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Complete Solutions to Example of chapter RANDOM VARIABLE AND ITS DISTRIBUTION of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
Number Of Questions23
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Examine which one of the following represent the probability distribution of a random variable x

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  2. Three cards are drawn at random from a pack of 52 playing cards find the probability distribution of the number of aces

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  3. Four bad oranges are mixed accidently with 16 good oranges find the probaility distribution of the number of bad oranges in a draw of two oranges

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  4. A pair of dice is thrown 4 times If getting a double is considered a success find the probability distribution of number of successes

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  5. A balanced coin is tossed repeatedly until a tail appears if x denotes the number of heads preceding the first tail find the probability distribution of x

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  6. A lot contains 36 ariticles of which 6 are defective A sample of 5 articles was drawn at random (i) without replacement (ii) with replacement find the probalitiy distribution of x the number of defectives

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  7. A discrete random variable x has the following probality distribution

    (i) find a
    (ii) Evaluate : P(X lt 1) , P(X ge 4), PO(0 X lt 3) ,P(01 lexlt2)`
    (iii) Find the minimum value of a such that `P(X le4) ge0.6`

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  8. A random variable x has the following probability distribution

    Find the probability distribution of a random variable y where y =`2x^(2)+3`

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  9. If x is a discrete random variable and 'a' is a constant show that
    (i) E(a)=a
    (ii) E(ax)=aE(x)
    (iii) `E(x-barX)=0`

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  10. If a is a constant prove that
    (i) var(a)=0
    (ii) `var (aX)=a^(2)var(X)`


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  11. If x and Y are two independent random varibles prove that ,
    Var (aX+bY)=a^(2)Var(X)+b^(2)Var(y)` where a and b are constant

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  12. Two cards are drawn simultaneously (or successively without replacement ) from a well shuffled pack of 52 cards find the mean and variance of the number of aces

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  13. Two cards are drawn successively with replacement from a well-shuffled pack of 52 cards. Find the mean and variance the number of kings.

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  14. A coin is tossed 4 times let x denote the number of heads find the probability distribution of X also find the mean and variance of X

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  15. A box contains 4 black and 5 white balls let X denote the number of white balls in a random draw of 3 balls find E(X) and standard deviation of X

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  16. A gambler throws two unbiased dice and stands to loss Rs 5 if he fails to throwl a 5 to win Rs 10 if he throws on e five and to win Rs 25 if he throws fives is the game fair ?

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  17. (i) find the variance of the number obtained on a throw of an unbaised die
    (ii) what is the mathematical expectation of the sum of points on n dice ?

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  18. A random variable X has the following probability distribution

    Find the expection and standard deviation of the random variable X

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  19. The probability that there is at least one error in an accounts statement prepared by A is 0.2 and for B and C they are 0.25 and 0.4 repectively A,B and C prepared 10,16 and 20 statement respectively find the expected number of correct statement in all

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  20. Assuming that half of the populatio is vegetarian so that the chance of an individual being a vegetarian is `1/2` and assuming that 100 investigators can each take a sample of 10 individuals to see whether they are vegetarians how many investigators would you expect to report that 3 people or less were vegetarians ?

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  21. A number is chosen at random from the set 1,2,3 …100 and another number is chosen at random from the set 1,2,3,…50 what is the expected value of the product ?

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  22. Obtain the expection of the number of tails preceding the first head in the indefinite series of tosses of the same coin

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  23. Three persons A,B and C are taking part in a shooting competition where the person hitting the target first will win Rs 94 probability of hitting by them are `3/5,2/5` and `3/4` respwectively if the cometition is fair and A,B and C shoots in order then calculate the prize money each will win it is given that the total prize money of the competition is Rs 94

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Example questions and complete solutions for chapter RANDOM VARIABLE AND ITS DISTRIBUTION of CHHAYA PUBLICATION MATHS (BENGALI ENGLISH) of Class 12