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Complete Solutions to Example of chapter ATOMS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions46
Academic Year2023-24
  1. In Rutherford's `alpha` particle cexperiment with thin gold faill, 8100 scattered `alpha`-particles per unit ara per unit area per minute were observed at an anle of `60^(@)` . Find the number of scattered `alpha`particles pr unit area per minut e at and angle of `120^(@)`

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  2. An alpha particle of energy 5 MeV is scattered through `180^(@)` by a fixed uranium nucleus. The distance of closest approach is of the order of

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  3. Atomic number of of silver metal is 47. calculate the speed at which a beam of protons has to be fired at a sheet of silver foil if the protons were able to approach to whithin `2.5xx10^(-14)` m of the silver nucleus?

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  4. In Rutherford scattering experiment, what will be the correct angle for `alpha` scattering for an impact parameter `b = 0` ?

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  5. It is found experimentally that 13.6 eV energy is required to separate a hydrogen atom into a proton and an electron. Compute the orbital radius and the velocity of the electron in a hydrogen atom.

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  6. Compute the angular momentum in 4th orbit, if L is the angular momentum of the electron in the 2nd orbit of hydrogen atom.

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  7. Using known values for hydrogen atom, calculate radius of third orbit for `Li^(+)`

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  8. Using known values for hydrogen atom, calculate speed of electron in fourth orbit of `He^(+)`

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  9. Find the ratio of product of velocity and time period of electron orbiting in 2nd and 3rd stable orbits.

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  10. In the Bohr model of hydrogen atom, the electron is pictured to rotate in a circular orbit of radius `5xx 10^-11 m`, at a speed `2.2 xx 10^6` m/ s. What is the current associated with electron motion?

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  11. In hydrogen atom, the electron is making `6.6xx10^(15)` rev/s around the nucleus in an orbit of radius `0.528 Å`. The magnetic moment `(A-m^(2))` will be

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  12. The energy of the electron in the ground state of hydrogen atom is `-13.6 eV`. Find the kinetic energy and potential energy of electron in this state.

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  13. The total energy of eletcron in the ground state of hydrogen atom is `-13.6 eV`. The kinetic enegry of an electron in the first excited state is

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  14. Find the kinetic energy, potential energy and total energy in
    first and second orbit of hydrogen atom if potential energy in first orbit is taken
    to be zero.

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  15. if separation of two energy levels in an atom is `2.3eV`, when the frequency of radiation emitted when the atom transits from the upper level to the lower level is

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  16. A doubly ionized lithium atom is hydrogen like with atomic number 3. Find the wavelength of the radiation required to excite the electron in `Li^(++)` from the first to the third Bohr orbit (ionization energy of the hydrogen atom equals 13.6 eV).

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  17. A doubly ionized lithium atom is hydrogen like with atomic number 3. Find the wavelength of the radiation required to excite the electron in `Li^(++)` from the first to the third Bohr orbit (ionization energy of the hydrogen atom equals 13.6 eV).

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  18. A hydrogen like atom with atomic number Z is in an excited state of quantum number 2n. It can emit a maximum energy photon of 204 eV. If it makes a transition ot quantum state n, a photon of energy 40.8 eV is emitted. Find n, Z and the ground state energy (in eV) of this atom. Also calculate the minimum energy (in eV) that can be emitted by this atom during de-excitation. Ground state energy of hydrogen atom is – 13. 6 eV.

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  19. A moving hydrogen atom makes a head on collision with a stationary hydrogen atom. Before collision both atoms are in in ground state and after collision they move together. What is the minimum value of the kinetic energy of the moving hydrogen atom, such that one of the atoms reaches one of the excited state?

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  20. A hydrogen like atom (atomic number Z) is in a higher excited state of quantum number n. The excited atom can make a transition to the first excited state by successively emitting two photons of energy 10.2 eV and 17.0 eV, respectively. Alternatively, the atom from the same excited state can make a transition to the second excited state by successively emitting two photons of energies 4.25 eV and 5.95 eV, respectively Determine the values of n and Z. (lonization energy of H-atom = 13.6 eV)

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  21. A doubly ionized lithium atom is hydrogen like with atomic number 3. Find the wavelength of the radiation required to excite the electron in `Li^(++)` from the first to the third Bohr orbit (ionization energy of the hydrogen atom equals 13.6 eV).

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  22. Monochromatic radiation of wavelength `lambda` are incident on a hydrogen sample in ground state. Hydrogen atoms absorb the light and subsequently emit radiations of 10 different wavelength . The value of `lambda` is nearly :

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  23. Ionization potential of hydrogen atom is `13.6 V`. Hydrogen atoms in the ground state are excited by monochromatic radiation of photon energy `12.1 eV`. The spectral lines emitted by hydrogen atoms according to Bohr's theory will be

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  24. An electron is moving in an orbit of a hydrogen atom from which there can be a maximum of six transition. An which there can be a maximum of three transition. Find ratio of the velocities of the electron in these two orbits.

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  25. A 12.5eV electron beam is used to excite a gaseous hydrogen atom at room temperature.
    Determine the wevelengths and the corresponding series of the lines emitted.

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  26. In a hydrogen atom, a transition takes place from n = 3 to n = 2 orbit. Calculate the wavelength of the emitted photon. Will the photon be visible ? To which spectral series will this photon belong? Given `R =1.097 xx 10^(7) m^(-1)`

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  27. What is the shortest wavelength present in the Paschen series of spectral lines?

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  28. Find the longest and shortest wavelengths in the Lyman series for hydrogen. In what region of the electromagnetic spectrum does each series lie?

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  29. If the series limit wavelength of the Lyman series for hydrogen atom is `912 Å`, then the series limit wavelength for the Balmer series for the hydrogen atom is

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  30. Caclulate (I) is the wavelength and (ii) the frequeny of the `H_(beta)` line of the second line of Balmer series for some hydrogen.

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  31. The wavelength of the first line of Lyman series for hydrogen is idetical to that of the second line of Balmer series for some hydrogen like ion Y. Calculate energies of the first three levels of Y.

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  32. Hydrogen atom in its ground state is excited by means of monochromatic radiation of wavelength `970.6 Å`. How many lines are possible in the resulting emission spectrum ? Calculate the longest wavelength amongst them. You may assume that the ionisation energy for hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV. Given Planck's constant `= 6.6 xx 10^(-34)Js, " " c = 3 xx 10(8) ms^(-1)`

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  33. An electron of a hydrogen like atom is in excited, state. If total energy of the electron is -4.6 eV, then evaluate
    (i) the kinetic energy and
    (ii) the de-Broglie wavelength of the electron .

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  34. The wavelength of light from the spectral emission line of sodium is 589 nm. Find the kinetic energy at which
    (i) an electron, and
    (ii) a neutron, would have the same de-Broglie wavelength .

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  35. Let us assume that the de-Broglie wave asssociated with an electron froms a standing wave between the atoms arranged in a one-dimensional array with nodes at each of the atomic sites. If is found that one such standing wave is formed, if the distance between the atoms of the array is `3 Å`. A similar standing wave is again formed, if d is increased to `3.5 Å` but not for any intermediate value of d. Find the energy of the electrons in electron volts and the least value of d for which the standing wave of the type described above can from.

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  36. Hydrogen gas in the atomic state is excited to an energy level such that the electrostatic polential energy becomes `-3.02 eV`
    Now, the photoelectric plate hoving W=4.6 eV is exposed to the emission spectra of this gas. Assuming all the transition of be possible, find the minimum de-Broglie wavelength of ejected photoelectrons.

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  37. Find the cut off wavelength for the continuous X - rays coming from an X-ray tube operating at 40 kV.

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  38. An X-ray tube is operated at 30 kV. If a particular electron loses 10% of its kinetic energy to emit an X-ray photon during the collision. Find the minimum wavelength and maximum frequency associated with this photon.

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  39. When the operating voltage in an -X-ray tube is increased to 3 times the original value, the shortest wavelength shifts by 25 nm. Find the original value of the operating voltage.

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  40. The current flowing through the X-ray tube which is operating at 25 kV is 1 mA. Calculate the number of electrons hitting target per second . Also, find the energy falling on the target per second.

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  41. The wavelength of `K_(alpha)` X-ray for an element is 21.3 pm. It takes 11.3 ke V to knock out an electron from the L-shell of the atom of the element. What should be the minimum accelerating voltage across on X-ray tube having the element as target which allows production of `K_(alpha)` X-ray?

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  42. The wavelength of `K_(alpha)` line in copper is `1.54 Å`. The ionisation energy of `K` electron in copper in Joule is

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  43. The wavelength of `K_(alpha)` X-ray line for an element is `0.42Å` . Find the wavelength of `K_(beta)` line emitted by the same element.

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  44. The energy of an element with a vacancy in K-shell is 35.2 keV, in L-shell is 5.25 keV and in M-shell is 0.55 keV higher than the energy of the atom of with no vacancy. Find the frequency of `K_(alpha),K_(beta) and L_(alpha)` X-rays of that element.

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  45. Use Moseley's law with b = 1 to find the frequency of the `K_alpha` X-ray of `La(Z = 57)` if the frequency of the `K_alpha` X-ray of `Cu(Z = 29)` is known to be `1*88 xx 10^(18)` Hz.

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  46. The `k_alpha` X-rays of aluminium (Z = 13 ) and zinc ( Z = 30) have wavelengths 887 pm and 146 pm respectively. Use Moseley\'s law `sqrt v = a(Z - b)` to find the wavelength of the `K_alpha` X-ray of iron (Z = 26).

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Example questions and complete solutions for chapter ATOMS of DC PANDEY ENGLISH of Class 12