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Complete Solutions to EXERCISE 5A(Very Short Answer type Question) of chapter QUADRATIC EQUATIONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CHHAYA PRAKASHINIEXERCISE 5A(Very Short Answer type Question)
Number Of Questions30
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Find the condition for which the roots of the equation `ax^2-(a+1)x+1=0` are always real.

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  2. One root of the equation `3x^2-5x+c=0` is 2, find its other root.

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  3. The product of the roots of the equationn `3x^2+mx-(2m+3)=0` is 5, find m.

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  4. If one root of the equation `2x^2-5x+k=0` be twice the other, find the value of k.

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  5. Find the condition so that the roots of the equation `lx^2+mx+n=0` are
    equal is magnitude and opposite in signs

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  6. Find the condition so that the roots of the equation `lx^2+mx+n=0` are
    reciprocal to one another

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  7. If the ratio of the roots of the equation `x^2-px+q=0` be `1:2`, find the relation between p and q.

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  8. If the roots of the equation `qx^2+px+q=0` be imaginary, where p,`qgt0`, then show that , `0ltplt2q`.

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  9. Find the condition for which the quadratic equation `ax^2+bx+c=0` has exactly one zero root.

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  10. IF the equation `4x^2+2bx+c=0,b=0`, find the relation between the roots of the equation.

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  11. IF `alpha` be a root of the equation `ax^2+bx+c=0`, show that `kalpha` (`kne0`) is a root of the equation `ax^2+bkx+ck^2=0`.

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  12. Find the quadratic equation with real coefficients which has 2±3i as a root `(i=sqrt-1)`

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  13. Form a quadratic equation with rational coefficients whose one root is `4+sqrt7`.

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  14. IF `alpha` and `beta` are the roots of the equation x(x-3)=4, find the value of `alpha^2+beta^2`.

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  15. IF a,b,c are in G.P prove that the roots of the equation `ax^2+2bx+c=0` are equal.

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  16. Find m, given that the difference of the roots of the equation `2x^2-12x+m+2=0` is 2.

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  17. If `alpha` and `beta` be the roots of the equation (x-a)(x-b)=c (`cne0`),prove that a and b are the roots of the equation `(x-alpha)(x-beta)+c=0`.

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  18. IF `2+sqrt3i` is a root of the equation `x^2+px+q=0` where p and q are real, find p and q.

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  19. Find the value of p so that the roots of the equation `3x^2-2(7+9p)x+(8-5p)=0` are reciprocal to one another.

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  20. IF x is real , find the signs of the each of the following expressions:

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  21. IF x is real , find the signs of the each of the following expressions:

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  22. IF x is real , find the signs of the each of the following expressions:

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  23. IF x is real , find the signs of the each of the following expressions:

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  24. If x be real , find the maximum value of each of the following expressions and the corresponding values of x:

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  25. If x be real , find the maximum value of each of the following expressions and the corresponding values of x:

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  26. If x be real , find the maximum value of each of the following expressions and the corresponding values of x:

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  27. If x be real , find the least values of each of the following expressions and the corresponding values of x:

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  28. If x be real , find the least values of each of the following expressions and the corresponding values of x:

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  29. If x be real , find the least values of each of the following expressions and the corresponding values of x:

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  30. For what real values of x the expressions `x^2-2x+3` is negative?

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EXERCISE 5A(Very Short Answer type Question) questions and complete solutions for chapter QUADRATIC EQUATIONS of CHHAYA PUBLICATION MATHS (BENGALI ENGLISH) of Class 12