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Complete Solutions to Numerical Examples of chapter KIRCHHOFF'S LAWS AND ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENT of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions25
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Two cells , one of emf 1.2 V and internal resistance `0.5Omega` the other of emf 2 V and internal resiatnce `0.1Omega` are connnected in series with an external resistance of `5Omega` . What is the current through this resistor ?

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  2. Determine the current flowing through the resistor of resistance `200Omega` shown in the circuit diagram and potential difference across its ends .

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  3. Twleve equal wires , each of resistance r ohm , are connected so as to form a frame of a cube . An electric current enters this cube at one corner and leaves from the diagnalyy opposite corner . Calculate the total resisatance between the corners .

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  4. Determine the current flowing through the resistor of resistance `5Omega` shown in the circuit diagram (Please note that the solution of the problem has been shown in a different way in the beginning of this chapter . )

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  5. the resistance of the ammeter and the voltmeter are `10Omega and 900Omega` respectively . What are the readings of the ammeter and the voltmeter ?

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  6. The length of the wire of a potentiometer is 100 cm and the emf of a standard cell connected to it is E volt. While measuring the emf of a battery having internal resistance `0.5Omega` the null point is obtained at a length of 30 cm . Determine the emf of the battery .

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  7. A potential difference of 220 V is applied at the two ends a rheostat of `12000Omega` . A voltmeter of resistance `6000Omega` is connected between the points A and D . If the point D divides AB in the ratio of `1:4` what will be the reading of the voltmeter ?

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  8. In a potentiometric arrangement ,a cell is connected to the potentiometer wire of 60 cm in length to make the deflection zero in galvanometer . Now if the cell is shunted with a `6Omega` resistor , a null point is found in 50 cm length of the wire . What is the internal resistance of the cell ?

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  9. A length of potentiometer wire of 155 cm balances the emf of a cell in a circuit and a length of 135 cm when the cell has a conductor of resistance `8Omega` connected between its terminals . Find the internal resistance of the cell .

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  10. Resistance of the ratio arms of a Wheatstone brige are `100Omega and 10Omega` respectively . An unknown resistance is placed n fourth arm and the galvanometer current becomes zero when `153Omega` resistance is placed in third arm . What is value of unknown resistance ?

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  11. Five resistance are connected according to the . What is the effective resistance between the points A and B ?

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  12. In a Wheatstone bridge, a `15Omega` resistance and an unknown resistance are placed in third arm and fourth arm respectively . Current through galvanometer becomes zero when ratio of resistance of first and second arms is `3:2` , Find the value of unknown resistance .

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  13. The resistance of the four arms of a wheatstone bridge are `100Omega,10Omega,300Omegaand 30Omega` respectively . A battery of emf 1.5 V and negligible internal resistance is connected to the bridge . Calculate the current flowing through each resistance .

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  14. In Fig every resistance is of magnitude r . What is tha equivalent resistance between A and B ?

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  15. Each resistance in the given circuit in Fig is of value R . Calculate the equivalent resistance of the circuit with respect to the points A and B .

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  16. A coil of wire is kept in melting ice . Its resistance measured by a Wheatstone bridge is `5Omega` . If the coil is heated to `100^(@)C` and another wire of resistance `100Omega` is coonnected in parallel to it , the balanced condition of the brige remains unchaged . Determine the temperature coefficient of resistance of the wire of the coil .

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  17. An electrical circuit is show in Fig . Calculate the potential difference across the resistance `400Omega` as will be measured by the voltmeter V of resistance `400Omega`

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  18. ABCD is a Wheatstone bridge in which the resistanvely `2Omega , 4 Omega , 6Omega and 8Omega` . The points A and C are connected to the termicals of a cell of emf 2 v and negligible internal resistance . The points B and D are connected to a galvanometer of resistance `50Omega` . Using Kirchhoff's laws find the current flowing through the galvanometer .

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  19. We deremine the value of the fourth resistance to be `8Omega` with the help of a Wheatstone bridge with three known resistance `100Omega , 10Omega , 80 Omega ` respectively . If the emf of the cell and its internal resistanc be 2 v and `1.1Omega` respectively , find the current passing through the cell .

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  20. In a metre bridge experiment , a null point is obtained at a length of 39.8 cm when a `2Omega` resistance is placed in the left gap and a `3Omega` resistance in the right gap . If the two resistance are interchanged , the null point is obtained at 60.8 cm . Calculated the end errors of the bridge .

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  21. In the left gap of a meter bridge there is a coil of copper and in the right gap there is fixed resistance . If the coil of copper is dipped in ice the balance point is obtained at 41.2 cm of the bridge wire . Next the coil is taken of form ice and placed in a container of hoy water . Now the balcnce point is shifted by a distance 8.1 cm towards right . What is the temperature of hot water ? (Tempertaure cofficient of resistance of copper =`42.5xx10^(-4@)C^(-1)` . )

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  22. In a meter bridge the balance point is found to the be at 40 cm from one end when the resistor at the end is `15Omega` , Find the resistance at the other side .

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  23. In the circuit given , `E_(1)=6V,E_(2)=2V,E_(3)=3V,C'=5muF,R_(1)=2R_(2)=6Omega,R_(3)=2R_(4)=4Omega`. . Find the current in `R_(3)` and the energy stored in the capacitor .

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  24. If the resistance X and Y `(XltY)` be placed in the two gaps of a metre bridge , null point is obtained at a length of 20cm . Keeping Y unchanged if a resistance 4X is placed in place of X what will be the position of the null point ?

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  25. The distance between the positions of two null points obtained in a metre brige wire of length 100 cm , by interchaging a known resistance of `2.5Omega` and an unknown resistance in the two gaps , is 28.6 cm . Find the value of the unknown resistance .

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Numerical Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter KIRCHHOFF'S LAWS AND ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENT of CHHAYA PHYSICS (BENGALI ENGLISH) of Class 12