of light incident on a photodiode increases, how is the reverse current affected?
What is solar cell ? State the principle and uses of a solar cell.
Explain the construction and working of solar cell?
Explain the I-V characteristic of solar cell.
What is LED? With neat diagram, explain the construction of a LED.
Explain the construction and working of Aled.
Explain I-V characteristics of LED
State and explain any four advantages of LED
State any two disadvantage of LED.
State any four applications of LED
On which factor does the wavelength of light emitted by a LED depend?
State the factor which controls intensity of light emitted by a LED.
Write the full form of transistor
Why is the base of a transistor made thin and is lightly doped?
Which is the most common method of biasing a transistor
Which region in a transistor has a low and high resistance?
Define Junction transistor and Bipolar junction transistor
What is transistor? State different types of transistor.
Draw the circuit symbols of: a pnp transistor
Draw the circuit symbols of: a npn transistor.
Explain the structure of p-n-p and p-n-p transistor.
Explain the different region of a BipolarJunction Transistor?
Explain the working of an n-p-n transistor?
What would happen if both junctions of a BJT are forward biased or reverse biased
What are the three different configurations of transistors? Draw circuit symbols of different configration?
Define`prop` and `beta`. Derive the relation between them.
Define current ratios `prop`= and `beta` for transistor. Obtain the relation between them.
Why is the emitter, the base and the collector of a BJT doped differently?
With the help of a neat labelled circuit diagram and graph, explain the input and output characteristics of a n-p-n transistor in common emitter configuration.
What is an amplifier? Explain the use of a transistor as an amplifier.
Draw a neat circuit diagram of a transistor CE -amplifier and explain its working
Which method of biasing is used for operating transistor as an amplifier?
If a transistor amplifies power, explain why it is not used to generate power
The common-base DC current gain of a tranistor is 0.967. If the emitter current is 10 mA, what is the value of base current?
In a common-base connection, a certain transistor has an emitter's current of 10 mA and a collector's current of 9.8 mA. Calculate the value of the base current.
In a common-base connection, the emitter current is 6.28 mA and collector current is 6.20 mA. Determine the common-base DC current gain.
For a common emitter amplifiers, current gain is 70. If the emitter current is 8.8 mA, calculate the collector and base current. Also calculate current gain, when transistor is working as common base amplifier.
The input resistance of a transistor is 1000 `Omega` . On changing its base current by` 10 muA`, the collector current increases by 2 mA. If a load resistance of 5 k` Omega` is used in the circuit, calculate : the current gain.
The input resistance of a transistor is 1000` Omega` . On changing its base current by` 10 muA`, the collector current increases by 2 mA. If a load resistance of` 5 k Omega` is used in the circuit, calculate :voltage gain of the amplifier.
In a p-n-p transistor circuit the collector current is 10 mA. If 90% of the holes reach the collector,find emitter and base currents?
What is a analog signal?
What is a digital signal?
What do you mean by a logic gate, a truth table and a Boolean expression?
Draw the schematic symbol for AND,OR, NOT,NAND, NOR and Exclusive OR/ `chi` - OR Gate.Explain its working with the help of its truth table.
What are the uses of logic gates? Why is a NOTgate known as an inverter?
EXAMPLE questions and complete solutions for chapter Semiconductor of CHETANA PUBLICATION of Class 12