Complete Solutions to Miscellaneous Examples of chapter MODERN PHYSICS - 2 of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

DC PANDEYMiscellaneous Examples
Number Of Questions9
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Find the minimum kinetic energy of an `alpha`-particle to cause the reaction `^14N(alpha,p)^17O`. The masses of `^14N`, `^4He`, `^1H` and `^17O` are respectively 14.00307u, 4.00260u, 1.00783u and 16.99913u.

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  2. Neon-23 decays in the following way,
    `_10^23Nerarr_11^23Na+ _(-1)^0e+barv`
    Find the minimum and maximum kinetic energy that the beta particle`(_(-1)^0e)`can have. The atomic masses of `^23Ne` and `^23 Na` are `22.9945u` and `22.9898u`, respectively.

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  3. The mean lives of an unstable nucleus in two different decay processes are 1620 yr and 405 yr, respectively. Find out the time during which three-fourth of a sample will decay.

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  4. In the chemical analysis of a rock the mass ratio of two radioactive isotopes is found to be `100:1`. The mean lives of the two isotopes are `4xx10^9` years and `2xx10^9` years, respectively. If it is assumed that at the time of formation the atoms of both the isotopes were in equal propotional, calculate the age of the rock. Ratio of the atomic weights of the two isotopes is `1.02:1`.

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  5. A proton is bombarded on a stationary lithium nucleus. As a result of the collision, two `alpha`-particles are produced. If the direction of motion of the `alpha`-particles with the initial direction of motion makes an angles `cos^-1(1//4)`, find the kinetic energy of the striking proton. Given, binding energies per nucleon of `Li^7` and `He^4` are 5.60 and 7.06 MeV, respectively.
    (Assume mass of proton `~~` mass of neutron).

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  6. A `^7Li` target is bombarded with a proton beam current of `10^-4` A for 1 hour to produce `^Be` of activity `1.8xx10^8` disintegrations per second.
    Assuming that `^7Be` radioactive nucleus is produced by bombarding 1000 protons, determine its half-life.

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  7. A `""^118Cd` radio nuclide goes through the transformation chain.
    `""^118Cd underset(30min) rarr^(118)In underset(45min)rarr^(118)Sn ("stable")`
    The half-lives are written below the respective arrows. At time `t=0` only Cd was present. Find the fraction of nuclei transformed into stable over `60` minutes.

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  8. Natural uranium is a mixture of three isotopes `_92^234U`, `_92^234U`, `_92^235U` and `_92^238U` with mass percentage 0.01%, 0.71% and 99.28% respectively. The half-life of three isotopes are `2.5xx10^5yr`, `7.1xx10^8yr` and `4.5xx10^9yr` respectively.
    Determine the share of radioactivity of each isotope into the total activity of the natural uranium.

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  9. Uranium ores on the earth at the present time typically have a composition consisting of 99.3% of the isotope `_92U^238` and 0.7% of the isotope `_92U^235`. The half-lives of these isotopes are `4.47xx10^9yr` and `7.04xx10^8yr`, respectively. If these isotopes were equally abundant when the earth was formed, estimate the age of the earth.

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Miscellaneous Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter MODERN PHYSICS - 2 of DC PANDEY ENGLISH of Class 12