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Complete Solutions to Sec A of chapter ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions51
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Wave which cannot travel in vacumm is

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  2. Energy of electromagnetic waves is due to their

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  3. Which of the following represents an infrared wavelength

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  4. The shortest wavelength is for

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  5. The frequnecy of visible light is of the order of

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  6. The structure of solid crystals is investigated by using

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  7. Energy stored in electromagnetic osicllations is in the form of

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  8. The wavelength of light visible to eye is of the order of

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  9. Which of the following electromagnetic waves have the longest wavelength ?

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  10. Radio waves diffract around building, although light waves do not. The reason is that radio waves

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  11. Frequency of a wave is `6 xx 10^(15)` Hz. The wave is

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  12. The frequency `1057 MHz` of radiation arising from two close energy levels in hydrogen belong to:

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  13. The part of the spectrum of the electromagnetic radiation used to cook food is

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  14. What is the cause of "Green house effect"?
    (a) Infrared rays (b) Ultraviolet rays (c) X-rays (d) Radio-waves

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  15. Which force in nature exits everywhere?

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  16. Why are microwaves considered suitable for radar system used in aircraft navigation?

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  17. In an electromanetic wave, the average energy density associated with electric field is

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  18. In an electromagnetic wave, the average energy density associated with magnetic field is:

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  19. Total energy of density of electromagnetic waves in vacuum is given by the relation

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  20. In a plane electromagnetic wave, the electric field oscillates sinusoidally at a frequency of `2xx10^(10)Hz` and amplitude `48V//m`. The wavelength of the wave will be-

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  21. Consider the following statement regarding a beam of LASER.
    (I) It is highly monochromatic.
    (II) It is an electromagnetic radiation from a source.
    (III) It travels with the speed of light.
    Which of the statements given above are correct?

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  22. The velocity of electromagnetic radiation in a medium of permittivity `epsilon_(0)` and permeability `mu_(0)` is given by:

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  23. The speed of electromagnetic wave in vacuum depends upon the source of radiation. It

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  24. The velocity of electromagnetic waves in free space can be given by relation........

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  25. Which one of the following is the property of a monochromatic, plane electromagnetic wave in free space?

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  26. Which physical quantiy is same for x-rays and `gamma` -rays in vacum ?

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  27. An EM radiates outwards from a dipole antenna, with `E_(0)` as the amplitude of its electric field vector. The electric field `E_(0)` which transports significant energy from the source falls off as

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  28. The sum delilvers `10^(4) W//m^(2)` of electromagnetic flux to earth's surface. The total power that is incident on a ro of dimensions `(10xx10)m^(2)` will be:

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  29. If E and B represent electric and magnetic field vectors of the electromagnetic wave the direction of propagation of electromagnetic wave is along

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  30. IF `E_(0)` and `mu_(0)` are respectively the electric permittivity and magnetic permeability of free space, `epsilon and mu` are the corresponding quantities In a medium, the index of refraction of the medium is

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  31. Which is the correct expression of velocity of light?

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  32. Which of the following statement is false for the properties of electromagnetic waves?

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  33. The average electric field of electromagnetic waves in certain region of free space is `9 xx 10^(–4) NC^(–1)`. Then the average magnetic field in the same region is of the order of

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  34. The electric and the magnetic field, associated with a electromagnetic, wave, propagating along the `+z-"axis"`, can be represented by

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  35. The magnetic field amplitude of an electromagnetic wave is `2 xx 10^(-7)T`. Its' electirc field amplitude if the wave is traveling in free space is

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  36. A parallel plate capacitor is charged to `60 muC`. Due to a radioactive source, the plate losses charge at the rate of `1.8 xx 10^(-8) Cs^(-1)`. The magnitued of displacement current is

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  37. The pressure exerted by an electromagnetic wave of intensity `I (Wm^(-2))` on a non-reflecting surface is ( c is the velocity of light)

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  38. An `L-c` resonant circuit contains a `200 pF` capacitor and a `200muH` inductor. It is into oscillation coupled to an antenna. The wavelength of the radiated electromagnetic waves is

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  39. Radiation of intensity `1 W//m^(2)` are striking on a metal plate. The pressure on the plate is

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  40. A linearly polarised electromagnetic wave given as `E=E_(0) hati " cos "(kz - omegat)` is incident normally on a perfectly reflecting infinite wall at z =a. Assuming that the material of the wall is optically inactive the reflected wave will be given as

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  41. The magnetic field in a plane electromagnetic wave is given by `B_(y) = 2xx10^7 T sin (0.5xx10^3x+1.5xx10^11 t) T`
    (a) What is the wavelength and frequency of the wave?
    (b) Write an expression for the eletric field.

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  42. An electromagnetic wave going through vacuum is described by
    ` E= E_0 sin(kx- omega t), B=B_0sin(kx-omega t)`.

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  43. A plane electromagnetic wave propagating in the x-direction has wavelength of `6.0 mm`. The electric field is in the y-direction and its maximum magnitude of `33 Vm^(-1)`. The equation for the electric field as function of x and l is

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  44. if `vecE=E_(0)cos(kz)cos(omegat)hati` then `vec(B)` for electromagentic wave is

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  45. A place electromagnetic wave is propagating along the direction `(hati + hatj)`, then which of the following is the direction of the magnetic field component.

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  46. The ratio of contributions made by the eletric field and magnetic field components to the intensity of an `EM` wave is.

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  47. A perfectly reflecting mirror has an area of `1cm^(2)` Light enery is allowed to fall on it 1 h at the rate of `10 W cm^(2)`. The force that acts on the mirror is

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  48. One requires `11eV` of energy to dissociate a carbon monoxide molecule into carbon and oxygen atoms. The minimum frequency of the appropriate electromagnetic radiation to achieve the dissociation lies in.

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  49. The electric field intensity produced by the radiations coming from 100W bulbs at a 3m distance is E. The electric field intensity produced by the radiations coming from 50W bulb at the same distance is

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  50. Light with an energy flux` 20 W//cm^2` falls on a non-reflecting surface at normal incidence. If the surface has an area of `30 cm^2`. the total momentum delivered ( for complete absorption)during 30 minutes is

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  51. Manitude of the electric and magnetic field in an electromagnetic wave radiated by a `200 W` bulb at a distance 2m from it is assuming efficiency of bulb is `5%` and it behaves like a point source.

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Sec A questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES of DC PANDEY ENGLISH of Class 12