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Complete Solutions to Question Paper 7 of chapter MCQ ZONE 3 of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
ChapterMCQ ZONE 3
Number Of Questions30
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If the line `ax+by +c =0 ` is a normal to the curve `xy=1 ` at the point (1, 1), then -

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  2. Two equal parabolas have the same vertex and their axes are at right angles. Then the angle between the tangents to them at their point of intersection (other than vertex) is-

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  3. If three normals are drawn from the point `(c, 0)` to the parabola `y^(2)= x` , then-

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  4. If tangents are drawn from the origin to the curve ` y= sin x `, then their points of contact lie on-

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  5. The line, among the following, that touches the parabola `y^(2) = 4ax ` is-

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  6. If ` y= 3x ` is a tangent to a circle with centre `(1, 1)` , then the other tangent drawn throught `(0, 0)` to the circle is-

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  7. From any point P(x, y) of the curve ` y= x^(m) ( m gt 0 , x gt 0)` perpendiculars PN and PM are dropped on the coordinate axes. Then the ratio of the area OMPO and the area of the rectangle ONPM (O represents the origin ) is-

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  8. The area enclosed between the curve ` y= log_(e)(x+e)` and the coordinate axes ( in square unit) is-

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  9. Let `f(x)` be non- negative continuous function such that the area bounded by the curve `y=f(x)`, x- axis and the ordinates ` x= (pi)/(4)` and `x = beta ( beta gt (pi)/(4))` is ` beta sin beta + (pi)/(4) cos beta + sqrt(2) beta`. Then the value of `f((pi)/(2))` is-

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  10. If the equation of the tangent to the circle ` x^(2) + y^(2) - 2x + 6y - 6 =0` parallel to the line ` 3x - 4y +7 =0 ` is `3x - 4y +k=0`, then the value of k is-

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  11. The locus of the point of intersection of a pair of perpendicular tangents to an ellipse is a/an-

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  12. The straight line ` x+ y= sqrt(2) p` will touch the hyperbola ` 4x^(2) - 9y^(2) = 36` if-

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  13. If the focal chord of `y^(2)=16x` is a tangent to the circle `(x-6)^(2) + y^(2) =2` , then the possible values of the slope of the chord are-

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  14. The area (in square unit ) bounded by the curves ` y= |x| - 1 ` and ` y= -|x| +1` is-

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  15. If the normal at the point ` ( bt_(1)^(2), 2 bt_(1))` to the parabola `y^(2)= 4bx` meets it again at the point ` ( bt_(2)^(2), 2 bt_(2))` , then-

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  16. The line `y= mx +c ` touches the hyperbola `b^(2) x^(2) - a^(2) y^(2) = a^(2)b^(2) ` if-

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  17. The least value of the sum of any positive real number and its reciprocal is-

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  18. The function `f(x)= x^((1)/(x))` is-

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  19. If the chord of contact of tangents from a point on the circle `x^(2) + y^(2) = a^(2)` to the circle `x^(2)+ y^(2)= b^(2)` touches the circle `x^(2) + y^(2) = c^(2)`, then a, b, c are in-

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  20. The value of x for which the polynomial `2x^(3) - 9x^(2) + 12x +4` is a decreasing function of x, is-

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  21. The length of the rectangle of maximum area that can be inscribed in a semicircle of radius 1 unit, so that two vertices lie on the diameter, is-

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  22. If the tangent at any point on the ellipse `(x^(2))/(a^(2)) + (y^(2))/(b^(2)) =1` intersects the coordinate axes at P and Q , then the minimum value of the area (in square unit ) of the triangle OPQ is (O being the origin )-

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  23. The minimum value of ` 4e^(2x) + 9e^(-2x) ` is-

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  24. Suppose the function `f(x) ` is defined as follows :
    `f(x)= x(x-1)(x-2)(x-3)...(x-100)`
    Then which one of the following is correct ?

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  25. The pressure p and the volume v of a gas are connected by the relation ` pv^(1.4)=k`, where k is a constant. Then a decrease of ` 0.5 %` in the volume of the gas corresponds to an increase of pressure by-

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  26. The population of a country doubles in 50 years. Assuming that the rate of increase of population is proportional to the number of inhabitants, in how many years would the population becomes three times ?

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  27. Let ` y= f(x)` be the function, which passes through (1, 2) and has slope ` 2x +1 ` , then the area bounded between the curve `x=1` and x- axis (in square unit) is-

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  28. The radius of a cylinder is increasing at the rate of 3 m/s and its altitude is decreasing at the rate of 4m/s. The rate of change of volume `(m^(3)//s)` when radius is 4 m and altitude 6 m is -

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  29. The function `f(x)=x^(2)+4x-2` has a minimum value at-

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  30. The normal at any point to a curve always passes through a given point (a, b) , if the curve passes through the origin, then the curve is a/an -

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Question Paper 7 questions and complete solutions for chapter MCQ ZONE 3 of CHHAYA PUBLICATION MATHS (BENGALI ENGLISH) of Class 12