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Complete Solutions to EXERCISE (NUMERICAL PROBLEMS) of chapter CHEMICAL KINETICS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions37
Academic Year2023-24
  1. `2Ararr4B+D` , in this reaction, concentration of B increases to `2xx10^(-3)"mol.L"^(-1)` after 10s from the start of the reaction . Calculate : rate of formation of B

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  2. `2Ararr4B+D` , in this reaction, concentration of B increases to `2xx10^(-3)"mol.L"^(-1)` after 10s from the start of the reaction . Calculate : rate of disappearance of A.

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  3. `2N_(2)O_(5)rarr4NO_(2)(g)+O_(2)(g)` , The above reaction is completed in a closed vessel . It is observed that the concentration of `NO_(2)` is increased by `4xx10^(-2)"mol.L"^(-1)` in 5 second . Calculate
    the rate of reaction

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  4. `2N_(2)O_(5)rarr4NO_(2)(g)+O_(2)(g)` , The above reaction is completed in a closed vessel . It is observed that the concentration of `NO_(2)` is increased by `4xx10^(-2)"mol.L"^(-1)` in 5 second . Calculate
    the rate of disappearance of `N_(2)O_(5)`

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  5. `2N_(2)O_(5)rarr4NO_(2)(g)+O_(2)(g)` , The above reaction is completed in a closed vessel . It is observed that the concentration of `NO_(2)` is increased by `4xx10^(-2)"mol.L"^(-1)` in 5 second . Calculate
    the rate of formation of `O_(2)`

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  6. `Cl_(2)+2I^(-)rarr2Cl^(-)+I_(2)` , the concentration of `I^(-)` falls from `0.35"mol.L"^(-1)" to " 0.25"mol.L"^(-1)` in 5min . What is the average rate of reaction ? Calculate the rate of formation of `I_(2)` .

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  7. `A+BrarrC+D` , Calculate the rate law and rate constant of the reaction by using the following experimentally obtained data :

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  8. For the reaction , `N_(2)(g)+3H_(2)(g)rarr2NH_(3)(g),(1)/(2)(d[NH_(3)])/(dt) = 2xx10^(-4)"mol.L"^(-1).s^(-1)` Find rate of disappearance of `N_(2) & H_(2)`

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  9. For the reaction , `4NH_(3)(g)+5O_(2)(g)rarr4NO(g)+6H_(2)O(g)` the concentration of NO increases to `0.18"mol.L"^(-1)` in 5s. Calculate
    the rate of the reaction during that period of time

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  10. For the reaction , `4NH_(3)(g)+5O_(2)(g)rarr4NO(g)+6H_(2)O(g)` the concentration of NO increases to `0.18"mol.L"^(-1)` in 5s. Calculate
    rate of formation of water

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  11. For the reaction , `4NH_(3)(g)+5O_(2)(g)rarr4NO(g)+6H_(2)O(g)` the concentration of NO increases to `0.18"mol.L"^(-1)` in 5s. Calculate
    rate of disappearance of `NH_(3)`

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  12. `A_(2)+B_(2)rarr2AB` , Fill up the blanks writing the order of reaction with respect to `A_(2) " to " B_(2)` , in the following table.

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  13. For the reaction `A+Brarr` product , (a) the rate of reaction doubles on doubling the concentration of A. (b) the rate of reaction increases by four times on doubling the concentration of B. Determine the overall order of the reaction ?

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  14. For the reaction `A+BrarrC+D` , it is found that rate of reaction doubles when the concentration of B is doubled and increases by 8 times on doubling the concentration of both A and B . Write the rate equation of the reaction.

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  15. Half - life of a first order reaction is 15 min . Calculate rate constant of the reaction and the time required to complete 80% of the reaction. If the initial concentration of the reactant is doubled , how long will it take to reach 50% completion ? Give reason.

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  16. 25% of a first order reaction is completed in 30 min . Find the time required for completion of 50% of the reaction.

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  17. A first order reaction takes one hour for 50% completion How long will it take to reach 90% completion ?

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  18. The half -life of a first order reaction `ArarrB` is 10 min . What fraction of the reactant will be left behind after 1 h ?

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  19. In a first order reaction , the amount of reactant decomposed in the first 1 min is 1 % of its initial amount. What percent of the reactant will remain undecomposed after 1 hour from the start of the reaction ?

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  20. The half -life of a first order reaction is 40min . Calculate the time taken by the reaction to reach 78% of completion . If the initial concentration of the reactant is doubled , how long will it take to reach 50% completion . Justify your answer.

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  21. The following data are obtained for the decomposition of `H_(2)O_(2) " at " 25^(@)C` :
    `{:("Time (min)",0,10,20,30),(% "decomposed",0,37,60,75):}`
    Calculate the order , rate constant and half -life of the reaction.

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  22. If decomposition of `H_(2)O_(2)` is a first order reaction , how long would it take to complete one- third of the decomposition ? The rate constant of this decomposition reaction is `3xx10^(-2)"min"^(-1)`.

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  23. Show that for a first order reaction , the time taken to reach 75% of completion is about double that required for 50% of completion.

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  24. `ArarrB+C` , the following records are obtained :
    Show that the reaction follows the rate law of first order reaction .

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  25. To calculate the rate of decomposition of `H_(2)O_(2)` in an aqueous solution , a certain volume of the aqueous solution of `H_(2)O_(2)` is pipetted out and titrated against `KMnO_(4)` solution at different interval of time . Intervals The observations are given below :
    `{:(Time ("in min"),0,5,10,20),("Volume of "KMnO_(4)("inML"),46.2,37.1,29.8,19.6):}`
    Show that the decomposition of `H_(2)O_(2)` in aqueous solution is a first order reaction and calculate its rate constant .

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  26. The decomposition of ammonium nitrite was studied by placing the apparatus in a thermostat maintained at a particular temperature .The volume of `N_(2)` gas collected at different intervals are as follows :
    `{:(Time ("in min"),10,15,20,25,oo),("Volume of "N_(2)("inML"),6.25,9.00,11.40,13.65,35.05):}`
    From the above data, prove that the reaction is of the first order.

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  27. The following data were obtained during the first order thermal decomposition of `N_(2)O_(5)(g)` at constant volume.
    `2N_(2)O_(5)(g) rarr4NO_(2)(g)+O_(2)(g)`
    `{:(Time ("in s"),0,52,103,205,309),("Total pressure (in mm)",117.04,163.40,197.6,239.4,258.4):}`
    Calculate the rate constant of the reaction.

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  28. The following data are obtained of the decomposition of `N_(2)O_(4) " in CCl"_(4)" at " 44^(@)C`
    `{:("Time (min)",20,30,40,oo),("Volume of "O_(2)(ml),11.40,15.53,18.50,34.75):}`
    Show that the reaction follows the rate law of first order reaction.

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  29. The decomposition of gaseous `Cl_(2)O_(7)` to gaseous `Cl_(2) and O_(2)` at 400K is a first order reaction . After 55 s , the pressure of `Cl_(2)O_(7)` falls from 0.062 to 0.044 atm . Calculate
    the rate constant

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  30. The decomposition of gaseous `Cl_(2)O_(7)` to gaseous `Cl_(2) and O_(2)` at 400K is a first order reaction . After 55 s , the pressure of `Cl_(2)O_(7)` falls from 0.062 to 0.044 atm . Calculate
    the pressure of `Cl_(2)O_(7)` after 100s.

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  31. Calculate the Activation Energy `(E_(a))` of a reaction that follows the equation , `k=(4.5xx10^(11)s^(-1))` e.

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  32. The decomposition of `H_(2)O_(2)` is a first order reaction . The rate constant of the reaction can be expressed as `logk=14.34-(1.25xx10^(4))/(T)` . Calculate the activation energy of the reaction . At what temperature does the half-life of the reaction become 265min?

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  33. The rate constant of decomposition of B is `4.8xx10^(3)s^(-1) " at "15^(@)C` . If the activation energy of the reaction is 80 kJ.mol , at what temperature will the rate constant of the reaction be `1.5xx10^(4)s^(-1)` ?

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  34. The time taken by a first order reaction to reach 10% completion at 298K is the same as the time taken to reach 30% completion at 308K . If value of `A=4xx10^(11)s^(-1)` , calculate the rate constant at 308K.

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  35. Calculate the activation energy of the reaction whose rate constant for decomposition of `N_(2)O_(5) " at " 25^(@)C and 65^(@)C " are " 3.46xx10^(-5)and 4.87xx10^(-3)"min"^(-1)` respectively.

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  36. The rate constants of a reaction at `35^(@)C and 65^(@)C " are " 6.65xx10^(-5)s^(-1) and 2.24xx10^(-3)s^(-1)` respectively. Calculate the frequency factor of the reaction.

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  37. At `25^(@)C and 45^(@)C` , a first order reaction takes 30min and 10min respectively to reach 50% completion. Calculate the activation energy . If `DeltaH=-40"kJ.mol"^(-1)` , calculate the activation energy of backward reaction.

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EXERCISE (NUMERICAL PROBLEMS) questions and complete solutions for chapter CHEMICAL KINETICS of CHHAYA CHEMISTRY (BENGALI ENGLISH) of Class 12